
A journey of a Minecrafter

When a Minecraft Miniac get reincarnated in a deferent world full of magic, power and a lot of mysteries to unveil. this world doesn't have his favorite game nor fate will let him rest and play. "I shall make this reality my Minecraft" P.S : I don't own Minecraft or Mojang nor Microsoft this novel is fully fictional. l'll release in daily basis, one chapter a day.... maybe more if I felt like it.

Luster_Sinner · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 : NEW WORLD

I hope like the new chapters better..


The screen's luminous prompt danced before my eyes, beckoning with a choice that bore the promise of unlimited potential. At first, confusion wrestled with euphoria within me.


Celebration erupted, a brief moment of elation, until my focus returned to the enigmatic notification.

Without a second thought, I emphatically selected 'yes,' plunging into a realm of enchantments. A new interface materialized, its contents igniting awe within me.

{ Enchantment target type: ability

Available enchantments:

Infinity.... Cost: 1000 Exp

Efficiency... Cost: I: 500 Exp

Cost: II: 1000 Exp

Cost: III: 2000 Exp


????: LOCKED

????: LOCKED

..... }

As ecstasy clouded my senses, my gaze fell upon the 'Cost' column, then shifted to my balance—crassly displaying a desolate '0.' The weight of despair crashed upon me once more, ensnaring me in the merciless cycle of contemplation.

Amidst this gloom, a notification flickered across the screen, bearing a promise that would shape my fate for years to come.

{ Would you like to use one of the three absolute chances of enchantment.


With unwavering resolve, I seized the opportunity, expending two of these precious chances without a moment's hesitation.

{ You have successfully enchanted the target (ability replication) with the enchantment of infinity}

{ You have successfully enchanted the target (ability replication) with the enchantment of efficiency X}

[ Ability replication

GRADE: Realm of Absurdity


DESCRIPTION: A unique ability, unparalleled in nature. Through unforeseen intervention, it transcended from an abysmal state into the realm of Absurdity. Ability replication functions to replicate any entity's ability, skill, trait, or racial talent, grafting it onto oneself with a capability surpassing the original by 10,000%. It operates infinitely with unrestricted efficiency.

*It also bears the side ability of 'absolute appraisal'.]

' !?!?!?!?!...WTF?!?'

'This is so freaking OP..!?!?'

An hour elapsed before the fervor subsided, reality piercing through the intoxicating thrill.

'Celebration must wait. As potent as this ability seems, it lacks both offense and defense, rendering me as vulnerable as I was at the inception, despite its ludicrous potential.'

'Understanding this world's fabric is paramount for future plans.'

'My parallel self's memories outlined the classification of awakened abilities by grade and rank: Grades from Common to Myth signify potency, while Ranks from E to SSS denote potential.'

'Initially relegated to an SSS Rank due to its abysmal grade—a grade unregistered in the hierarchy—my ability was deemed worthless. Yet, through a perplexing connection to my favorite game, 'MINECRAFT,' and the utilization of my unique talent, its rank and grade transcended into the unimaginable.'

'To assimilate into this society, I must grasp its inner workings, and what better place than its core—the 'dungeons' as they're referred to.'

Resolute, I readied myself, donning attire suited for exploration, and embarked toward the nearest bustling portal. Here, within the throngs of activity, lay my opportunity to test not only this newfound ability but also to comprehend the intricate tapestry of this uncharted realm.

The journey ahead loomed as an odyssey fraught with discovery, challenges, and the enigmatic allure of the unknown. Each step, a venture into the nexus of this world's societal fabric and my own unfolding destiny.

Tell me what you think in the comments I'll really appreciate it as your reviews help me write better.

And special thanks to my friends who motivated me publish my novel truly thank you

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