
A Journey Beyond

Not all magical worlds are so magical, As two people soon discover. Chase, an intelligent, talented individual, is trying to live an average life after a shattered past. He helps Erica, the most popular girl in the school. Still, they fall into Aetheria, a world ruled by a cruel god who uses his followers as entertainment. Defeating the god is the only way to return, but how can two people who don’t even know each other and have lived a peaceful life defeat the god who created this mystical realm?

Artiste_Dynamique · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Knees Weak, Arms Heavy

CHASE! I hear a voice call out; my head is fuzzy, and I feel pain going further into my body. I struggle to open my eyes and see Erica running over to me. And I reached out for help to stand up. She says, 

"Are you ok? I don't know what happened."

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure there's nothing like that on Earth," 

I say while trying to stand. As I stand, I feel my pain going away, starting from my hand that's holding Erica's. 

"Did you do that?" 

I ask Erica. She looks back at me with a confused look on her face.

 "Did you get a concussion? Do you know your name?"

"No, I'm all good, thanks," I reply

The clashing of metal has grown labored and weaker as we walk closer, this time making sure not to touch anything. We come to the forest's edge and hear the metal clashing clearer than before, and the scraping of sharp metal grates one's teeth like a chalkboard. 

When my eyes adjust to the crimson light of the opening, I see two prominent knights in full plate armor dueling on a muddy, barren field. The knight on the left has bright silver and gold armor that makes it light, an intricate helmet with accents of gold and gems.

 The knight on the right appears to have different types of armor. Some of his armor is broken more than others and looks too big and loose for its wearer. Compared to the Shining armor of the other knight.

This knight seems like a nobody, his armor covered in mud, scratch marks, and dents, but the shiny black coat still shines through. The armor and its wearer have had a long history.

Erica shuffles up to me and says, "Is it like a historical re-enactment."

"No, I don't think anyone from our time would put that much money into armor and is that skilled. Those two knights look like they want to kill each other."

I say confidently because I enjoyed reading about the medieval era, even though it wasn't part of my regular classes. Erica looks at me, concerned. I am also quite concerned. I look back at the battle taking place in hopes of an answer.