
A Journey Beyond

Not all magical worlds are so magical, As two people soon discover. Chase, an intelligent, talented individual, is trying to live an average life after a shattered past. He helps Erica, the most popular girl in the school. Still, they fall into Aetheria, a world ruled by a cruel god who uses his followers as entertainment. Defeating the god is the only way to return, but how can two people who don’t even know each other and have lived a peaceful life defeat the god who created this mystical realm?

Artiste_Dynamique · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Dark Saviour

The knights lunge at each other, take a few swings, then back off. I notice that their feet seem to float on the mud when they charge, but when they back off, their feet seek a couple of inches into the damp soil. Even with speed, you would still sink into the mud, at least a little wearing that much armor.

Thinking about how strange the knight's movements were, I felt a strange warmth on my back. I turn around and am met face-to-face with what looks to be a giant Boar. A yell escapes my mouth before I realize I'm in danger.

Before I even had time to try to fight or run, I felt a whoosh past my face and a shining Black sword embedded in the boar's head. It staggers back, lets out a screech similar to hawk and pig, falls over, and disperses into a gray mist. 

I turn around to see where the sword came from and hear a sickening crack, then the sound of a sword through flesh. The black knight has stopped fighting, kneeling, facing us with his arm out, and missing his sword. 

The silver knight had run his sword through the black knight, his silver sword dripping in a crimson liquid. They were frozen, unmoving, as if their fight was the only reason time had started. 

After watching the knights, they still haven't moved an inch. I snap back to what feels like a bad dream, look around for Erica, and spot her sitting under a tree. I walk over to her and sit down, and she looks down with a blank stare. She looks at how I feel, so I ask, 

"Hey, how are you? This whole thing is really F*cked, and I think we might have gone to another world." 

"Yeah, I figured as much." She sighs

"Then let's find a way to get back together! Now that we know there are two worlds and can go between them, it can't be too hard to figure out how to get back!"

My confident words seem to work, and she sighs,


 I notice her eyes grow heavy as she drifts to sleep. How can you sleep at a time like this!? We just got here, I think, but before I know it, I'm opening my eyes, and the red mist is gone. I see that Erica hasn't moved and is still asleep. I stand up to look around. Without the red mist and wasteland, it seems almost like Earth. 

The sun shines a bright yellow, the trees are the same green, but the ground appears stained red. I remember the knights fighting and looking in their direction, expecting anything to change, but it was still the same. The silver knight must have been worse off and dying, but the black knight saved us at the cost of his own life. 

The spot where the giant boar stood was almost empty except for its footprints, a necklace, and the black knight's sword. I grab the necklace and sword. The sword's blade is a shiny black, with deep red engravings. The blade had some light scratches but nothing major for such a well-used sword.

The only thing that came to mind was the words "awesome" as they slipped past my lips. The blade seems surprisingly light for the sound it made early and its large size. The necklace looked like it was made from some unflattering metal with a blue gem surrounded by smaller red ones.