
A Joker's Rise To Supremacy

A Joker can be a disaster or a blessing. In this situation terror comes to the Justice League's doorstep. Harold a genius genetic scientist sought glory and fame by creating super humans under the governments resources, only to be killed and tossed aside at success. By a mishaps in the cosmos his soul scattered and integrated in the Joker's body after The Dark Knight. Waking up in the Arkham Asylum Harold/Joker decides to plan an escape to become a more stronger, smarter, and fearsome Joker. Who knows what the future holds? First Book.

Handsome_Zombie · Anime & Comics
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A Call For Evil

Outside of of Gotham's Regions bank dozens of police cars and reporters surround it. The tension in the air could be felt. The Chief of police stood in front of his vehicle with his loud speaker.

"Joker, we have you surrounded come out with your hands up!"

Sweat rolled down the Chief's head, as he wondered why the Justice League were taking their sweet time to get there.

Ding. Ding.

He answered his phone 📱.

"Hey there little Chief, I have 10 hostages.. oh wait 8, I killed 2 for the fun of it HAHAHA!"

The chef bellowed.

"What do you want you crazy bastard!"

"I just want to send a message, a very important message indeed!"

The Chef of Police decided to play along.

"Oh, and what message would that be?"

"HAHAHA, so eager to know aren't you, well my message needs to go out to all of Gotham, give me a reporter and their camera."

The Chief couldn't decide if it was a good decision to comply to his demand.

Joker continued.

"And of course as usual if you don't comply with my demands your hostages may go POP! HAHAHA"

The Chief knew he had to comply until the Justice League got here.

"If I comply you'll release of the hostages including the reporter?"

Joker smirked,

"Why yes, I'm a Joker of my word."

A reporter and her camera man walks into the bank. The reporter taking slow and nervous steps finally comes inside the bank.

"My my your so slow, come now I don't have all day!"

Joker takes her microphone from her hand.

"Let's start filming live I need all of Gotham to hear this HAHAHA!"

The cameraman nervously replies,

"Ready in 3, 2, 1... Go."

Joker begins his message.

"Citizens of Gotham I have come upon your screen today to tell you something important, very important."

"I, Joker am back smarter, better, creuler than before, I call out all the oppressed, all the outcast, aren't you tired of Always losing and being treated like sh*t, come join me to start a revolution, join me as I crush the Justice League and create a world where you can do what you want and have what you want!"

Joker ends his rant and the broadcast ends.

Then he looks towards his hostages.

"My sincerest apologies, but you all must die HAHAHA!"