
A Job He Never Wanted.

Death is a sad thing. Betrayal is another. To be betrayed by people that weren't even good to you but you still considered them family, is tragic. This is a story about how the MC dies, and he is transported to a white room with a weird floating mechanical orb. It says that he has to become its host and destroy plots in any way possible. He was way too lazy to go around destroying other world plots so he declined, but the 'thing' insisted and even mentioned something about his brother possibly dying if he didn't do as the 'thing' said. This Is The Worst, Ever. BL? probably but if there is, won't be the main point of the story, obviously.

Blank_Et_Pillow · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Alex felt nervousness wash over him as he stared at the many students wearing expensive clothing walking through the open doors of the top school in the Kingdom, Darhkin.

'There are way too many people' Alex thought as he continued to watch the students enter the Academy seemingly unbothered by the fact that they have to pay to get in. 

Alex sighed as he looked at his clothing. He guessed he was smart in getting expensive clothing when he beat that dungeon because he didn't feel like standing out.

With another glance around, he walked forward and into the crowd of new students his age. Luckily, he was unbothered as he blended in. 

As he followed the crowd of soon-to-be-new students, he was in awe at the designs that littered the walls and pillars and the tall ceiling that couldn't be more than 50 feet or less maybe even more than that.

As everyone enters a room, they are to give their name to an adult and pay the fees. Everyone was sorted into lines and was made to wait until it was their turn. 

(Mirai, are you sure I should give them just my name? Because I'm sure that they need my last name as well, despite me not knowing what it is)

Alex asked nervously as he moved forward a bit.

(Yes I am sure, they will find out that you are a commoner one way or another so it doesn't matter

Alex subtly nodded as he moved forward again. The line in front of him was getting shorter by the minute which meant that it was gonna be his turn in a few.

Alex gripped his spatial bag tightly as he moved forward again. 'Just one more person then it's his turn'

(Host calm down, just say your name, hand him the money, answer any questions with short answers then it's over)


With that, it was Alex's turn to give his fees.


A woman asks as she keeps her eyes on her paper.


"Last Name?"

(Say it)


The woman nodded as she wrote it down.


Alex put the bag on the desk in front of her.

The woman took the bag, looked inside, nodded, and gestured for him to go through the doors to the right of the room.

"Go through the evaluation faze then you will be granted the title as the Top Academies, Darhkin, student"

Alex nodded, thanked her, and went toward the door.

(That woman didn't seem like she even wanted to be here)

(That is because the students here are too high on their high horse to care much about the teachers they hate)

(That's not surprising)

Alex sits down in a chair next to a girl with bright blue hair and light azure eyes. 'You don't see that every day' The commoners don't have bright colors as their hair choice but the nobles do.

Now that he thought about it. Leina Furro's hair color is a bright blonde with ocean blue eyes so with that said, Leina might be the son of a noble. But, he wouldn't know for sure if he didn't ask Mirai but he finds it irrelevant to know since it is irrelevant to his situation so he just leaves it as it is.

"Psst- Hey"

Alex turned and looked at the girl with azure eyes. She was staring at him. He raised a brow but she only snickered a bit before continuing to whisper to him.

"What's your name?"

"Leina, yours?"

"I'm Vienna Milano, nice to meet you Leina"

She put her hand out for him to shake. He shook it before they both pulled their hands away as they continued to whisper.

"Are you a noble or a commoner?"

Leina thought he should be truthful instead of creating more problems like avoiding the question or lying as other main characters do.

"Commoner, you?"

The girl smiled as she answered him.

"I'm a noble. It's cool that you are gonna take the test and shoot your shot at getting in"

Alex smiled and nodded as he responded.

"It's my first time being in a school so, I'm kinda nervous"

It was a lie, but Leina hadn't ever gone to school before. He was taught by other commoners and he read books and taught himself as well. Alex thought that it was pretty cool that Leina made it this far.

"Wow~ That's surprising. Well, now that we are friends, I am gonna help you with making this year great for you!"

She whispered a little louder than intended but luckily no one said anything even if they heard her or not.

Alex smiled at her determined eyes and he only nodded. With that, the two went back to waiting until it was their turn to take the test that would grant them, upon completion, the title of student of Darhkin Academy.

Alex felt nervous. Very, very nervous. Sometimes, he hated having anxiety because as far as he knew, it only served to cause everyone problems including himself as well.

Especially other non-proven mental stuff from his past life that he is sure to still have despite this weird situation he is in. Not surprising that it all still stuck to him.

"Vienna Milanno."

Alex's thoughts were cut off as the adult called out his acquaintance's name. He watched as the girl stood up and made her way to the middle of the room until she stopped. She stood firmly in the center of what appeared to be a magic circle used for containment.

(Hey, what is that magic circle used for?)

(It's used for containing magic and anyone performing said magic. It is used as a precaution just in case the magic gets out of hand or is too powerful.)

Alex subtly nodded his head as his attention was brought back to the adults sitting behind a long curved table. They seemed like judges.

"For this test, just like the ones before, you will be showing us the basic spells used for each element. For example: For the water element, you will be showing how you create and form said element and shape it into an arrow. Now, let's get started."

Vienna puts out her hand and closes her eyes for concentration. Alex and the other kids stared in awe as they watched as the particles of water materialized into thin air. They moved like liquid and shimmered in the sunlight. It was pretty.

Then, the water grouped up with more droplets before coming together and reshaping themselves into a wobbly version of an arrow, but before anyone could say anything, the arrow got smoother and less wobbly before it was just barely noticeable, at the end it looked like a solid blue arrow with no indication of it being made of water at all. It was magnificent.

The adults looked satisfied as they asked her to do it with the other prominent elements, like fire, earth, and air. The other arrows were less smooth and solid than the water arrow, which meant that she had a more adapted ability in using the element of water.

The adults signaled her to stop and go to a room off to the side to rest. Vienna nodded and walked to the door but before she opened it, she turned and Alex locked eyes with her. He watched as she mouthed, 'Good Luck' before disappearing behind the wooden door.

"Now, Leina Furro."

Uh Oh.

Life is so annoying. Anyway hope you enjoyed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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