
A Job He Never Wanted.

Death is a sad thing. Betrayal is another. To be betrayed by people that weren't even good to you but you still considered them family, is tragic. This is a story about how the MC dies, and he is transported to a white room with a weird floating mechanical orb. It says that he has to become its host and destroy plots in any way possible. He was way too lazy to go around destroying other world plots so he declined, but the 'thing' insisted and even mentioned something about his brother possibly dying if he didn't do as the 'thing' said. This Is The Worst, Ever. BL? probably but if there is, won't be the main point of the story, obviously.

Blank_Et_Pillow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

An Important Talk.

Alexander's eyes fluttered open and he was met with a wooden ceiling. He felt confused. He didn't know where he was or what happened. He didn't remember. No, it's like he can't remember.

Alexander turned his head and noticed a few lit candles on a dark wooden desk. He also vaguely noticed that turning his head felt extremely draining. 

Alexander turned back to the ceiling and just stared. He didn't what to do and he guessed that he wanted to get up so that he may know where he was but, it felt like too much work. He felt like he could sleep for a very long time, maybe even for a week.

It was strange but he felt like he shouldn't dwell much on it. He painstakingly sat himself up in the bed he was previously asleep in and he leaned back against the wall, tired and aching for some reason.

He doesn't remember what happened the day before except that he went on a walk and- that's pretty much it. That's all he could remember.

He also noticed that he couldn't feel much of Mirais' presence which was a little concerning but he felt slightly okay knowing that the round robotic ball was still there but unresponsive at the moment.

His eyes snapped to the door as movement was heard right behind it. He shook a little but continued to stare at the door with narrowed eyes. The door handle twisted and opened slowly with a creek and who he saw was a little surprising.

"Oh, you are awake, Chico, how are you feeling" 

The grandma got closer to him, placing a tray of food down on the table beside the bed and rating a hand to his forehead.

"I-I'm okay"

Alexander slightly flinched at her cold hands but relaxed once the hands didn't do anything else.

"Do you remember anything from yesterday?"

The grandma asked, withdrawing her hand from his head grabbing the tray of food, and placing it on his lap.

Alexander felt the warm heat of the trey seep through the blanket, warming his tired legs.

"No, I don't"

The grandma hummed with a slightly confused look in her eyes before that disappeared. She then gestured toward the tray of food.

"Go on and eat, you are gonna need to get your strength back"

She said it with a smile and before Alexander could say anything else, the grandma left the room in silence. Alexander looked down at the tray of food with a complex expression before sighing and taking a bite of food.

'It's good'


Hours went by with Alexander staying in bed. He didn't know how long exactly, just that it felt like hours. There were clocks around but he wasn't able to read them. They didn't have any numbers, just lines.


Alexander jumped at the sound of Mirai's voice.

(Jeez! Where have you been?)

(Nowhere Host. Are you feeling alright though?)

Alexander felt slight confusion before answering Mirai's question.

(Yeah..just a little tired is all)

(That's a relief)

(Why? Did something happen?)

(No, it's just that I was concerned for you that's all)

(Oh, okay then..)

Mirai felt slightly okay knowing that Alex bought some of some fake words but he also felt on edge knowing that Alexander also slightly didn't buy any of it.

(Oh, by the way, what time is it?)

(...Host, can you not read the clocks?)




(4:39 pm, Host)



After a day or two, Alexander was allowed to leave the grandma's house but not without a warning about being careful and that if he needed any help he should come to her.

He obviously said thank you and went to the inn his room was in. Once he got there, he got ahead on his payment and went up to his room. Once he shut his door and sat on his bed, he started to plan everything out.

First, he would need to locate where the egg is being held, he also needs to find out how to break it. Second, he would need to enter one of the highest-rated magic schools located in the kingdom. Third, he would need to make sure he gets on top of everything so that people know of him of course and he would also need to make sure he doesn't skip out on any practices. He needs to be well versed in magic and education so that he may be able to understand more of magic because right now, Leina hasn't yet reached Level 7.

Leina Furro has yet to reach Level 7 but at the moment, he is at least a level 3 right now, a little below average but in the original plot line, Leina was able to go from level 3 to level 5 in just a few months. It wasn't recorded so people just started to spout out lies about how he isn't that strong and that he cheated his way up his levels even though that isn't possible because you have priests check your level.

But right now though, he would need to speed up the process of Leina Furro getting to level 5. Instead of taking months, he is just gonna have to do it in a few months, which should be around 2 or 3 months. But obviously, he has no experience with this type of thing so he will need to ask Mirai every single question he can think of because despite being just averagely smart, he is still pretty dumb.

But there was also the war to think about, but instead of thinking about it now, he would get to it later.

"Mirai, how would I go about getting stronger in terms of using magic?"

"Hmmm, well, dungeons might be good, but not many people know where they are located"

"Wait, there are dungeons here?"

"Yep, you do know what dungeons are, don't you?"

"I don't think that I'm that dumb"

"Okay Okay, just saying"

"Anything else?"

"Well, there are also stones that you can consume that enhance your magical capabilities, including your control, but you won't be able to use those unless you know what kind of elemental power you possess. For example: If you can use the element, Fire, then you will need to find beasts that have red gems embedded into their foreheads. Once you kill the beast, you can consume the red gem and use it to either enhance your power or your control, but not many use this method because beasts are very hard to beat, and at most times you won't even be able to find your element, kind of like the beasts with fire elements purposely avoiding you"

Alexanders head spun a little with the information but he guessed he understood most of it.

"Then what do you recommend I do?"

"Go through the academy first, learn what magic is, what it does, how to use it, how to control it, and once I have deemed you fit enough then you may go through either dungeons or the Noir forests"

"Ahh, okay, I guess that's a starting point I can get by I guess, but, how would I be able to get through an academy?"

"Well, Academies are mostly for nobles but nowadays they are allowing commoners to attend. The Nobles have a habit of driving commoners out. But sometimes it's not because of the Nobles but the fees. The food is expensive so the commoners aren't allowed to eat if they have no money. The entrance fee is also a lot of money and usually, it would run their pockets dry if they were to get in so they wouldn't have enough money to get their school stuff and food. The academies are trash but we don't have much of a choice because I am not allowed to teach you in this type of circumstance. I'm allowed to tell you information but not teach you."

Alexander was surprised at the information and the obviously wide-open window of discrimination that Nobles have against commoners. The fees are so high that it's preventing commoners from entering the school except for Nobles since they can pay the fees. Everything about this was wrong and Alex felt uncomfortable.

"I don't have any money to spend on an entrance fee so I don't think the idea of getting into an Academy will work"

"No, it won't but not if we stand around doing nothing"

"Then what do you have in mind?"

"I say we go through a dungeon"

"What!? But you just said-"

"I know what I said! But, since I can't give you money or teach you anything, I can at least direct you on what to do next, which is to go through a dungeon, beat it, and collect the cash, which will be your entrance fee money and then whatever is left over, that will be your money to buy your school stuff and your food"

Alexander felt nervous and not very confident he could beat a dungeon because One, he has no fighting experience, Two, he can't even use the magic that's in Leinas' body, and Three! because he knows it will end badly and he could die, again.

"I know what you are thinking, but you should have more faith in yourself. Yeah you might not have any fighting experience but you have watched and felt people beat you up, that means if you look back on it, you can learn from that experience, meaning that you can use the methods that they used on you to fight back"

Alexander stared at the wooden floor in front of him with a blank look.

"Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?"

Alex sat rigidly in the bed before registering Mirais' words and nodding his head.

Mirai sighed.

"Look, I know I am bringing up bad memories for you but, you need to understand that if this keeps happening you won't survive. You need to get your emotions and thoughts in check, even if you have to fake through everything to get by. If faking through everything makes you feel better or helps you get through a difficult situation then keep doing it, like the term fake It till You Make It. It might not be healthy, but continuing to have flashbacks is not gonna help you in the long run, especially if you need to act like the main character."


"*Sigh* Look, all I am trying to say is that you need to get your mind straight. Your bullies aren't here, no one you know is here except for me and you. That means forget about the past and focus on the present, not the past or future, just the present and that's it, so get it over with, even if you have to lie to yourself."

It might have been harsh but, Mirai needed Alexander to understand that having these moments may not get better and that it may cause more problems later on. He didn't know how to explain it but, what's done is done. No takebacks.

After a while, Mirai heard Alexander sigh before nodding his head.

"Your right let's just get this plot done and over with so that I can go cry my eyes out later"

Okay, that sentence made Mirai feel very guilty, but although he could apologize, the cards had already been dealt. Mirai could only figuratively nod.

"Alright, we will get everything tomorrow, but right now, you need your rest"

Alexander only nodded his head as he stretched and yawned.

"I'll leave you be for now, but once I come back, you better be asleep"

Alexander only gave Mirai narrowed eyes as a response and Mirai could only chuckle inwardly as he disappeared, leaving Alexander alone in his little room.

What a day.

Sorry, it's short!

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Blank_Et_Pillowcreators' thoughts