

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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51 Chs


The cool evening breeze gently caressed my face. I was standing on the ship's deck with Lady Bellegere Othyris. The darkness surrounding us only enhanced the brilliance of the starry sky above. It was as if the universe itself was creating the perfect backdrop for this moment.

Engaging in small talk, our voices seemed to blend harmoniously with the sound of waves crashing against the hull.

It had now been a week since we left Pentos after I rescued the Sealord as well as the two courtesans from the new prince and his magisters.

It had not been anything particularly fancy; I mean, once the thought bomb had detonated, every living thing within a four-mile radius was rendered unconscious. The shadow, however, being in the explosive's immediate vicinity, had been completely obliterated.

After I had pulled her red robe on her, I proceeded to secure the red woman on the bed where she had assaulted me, and then, with haste, I set off to find the captives...

This was the easiest part, as everyone was unconscious and lying in the hall we had left them in.

Overexerting my force speed ability, in barely ten minutes I had rushed three of them to the main ship.

All other passengers were back on board, including the Braavosi magisters.

It appeared that no one outside the Red Temple had a damn clue what had been happening.

I decided that I would not say anything until the Sealord was conscious. I knew that the events that had taken place here were entirely political and were likely to throw the two cities back into war, so if someone needed to make such a call, it was the sea lord.

Once the man was conscious, it was he who even sent word for me to be summoned. On entering his cabin, he rushed and locked the door behind him.

"By all the gods, pray tell me that you haven't uttered a single word to anyone," the man pleaded, his eyes filled with fear.

"No, I haven't," I replied calmly, but his unease remained. "And what about the two ladies? Did you warn them?" he pressed on.

I shook my head, a smirk playing on my lips. "Not yet, my lord. But fear not, I have instructed their servants to summon me as soon as they awaken."

Finally, the man's tension eased, and he inquired about what had caused their unconscious state.

Ah, the truth was not something I could freely share with him. You see, while most were aware of the existence of my lightsaber, I kept my other force abilities hidden.

People tended to be skeptical and suspicious of such powers, deeming them treacherous skills. And given the recent events they had endured, the news of me employing a thought bomb to rescue them would surely not be well-received. In such delicate situations, a little white lie can be quite merciful.

Nevertheless, we had all agreed to keep this incident among ourselves, with the sealord promising to handle everything once we returned from Yunkai.

The melodious sigh of Lady Othyris snapped me back to reality. "Your thoughts seem to be wandering far away," she observed, curiosity dancing in her enchanting eyes.

"Oh, just pondering a few things," I nonchalantly replied, trying to divert her attention. But she persisted. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask you: What transpired with the red priestess?" here we go, my dear Lord. I had done my best to avoid this conversation, dropping clear hints of my discomfort, but the lady seemed oblivious or intentionally chose to ignore them.

"Absolutely nothing," I replied nonchalantly, not even bothering to glance in her direction. Can you imagine confessing to a lady that you were ravished by a stunning red priestess? No chance in hell any woman would believe that. They were programmed to think that men couldn't be victims of such a crime, and I suppose they had a point. Sure, someone might forcefully strip you down, but getting all hot and bothered? That's on you, buddy.

"So, nothing actually happened?" the courtesan inquired, her gaze fixed on the sea or anywhere but me. I couldn't help but notice her brown face turning a deep shade of red.

"Is that a blush?" I slyly asked, attempting to get back at her for prying into my personal affairs.

"Where?" Lady Othris feigned ignorance, pretending to search for the nonexistent blush amidst the vast expanse of the sea.

With every uttered word, an irresistible force drew us closer, until our bodies were mere inches apart. The air crackled with an electric charge, and my heart raced in anticipation.

Our hands brushed accidentally, sending a surge of electricity through my veins. That simple touch ignited a fire within me, awakening long-suppressed emotions. Time stood still as our eyes locked, silently acknowledging the intensity of the moment. We both hesitated, sizing each other up, giving each other a chance to escape. But neither of us moved.

In that instant, we shared an unspoken understanding—a mutual agreement for pure pleasure. No emotional entanglements, no possessiveness, and certainly no public displays of affection. She was free to love whomever she pleased, as was I. We only belonged to each other when we were wrapped in each other's arms.

Before we could even embrace, a blaring horn shattered the moment, making her jump in shock. I pulled away and hurried to the ship's vantage point. Captain Ternese Terys and the watchman who had sounded the alarm were already there.

The captain peered through the head-mounted telescope. When he noticed my arrival, he stepped back, exclaiming in disbelief. "By the gods, this is impossible!" he exclaimed, gesturing for me to take a look.

I rushed forward and peered through the massive instrument, a relic from the Star Wars world that I had acquired. What I saw was beyond belief. As I gazed through the telescope, my eyes widened in astonishment. Before me stretched a vast sea, filled with hundreds of ships scattered haphazardly across the water. They were less than a kilometer away, yet the powerful telescope allowed me to see them with astonishing clarity

My heart skipped a beat as I laid eyes on a familiar figure, standing tall near the bow of one of the ships, his hand confidently resting on the hilt of his sword. It was none other than Viserys, the brother of Daenerys Targaryen, and by his side stood the fearsome Dothraki Khal. My mind raced to process the gravity of what I was witnessing. These were not just any ships; they belonged to the mighty Dothraki, accompanied by Viserys and their newly acquired army of Unsullied.

A surge of realization washed over me as the puzzle pieces fell into place. It was no mere coincidence; it was the confirmation of the force vision that had been haunting my dreams for weeks. The vision that had foretold an alliance between Khal Drogo and the Targaryen prince.

However, what baffled me was how they had managed to acquire these ships so swiftly. I mean, seriously, who in their right mind would lend their precious vessels to warriors marching off to a war they might not return from?

To make matters worse, this whole spectacle was unfolding way too soon. If the vision had been accurate (and trust me, I was staring at undeniable proof), it meant that the events about to unfold had completely deviated from the established canon.

But let's not forget my immediate predicament, which had my colleague Captain Terys trembling in his boots. How on earth were we supposed to navigate through these formidable fleets?
