

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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51 Chs


Power stones


The thing about nature is that eventually, it takes its toll on everything.

Watching the ruggedly calm face of my fellow cellmate, I found myself appreciating this unyielding principle of the universe. At least sleep had finally cut off his streams of self-pity.

Since I narrowly rescued Will from certain decapitation, his mannerisms towards me have suddenly taken a turn. Now, instead of seeing me as a threat (a possible white walker), he began to see me as a source of hope for escaping our situation. We had spent some time brainstorming possible ways of evading the death that glared at us, but I quickly realized that Will was a total waste of bones and flesh.

"Enjoy the peace while it lasts," I muttered as I watched him gnaw his teeth.

I couldn't help shaking my head while I watched him breathe calmly in his sleep as if he had no care in the world.

and in a way, he didn't. After all, every mess had been thrown my way by the system, and his survival was paramount for my progress in the quest.

I had assured the man that I would figure out a way to get us out of this. a promise that I wasn't certain I would live up to. I had only done that to get the guy to shut up. But Will seemed to have held onto it like his only lifeline.

This assurance certainly played a big role in improving our relationship. that, and perhaps the danger we shared. There are certain things that, after sharing, you naturally develop a friendship, or at least an understanding. One of those things is the threat of death.

My hand began shaffling my hair as I racked my head for a possible solution. Even though the Lord of Winterfell had decided that the King would be the one to determine our fate, I knew that the guy had largely done that just to avoid the weight of our death on his conscience.

But as far as justice went, we would receive nothing from Robert Baratheon. The guy was Eddard's best friend. And aside from that, with the kind of paranoia that he had, I knew that the moment he heard, I was suspected of being a spy, he would order our immediate execution faster than we could say "Winter is coming".

That made me think of the only line of defense that stood between us and death.

I watched to make certain that Will was asleep, and from the looks of it, it appeared that the poor guy wasn't about to wake up anytime soon. I carefully reached into my Jedi robes and grabbed the lightsaber.

I had only had a brief look at it before the events that landed me here, and now I had all the time to examine it.

I held the polished hilt delicately in my hands as I studied it. It was then that I first realized that this weapon was slightly different from the others I had seen in the Star Wars TV show.

This hilt was almost twice the size of a normal lightsaber in terms of length.

Why would anyone make a saber with such a long hilt? It was not only a waste of material but would also be a balance nightmare for the user, who in this case was me.

But wait!... I felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through me as I turned the saber. On the rear side of the hilt was what appeared to be a second activation button, and that is when the full understanding of what I was holding fully hit me.

The weapon appeared strange at first glance due to its rarity. It was, however, not unfamiliar.

Having watched and rewatched every episode of Star Wars, I finally understood what it was.

I could feel my heart pump with excitement. what I was holding in my hands was a double-bladed saber.

This weapon was formed by joining the hilts of two lightsabers together, end to end. This then provided two blades that emerged from opposite ends.

"Freaking hell!", I exclaimed in excitement. "How dope could that be?" I should have guessed this the moment I looked at the lightsaber training tab.

With my heart thumping in my chest, I summoned the system screen just to confirm it to myself. I opened the training tab, and sure enough, lying at the bottom of the lightsaber training skills were the words "6. Jar'Kai: use of double blades: Trainer: Ahsako Tano 300 points.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I must have overlooked this in my frustration with the huge point demands. but seeing this reawakened my hopes. I mean, if there was anything better than having a lightsaber, it was definitely having two.

I had seen Darth Maul use this weapon in Star Wars, and to be honest, even though I wasn't a fan of the Dark Side characters, I had to admit that his saber fighting styles were only rivaled by Grandmaster Yonda. And I am not talking about the saber stuff used by the Jedi temple guards, I mean two different light sabers joined together. The only other character who occasionally employed this skill with success was Ahsako Tano, who would be my instructor once I attained the point to unlock this skill.

This was certainly a game-changer for me.

The double-bladed saber gave one the advantage of a wide angle of attack with minimal spin. This meant you could fight two enemies at the same time with high efficiency. The blades could also be detached and used as two separate weapons. How cool is that?

I held the weapon flatly in my palms; I had no intention of running a blade through myself. I mean, we were barely trying to stay alive here.

I carefully pressed the second activation button.

Immediately, I felt the same energy rush I had experienced in the winter forest the first time I activated the saber. Two blue, glowing energy blades shot from both ends, illuminating the poorly lit cell.

"wow!" I could hardly suppress my admiration for the beauty of the weapon. The mere sight of it made me wish I could somehow get another cheat that would help me bypass the points barrier and begin studying the Jar'kai style.

My excitement, however, began to water down after I twirled with my weapon for a while. I mean, just wielding a single-bladed saber was a huge problem for me, seeing as I had barely practiced the basics.

powerful as Jar'kai's style was. It was completely wasted on a beginner.


Like it or not, to progress to such sophisticated styles, I had to go through Form I. This meant my training with Kylo Ren was inevitable.

I switched off the blades and tried to disconnect them. It wasn't a difficult task. The blades still responded perfectly as individual weapons.

Despite the hard work that lay before me, I still felt proud holding the two weapons in my hand. Once more, I began to fully appreciate the kind of opportunity that had been thrown my way.

True, no one had consulted me before landing me in Westeros, but I was done being a crybaby. Such opportunities were what I spent nights and days reading on the pages of fanfics, envying those MCs for their luck. Now that my ass was here, I began to understand that it is never all play with no work.

With a deep resolve in my heart, I turned to the system screen that was still hovering before me.

It would take Robert Baratheon at least a day or two to arrive at Winterfell. At that time, I swore to work my ass with Kylo Ren, wherever it took me.

I knew that I couldn't master enough of the Shii-Cho style in such a short period. but I would at least have to learn to wield and balance the single blade well enough to poke some holes in someone. I would probably have to make an example with two or more before Westeros finally realized who was in town. but eventually, they would

and with that decision in my heart, I clicked the "begin training in Form I" button on the training tab and opted for the fast mode and a training time of four hours.



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