

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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51 Chs


"It is you, right?" Arya asked enthusiastically. "The prisoner ?" The girl continued, seeing my confusion. I was left perplexed and without an answer. I had been trying to come up with a plausible explanation, but the girl had suddenly hit the bullseye.

"I don't know what the hell you mean, little lady. I'm a soldier trying to have a quiet nap," I said, confused, still trying to maintain my guise.

"Don't call me little lady, and you are no soldier," the little lady flared up. "I saw you from the armory bridge when they were taking you and the crow for execution."

And with that line, my last bit of pretense faded away 'damn,why had I taken the helmet off'.

The little devil had to have the best memory in the whole seven kingdoms. I had tried to look as northern as possible, armor and all, but it seemed that the disguise wasn't working as intended.

"And let me guess, you are here to get your light sword, huh?" The little brat hit another bullseye.

But the mention of the lightsaber made me drop my guard entirely. The situation had gone too far, and no matter what I came up with, I couldn't fool Arya.

"So if you know who I am, how do you know I won't hurt you?" I asked, finally tired of the girl's behavior. She was speaking as if she were addressing a familiar person, not a fugitive.

"Well, you can't do that; you need to do things quietly, or your chances of retrieving the light sword will be ruined," Arya said confidently.

I could have almost laughed at her theory. I wanted to tell her that the most silent method in my mind did not favor her, but I thought otherwise. It's better not to play against myself.

"Plus, I heard Jon tell Father that he didn't think you were a murderer," Arya continued. This caught my attention. Finally, someone with a shred of common sense. However, let's steer ourselves back to the topic at hand, which is precisely why I find myself here.

"So, you've seen the saber as well?" I inquired, unable to conceal the tinge of desperation in my voice.

Arya nodded, her expression as if I had just confirmed her long-held theory. And at that moment, I realized that I had indeed done so.

"Of course, I've seen it. But you stand no chance of obtaining it; the king has commanded my father to destroy it," she revealed with a hint of resignation.

What the hell? Fear and fury erupted within me, threatening to consume my every thought. Could it be that I had arrived too late? The mere thought of such a possibility was unbearable, but if the saber had yet to be destroyed, then time was no longer on my side.

And that brought me to the young girl standing before me. Well, praise the gods, she didn't seem to view me as a threat. As peculiar as it may sound, why would I ever complain about such an opportunity? I studied her intently, contemplating countless ways to persuade her to lend a hand.

"Listen, Arya, it's true that I mean no harm to anyone. However, if the saber is destroyed, it will undoubtedly claim a life in the process," I explained, watching as fear clouded her once bright eyes. I knew she must be terrified that her own father would be the one responsible for obliterating the saber.

"What do you mean,the lightv sword can work by itself ?" Arya asked, a mixture of fear and curiosity evident in her voice.

"No, the light sword cannot function independently. But the Kyber crystal reacts to certain circumstances," I began, only to realize that my explanations were merely muddying the waters.

"I mean, the source of the blade's power is likely to malfunction."

"Is it some kind of magic?" she inquired, her confusion growing more apparent.

"No, it doesn't rely on magic; it's... well, it's hard to explain," I admitted, finally giving up. Trying to describe a lightsaber to someone from medieval times was like trying to teach a cat to do calculus.

Arya fell silent, her gaze distant and contemplative. After a moment, she spoke again, her voice filled with curiosity. "So if it's not magic, can you teach me how to use it?"

Her question caught me off guard, leaving me momentarily speechless. Had the girl lost her mind? "What?" was all I managed to blurt out.

"I said, can you teach me how to use it?" she repeated, undeterred by my confusion.

I sighed, deciding to address the most obvious issues with her request. "Look around, I'm a fugitive, wanted by your father who probably wants to kill me. And to top it off, I don't even have the lightsaber. So, no, I can't teach you."

But Arya seemed unfazed by my response. "If I can get you the light sword, will you promise to teach me someday and get me my own sword?"

Now she had my attention. The idea of effortlessly reuniting with a lightsaber was incredibly tempting. I knew Arya had the potential to help, albeit with some difficulty, but finding a lightsaber for her to use? That was a whole other challenge. How the heck was I supposed to do that?

And seriously, how was a girl her age capable of concocting such elaborate plans?

Logic was clearly not on my side, but I could always lie if needed. I'd deal with the consequences later.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, still in disbelief that she was willing to assist me.

"Yes, but you have to promise me first," Arya replied, her eyes gleaming with hope.

Screw morals!

"Well, if you can get me the saber, I promise to teach you someday." I intentionally omitted the part about getting her a saber, but the little devil wasn't easily fooled. She raised an eyebrow as if waiting for more. "Alright... and get you a lightsaber".

A wide smile split through Arya's face as she stood up.

"Well, wait for me here," and with that, the girl took off in haste.

"What the hell?"

I was left to process the insanity of what had just transpired. Was this all some cunning way of setting me up? However, recalling the excitement on Aria's face, it was unlikely that she had tricked me.

If the girl managed to get me the saber, she would have incredibly simplified my mission. But what if she failed?

That thought immediately made me consider my countermeasure strategy. I suddenly realized that whether Arya succeeded or not, I needed a way of getting out of the castle fast enough.

Since the gates were closed for the night, they were off the list, which only left me with one way: to lower a bridge from one of the watch towers onto the outer wall and descend using ropes. This method was so complicated and still presented the unwanted problem of having to face the soldiers on these towers. Second, the outer wall is eighty feet high; where would I find ropes to descend such a height? It was at this time that I truly realized that the castle was indeed a fortress.

After almost half an hour, my attuned senses again noted that the stable door had once again been opened. I waited with bated breath, praying fervently that it was not a hostile soldier.

I, however, noticed Arya's slender form darting through the space as she came my way. She was now wearing an oversized cloak. My heart was breaking from anticipation as she emerged again into my hideout.

"Did you get it? ", I asked, barely giving her time to explain herself.

Arya did not answer, but the mischievous smile on her face was that of a person who thought they had pulled out the greatest trick in their life.

She reached within the cloak and produced the silver hilt.

"Here," she said, offering the saber.

I almost dropped in immense relief. And then suddenly I couldn't even keep my eyes on the saber; all my thoughts were on the little girl before me. A river of gratitude was flowing within me, and I lacked words on how to express it.

My emotions finally hit a crescendo, and I dropped to my knees and pulled the girl into a tight hug. "Thank you, Arya," I said while fighting the warmth in my eyes "You don't know what you have done". I quickly broke the hug and reached for the saber, but Arya pulled away.

"Wait, how do you know my name", she asked, fear clouding her once dazzling face.

'fuck'. It's funny how such things happen in the best of times. I strived to find an explanation, but Arya's actions stopped the process. I could see she wanted to power the saber to use it in her interrogation. The problem is that her fingers were going for the double-blade button.

"Don't use that". Arya froze with her fingers already on the button, "Arya, please don't press that; at least use the other button". I couldn't believe I was teaching someone how to use a saber against me.

The girl seemed to consider my words for a while. "Why should I believe you? I never told you my name, so how did you learn it?

"Look," I sighed in frustration, "that button produces two blades, and you are on one end of the lightsaber; guess what will happen, genius?".

She finally seemed to realize what I was telling her, and her fingers quickly maneuvered to the second button.

*another sigh*

"As for your name, how long do you think I have been in Winterfell? Well, I will tell you, long enough to know your entire household."

I said while feigning anger. However, Arya seemed satisfied with the answer, but she pressed the activation button nonetheless, and the energy blade burst from the saber, illuminating the space.

"wow! I have always wanted to do that," Arya said with wonder in her eyes.

"I hastily reached for her hand, tore the saber from her grip, and powered it off.

"God, what do you think you are doing? Someone is going to see that light.

My words appeared to finally bring Arya to her senses. "You have to leave, she said in haste. Now, you can't wait for the morning, when my father finds out the sword is missing; the bell will be rung."

She quickly turned to go before suddenly stopping and saying, "You haven't told me your name yet".

"Well, I thought I was famous by now, but my name is Eron." Arya turned to go, saying, "Well, remember your promise, Eron," and then she rushed towards the stable door and disappeared into the night.

*************POWERSTONE PLEASE************************




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