
A Immortals Eden

Edens, a type of mysterious spirits who thrive and made by ones emotion, ideas, conflict, fear and greatness. No one knows how they existed, they break the law of physics and can give a human abilities; one can gain a Eden through the way they existed, but they mainly go to people who show off strong emotion. Once a Eden choices you, you cannot reject it; your body will succumb to the Eden and you will gain it's abilities. Edens can be seen by the naked eye if they're very close, but when you become a host of it you will forever be blind to the other Edens, to be "blind" to other Edens means that you can only bond with one of them; you simply will not be able to bond with other ones after, you'll only be able to be with the Eden who chose you. Each Eden looks very different, and the powers you gain from them are diverse; it's quite literally a "gift or curse". This story will be about a teen going through a huge amount of struggle, and it will show how he went through everything; He gains a mysterious Eden, he calls his Eden a "curse" because the ability he gained from it was immortality. How will he fight his battles? How will he withstand his own thoughts? Is his Eden truly a gift? How will he cope with the fact that he's in immortal? Read how a 17 year old boy changes, and understand his depressing origins.

ryusoma · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A fight to the death? (ch.2)

A Immortals Eden

Chapter #2


The unknown Eden nodded its head yes, the Eden still had alot of tears in it's eyes, Jäger couldn't understand why it was crying all the time, he also wonderd why he's always crying for him.

After the Eden nodded its head yes, Jäger said "Why would you do this to me, this is the worst thing that could happen to anyone; what you gave me was simply a curse, I have no will to live, I fear life more than I do death, I always feel worthless and imperfect no matter what I do. I'm happy in one moment and then a few minutes later I just feel horrible again".

Jäger didn't know what to do, he was panicking, he said to himself "What do I do? What should I possibly do? Why am I being forced to live? This fate is so cruel".

When he was done talking to himself he saw the unknown Eden writing with the black substance again, the Eden wrote "Seeking perfection will hurt you, mistakes will guide you".

Jäger was perplexed after reading what he said, he replied to the Eden, "What I sought was relief not perfection, you have wise words though; to be honest i'm not sure if I should hate you or like you.....I simply despise your existence after what you did to me".

The unknown Eden wrote on the floor again with the black substance from his chest, it said "I have a name, my name is lily so I would appreciate it if you called me lily, and i'm glad you exist so why aren't you happy? Your strong feelings of depression is what created me, i'm here to be with you forever, so you will never be alone".

Before Jäger could reply to lily, a ominous sound was made and he couldn't speak for some reason, the sound sounded like a whale cry, and then he another heard sound.


Jäger felt a sharp pain in his chest and heard a woman yell out "HE'S OVER THERE, HE HAS BONDED WITH EDEN".

He slowly looked down at his chest and saw a big hole in his chest area, blood was gushing out of the hole from his chest, and he started to cough up blood, he was so shocked that he couldn't even process what happened; he was confused because he was in a location that absolutely no person would live at, and he thought that there would be no reason for anyone to hurt him.

And then he realized what was most likely happening, he said to himself "Damnit why is there a member of the Zerstörer group here, the timing of this is absolutely horrible".

Zerstörer is a group that hunts people who have bonded with an Eden, this group was made by the government of the western territories, they hunt down people who have Edens because they're scared of the things that they can do which is mainly conflict and tyranny.

The ironic thing is that the Zerstörer group actually has people who have bonded with Edens as members, they have them because supposedly because the government knows that they're "powerless" against people who have a Eden; so they use people who've bonded with a Eden to fight back.

Jägers vision started turning black and blurry, he felt super nauseous and dropped to his knees, and then that's when he heard a familiar noise.


Jäger's body was fully healed again, he quickly stood up and looked at all directions, he couldn't see the attacker anywhere, and then he heard the noise that sounded like a whale cry again; he looked up and saw a woman flying?

She had a red jacket that had a Lion emblem on the shoulders, he looked closely and saw that a eden was behind her; the edens face was shaped like a coffon, when it opened its mouth it had hundreds of razor sharp teeth on the sides.

Once Jäger saw the lion emblem on her shoulder he knew for sure that she was definitely a Zerstörer member, because Zerstörer's use that as their that emblem.

The women yelled out "SCHWARZES LOCH", once she said that her Eden let out a cry similar to a whale again; and then a black sphere came out of her finger tip, once she did that Jäger felt his body being pulled, and then he looked around, everything around him started to get pulled into something as well, it seemed like everything was getting pulled into the black sphere that was on her finger tip.

The force of the pull was so strong that Jäger had to hold on to something, he quickly reached out his hand and grabbed metal bar that was stuck in the ground right by him, he gripped it very hard trying to not get sucked in.

The woman then shouted out "WEIßES LOUCH", as soon as she said that yet again the Eden she bonded with let out a whale like cry, once she yelled out the word "WEIßES LOUCH" Jäger got pushed back so hard that it made him lose grip of the metal bar.

Once he let go of the metal bar his body slamed against the bottom of the bridge pillar due to the amount of force it had.

Jäger said to himself "What kind of power is this?", he thought about it, and under five seconds he came up with a theory for what her power was, he thought to himself "This is most likely a power that messes with the concept of gravity? force? energy? or maybe space? Once she yelled out "SCHWARZES LOCH" things started to pull in, once she yelled out "WEIßES LOUCH" things started to push away with great force; she has the power to manipulate pure negative energy and/or pure positive energy possibly?"

he felt the force of her power finally stopping, he looked up again and took a close look at her face, she was a beautiful woman with amber red hair and eyes, and she had very pale skin.


She replied "My name is Rosa, i'm the person who's going to destroy you in the honor of Zerstörer, just submit to your fated demise; I'm not sure how you survived my first attack but it won't happen again".

Jäger replied to her saying "I understand that it's your job to execute people who bonded with an Eden but you're out if luck in this situation, and i'm not someone who's a danger to society; what the Zerstörers are doing is simply mass genocide".

She had a disgust look on her face, she started to clench her fist really hard, after a few seconds her expression become very cold.

Rosa then said "What we're doing is not mass genocide, we're simply saving the world; Zerstörers keep balance in this world and protect the innocent, the fact that you have a Eden that's bonded with you automatically makes you a worthless insect, be grateful that I even acknowledged your existence".

Jäger replied to her saying "Then wouldn't that make you worthless? This is purely hypocrisy, you're very delusional".

Right after he said this, she whipped out her hand and pointed at Jäger and said calmly "Grau No Leben", a gray sphere big as a golf ball come out of her pointer finger, and yet again when she used her power her Eden let out a cry similar to a whale's cry.

He knew that this was gonna be a big attack because of the pressure radiating from the sphere, the pressure was so strong that it made it hard for him to breathe and it made his body feel like it was melting, he looked around trying to find cover but couldn't find anything that looked tough enough to take cover in.

And then out of nowhere Lily popped up right beside him, Jäger looked down and saw that Lily actually wrote something.

Jäger said "Where the hell were you? I didn't see you the whole time while this woman was trying to kill me, I don't even think I can defeat her, and she's too damn dense; the only power I seem to have is immortality and nothing else, my god out of all the powers I was given immortality, I'm being forced to live in hell".

Lily had no response to his statement, it just started to cry silently again as always.

Jäger was so annoyed that he didn't even read what Lily wrote.

Jäger said "whatever, keep crying me a river while I try to do something about rosa", he looked up and saw that Rosa is about to shoot the sphere at him, he thought to himself "Well, since i'm Immortal I should take the hit and see what happens to me, I obviously can't defeat her due to her being so strong; I need to figure out something that can at least give me some time to run away, or do something that will give me the opportunity to strike back".

Rosa finally shot the gray sphere at him and said "This is what happens when my white and black energy are mixed together, feel it's power."

Jäger put his arms up in a blocking form similar to the Philly shell blocking technique, this technique isn't practical in this situation because it's only used by experts in marital arts, this technique mainly uses it's shoulder to gaurd punches and then uses precise movement to dodge faster and to counter strike with alot of force; this technique was mostly used by rogue fighters who used their agility to their advantage.

This technique isn't practical at all in this situation, Jäger was definitely planning something.

As soon as he went into the Philly shell stance the gray sphere hit his body.


The gray sphere hit Jäger, once it hit him, it started grow very big, bigger than a sky scraper; the force of the sphere was pulling his body in with great force while trying to push him out with a large amount of force, it started to tear his body apart, his arm got riped off and intestines spilled out of his guts.

Jäger cried out in pain, he's never felt pain this great before; his eyes closed and he felt numb, Jäger once again has died.

Rosa flew down slowly and walked up to Jäger to look at his dead body, and to make sure he stayed dead; she saw that he wasn't breathing and saw his limbs everywhere, so she presumed that he's dead, but then she heard a noise.


His organs and limbs disappeared from the ground, and Jäger was fully healed up; as soon as he came back to life he quickly got up and punched Rosa with great force.

She didn't expect this to happen, so she didn't get a chance to block, his punch landed perfectly on her jaw; she felt very dazed.

Once Jäger realized she was dazed he threw a quick four hit combo, he threw Left jab, cross, Left hook, Right uppercut; she almost got knocked out, she spit blood onto the floor; her mouth was full of cuts because of his punches.

She quickly responded to his attacks with an attack of her own, she grabbed edens face, he heard her Eden make a whale noise, which meant she was likely going to use her ability; she yelled out "WEIßES LOUCH" with with an angered expression.




*To be continued*


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