
A Hunger for Blood and Magic - DxD

A soul, fresh after a 1st degree encounter with his afterlife gets tossed into a universe where a group of teenagers that have trained for less than a couple of years get stronger than beings that have lived for millennia. That's right, welcome to DxD, a place where the boob reigns supreme and the vampires are either feminist lolis or mysoginistic old bastards. How does the world behave when a true fuckmothering vampire comes into being? Let's find out. ------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owner ------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Also, this is my first fanfic so keep that in mind. There is also a MC that will sometimes be good, sometimes be evil, it's all about his perspective and how he feels like Feedback is appreciated. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this.

Khalderas · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 17 - First day of madness

A/N First of all, whenever Sona will pop up again in the story I'll stick with purely Sona, it's really annoying both for me and you guys to keep switching between the 2 so just imagine that the nonsupes call her Souna while the others Sona.


I quickly took away my gaze from the crimson princess and her priestess of thunder because we were just about to be presented to the class. Meanwhile, the thirsty boys and girls were fuming at the tips, seemingly trying to hurry the process along and find out more about the 2 new students.

"Ah, you two must be the two new transfer students! I apologize for not being able to get you from the council and guide you here, the start of the year is always busy" the teacher immediately recognized us and proceeded to apologize, he seemed like an alright sort and I wasn't one to care about such trivialities.

"No problem professor…?"

"Where are my manners? I'm professor Takahata. Please, introduce yourselves to the class"

I look towards Val and she nods, letting me go first, so I take a small step forward and go.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hiro Zeltris, please, call me Hiro, I'm not one for formalities. Just transferred here from London. Hope we'll get along" short because I'm sure that these beasts will do nothing less than try to pry the info from us.

There was the accompanying chorus of 'Kyaaaa's and 'RIAJUU GO EXPLODE' from the many girls and a few guys in the class. I nodded internally 'As expected'.

I took a step back and left the podium to Val.

"Hello, my name is Valerie Lewis, likewise, please call me Valerie. I also came here from London" Val managed to make it even shorter than me, she's read enough to know where this was going.

"Welcome to the both of you" says the teach "now, anyone from class, do you have questions for your new colleagues?"

The moment he finished his question, more than a dozen hands spring up.

I point to a rando guy, I knew what his question was going to be and I just wanted this shtick to end.

"V-V-Valerie-san!" he stutters "d-do you h-have a b-b-b-b-boyfriend?"

Before Val gets the chance to answer, I give the boy a smirk that sent shivers down his spine.

'Fuck, it's amusing to scare these guys'

"Yes, yes I do" Val answers with a bored expression on her face, already resigned to the fate of being a target for simping.

"NOOOOOOO" a chorus of no echoes through the class, containing all the dreams and screams of all the boys and a couple of girls present here. What was surprising was just how loud 3 guys could scream when their dreams are shattered like glass.

"W-w-who is it?" asks one dreamer of broken dreams.

Val just deadpans and points to me.


*glass breaking*


Val and I just stood there, stupefied, as we watched the collected emotions and dreams of a civilization crash and burn, turning to ashes. I could almost see souls trying to leave their bodies behind and journey into reincarnation.

A couple of snickers ran through the now silent classroom and they came from Rias and Akeno, who were trying their hardest not to laugh at both our expressions and that of their classmates.


The silence was further broken by the sound of one of the boys falling to the ground. His friends lunged to help him.


"How has this happened?!" Answered his only lucid friend

"I DON'T KNOW, you know he has weird tastes!"

"Damn it! What are we going to do?!"

"Give me 50ccs of BBW, STAT!" said the first guy as he was doing chest compressions on his fallen friend.

"ON IT" the second guy rushed to his bag and pulled out…. a porn mag…. with a big beautiful woman on the first page.

"Bring it here and LET HIM SMELL IT"

And so he did, he opened the book with care, as the pages were fighting against being opened, as if they were held together by something sticky, and smashed the opened mag to the guy's nose.


That was the biggest yiff I had ever seen someone take and it instantly revitalized the guy. He jumped up from the ground and looked around confused.

"What happened?" he looked around, confused.

"You fell into class-Keter downfall, bro" comforted his buddy.

"You brought me back, bro?"

"No, we did, bro"

"Uwaaaa, broooos"x3 and the three bros engaged in the weirdest hug I had ever seen, with tears in their eyes.

*SLAM* "ENOUGH" the teach had had enough of this weird-ass shit so he slammed a book on his desk.

"Back to your seats everyone, there's nothing to see here" at this, both Val and I deadpanned.

"Ehem, both of you grab the seats available, there, behind Miss Gremory and Miss Himejima"

Nodding, we both went and took our seats, I was seated behind Akeno, diagonally to Rias while Val was seated behind the redhead, diagonally to the S&M pervert.

As we were seated, the duo survived the fights with their snickers and calmed down. Soon enough, after people regained the light in their eyes, the class went back to normal and we started the lessons properly.

The lessons of the first part of the day were boring but I ignored them as I knew all of the subjects. Not to waste any time, I remote activated a spider that I had left at home and connected with it. I sent it to my library so that I could read my books in peace.

I would sometimes get distracted by the teachers asking questions but that wasn't a problem. Val was just chillin'.

Soon enough, the bell of the final class before lunch rang.

Lunch break started out as an amusing affair that quickly turned to me being miffed. I was accosted by both girls and guys trying to start a conversation with me. Of course, I tuned them out and gave general answers that seemed to satisfy them. Val, the lucky minx, somehow got away from them and was starting a conversation with the 2 Ojou-sama's. Damn, I envy her, she got to escape from this deluge.

Seeing my plight and pitying me as a good girlfriend should, Val said something to the duo and came to me so we could get our lunch. We ran off quickly and escaped to the roof.

"Finally some peace and quiet" I told Val as she brought out the lunch that she had made.

"Yeah, can't believe these people, my gosh, don't they, like, get off at home or something?"

"Don't you?"

"Nope, why should I when I have this hunk right here" saying this, she grabbed my junk.

"Calm down miss, let's eat and then go back to class. By the way, what were you whispering about with those 2?"

"Oh, you know, girl stuff"

*sigh* "That can mean so much and yet so little" I sighed and looked at the sky, pondering upon the oldest question on the minds of malekind 'What do women's words mean?'

"Let's eat, hunk"

We finished our lunch and headed back to class, the rest of the day passed in relative peace but there were already rumors floating about in school about the possible emergence of a third Ojou-sama and a new king of Kuoh.

"These people never cease to amaze me" I told my blonde companion as we were leaving through the school's gates.

"Yeah, it's incredible"

Walking for a bit, we spotted Sona who was with Tsubaki Shinra, her queen, they seemed to be going home, she noticed us and waved so we went to say hello.

"Hello, Vice Prez, how are things?"

"Hello Hiro-san, Valerie-san, busy day, as always. How was your first day here?"

"Oh, it was 'interesting' but before I tell you, who is…?"

"Ah, this is Tsubaki Shinra, a fellow member of the student council"

"Nice to meet you!"x2 both Val and I responded.

Then we walked together for a time as I spent quite a while telling her all the shenanigans that went down today at school, during which, she face-palmed no less than 3 times. Alas, it couldn't last forever as we soon split ways, each going towards their respective homes.

Arriving at our house, we settled back into our routine, we trained a bit and worked out the kinks, Val made dinner, I studied and we overall had a good time.

Night found the both of us embracing in bed and talking about random stuff.

"So, there are quite a lot of devils here, Hiro"

"Yeah, there also seem to be some stray devil signals over the town here and there"

"I've noticed them during the last week, though they would usually disappear after some time. The devils and their peerages seem to be taking care of them"

"Mhm, you also saw how terrible these guys were at hiding their devil magical energy, right?"

"Oh yeah, but maybe it's because they're still young? Not everyone trains like you, Hiro the 'Invisible murder-machine' Zeltris"

"Don't make it chuuni, Val, you know my middle name is Julian, hmpf"

"Yeah, Julian the vampire revolutionary. Oh! By the way, do you have anything on what happened in Romania after we left?"

"The misogynists are still in shambles after my little incursion, the feminists tried to take over but lo-and-behold, factional infighting is under the priority when it comes to feeling superior so the Tepes banded together to oppose the Carmilla. Now? They're still in a stalemate, with the Tepes having a mock council with Marius and duke Stefan fighting for leadership and the Carmilla being understaffed to take advantage of it"

"So, it looks like things aren't going to change unless something big happens"

"Seems like it"

"Wanna take over?"

"Nah, too much paperwork. Again, unless something happens, the only reason we'll be going back there is for you to gut your brother like a fish"

"We'll come around to that, there's no rush, knowing that idiot he'll either come to find trouble with us through sheer incompetence or somebody will take care of him"

"I know you never asked but are you sure you don't want us to go there and shank a bitch?"

"I've got you, now, we'll do it if something pops up. Rizevim is more important, though, I'm still messing around and slowing his experiments with the Graal"

"Yeah, he's primo gutting material when I find him"

"Good, now wake the beast and do me"

"Yes ma'am"

After a romp in the sack, I lay on the bed and began thinking until i figured something out.

'This little minx, she derailed the discussion about the devils and sent me to the vamps. I'll get her'


*moan* "Mnn"



*moan* "Aah! N-no more, I can't"


*moan* "P-please, Hiro"

"You escape this for tonight but be very certain that we WILL be exploring this"

"Hnn, yess"

That's how our first day in Kuoh passed, it was sure to be an interesting time.



So, here's the next chapter of our adventure, a slow one about the first day of highschool.

Now, I have something important to say, which may deter some of you from reading this fic: Rias WILL BE IN THE HAREM.

I honestly don't understand all the hate that she gets but the hate is certainly being grown through the multitude of fanfics out there by authors who have a too-big Rias hate-boner. In the original media, she is a princess who is a bit annoying and stuck up, but once that shell got broken and she found love? She became a top-tier, loving, wife material.

Yeah, she is spoiled, but look at her background, she is the only heir to a big-ass important clan and her big brother is the fucking Lucifer, said Lucifer who spoiled her since before she could walk. Of course that such an environment + the devil's innate nature turned her spoiled.

Why doesn't she train, you say? Yes, here is my 'biggest' peeve with her, she knew she had an engagement but didn't train for it. But this, also, I think it's the biggest problem with devils overall THEY. DON'T. TRAIN. Besides Sairaorg, almost no other devil trains quite enough, they all believe that their power trumps all. And, honestly, why wouldn't they believe it?

Take a look at Sirzechs, that motherfucker came swinging right out of the womb. He was born as a show of power in-and-of-itself. Of course, other devils don't know if he trained, they just assume that he was always that strong. And Sirzechs is not the only one like that, almost all ultimate class and above devils are seen as being born powerful. This is what fucked the devil society and made them unwilling to train innate power.

Anyway, I'm digressing. Long story short, no, I don't hate Rias and she will be getting lovey-dovey with Hiro.

See you next time

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Khalderascreators' thoughts