
A human eternal created from The progenitors powers (Marvel AU)

After he died he met TOAA who let him be reborn into the marvel world he just had to pick the year/time he wanted to be born in and had 4 wishes. He’ll be reborn as a human/Eternal but with the powers of a celestial as well. 1 or 2 chapters a week depending on how long the other fics take

SlumpiiZednem_947 · Movies
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Ch.2 wishes and memories begin

Haden: For my first wish I would like to experience all the combat he had been in from his creation until his death during the years we head to earth.

Stan: I can do that, being able to experience all his memories of combat will do you good and you will be able to protect yourself even without powers.

Haden:Nodding his guess he soon said" For my second wish I would like to have divine reflection, my third wish will be to have my eyes and celestial weaknesses removed or lessened to the extent that I won't be killed or lose my eyesight.

Stan: I can't remove the weaknesses entirely but I can lessen them to the extent where you'll still be strong but it won't be break the balance of then universe since with that you'll quickly be noticed and make a lot of enemies

Haden: Thank you for that, for my fourth wish I would like to have Advanced Intuition like golf from DBZ, and for my 5th wish I would like to be able to bestow longevity similar to how I can bestow powers on people.

Stan: That's quite simple that can easily be done. Good thing you didn't say immortal since with that there's always a few downsides because they can't die. I will let you know now and give you a warning do not reveal your full power at any point until you're able to rival my representative The Living Tribunal. If you decide to get remember that arishem will take notice of you so on that day just say.

Haden: "Thank you once again, and I hope we get to meet again in the future once I'm strong enough"

I said to him while smiling and started waving bye

==memories of the multiverse form the first till the seventh cosmos==

During my few years of sleep, I actually don't know how long it's been. I experienced the memories of The Progenitor being in combat and creating things from the moment he was created until his final death at the hands of the horde. I had seen how some of them industriously worshipped the First Firmament, seeking its approval whenever they created life on their own, which prompted the First Firmament to name them "Aspirants"; others, "multicolored rebels", who were "as many as the stars themselves",wanted their own creations to evolve, and wanted the universe to grow, change and die. That was seen by the First Firmament as madness and sacrilege which then led to the Celestial Wars.

Soon a war broke out between the "multicolored rebels", later known as simply "Celestials", and the Aspirants to who will have claim/dominion over all existence.

Eventually both groups greatly diminished in numbers because of the war and the rebellious Celestials resorted in desperation to using powerful weapons to eliminate their opponents, including the Aspirants' Godkiller Armor, which the Celestials used to win the final battle of the war.

After a decisive battle in their civil war, there was pause in fighting between both groups, and during this time the Aspirants further fortified their fleets, defenses and immediately entered into aggressive violence among themselves, which gave the opposing Celestials time to recover and to plot ways to finally crush their opponents so with no way of a comeback.

The Celestial War finally came to an end when the rebel Celestials shattered the First Firmament into several pieces, the Celestials also detonated their weapons, and hundreds of new universes were split off from the First Firmament. The First Firmament soon fled along with the remaining Aspirants hoping to recover his strength with time, and the new universes formed a collective entity called the Second Cosmos (which was the first Multiverse)

During this time the Celestials gave life to the primordial darkness creating a new species called the Exterminators which was an abomination even when all they wanted was to balance creation with destruction, they eventually grew too powerful for the Celestials to control and turned on them. The Celestials imprisoned the Exterminators in one of the newly created universes lest they devour the newly-created Multiverse itself

Not long after the Celestials colonized the Second Cosmos and created servitors called "Omegas" to help them manage the newly-created Multiverse. However, the Second Cosmos only lasted a few millennia because everything at the time was new, including the concept of an "all-death." The personification of the Second Cosmos was eager to try it and thus willingly died.

After its death, it was reborn as the Third Cosmos. The Celestials moved on to the next Multiverse, while the Omegas decided to stay outside of the Multiverse in the remnants of the Second Cosmos because of this, the Omegas became known as the Beyonders among many other names

The Third Cosmos was the first to be born from a completed multiversal cycle (as the First Cosmos did not go through cycles and the Second was born from its war-torn fragments). The Third Cosmos was noted to be basic having already learned the states of being and non-being from the Second Cosmos, the conflict in the Third Cosmos (the earliest form of "narrative") was between existence and nothingness. This conflict was represented by the Lifebringer One (the first sentry, or first hero) and the Anti-All (the primal void). The Lifebringer One defeated the Anti-All, thus existence conquered non-existence. However, the Anti-All shattered into countless fragments, speculated to be variations of the great nothingness that will appear in future cosmoses.

The Fourth Cosmos was inhabited by archetypical beings who were bound by patterns. They fought in endless cycles in accordance to those patterns, and when the "What-Must-Be" (the archetype for the Devourer of Worlds) threatened the other archetypes, Cloud (who travelled to the Fourth Cosmos alongside the Defenders) convinced the archetypes to break their old patterns to unite against it. The "What-Must-Be" was transformed into the "What-Can-Be". The archetypes and patterns from the Fourth Cosmos were passed on into future cosmos. Not long after, The Fifth Cosmos came to be and it was special as it was the first to have magic and sorcery also began here.One of its inhabitants was Moridun, who was Sorcerer Supreme. At the end of the Fifth Cosmos, Moridun presumably bonded with the Sentience of the Cosmos and passed on to the Sixth Cosmos as Omnimax, The Devourer of Worlds.

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