
a hotel in another world

Daoist386992 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

surprised ch 2

Little did stella know someone did hear her and decided to grant her wish.

Stella : OH my gosh, my head hurts what happened, and WHERE AM I.

Stella woke up in a strange looking place. Upon closer look, she realized that she was in a forest and looked around.

Stella : Wow, my life is so great, just perfect now what!

As she was talking to herself, she noticed that the Bush beside her was shaking, and a big Grey wolf with a horn on his head was heading her way.

Stella : god, why

As she started running for her life, she was thinking

Stella : ( Wait a minute, that wolf is way too big, and last time I check wolf don't have a horn on their head. What te h*ll is going on )

As she ran, she remembered those novels and comics about being in isekai into another world, so she started screaming

Stella : status window ! , menu !

Well, to her surprise, something did pop up it was a small window

Stella : Great, I don't have time to read all this. Let me go straight to skill

By this point, she was running into a flat land, and the wolf was still hot on her trail, at this moment in the list of she notices thew were a few ones that were there but she just click on the first one and at that moment an small mordern motel pop up and a barrier from around it, the wolf could not enter the barrier.

Stelle : Well, I should get in then

As she got in she realized that she was alone and that there was no one in here so she check her window and saw that the skill she press was hotel but at the moment it was only lv 1 with 5 single room and 5 double bed a canteen and a a front desk with the owner room, so she check her order things is the status window

Status window

Name : Stella Rose Monroe

Age : 19

Lv : 1

Gender : female

wisdom : 18

Strength : 11

Magic :

Water : 10 Fire : 3 Earth : 16 Ari : 2 Light : 12 Dark : 2

Mana : 102

Skill :

Hotel : morden 3 star motel ( 10 room for rent 1 room for owner, canteen area , barrier lv 3 can keep up to lv 4 monter away) upgrade next level motel 4 star 15 room plus gym, barrier lv 5 can keep lv 7 away

Mother tongue: lv max ( can speak and understand all languages