
a hotel in another world

Daoist386992 · Fantasy
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Some where in the forest a group of adventure, was running from a group of orc and conveniently the were running in the direction of the inn.

Stella was eating and drinking some of the food in the cafeteria then she check the single room the had a European style with a cilling fan and a bathroom with a single small closet the inside of the room was a light Grey and the bed frame was made with iron the cover and blanket was dark blue whit a small table at the side and a little Grey carpet, but the double bed where a little different they did have the same style but the bed were bigger and so was the closet and bathroom.

( Suddenly, there was a knock at her door )

Stella : ( who is it now )

As she opened the door, she saw a group of badly injured people

Stella : omy god, the h*ll get in

Notic allow them to get in

Stella : Yes!

As she allowed to get in, one fell on the ground

Stella : what happened to you guys