
Chapter 8

OKAY I'M BACK, sorry for last week but I was feeling really bad, and the chapter was a giant piece of shit, so re writing baby and its this. Approaching the final stretch of the first "part" of Cindy's life. I did get better and now I can write without an issue.

AND YESS I DID IT 1.5 Kilograms less on me. I miss burgers like you guys have no idea.

Also I'm slowly I'm getting back my stamina, and I can finally have my family off my back for having a gut, also my abs are coming back, which is an absolute relief.

But still 7.5 more to go... Yup, I miss burgers so much.

The reason behind the question of last chapter. I was honestly curious about how you guys reacted to Cindy finally opening her heart out to friends. But compared to what happens later, quoting the chillest Dad figure in gaming "Hoh, boy." (Sojiro Sakura from Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal.)

I'm thinking of deleting previous chapter or moving it to the end of the volume but we'll see, maybe I won't delete it.

Also I got into Yu Gi Oh and my off meta deck of Dragon Maids already carried me to platinum and I'm working on a new one of Zoodiac Tribrigade that is WAYY TO GRINDY. Maybe later I'll make one of Exodia, cause it looks fun.

Thanks everyone for the happy birthday wishes! I got a few presents and a constant reminder that I need a relationship by my family since I'm 26 and single. LIIe dude get off my back, I'm good by myself I don't need anyone right now.

Oh and I wrote a chapter for a DC FF based on Young Justice, and its as edgy as the Tom King run of Batman.

(Disclaimer: I'm answering through here because I don't want for any of the people who comment feel underappreciated or ignored, and I don't want for the Chapter Comments or Paragraph comments to look like a reddit thread.)

Reviews = R

Chapter Comments = CC

Paragraph Comments = PC

My favorite reviewers!

CanRead: Thanks for the review I am actually really happy that you enjoy even the "boring" moments of Cindy growing and the story moving at a slow pace. Yeah and I'm trying hard to make as if the world around Cindy is bigger than her, such as the life of the people around her and such.

CC (1) I'm not even surprised you caught that! And yes she would be getting a mother figure, and yes I've said it before some people are important. It's great that you enjoy the story so much and here's the next chapter.


ZoneTail: Which anime is that gif from?

CC (1) Sorry I tried updating but my head was killing me.

Magnolia: No problem here's the next chapter! Thanks and now I'm good!

PC (1) It was the 22nd and thank you for the get well wishes. And now you're up here! She's quipy but not really the best at it. I know its kinda sad. I made the change messed it up but I'm scared to do things. She has a scar on her nose and her eyebrow. Yes, three cars or a bus. I actually laughed at the Roll Credits comment.

PC (2) Sorry but here's the next one!

waterworld771: Thanks Its good to see that I did a good job as a writer.

MrGoose: It kinda was touching.

Seang_Sovanra: I hope so.


Disapointment: Thanks for the review, I try to do as much research as I can in order to be realistic and have a little bit more "grit" as they say. Also for each character to change through their lives.


Buklas: While yes, the other story has 18 chapters but its shallow, Cindy is just an empty shell of a person while some things are similar its not as good as this one.

Allofthekills: Thanks! I did a lot of research regarding mental health, I've read a lot of books about that subject and its good that people appreciate my writing. The thing about hitting close to home is what I'm going for, people need to feel like Cindy is a person you can relate to.

Chapter Comments

Daniel_Morris: Its alright if you don't like the story, I mean mental health issues are something really serious, artistic misery is a good way to show feelings. But life is just like this, one mistake after another with some wins along the way.

The_cow: XD

NotSoBigShlong: Holy shit that's amazing art, did you draw it?

homeofthelostqueen: Sorry, but I'm kinda scared to edit since comments get deleted. Maybe I'll fix it, but if you have any questions I can answer without a problem.

Carnom_0626: You're very welcome, Yeah fixed it afterwards. I'm happy that you enjoy the story so far.

MahNameJosh: NO PROBLEM! Here's another.

TheCreatorOfRice: Indeed.

Spamania: :D

PC (1) I laughed at those images. I remember the good old wednesdays of Solo leveling.

recon100035: LMAO you're welcome and you gave me a few ideas for a few funny scenes.

Jhillman: No problem, here's the next one! And I'm back at 100%

PC (1) Sorry, I didn't mean to sound mean, I did it as a joke.

Mylove2D: Here's the next one! Don't worry previews will keep the hype.

Avaritia_0010: First! You're welcome and here's another. Second! If you cried it just means I'm doing a good job as a writer.

Lucifer_Dragneel: Indeed. Slowly she should get better, its not a one day thing. Also its okay, it was just a small scene, bigger scenes will come. And I'm good now!

02MehmetGullu27: Not an episode but here's another chapter.

tomasiva: Al menos te gusto el capitulo, eso es suficiente para mi.

Alcides_Martinez: Hoh boy you're in for a wild ride but I can't say anything since that would be a spoiler.

Scarlet_reaper: I tried for an early chapter, but I couldn't

Mr_H3nt1: Yup, since the algorithm here is. "You update daily or you die." So I'm thinking about previews or I could actually not care... its still up in the air.

Alcides_Martinez: Thanks! I'm great now!

Hi_you_do_this: F.

MLakuru: Maybe, but at that age everyone is.

Paragraph Comments

NotSoBigShlong: Yup, but if I change something all paragraph comments get deleted. So my hands are tied. Yes, chores indeed. The bite did make her look more mature and no, I won't use more paragraphs the make up the story.

AeonCDG: No way cheerleading, thats awesome! Since I used to do a lot of sports the Abs never went anywhere. So thats nice, but after doing gimnastics, I began to do a lot of dance. Its pigeon, yup a type MB.

I know its a little early but eventually you will care for her. I swear it.

DevilAce: Kinda

Mr_H3nt1: Yup but it had to be done. Yes, carne asada was great and thanks for the wishes. LMAO It was sus. The feels do hurt and makes me smile that I'm doing a good job. Sorry that you cried, but things will happen that are harsher than this.

Avaritia_0010: Eventually MUA HA HA.

DirtyBean_Unhappy: Maybe I deleted something.

DevilAce: Thanks! I did try the die thing and it helped me guide a few scenes.

ChikenTortoise: Thank you I had a great time.

Joseph_Crow: Yup

lam_quach: English.

ATAB_MMMM: Ich sprechen Englisch, Spanisch, Japanisch un ein bisschen Dutch.

Emer_Void: Not really a tragedy, just realist as to what is going to happen.

okaayyyyyy: Mental health and conditioning my friend.



WONDAWAE: Yes, only shittier, cause he gets a lot of heartbreak. She gets mental illness by the tons. And no I never disrespected anyone, I follow a few writers and some are great writers.

"Sir, the same person has appeared."


"The girl who and I quote. "Uses the trash version of my tech." Sir."

"Oh, that's right. The girl that stole my tech and kicked a robot so hard it got bisected."

"Yes, it seems this person saved two girls and video evidence on how she works. Social media are calling her Spider-woman."

"A little too on the nose if you ask me. Give me a visual." The video began to play in front of him as he analyzed the fight.

"What is that thing she's firing?"

"From what the NYPD report states, its similar to a hardened threads akin to Kevlar, but for the sake of theme it's been labeled as spider silk, but by the time the sample was sent to the lab it dissolved leaving no way to be analyzed."

"Spider silk? Just who is this person and why isn't she using my tech? "

"I do not know sir."

"Something for another day, keep me updated jay."


"Sir, the samples didn't make it to the lab."


"Yes, the hardened substance dissolved during transport to a lab."

"Is there ANYTHING we have?"

"We have her path."

"Do we know where she went after?"

"No, whoever this girl is she avoided CCTV cameras. But from what we know is she can stick to walls, some buildings that lead all the way here have footprints on floors three and four. The shoe itself we know it's a Nike shoe that is an old model the size of it corresponds to a female confirming her gender."

"Any DNA on the scenes?"

"No sir, impossible to track down with the amount of contamination on the scene."

"Then we're just losing time, I want eyes and ears everywhere. I need to know who she is and what her limits are. We need to know a way to neutralize her the next time she strikes."

"Sir, but didn't she help those girls and the description is similar to the footage Stark showed us."

"Which means we have a range of search. Is there a way to find her?"

"No, we know she's Asian, above average height, black hair and that's it. And CCTV shows us nothing from where she came from or where she went. "

"Then get to what I said!"



"Were here." Erica said as we got out of the car and into a place that I can only hear bugs skittering and birds flapping their wings.

"Why do I feel like I'm about to get mugged?"

"Do we really need to be here? I can smell the rust all the way to here; also there are too many bugs."

"Don't back out now." Alana insisted as we kept walking towards a fence nearby. Alana is the most excited about this as she pulled on the fence door.

"No! It's closed." Noticing the chains that are locking the door by a rusted lock nearby.

"We can break in?"

"No, people can find out. I'll carry you and jump."


"HEY! OVER HERE!" Alana yelled as she motioned to a piece of fence that was already too old to function as a fence and is now a big hole in it.

"Huh, neat." Erica said as they stepped behind me in order for me to go first. Walking into the empty place as the summer heat and the warehouse is empty

The place is relatively a mess, aside from the rust, metal beams just lying around and a few holes in the roof. Give me the ability to conclude this place is a shit hole. A few rats move around the edges from the sound.

"At least this doesn't look like a murder warehouse."

"Why would you say that?"

"Don't know."

"So... Cindy, I remember that were here for you. Go on!" She motioned with a shoo movement from her hands.

"I'm not a dog! And you're the bitch here."

"Yeah, yeah." She shrugged as I sighed.

"Don't take video!" Alana and Mandy placed their phones away but Erica didn't care.

"Really, Erica?"

"Yup, you go girl!" Grumbling in annoyance as I can hear the other two taking out their phones.

"Give me a sec." Taking off the hoodie I'm wearing and shoving the scarf on the pocket, which earned me a wolf whistle from Mandy which made my face heat up slightly and taking a step towards the wall, using the same feeling I use when I'm home, a feeling I'm slowly getting used to. The steel beam is clearly simple and is bolted into the ground. Ever so slowly I'm getting from crawling to walking, the gravity force against my body feels slightly light, but I never notice how it's easily ignorable. Moving to the ceiling is quite easy as I'm getting a little better on moving in the steel beams. After around 15 minutes the voice of Alana pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Now do that silk thingy where you do that swinging thing." Alana yelled out loud.

"It's called web line and Web swinging." I answer back as I'm standing upside down.

"OKAY! NAME PENDING." Alana answers back earning a chuckle from me.

"No it's not!" I yell with a smile as this time I can do the swing in a controlled environment. The first one was terrifying again my stomach drops every time I am about to jump. The memory of the night is clouded by fear and doubt as I was running to save my friends.

"Do it!" Once again I was back on the beam near the roof. With a deep breath I jump letting air leave my lungs as I'm swinging down as the time comes I let go. I can't control my body but as my body flails in the air I can feel my head pounding that I'm about to fall and it will hurt. Aiming upwards and firing the swing began again and fully opening my eyes I'm not safe to do it again. After the first and second I found the rhythm, and slowly I came to get the hold of it.

"NICE!" I did it again and again, but as the next swing came a part of the ceiling came off and sent me falling, the air came out of my lungs in a gasp as I fell from almost the top to the bottom but following the scream in my head the landing rested on my legs. Freezing in place waiting for my legs to break and pain to come, yet nothing came.

"Are you alright?" Mandy asked as I slowly began getting up extending and bending my legs called my attention as they didn't even feel like they hurt.

"I'm." Taking a deep breath as I feel my hands shake a little from the scare. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Adding to the list that height has little effect on you." Erica added.

"That's not how physics work BUT I think that I some height I'll be okay if I land on my feet."

"Now how fast can you run?" Erica added with curiosity in her voice.

"Let's see." I say as with a jump I make it to the edge of the warehouse.

"GO!" Pushing my feet to my limits as my legs burn, in a few seconds I'm on the other side of the warehouse.


"Holy shit."

"How much?" I yelled out as I slowly made my way towards them.

"2.4 seconds."

"How fast is that? Wait how long are warehouses?" Mindy asked as she kept looking at the timer in her phone.

"Well, they're about 197 feet in length and she crosses the entire thing in 2.4 seconds. Give me a sec let me do the math." Instead of moving her fingers, their gaze landed on me.

"Oh right, that's about 90 miles an hour."

"Damn, you can keep up with a car, easily."

"Maybe; so we tested everything out, now we have tested my strength, speed and flexibility. Well, were done here."

"Nope." Alana popped the P as she pointed at the steel beams that are lying around. "Dude that's a steel beam used for construction, you should be able to lift it."

"Why am I doing this again?" Walking towards the beams and easily lifting one over my head without a problem.

"Because you need to be able to tell your limits."

"But I know how to not break stuff." I say as I placed another beam on top of both and webbing them up, and lifting 3 together over my head. At 8 my arms burned at 10 it barely left the ground and my limit is at 11 beams of steel struggling to get them of the ground. My face is absolutely red as I'm fanning myself with my shirt.

"How much weight was that?" I say in between pants as Mandy had the right idea to hand me over a bottle of water.

"It says here that each beam usually used for construction is of 10 x 12 of solid steal weighting around 1 ton each. Which is around eleven tons." Erica said the numbers that gave me an idea of what I can actually lift.

"So my limit is 10 tons, with me reaching my absolute limit."

"Well you could carry a small bus, or a helicopter."

"Why are you guys so insistent on me carrying such things? I have strength but not really a way to use it."

"Cause you're going to be helping other and kicking butt." Alana's voice states it like I would be doing that. My chest burns from the pain as my I clutch my hands on my palms.

"Why are we here again?" I ask the same question as before. "Why are we here doing this? Testing and experimenting."

"Well, I was thinking that what you did was really heroic. So were doing this so you know what to do when you're out there!" Mandy added as she stood beside me.

"No, that was a one-time thing! I am not a hero, why would I stick my neck for people I will never see again."

"Then leave victims to die?" Alana said with an accusatory tone.

"They were fine without me, I'm fine not helping anyone."

"Then, what? You reacted knowing what to do in order to save us." Alana is defending a side that I'm completely against as my anger is getting the best of me.

"But you're my friends... they're street rondos. I won't argue about this with you." My voice is wrapped in venom.

"But, what about-"

"NO, Alana. I can't do that for everyone. It was a one-time thing no more, no less." I stomp on the ground as it cracks under my strength.

"Then what if you see people on the street?! Will you help? Let the persons at home waiting for their mom to come home and they don't!"

"Yes, It will always be me first, myself second and I at third."

"Then why do you have those powers? Huh, what you did before, that made me come home to my dad and my brothers. Back then I lost hope; I thought that my life was absolutely over."

"But it was because you're my friend."

"No, you said on the way here that you did it because you had the power to do it. You're wasting your powers."

"They're not getting wasted! I'm doing my hardest to survive! I don't need to go out there call myself a hero and help people."


"NOT GETTING WHAT?" My answer comes immediately as she just glares at me.

"IF YOU DO WHAT YOU DID, THEN OTHERS WOULDN'T LOSE THEIR MOMS!" Alana screamed at my face as tears ran down her eyes. I couldn't speak as the revelation came through. "You punched someone across the street, lifted a ton of steel like it's a pillow. You have a gift and you're wasting it, doing nothing."

"You don't get it, I learned to survive and not using my powers keeps me safe." The silence in the warehouse made everyone take note that this was over. The message in the air is clear as no one said anything, everyone left with me riding the subway and the bus to get home. The sun is reaching the end of the day as the walk to my apartment leaves me in deep thought, the argument, my powers getting wasted, but I'm sixteen, I only want to have a roof over my head, food in my stomach and a life ahead of me. 'I don't need to be a superhero; I don't need to be something more than Cindy Moon. I DON'T NEED THAT.' The groceries I stopped for distract me a bit as I'm thinking on what to cook for dinner.

"Look man, I don't want trouble." That calls my attention as I hear a gun getting loaded.

"Oh, but I do." Turning left I see the other dude, the one that was bothering me and he looks worse than the last time. But this time he's holding the other guy at gun point. 'Not my problem, keep moving and your head down.'

"Please man, I have a wife, she's pregnant. Just take the money." His voice is terrified as his accent is thick.

"How do I know you won't snitch? Huh, I need my shit and-" The other guy crashed against a metal dumpster.

"Here's everything I have, just let me go." The man is scared but I can't tune them out completely, the sound of coins falling in the ground makes me uncomfortable as my feet keep going.

"You have that Mexican wife, right? The fat one? Maybe I'll take a swing by."

"Please, just take the money man."

"Hmm, no, give me your keys. I know where you live and I know when she comes home." 'It's not your problem. IT'S NOT YOURS.' My mind screams as my neck itches under the scarf.

"Nah, ah. DONT MOVE! Stop or I'm shooting you, then I'm killing that Mexican bitch you live with."

"You can't do this, people will notice."

"I don't care, maybe that Asian chick as well, the one your undocumented wife helped, and I know when she comes home and where she lives."

"Please don't shoot man! I can get you more money, I'm living on paycheck to paycheck but I can get you more." I can hear the gun moving out of a jacket and a gasp of breath. The itch becomes unbearable as the pull to do something makes me think about the one-time thing; the images of that kind woman crying about her husband and a kid growing up without a father. Families waiting for the people they love not coming home, when someone could've done something. What are powers for? Alana's words ring in my head 'IF YOU DO WHAT YOU DID, THEN OTHERS WOULDN'T LOSE THEIR MOMS!' Without realizing I'm already on the rooftop, my groceries are beside me on the floor.

"Guess I have to do this." With a jump I'm easily on the other side of the street, above them. I can see the gun and notice that this will get ugly fast.

"I already gave you every of value. Just leave man."

"No, you'll go to the pigs and I'll end up in the can. But if you're dead, no one will know." Walking to the edge and sticking on my feet standing to the wall.

"I will." I try to sound not too menacing as in letting them know I'm here. The gun gets pointed at me. "Who are you?" The other guy was about to move to tackle him, but the gun gets pointed at him again.

"Don't move man." Then points the gun at me. "You too spider chick." The guy seems stressed out and he looks absolutely trigger happy. His gaze leaves me as gun is pointed to the other guy again and I push myself using the wall as my support.

Pushing my body towards the ground I kick the gun, only for a scream to tear through the alley, with a shove using my shoulder into his chest I felt a crack as I sent that creepy dude crashing into a trashcan. He groaned as he laid on his back, I now notice the finger where he had on the trigger is in an entire different direction from his hand. "Shit." Noticing the gun is barely on his hand as it hangs on the clearly broken finger. Walking towards the creepy dude, who is now groaning and I notice that his right shoulder is dislocated.

"Hey." The tone of the man is shy as he steps backs.

"You alright?" I ask with as much confidence as I can, which surprisingly comes easy.

"Yes, thank you, uh, spider girl? Right?" A groan escapes my throat as I'm trying to play it off lightly so he can relax.

"No, that's an awful and stupid name. Also too on the nose if you ask me." I hear a groan and the click of a gun immediately I shoot at the gun with a burst of natural web making his other hand stick to the wall a gunshot sounds off but the web covering the barrel barely moves. 'Huh, so that's a thing.' My gaze of admiration at how strong my natural web is.

"That comes out of you?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, but... My name is" looking at the silk on the creep's hand.

"And what do I call you? You're a superhero. Like Iron Man and Hulk." My gaze steels as this life, someone has to do it... I need to help people like him, also it does feel nice that people look at me with appreciation, he clearly does right now.

"Silk, I'm... Silk. Call the police, tell them what happened, also that thing gets dissolved in an hour." He just stares with a dumb look.

"Thank, you." He says as I just smile his way I hope my eyes transmit that message and with a powerful jump I'm on the rooftop, waiting for the cops to show up. Eventually they do and soon after I'm running from rooftop to rooftop until with a wide jump as the avenue comes closer I jump and the freedom of the fall makes me gasp as happiness appears on my face as I fire a webline to the other side of the street, it's uncontrolled again but as the next one comes I'm getting the hang of it.

As the intersection comes as bus honks as I'm swinging twisting my body and using one hand as a support and with perfect control I'm above the bus which ends up with me sitting down as a guy with a phone is pointing at me recording. I wave at him with my fingers as I fire a webline from them and pull sending me shooting towards the next building.

I can hear the police sirens as a car is driving recklessly. "Guess it's time for my debut." With a flick of my wrist and a swing from my legs I'm running after them as well.

The SUV seems to be creating trouble for them, bystanders are in danger. Noticing someone frozen in place as the SUV comes his way. Running faster and jumping to the nearest building, taking aim at his back a strand of web is on his back as I pull him out of the way. I catch him. "Got Cha." He keeps screaming "Here you go." I put him down on the sidewalk as people gawk and he keeps screaming his lungs out. Ruffling his hair I'm on the move again as with a bound in my step that cracked the ground. Using both hands I pull myself towards the car chase. 'How can I do this?' I wonder to myself as I notice the people in the car opening a window as a man with an assault rifle and begin to spray police cars making them press the brakes. 'They didn't notice me.'

I can hear the faint sound of a helicopter and if I'm not mistaken a big avenue is coming up; doing quick math in my head if my idea works then it should work.

I kept running with the building getting to the other side I launched another web line across the street after I had a clear shot I calculated roughly around the turn and speed I would have I jumped as the car turned shooting a webline at a light pole I swung myself holding on for dear life and landed on the roof of the car with a "Thump".

My now dubbed thanks to Erica Silk sense went off and I dodged left avoiding the bullets that went through the roof.

"THAT WAS CLOSE!" I yelled as I flipped onto the hood. "Stop the car or you will regret shooting me!" Instead of doing as I said two of them pointed their guns at me I looked to see them about to run straight into a crossing street that had a lot of people.

"OH, COME ON!" I yelled as I returned to the roof avoiding the shots and to have an advantage point there's a way out of this come on, come ON, come ON! THERE!' Jumping from the car I shot two web lines from my webshooters in front of the car at the street and using my organic ones at the two building from each side of the street, pressing them together to make a wire as I fired another two five finger lines at the defense of the car making sure to not hit the hood and if I'm correct the line should hit the underside of the car and stick to the bumper.

Avoiding the gun shots as I landed on the street immediately bringing both hands down over my shoulders with a yell, as the web stuck to the ground, in less than a second the car crashed into the web the web lines pulled in the upwards direction making the four lines to tense as luckily nothing broke I looked behind me and saw that the car stopped in its tracks and is hanging on the middle of the street. Hanging by the webs stuck in the buildings.

Three people fell of different parts of the SUV, as a rifle fell on the ground. "Yoink!" With a chirpy yell I the rifle got stuck in the ground.

"That was mine!" He groaned as he struggled to get up and fell again on his face.

"Was, as in past tense!" To shut him up I shot a web at him to restrain him, which ended in all three people getting restrained without an issue.

"THAT WORKED?!" I yell aloud as I celebrate with both hands in the air and a small hop. "LETS GO!" Another body falls to the ground from the SUV holding a rifle. Before he gets up he's already webbed up to the ground.

"No you don't."

"You fucking bi-" He gets a face-full of web.

"Shh, kids are watching." I quip as a police car stops from several directions.

"Hands in the air spider girl!" I groan as I turn towards them, which are 2 officers pointing their guns at me.

"It's not spider girl! That's demeaning and lame!" I slam my foot in annoyance. "It's Silk!"

"I don't care about your name I care about-" With a jump Im three stories high and swinging away.

"It's Silk! Remember that!" I yell put as I swing away.

Looking from afar as more police vehicles arrive on the scene to restrain those people, the ones who were close seemed to take pictures. A helicopter is in front of me. 'OH shit, forgot about him.' I signal a salute with 2 fingers as I jump from the skyscraper, hands behind my back as freedom of the fall makes me feel like I'm an entirely different person as the fall doesn't feel like a fall and similar to me rising. After the chase of the helicopter that decided to not chase after me after a certain height a smile didn't leave my face. As my home got closer I unzipped my hoodie and picked up the groceries but not before I made a phone call.


"You were right."


"You were right... So I'm doing this."

"But you said-"

"I know, but this time, people need me and if I can do something then. It's up to me"

"That's awesome! Be careful."

"Always am."

"Sure you are."

Entering the building I notice mail for me, and that fat pervert isn't here. Noticing the nice envelope name on it made me realize what it was. The letter from Columbia, it's here. Rushing to the mailbox I grab it, GOD please. JUST THIS ONCE! LET ME HAVE THIS! Reaching my apartment as fast as I can, opening the door and closing it carefully opening the envelope and reading its content. 'Thank you for your submission, but as of this moment you cannot sign yourself up for the interview regarding scholarship. Until the semester of spring 2011. You can consult more information in the following number and the phone number. Best regards.'

So fuck you see you next year, maybe. "FUCK." I groan as I end up on the couch my groceries forgotten, but there is hope for me, maybe.

"Yesterday a high speed chase straight out of a movie happened through the streets of East Harlem into the appearance of a woman who people refered too as Spider Woman. But sources from the scene, videos, police and witness statements say that this woman in question identifies herself as Silk." The anchorwoman glances over to the scowl his partner shows.

"After that debate we had, this is just a call to action for people with superpowers to do what they want. It's not long before she screws up, not like Iron Man."

"Not necessarily, are you saying that because she's a girl? She did go out of her way to save people in danger."

"No, I'm saying that Iron Man-"

"Tony Stark just intervenes in tech related events, you remember the Stark Expo? I didn't see him during Hulks disaster in Harlem fighting that abomination."

"It was a few days later, I'm sure he couldn't have helped there. Besides, I'm sure you're familiar with vigilantism and like our guest said last time, it's a crime, this person is untrained and that power in a woman is frightening for sure. Wouldn't want to be her boyfriend when it's that time of the month." He exhaled as if in relief, the camera zoomed in towards her facial expression of complete disbelief. A few gasps call my attention as silence ruled over the small sandwich shop.

"Holy shit, he actually said it. That dude is crazy to say that out loud. I mean, poor dude whoever is dating her." Ethan said as he kept his head down counting the olives he's putting in the footling he's making.

"You DO know women don't work that way, right?" Replying to him comes easy as I remove the sandwich from the hot plastic tray.

"I know, but you're not really a girl. Like you are but you look like a dude most of the time." Turning to the costumer. "What vegetables would you like?"

"Everything but olives." She says as she turns to the news anchors that are now arguing.

"Gee, thanks for that." I answer as he is separating cheese slices.

"Not like that, I mean. You like Basketball and play videogames."

"And I'm supposed to like dresses, make up and shoes?" I snap back at him as he is turning on the small oven.

"That'll be, 3.99." the costumer hands me a ten. 'Oh fuck you.'

"Mam, do you have a smaller bill?" She looks me in the eye; she didn't bother to check her purse.


"Alright then." I could take a page from Erica's book and pay her in quarters but I need change so. "Here you go, have a good day." I hand over the sub as he takes his out of the oven.

"So how about you and I go to the movies Friday?" The woman and the guy he's attending to, both grimace.

"I thought I wasn't a girl."

"Bro, let it rest." A chuckle left me as I kept working; maybe helping people is a good thing.