
Chapter 16 Marvel's The Avengers Part 2

Welp, I absolutely expected this to happen. This platform went to hell (it already was) so I'm going to move the story to different places.

IM COMING HOME!! On FF DOT NET under the same name. In the Movies /Avengers section, the rating will be M.

Also I'll be on


And Scribblehub.

Everything will be under Lightblade23.

Thank you everyone for your support over here since January.

Everything under the same name.

So I hope my readers enjoy this last chapter as it is the end and the beginning to other sites that aren't as full of monetization, greedy writers, useless points, stolen works and poorly translated works.

To all my haters that stuck around. I hope you find a meaning in life aside from review bombing Fanfictions.



Chapter 16

"There!" I announced as the gigantic arc reactor is now functional. Adding the last push to the connecting piece and closing the circuit.

"Readings?" I feel so excited, I mean I'm seeing the most beautiful invention ever in a big scale, with ideal building materials all working because I did it. My own hands built this reactor, which is powerful and glowing with beauty and I love it.

"10 tera watts per hour."

"Kick start it when I say it!" I said as I walked forward placing the crude made gold clamps from two of my reactors that are connected to both the ground and a gold bar with silver clamps.

Placing the golden clamp the reactors began to glow. "NOW!" The gold bar changed color from bright yellow to orange to red and turned black as the energy moving through it was too high.

But just as it began it stopped, my small reactors dimmed its glow, but a few seconds after the glow returned yet not as bright as they once were.

Yet that was barely noticeable as the room is now basked in that beautiful light blue glow coming from my invention. Not gonna lie I'm a little turned on by how beautiful it is. "My god." Selvig said as I just smugly looked at him proving that I'm better than him. My mask covers my lips and nose but my eyes can speak large quantities and annoying him is a sport for me at this point.

"Tripling of cycles was successful. Power at 30 Tera Watts per hour." The assistant said as my king walked into the room.

"Is it done?" I knelt immediately as he turned to me followed by the rest doing the same.

"Yes my king. I went above and beyond. The power source is at 30 rather than the 20 that were requested." He gave a light approving nod making me giddy with happiness. His hand got placed in my head. I flinched at the touch reminding me of how humans can be cruel. But he began to pet my hair like if I was a pet as I leaned in to his touch as it comforted me.

"Well done, Silk." I am now squealing lightly as he kept doing it. The sound of something breaking made him stop and turning to the origin of the sound. Which was now Clint holding a broken arrow in one hand.

"My apologies my king, this arrow was faulty." He said making me realize I am now kneeling beside my king close to his leg almost hugging it. Making a fool out of myself as an apology followed.

"I am sorry my King." I said as I retuned to my spot.

"Impressive, for a child." Selvig said as he stood up holding a tablet.

"Oh I'm sorry professor Selvig, but I'm already done with my task. You're still in the same place you were a day ago." His left eye narrowed in exasperation which only inspired me to keep annoying him.

"And yet my contribution will be bigger than what you can ever do in your life." He scoffed as I noticed my king taking a seat in a nearby crate.

"Oh sorry, who asked for a power source? While the other went to read to the corner?"

"Oh please, you barely built the minimum necessary to open a small door."

"You gave me a number and I achieved it."

"I did." I smugly look at him as he scowls he really is not that good at a verbal spar.

"The old generation is falling behind old man."

"Old? I'm only forty eight."

"Yup, I said it, one step inside the coffin."

"You should respect people smarter than you."

"Oh, that's what you are? I'm not sorry, but who is living in the theoretical and has a job as a teacher."

"It's not theoretical! All my research led to Thor and Loki."

"And yet my most beautiful creation lights everything here. While your theory will be there in a scribble in a piece of paper." His face is openly red and into a scowl.

"You only know how to build that, while my name makes ripples while yours only works against crooks. I'm not surprised you were homeless." Now it's my turn to scowl as I took a step forward ready to punch him, he smirked as he took a step back in fright.

"SILENCE! BOTH OF YOU." Both of us shut our mouths as our king is now openly staring at us with a pale face that worries me.

"I'm sorry my king. My king are you feeling alright?" My king pauses as he takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Yes, I am fine." He hold his scepter tighter. "And you Silk, no need to worry about me. Now what do we need Doctor Selvig for the device to work?"


"Do you know where to get it?" My king asked as he stared at Selvig. But Clint is standing beside me with a tablet in hand.

"In a vault in Stuttgart, Germany, in a private research facility called Schafer Cherreit Sotens which a certain Doctor Henrich Schafer has in a vault."

"Why do we need this?" I can't help but ask as I stare at the picture of the rock and the man in the screen tablet.

"It's an element found in meteorites, it forms anti-protons. It's very hard to get hold of." Barton nods

"Especially if SHIELD knows you need it." Barton says as our king looks at all of us.

"Well, I didn't know." Doctor Selvig turns to our king. "This is wonderful. The Tesseract has shown me so much. It's- it's more than knowledge, it's truth." I know. It, ah- it touches everyone differently." He turn to Clint "What did it show you Agent Barton?"

"My next target." Then he turns to me.

"And you?"

"How everything is better when someone tells you what to do. And provides food and a place to live." I admitted as my king smirked. "Also, from you know the money we stole, can I have like a few hundred thousand?"

"Child, you must not worry about money, when I conquer this place you won't have to worry about going hungry or without a home." My king said as I just nodded and relaxed.

But we were interrupted by Selvig laughing. "You two got no soul. No wonder you chose this, this tomb to work in." Selvig walks back to the machine he was working on. As both Clint and I glare at him, Clint looks ready to kill Selvig.

"I see why Fury chose you to guard the Tessaract and him." My king says to Clint.

"You're going to have to contend with him sir. As long as he's in the air, I can't pin him down. And he'll be putting together a team." A small headache rushes to my head giving me images of six people.

"Are they a threat? My king asks with doubt.

"To each other more than likely. But if Fury can get 'em on track, and he might, they could throw some noise our way."

"You admire Fury."

"He's got a clear line of sight." I held back from chiming in.

"Is that why you failed to kill him?"

"It might be. I was disoriented, and I'm not at my best with a gun." Clint avoids his gaze.

"I want to know everything you can tell me about this team of his. I would- test their mettle." Barton nods. "I am weary of scuttling in shadow. I mean to rule this world, not burrow in it."

"That's a risk"

"If you're set on making yourself known. I could be useful."

"Tell me what you need." Clint walks over to a small case, opens it, then takes out his bow. He flicks it open.

"I need a distraction, you." He points at me and turns to our king. "And an eyeball"

"Very well, time to move. Silk, you have your upgraded gear?" I nod as my improved webshooters that are no longer made of trash and have an improved nozzle are sitting comfortably in the table my reactors that I had to change materials as well.


"Good we move in ten minutes. In the way I will give you the rundown of the team Fury is assembling."

"Get everything ready as I come up with a plan to make sure they don't become a problem later on."


Six hours later we're near Stuggart. "Approaching drop zone." The pilot says as Clint and I nod to each other. We know the plan for our king to be captured and cause chaos among the team and SHIELD while we steal the material needed for that dumbass. "I see one guard in the entrance, probably shield, because of the high caliber rifles."

"I take one on the roof, you take the one on the ground." I say as he notches an arrow. "Actually, no killing." I say as he nods and lowers his arrow. Taking a run stance, I'm off like a bullet not holding back on speed as an arrow flies and hits a wall pulling the attention of the two guards. With a jump I'm on staring at the guard who is turning to stare at me in surprise. His eyes wide as a webline hits his face yanks him towards me and pulling me towards him. A quick punch to the face and he's out like a light.

In a second I jump down and using my webshooter fire two small shots at the feet of the unsuspecting guard who tries to lift his rifle but I'm already on his shoulders. A crack of both clavicles makes it clear he won't be able to fight and a punch to the face and he's out. With a yank from a webline at his feet and he's now in cocoon of web stuck to the wall. We walk in as if nothing happened, Clint joins me as he smirks at me, we keep walking as the others are now taking out the guards.

Fifteen minutes later and we're on the vault door. The device in place as we're already set up. I'm stuck to the wall out of sight if anyone wants to stop us. Shortly after the vault opens and we have what we need. "We have what we need, time to go." He says as we all nod in agreement and move towards the extraction point. I stopped a guard from shooting at me with a burst of shots from my new webshooters he ended up as mummy whit holes to breathe.


We deliver the Iridium to Selvig. "Doctor Selvig, here is what you need."

"Aha, this and now we can move the portal once it opens with the bigger reactor. We will use it once we have the order." Selvig says as everything is loaded up into a truck, I gave them directions on the map on how to get to Stark Tower faster."

"So you needed more power?"

"Yes, to kickstart the reaction, before it becomes self-sustaining. But the cube will eventually power down, that's why we need the one you make, to hold it open constantly. Unless our king decides to close it which he will have to cut the power using his scepter after a shield of pure energy appears to protect it. Said shield is powered by your reactor."

"So you made them sync with each other when the energy becomes self-sufficient."

"Yes, but that's in theory, but I'm never wrong in these types of situations."

"Hah, theory." I say to spite him. But he scoffs as he gets on inside the truck with 2 mercenaries driving and an scientist follows him to the inside of the truck. Everything gets tripled check as I kiss my giant reactor goodbye as it gets loaded into the truck.

"Rest up, we have to take out his team of Avengers. We leave at sunrise." Clint says to me as I nod at him and after a hefty dinner that a guy complained that I ate too much which I only had to fire web at his mouth and just as we were about to start a fight Clint stepped in to stop a fight from starting.

"Ready?" Clint asks me as we're in the jet and approaching contact with the enemy in the Helicarrier as Clint calls it. Everyone else is checking ammo, guns as I just make sure to cover my face and fix the tightness in my webshooters.


"You're in charge of making sure they don't fix this ship, delay them and come back for extraction.

When I give you the signal. Understood?" I sigh in annoyance at the fourth time he tells me this.

"Ugh, yes Dad!" He smirks as the back door of the (what I just learned is a) quinjet opens. He extends his bow and notches an arrow. The quinjet flies as if to take landing and with a click of a button an engine blow up. Whistle in surprise as an entire wing falls to the ocean.

We land in the runway and we're on the move, I take point as everyone aim in possible exits from shield agents. I fire a webline at the top of the vent and I jump inside taking vent with me. A un unsuspecting agent looks at me in surprise but with a flick of my wrist a high impact web shot nails him to the wall and renders him unable to move. Placing the end of the webline in the floor one by one the mercenaries fall inside. "Keep that engine down!" He points to the left and I nod as the mercs follow me. "Detention, wait for things to go dark-" I'm too far away to even listen to him give other orders.

As we move through the corridors, I'm making sure to leave a few cool webbed up statues of people struggling. Until we reach the opening, with a whistle that I can barely pull off since I can't physically do it, I take note of the damage. Clint made. I hear the sound of a grenade blowing up.

Followed by a piece of metal getting imbedded into the exit towards the incoming wind.

"Cover the entries I'll take care of who I think is there." I say as I see cap about to throw someone out into the sea. With a push the guy goes flying into the air but a webline catches him in the back preventing him from falling with a pull he's on the floor safely-ish. He's unconscious.

"I don't want to fight."

"Yeah, I'm here to stop you from fixing that." I say as I fire web at him but he takes two leaps and is now rolling to get a gun, 'Shit.' I duck for cover as bullets come my way, but thankfully those mercs are useful and provide cover fire. With a jump and using a webline to get launched at the super soldier I deliver a frontal kick at his stomach which makes him loose balance as he steps into a piece of walkway that trips him back and he ends up holding to a piece of cable. As we're slowly falling down the falling stops. But I hear the sound of someone in pain as the sound of metal colliding violently with metal reached my ears.

But as I see Captain America hanging from a wire, I shoot a webline at his hand so he can pull himself. I'm not letting someone die. Pulling the the big red lever I notice Iron Man now free from the confines of the turbine. As the Captain is now standing in front of me he raises his fists in a boxing stance and walks forward. "I'm not fond of hitting dames." He says as he gets closer.

"I'm not." I responded as he goes for a punch that I easily avoid. Grab him by the collar of his suit and send him into the door that I exited previously where other soldiers are waiting. Denting the metal. As he has one of the soldiers aiming his automatic rifle at him. Iron Man bursts in and tackles the closest soldier knocking him out. Followed by 2 blasts that knock the other 2 down.

With a jump and a few steps I stand on the edge of the door as I take notice of the captain still lying down and breathing hard. "Is grandpa in need for a nap? Did you take your medicine?" Then captain stands up right beside Iron Man both look at each other then at me.

"Silk, we know you don't want to do this." Iron Man says as he looks at me.

"Because you know everything? Hey if I punch you hard enough do bills start coming out? I'm kinda broke at the moment." I say as I run at them with a jump go over the Captain's head using his shoulders as a springboard. Only to deliver a kick at his back sending him to the ground.

With a dodge to the left I dodge a repulsor blast. Then to the right, as I jump and sticking to the roof I kick his faceplate. Sending him to the ground.

"Damn, not even pennies." Groaning aloud as both of them stand up. Taking the stance I learned from Clint and a few things I picked up from training with the mercs.

"Are you always this annoying?" Iron Man says as he charges both repulsors.

"Yes! I try." I reply as the Captain runs at me while Iron Man walks. Dodging left from a punch followed by a kick that I quickly duck under. A web to the face, followed by grabbing metallic hand from punching my face, I begin to apply pressure as the metal under my hand groans and bends.

Kicking at his left shin he falls to one knee as I punch the faceplate. Followed by web to his face and floor to keep him there.

Jumping in a backflip and sticking to the roof dodging a drop kick from the captain that hits Iron Man straight in the chest sending both of them careering into the ground.

"Sorry." The captain says as he helps Iron man get up.

"She's toying with us." Yes, I am!

"Hello~" wiggling my fingers at them I can feel their stares.

"Go low I'll go high." Iron Man says as I run at them this time. I feel the my silk senses flare up as Iron Man takes a small glide to deliver an uppercut while the captain lunges at me. Moving towards them and taking a small jump I attempt to roll between them. Dodging the uppercut but the lunge not so much his body collides sending me into the ground.

He grapples immediately. But I'm stronger than him and with an elbow to the side he groans as I get immobilized. Lifting my hand to my face I move my head as I shoot at the face behind me. He slacks his grip as I get up and grabbing his leg I use him as a weapon and throw him at the incoming piece of metal that has a person inside.

"OMG! I'm going to call the nurse, grandpa and his friend are on the floor." I hear a groan coming from behind as I walk away my earpiece begins to sound off.

"Mission complete, package secure going to extraction." I sigh as I stare at the two people trying to get up. "Well this should be enough time. No wonder my king beat you. Now I need to regro-" moving my head to the left as I block a kick from the captain, only for him to grapple me, immobilizing me. I keep struggling but I can't shake him off as his strength is making me actively fight him. I receive a head-butt that I can't dodge to he back of the head making me stumble and get a headache as he is now in a full body grapple.

"Now!" He yells as my senses tell me to dodge but I can't as I receive a uni-beam to the stomach. Sending both of us into the wall behind us. He groans as I feel a lot of pain in my stomach.

"That one hurt." I groan out as I slowly get up, using my elbows to stand up.

"Yeah, were kind of busy at the moment Romanoff. We're dealing with a pest problem. Got any idea how to stop her?" Placing one foot in front of the other and standing up as pain is now not making it able to stand.

"You're not taking me down, so easily." I pant in pain as I raise both hands in the basic stance.

"Hit on the head." Is all I hear as I'm suddenly in a bear hug made of metal.

"Let me go! I'm calling HR!" I joke as I struggle but it's doing little my senses yell to dodge.

"Hold her steady! I'm sorry about this." I hear the captain say as I keep trying to wiggle out of this position. Only for a red gloved punch to hit my cheek sending me into a metal wall as the bear hug ends. Which end up with me smacking my head into it making everything around me be back to that darkness that I'm used to.


I'm standing in the same grassy field only that now it's broken again.

The girl is crying as the dress is changing from white to red, faster than before; the man no longer has a face, only thing there is his jacket.

"What?" The girl is crying as her back is bleeding again.

"What happened?" I ask aloud.

"Well, it was nice to speak to you." The man said, his voice distorted.


The girl is squirming in the ground as the entire place is crumbling, the edges of the void increase and they fall to the void. "Be st-" His voice stops as I can see the girl clearly the dress is now covered in mud and blood as her face is my own. "Make it stop! IT HURTS!" The man walks forward and pushes me. Making me fall into the void, the feeling of falling wakes me up immediately. As memories fly out of my grasp, the only thing I hear is a scream as I wake up.


Well this was all for Webnovel. It was a fun-ish ride, I chose this place because it was easier to write in the app but the app is horrible. Endless notifications, comments are censored, the endless amount of hate.

Also how everything is ranked here, its a mess. So peace out and I'll see you in other platforms.

All the info is up there and in the next chapter.