
Chapter 12

Woah, holy shit. This fic got bigger than I thought it would.

What I don't understand are the power ranking. Like I had 166 on Thursday, placing me in 34th place in the biannual power ranking between 2 stories having 152 and 171.

Oh wait NVM, that was for male lead characters. Holy shit does male lead dominate in this site. I'm 2nd place in PS monthly and 4th place All time. Since the story came out.

Which brings me back to the fact that this place is dominated by guys that look at women in a certain way. Don't get me wrong they're a good smut, but that's about it

ALSO I NEED A FAVOR!! I need you guys to tell me if there are any plot holes in the story. If you're up for it answer it here as a paragraph comment.

NO ANSWERS this time, since next chapter is the end of the first volume and a jump into the first Avengers Movie. Oh! and let me explain a bit as to what comes after this "Volume"

It's going to be:

Marvels Avengers (This is written)

Silk: The Movie (This is one is written as well)

Iron Man 3 (Some parts)

Thor: The Dark World (NOTHING)

Captain America and The Winter Soldier (I have a few ideas already as well as the aftermath of the fall of Shield)

Every movie will have an impact on Cindy and the world changes as the story moves forward. So yeah, the story moves as the movie events happen.

Longer chapters are a NO GO since it seems some people get lost and lose the string of events. Also some exposition is needed, since it seems some readers need to be absolutely spoon fed information. But I won't, cause that'll be lazy and go against my pride as a writer.

Chapters will vary between 6-8K in word length. Else some people get confused and fill the comments with things that were addressed in the chapter.

THIS ONE IS short in my opinion 6.7 K. words.


Chapter 12 Form 2

After a night of crying, I feel refreshed. Like those problems I was carrying don't seem so bad. Like I had a way to move forwards, maybe just maybe life doesn't seem so bad.

As everyone began to get ready, some jokes were thrown around for good measure. I felt a genuine laugh rise up my throat which ended in me snorting again and everyone laughed as well. It feels so weird to laugh.

A knock on the door makes us stop and look at the door. "Hello? It's Michael, Cindy... Are you awake?"


"We need to talk." I felt a chill run down my back, as a hand comes onto my back, pushing me forward.

"S-sure." Comes my answer as I step out of the room and into the hallway with him.

We walked into a room that is right beside ours. He takes a seat in the closest chair and motions me to as well.

"Cindy... I'm not angry... I don't know how to talk about this. But... for me to know what goes on in that noggin of yours." I feel my hands clench hard enough to crush steel. I took a deep breath and with a heavy heart a lot of pauses I spoke about why that happened, I was on the verge of a few panic attacks. I finished the story when I told the story of how I got to meet him. Avoiding the obvious topic of powers on that puberty hit me, but I decided to put effort into looking as unsightly as I could.

"Jesus fuck. I, ah." He paused clearly thinking about what he's going to say. "I'm so sorry, I used to- I. My parents and my entire family disowned me and stopped all communication with me when I came out of the closet. I thought they would be happy that I found who I was." He sighed. "But that was me and sure I got sad, but that's nothing compared to what happened to you, you're strong.

You, I didn't know that you live by yourself, that you endured so much and yet you're such a good and kind and sweet person. I'm sorry that you lived through that, if I knew I would've intervened or done something... I'm sorry, I'm acting unprofessional." He said as he wiped his tears that came out during my story.

"I know about those." I flinched as he mentioned them.

"Did she say anything?" I ask referring to the woman who does my clothing; I actually don't know her name.

"Yeah, Maddy told me about them... If you noticed there are no back or shoulder shots of you." He paused. "Listen Cindy; I care about you not because you bring me money but because when I look at you, you remind me of my sister. She and I don't get along always but we used to be very close. She didn't know about me and she was repulsed by that idea." Why would they be mad he's gay? Isn't he alive... wait am I gay? No, I don't think so... I mean I love Mandy but...

"I'm sorry." Came my reply as my I derailed that train of thought on purpose.

"Don't be sorry, my family made their decisions."

"Oh, right. If its anything, I'm happy you're you, it's nice to be appreciated."

"This is what I mean, I'm wallowing in self-pity and yet you're comforting me. How do you do it?"

"I just think about those times I was alone, and how I would wish for someone to come help me. And well I try to be nice since anger doesn't lead anywhere... it's stupid and immature to be angry at the world when it goes against your plans. If that was me I would be an edge lady that dressed in black in used a stupid amount of black eyeliner." That seems to cheer him up as he laughed.

"Guess you're right. When I took you in, you seem lost and when I met you as a person I thought you were not made for this. You had, still have this look of deep sadness. That I know you can't really get rid of; you have to grow up for that. But I'm trying so that you can stand on your feet and be the best person you can be."

"Thanks Michael."

"No problem Cindy." He stood up and wiped his tears with a small napkin I handed to him. He clapped twice. "Now, you need to get ready! Chop chop. We have a hard day ahead and I have to make sure any of you are ready for the runway in case something happens." He leaned in and whispered to me. "Between me and you, something does happen."

"If that happens can you give them a chance over me?"

"Sure, but that's not up to me, it's up to the people in charge. Prepare for battle."

"Then it will be a bloodbath."

"At least it's not acting, those are actual death matches, and thank god you don't want to be an actress... actually I can set something up, would you be interested in-."

"No, I'd rather stay a model. It's more fun and I want be an engineer so there's that."

"Thank god."


Turns out one of the models had slept with the boyfriend of another, followed by said other sleeping with two guys who in turn were in a relationship with 2 other models. The rumor mill went crazy after the screaming of 2 girls followed by another 2 and then a free for all broke out between the four.

It was funny as hell, four 23 to 26 year olds fighting in their underwear scratching pulling and slapping each other as they screamed and people tried separating them. I laughed at the fact that it seems that there is an explicit rule to not hitting the face. But it got ugly really fast. "Okay, that's enough." A female guard said grabbing the closest one to her by the bicep lightly and lifting.

"Ouch! Hey! I bruise easily." She said as she's now on her feet. Not long after other guards came in.

"What is going on?"

"This slut slept with my-"

"I don't give a shit; you're both out of here." A man wearing a grey suit said in a stern tone.

"You can't do that; do you know who I am?"

"Don't know don't care."

"I'm the face of The Ford. I'm the only super model here."

"I can see that, but I'm in charge and you as well as those three. Are fired." He said as he looked at her with disinterest.

"You can't replace me!"

"I already did, Stark Industries High Fashion. Get ready; you're tagging in, the four of you." He turned towards us. "And ...You!" He pointed at me.

"Yes?" I stepped forwards as I lowered my head.

"You're taking her place." I just nodded.

"Understood." I replied as I walked by them and towards the hustle and bustle of people working Michael was already receiving directions for the four of us.

"Wait." I stop in my tracks and turn to the voice of the guy. "You I need you to wear the outfit; it's a dress that's bound to take the attention. I need you to take off that shirt. Don't look at me like that, my husband is more attractive." Oh okay then.

"Hmm, ugh. What happened? Did you get thrown into a box with nails and glass?"

"Yes, I did." That seemed to shut him up. As I felt my stomach churn, but channeling a bit of Silk confidence I'm able to hold his gaze and keep my back straight as confidence swelled inside me.

"I like you. MAKEUP! SET HER UP! Yes! My dear you will send a message to the world of fashion and modeling, even the world! Look at female empowerment at the moment with that superhero out there."


"Yeah, feminism is at its highest point right now."

"I didn't know."

"Hon, you're leaving under a rock. Anyway, you have perfect bone structure, and measurements... A little too much on the top and bottom department, BUT you're entirely asymmetrical. I could split you evenly down the half and I would have the exact same image. How old are you?"


"And you look older, usually that means you will look longer as you grow a bit more... You're under Michael Hap?"


"You're replacing me with Scarface here?"

"Yes, so you ARE. Oh you have no idea how much; I want to be your manager. You would be payed hanso-"

"Do you even know who I am? I'm the face -" The girl interrupted him as he turned to her.

"You wouldn't be in your situation if you didn't go starting fights like a drunk in a tavern."

"But it wasn't my fault-"

"Security, get her out." She immediately got grabbed by a burly man twice my size.

"Let me go you muscle brain!" I laughed at the insult. "And you, I'll destroy you! You fucking bitch!" Looking at my sides to see if anyone is looking at me I raise my middle finger at her.

"Thank God that's done! Now, you'll be wearing Ford, tell her team to get her ready." The assistant nodded and walked off as I stood there. "Now, get going. Your team should know about the change." He gently tapped my shoulder as I moved towards my friends who surrounded me immediately.

"Omg, Cin! This is great! Congrats."

"It should be any of you, I don't know why or how. But I think it's because I'm asian and look like Silk."

"Oh baby! Come here!" I grabbed my phone and opened it. Tapping a quick message to Clint. 'Hey, about to go as main event in fashion weeks first day due to circumstances!' I sent the message; we haven't talked since new years aside from a few exchanges of pleasantries and a spar session that I was not thrilled about and the daily or semi daily reports of my activity. Which don't go beyond a 2 or 3 word answer from me.

I stared at the phone, hoping for an answer. But it seems not, as I was about to turn it off a message came through.

'That's great, I'm proud of you! I'm waiting for you to come out.' I felt happiness rush through my body.

'Wait I thought you didn't like fashion?'

'I don't but you sent us the tickets and Nat wanted to drop look at it.'

'Nat is?'

'A fellow spider.' I felt a headache again beginning to appear.

"Ouch!" The image of a redhead in a black skintight suit with a red belt buckle with a metallic hourglass and guns strapped to said belt at her hips.

"You good?" I heard a voice beside me.

"Yes, yes I'm good. Just a small migraine." It took a lot of time and multiple people to fix my hair, makeup and a lot of measurements since the outfits had to be remeasured.

"There, done. Now make sure to not sweat and stand right here." She placed me near an AC as she handed me twelve inch heels. While I don't like wearing heels I'm already tall enough as is. But thanks to my powers I have perfect balance to not even falter in these. I decided to send a quick 'Selfie' as people are calling it now as well as a mirror pick that shows off how I look and send it to-

"You look so gorgeous!" Mindy gushed while Erica and Alana were getting ready themselves. As I looked at the amount of cleavage this outfit shows I'm comfortable ish, since it does make the outfit stand out more.

"Places everyone! We go in ten minutes." Those ten minutes were nerve-wracking but the show went on, every one of us was able to go through the runway. Surprisingly it came easy, I had to actually focus hard on ignoring my senses and my mind raced over calculations for the improvement of the reactor in order for its shots to not be lethal at all. I followed the slight smile on my face as they directed and ignoring the fact that this dress is backless as I can hear a few gasps.

I dulled my hearing voluntarily focusing on the beat of the music and as I took each step. Eventually I ended up finding Clint and that person known as Nat, who seemed interested in the runway. As I reach the end I use my regular pose by placing a hand on my hip my other hand is straight making sure the dress to look as the most important thing and looking straight with a smirk followed by a smile making sure it reaches my eye and with a little bit of spite that they told me to do. Which was "Add something cheeky or peppy." and I did so by adding a little twirl standing on one foot and walking at the same pace as a few gasps called my attention. The scars feel like they're burning my back as I walk backstage and get in the line in order for everyone to walk again.

"You're brave." A voice behind me announced to me.


"Those on your back, to be able to show them... that's bravery."

"...Thanks." The event eventually finished, with me using another 2 more outfits, it was great. The pay increase was incredible, four thousand that ended up in three cause Michael but I also got my contracted pay. I can relax a bit with my rent and debt maybe I can even buy some things. Clint invited me to dinner and I was actually really happy for it. He congratulated me and I just talked with him for a while we dinned, he drove me home and I fell asleep with a smile in my face and what looks like a promising time for me.


Falling asleep with a headache felt weird but a good night sleep may be the thing I need. I've been way too stressed the last few days. With school, both jobs and the amount of crime that for some reason went up like crazy. Which lead me to just write that stupid daily report and go to sleep.

Waking up with a runny nose and my eyes itch, as well as a shiver running through my body gives me a clue to my current situation. The yearly flu I struggle with every year, I mean before the bite I got them pretty frequently. But now it's just a yearly thing that I absolutely forgot about.

I sent a few texts saying that I felt like shit and couldn't go to work as well as a few mails to the teachers of classes from that day. That took me almost 2 hours between having to put down the phone to close my eyes and fighting a massive headache that gave me a few conversations I think happened.

Grabbing a bottle of water and downing it carefully. I made my way to the kitchen wrapped in blankets as I felt my teeth clatter from the cold. Placing a pot to boil water at low heat I took a seat by the couch and turned on the TV.

The weather seems nice, outside. But my body shivered from the cold I lied back down on the couch to appease my tired body. Eventually I got the boiling water, but it was only half of what I placed. Due to me falling asleep.

"Ugh, this sucks." I said as I drank the hot water but sweat began to run down my face as I shivered in cold.

Well, time to go back to bed. Only for my phone to ring. "Hullo?"

"Oh hey, we got told you're sick. How you holding up?" Clint sounds sympathetic at least.

"I'm in an existential plane of existing and not. I'm Shrondinguers cat, but I'm a spider. AND I think that spider is riding an ant into battle against a roach." "Shrodiger, shadiguer." I begin to laugh as I find the word gets funnier. My snorts makes it to the line who I think is chuckling at my lack of current ability to speak.

"O-kay... How high is your fever."

"I just talked with Captain Price he's chill." I reply as I swear I just spoke with him when I was lying down.

"Alright, that's high... Give me a sec kid, I'll bring you something in a few hours, hang in there." But I feel like I'm surrounded by cotton.

"No, this is my secret lair you're not getting here. You won't be able to find me, unless you have the password, and since I love you its Fudgestick meatlovers no capitals." I feel dizzy and tired, from speaking as the spider in the wall talked to me to quiet down or she'll call the cops. "Bye, the spider on my wall says I'm loud and will snitch to the cops." I say as I hang up and drag my feet to bed as my head is pounding again. Wrapping myself in sheets I fall asleep again as I felt cold while I was sweating.

A hand running through my hair wakes me up. I flinch from the light touch.

"Hey, how you holding up?" The soft voice of Clint comes out.

"I met Captain Price... He's cool. I talked to him before, but I just met him, he was here." My answer comes as he was there.

"Captain Price?" His voice is confused.

"Yeah, Bravo Six, he's British. And captain of the SAS and leader of Task Force 141."

"Really?" He seems interested.

"Yeah, he saved the world from being bombarded by fifteen thousand nukes."

"Whoa, then he sounds impressive."

"Yeah, as cool as you. Nah, even more cool. He also has a cool mustache and hat, I got to wear his hat. You know?"

"No way." He whispered as his eyes locked in with mine.

"Yes way, he tried to recruit me, but I said no. Cause you'd be sad and New York needs me and MRE's taste awful."

"Then it's good that I came here to check up on you. Else you would be taken away in missions around the world." Clint says as he places his hand on my forehead followed by a thermometer into my armpit after around a minute he removed it and took a look at it as he removed his hand from my forehead.

"Thank you." I cough as a shiver runs through my body again making my teeth clatter again.

"You're burning up, here. Take these." He handed me two pills that I immediately downed without water.

"Water? Or not, you're pretty tough."

"Thanks." My nose feels runny and my voice nasal.

"No problem, Kid. Rest up." He ran his hand through my hair as he cleaned my face with a wet towel as well as placing what I think is a towel with ice on my head.

"Ice is expensive." I say as I look worried trying to think that ice is really expensive.

"Don't worry about it, I brought it with me."

"Liar." He chuckled as he caressed my face with care, I leaned into the warm touch.

"Get some sleep; I'll have some soup and a bit of vegetables." I grimaced at vegetables followed by a "Blegh."

"You gave to eat those if you want to grow strong and healthy."


"Then I'll call Captain Price and tell him to come get you."

"No!" That seemed to make him recoil back as he took a step back while my voice broke in pitch.

"...Fine." I crossed my arms under the covers

"Now close your eyes and get some sleep, I'll stay here and watch over you." Those made me feel exhausted and even droopier.

"Thanks Dad." I replied as I felt something crash on top of my head lightly making a "Muah" like sound.

"No problem kid."

Waking up with a yawn and turning to the clock to see its already the next day. I remember eating soup and taking medicine. "Gross, I'm sweaty." Running to the shower and taking one I come out of it relaxed twenty minutes later.

After getting comfy clothes for the day since I still have my sick leave. Walking into the kitchen only to notice Clint's here and cooking something.

"Oh, you're awake. Good, now I can get some sleep. Here's some soup lemonade and make sure to stay hydrated." He said while crashing into the couch. Promptly falling asleep. Looking at him I remember that he took care of me. But after that its only hazy. 'God that's annoying, another set of memories I don't remember. Great.'

Taking off the sheets I grab the bed sheet I store for extra warmth and place it over him.

"Thanks." I say to him as I give him a peck on the forehead. "...Dad." he smiled as he curled up.

I watched him sleep for about fifteen minutes and straining my voice to sound as soft as possible. "I never had anyone... That looks out for me. Thank you." I said as I made my way to the kitchen to prepare a cake as thanks as well as eat something for myself. After a few hours he woke up and we ended up eating cake and played a few games of halo. He took the cake home and I got text message from Maria saying thanks.

LEARNING TO COOK (when they first met.)

"You know how to cook?" Erica's mom asked.

"Well, kinda."


"I mean, the chicken breast goes into the boiling water with salt and that's it, chicken for the week."

"So you don't know anything... Great, you're a blank slate. Now let us begin." Erica's mom began to teach me how to chop things. Which actually came easy, only problem was the current state of the cereal I just finish preparing.

"Cindy, how is that cereal on fire?" My gaze turned to the counter beside the stove. I took my phone out and took a picture, just before the fire began to grow. 'HOW IS THAT SO FLAMMABLE?!'

"Oh shit." I removed the bowl from the counter that is currently on fire.

"No cursing!" She replied as she grabbed the plate that had caught fire and without any hesitation just threw the plate into the sink followed by her just spraying water into it.

"New rule, no fire until I'm sure you can use it."

"But I've."

"No buts."

"Yes ma'am."

Birthday 17

I hate May, it's the worst month. Maybe I can send a gift to mom, for mother's day... I actually don't know when her birthday is. More so when I looked at the date, the fourteenth. Brings back memories.

"When's your birthday?"

"I don't know... I think." Looking into the face of everyone around me I couldn't come up with an answer so I blurted out May the 12, close to mother's day but not really. I don't know what that means for me. But ever since that has been my birthdate. To me, my birth certificate had to be changed since the doctors weren't sure when I was born. So I said a date at random and turns out its 4 days after mothers day which aint that bad. I still love mom and I miss her a lot.

But at least now I'm one year closer to being free of everything, even better pay. Or something similar, maybe that way I can do whatever I want. The day went by pretty fast, I was kinda bummed that nobody congratulated me, but it was never a day to celebrate for me. It was only a time of sadness and confusion, it still is. As I'm walking up the stairs to my apartment. I humm to myself, my voice is off key. "Happy Birthday, dear Cindy." I turn the key but I hear someone inside, guess I have spies for today. Maybe Clint is dropping by for some food like he usually does.

"Happy birthday to you." I finish the song as I get into the apartment. I sigh aloud as it feels like everyone was avoiding me, not even speaking to me. Hell I wanted to go for a cake. But the cupcake I bought from a bakery near the half built Stark Tower is nice it's a few blocks away from it.

Placing my bags into the small counter I grab the cake from its box as the mirror on the entrance reflects my face. "Happy Birthday to you, you useless piece of shit." I sigh as hold my gaze. "Yes, I should smile more." I say to myself as I walk towards the kitchen, turning on the lights.

"SURPRISE!" Voices yelled out as I actually got surprised, my friends, and Erica's Mom. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" My friends yelled as they walked at me, the cupcake box got snatched out of my hands.

As I got crushed into a hug by the three bodies. "I'm so sorry, I wanted to congratulate you today but I'm so sorry." Mandy said as she hugged me tightly, she let me go as Erica just took over as she whispered in my ear.

"You're not a piece of shit; I love you and happy birthday." She said as she hugged me tightly.

"Happy birthday honey! I was so close to messing up. Now come, we prepared this for you." Alana said as she grabbed my hand and led me to Erica's mom who hugged me tightly.

"Happy Birthday Moonpie." That nickname, made me focus again as this feels like a trick my mind would be happy to make me believe. I felt my eyes water as they rolled down my cheeks. "It's okay Moonpie, you're alright. It's your day." She said as my thoughts settled in. "I'm so happy you're here and you were born. Now, no more tears, it's time to celebrate." She said as she led me to the kitchen where I saw a chocolate cake that looks so good.

"Ah ah, no cake until after dinner." I smiled as I nodded; the conversations flowed as the food was prepared by my friends and my auntie. I even brought out Mr. Bunny, to enjoy the party from the counter he got seated in. We talked, we laughed, I got a face full of cake that got recorded.

Which ended up in a gift of a swimsuit, a dress the game of Bioshock, Borderlands and Dragon Age Origins. The next day I got a present via mail which was a necklace of a spiderweb and I talked with Maria for an hour about what happened yesterday and how happy I was.

Pool party

"Whoa! Hi." A guy that's a head taller than me with muscle in the right places stands in front of me.

"Hello." I say as I'm currently holding my drink, which is just mountain dew.

"So, you friends with Erica?" He said as he looked straight at my eyes only for them to drift to the amount of cleavage this swimsuit shows and since I have a one piece swimsuit that covers my back it's black with mesh-like cloth that actually covers the gunshot, it has 3 pieces that wrap around my body covering the pieces a bikini should as well as my stomach where most scars are stationed, I think it's called black scoop black mesh panel or something like that. Only issue is that it shows the one on my thigh so I opted for lycra short shorts, Alana said I looked hot and I feel like it.

"Yeah, she's a really good friend."

"I haven't seen you on campus, actually. Where do you go?"

"Umm city college." His eyes turn to meet my face as a brief grimace of disgust runs over his face.

"Oh, that's cool."

"Yup." He shifted uncomfortably.

"So, you like swimming?"

"Not really... I don't know how to swim."

"I can teach you actually."

"No, thanks. I'm good. I'd rather not drown, I actually prefer talking and drinking." I motioned to the drink in my hand.

"So, what are you drinking?"

"Mountain dew." I shook the red cup with ice inside it.

"Woah, and you're a model? I mean arent you worries about your diet and shit?"

"Nah, I'm invulnerable to gaining weight." I humbly bragged.

"Damn that's cool... I'm Brad by the way." He motioned to himself.

POV change to Brad.

I was actually thinking about not coming, since some friends were not going to come. But Erica is pretty hot and she's a model AND she's hot so her friends must be hot.

I wasn't expecting to meet this Asian chick but she's pretty hot. I mean she has a huge rack and her swimsuit does wonders to her ass.

"Hi, I'm Cindy." She paused clearly one of those girls that didn't spoke with a lot of people. She can't really hold my gaze for more than a few seconds.

"I think, Erica mentioned you once or twice." Well not really mentioned, more like complained about her mom paying more attention to her about once or twice to another girl who I don't remember her name.

"I hope only good things."

"Yup, she totally did." Great way of lying. Her eyes slightly narrowed as her gaze went over to Erica who seemed to be talking with Ed.

"So what are you majoring in?" I mean she looks smart-ish, like those girls that cruise by college to get married.

"Well, I'm in a double major in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering as well as a minor in Korean. I'm currently applying for a lot of scholarships." Holy shit I stand corrected. "And you?"

"Oh I'm in economics, and only that. I am trying to get into a firm that works closely tied to Wall street."

"Oh the casino of the millionaires." I laughed at the obvious joke, cause if she looks like I think she does without clothes then I'm set for a wild night. Flexing my arm a bit followed by doing a few stretches.

"How about we swim?" I know she said she doesn't swim but we can splash around.

"I don't-"

"Come on! We can be in the shallow part." I said as she looked unsure, but I have an idea that seems like a good way to have her close. I mean I worked my ass off for this body. Walking forwards, she looked at me in a slight glare as a mischievous smile ran on my face.

"Come on!" Grabbing her hand which I noticed has a weird feel like if she has a smooth stoney surface.

"Wait, wait wait! No no no!" She said as I pulled her and grabbed her waist and as I was about to lift her from the ground to carry her like a sack of potatoes and throw her into the pool.

I couldn't lift her, I tried again but nothing her feet never left the ground. "Damn you're heavy!"

That escaped my mouth as I noticed that everyone was silent.

"Let me go! I said no!" She pushed me which I may be was off balance but she threw me into the water it took me a few seconds to get air. How deep did I go?

"Brad, really dude?" Oh boy that's Erica and she's pissed.

"What? I was just trying to-"

"Trying to what? Throw her into the pool?"


"Not cool, dude. She doesn't know how to swim. You have no idea how hard it is to get her to come. Also she's still sixteen." Well shit, okay good thing that she didn't seem interested.

"He was just trying to being nice." The hot Asian who I don't remember her name said as she looked at me. Well ain't that cute.

"Actually we were just talking but I thought maybe she would like to swim. I can teach her."

"UHuh... No. Cindy he's a manwhore."

"Hey! Not cool dude." The party went on I tried talking to that Asian chick but I got absolutely blocked and they didn't leave her alone. That one is going for my history books, eventually I would come to regret not getting her digits, but I would get to brag that I hit on her, but that wasn't until a long time after this meeting.

Twitter Account.

Hello world! YES this is the official account. So yup, hi I'm Silk, no last name. I'm a hero

Dear @NYPD, stop using the helicopter to get me! It's not going catch me. I'm 3fast5U.

I'm sorry but I'll be closing my DMs, people HAVE SOME DECENCY! STOP sending me D pics I already reported you

Sooo funny story, I believe to be a great cook. Thing is, I don't know how this happened. "Pic of a plate of cereal on fire."

So, where do I make a petition for just a small cleansing of pigeons? Just a small you know extermination of those annoying flying rats.

-you can do it in the precinct closest to you. We can wait for you with open doors.

--nice try.


I just finished the prequel trilogy. Just saying, that the Jedi were a religious cult. They were at fault

Anakin straight up became an edge lord at the age of 20 something. Im sure he could get regional manager at Hot Topic.

Obi Wan just said "Peace out loser Im off." After chopping him up.

I'm so high on sugar it's not funny. Just ate 10 cupcakes and a straight up drank a stupid amount of Mountain Dew.

I think my blood became syrup. After the small bag of MnMs and a Snickers bar.

NVM I'm good, had to check if it sweet or salty. Still salty.

Update, my stomach didn't agree after a small bag Skittles, but a few glasses of water and I'm good...

I can't sleep.

I feel like I'm close to watching a new color get created.

I just tried speaking to a spider! She look angry at me! Now its moving asdghasdjfhañsdzncvasderyq

Okay, super power confirmed, I cant speak to spiders, she jumped me! I screamed as it landed on my boobs! Now its on the loose!

Shoot, it is now hiding... I'm scared now, it has my face, Well now I have improvised and I have a flame thrower.








Okay, Im not okay, I'm puking something and it's black.

God! Wtf did I tweet Last night... I'm good now. Lesson learned, don't eat too much candy, I ruined one of my good shorts and Tees.


No, don't worry guys and gals, I didn't get diabetes... I think so, I just puked black for 3 hours.

@TheofficialSilk Hope you get better! You can tell us your address and we'll make sure to send flowers and get well balloons

-Nice try, you almost had me @NYPD


--No, LMAO.

Okay I'll stay away from sugar for a long time. Favorite candy is a close tie between Skittles and Snickers.

Skittles :D

Snickers But we're better, Right? 'Wink emoji'

MnMs ... D:


My phone began to ring again. "Hey Erica! I feel like I'm high, I want to fight a rhino, no I want to fight a vulture, even better a giant scorpion with metal attached to him."

"Why do I hear an echo?"

"Because BLEH!" I proceeded to empty my stomach as the black substance and stupid amount of sugar is exiting my throat.

"Too much candy?"

"I don't feel so good." I replied followed by me throwing up again into the toilet.

"Give me a sec. MOM! Cindy doesn't feel well."

"I'm good. I feel loopy."

"WE STILL HAVE YOUR KEY! SEND ME THE CODE TO ENTER." I went over to Whatsapp and sent the code, as I felt a shiver in my body. Erica stayed on the phone as I heard her and her mother driving.

"Cin can you?"

"BLEEGH!" Followed by a burp.

"Okay, Moonpie. Its auntie, what did you eat?" "Mom she ate a stupid amount of sugar."

"I ate, a bag of skittles those big ones, a small one of MnMs 4 chocolate snicker bars, and around fifteen cupcakes. And instead of water-" I proceeded to puke my guts out again. "I've been puking for TWENTY MINUTES! BLEGH!"

"Did your mo-" "MOM!" "Sorry, we're parking right now." After a few minutes they came through the door. "Cindy?" My reply came as I emptied my guts again.

"This place smells like a candy factory." Came Erica's voice. The door opened to reveal Erica and her mom standing in the door as I heaved again, only for me to empty my stomach.

"Okay, grab a bucket were going to a hospital."

"But I'm fi- BLEGH,"


"You're not fine lets go." It was a rough night as I exited the building with a shirt that has black vomit that smells horrible and a bucket that I will be throwing out.

"I cant believe how stupid can you be? You get paid a bit extra and you spend it on CANDY! CANDY OF ALL THINGS! And look at you! You're too sick to give me that usual snark!"

"I'm sor-" I proceeded to puke again, as I began to cry in frustration.

"I'm not angry at you don't think anything like that. I'm disappointed!" I couldn't reply as now tears are gathering in my bucket of shame. We got through the emergency room and I got placed into a room to wait as I kept puking. 'I should be healing! Why the fuck can't I stop!' I kept puking.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Hi doctor, my... daughter... 's... friend, overate a lot of candy and is currently." I interrupted them as another wave of puke came through.

"Ah I see, how much candy did she ate?"

"Enough candy to be diagnosed as diabetic."

"You would need to be more precise." Erica's mom told him everything I ate.

"Okay, I assume you have a lot of energy?" I nodded. "Then miss you should be getting a crash from." I felt tired as he said that, my eyes were heavy. "I need to feel your stomach, straighten your back." I did and a wave of nausea hit me but I held it in as he tapped my abdomen a few times in different places.

"Well, you're stomach is really bloated and your intestines feel like they're swollen." I began to puke again. "And intoxication. You will be getting a room, you're losing a lot of fluids, and also you'll need a diet. We'll first get an IV so you stay hydrated.

"NOo-" I tried to argue but couldn't.

"What you're experiencing right now is basically like poison and your body wants to expel it." 'OOOHH that makes sense.' "So you'll be getting a room."

"Nah, I just need to empty my guts inside here and I'll be fine!" I began to puke again. "See! I'm good!" I said as I began to puke again.

"No, you're getting a room."

"But... I can't pay for-" I burped out loud.

"Don't worry about that." A voice said as a hand ran down my back.

That night sucked, I got my stomach washed with a shit ton of medicine that tasted like grapes and a whole lot of puking was involved. I stayed for 2 days, it was horrible, food sucked but what I enjoyed was the company. To my surprise, Clint and Maria showed up to wish me a get well and delivered flowers. Michael actually rushed to the hospital and he gave me company for almost 5 hours. The rest of the time it just medicine and thank god that only one blood sample was taken from me and I believe Clint stole it and replaced it.

I even got to wear the hospital gown, which is surprisingly comfortable.

When I go the release forms I was super stressed, since me being stupid will cost me a few thousand dollars. But to my surprise Erica's family covered the expense entirely, not going to lie I cried like a bitch.

Maybe I found people that care about me.