
A Heart Without

Legend has it when two moons kiss she will come as the sun watches in envy. Her memories were vague and broken into scattered pieces. She will gain the attention of two men who will do everything they can to win her favor. Just what exactly happened to her, and why doesn't she remember who she is? When Lucian finds her, he wonders just who this beauty is. Hopefully, in time she can discover who she is, and just what her existence means. Preferably before it's too late.

Toxickitteh · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: I Finally Found You...

The sound coming from the crickets of the night begin to dull as the sun rises and peeks through the seems of the night. Upon rising the rays of the sunlight brush along with the hands of the girl who yawns and stretches her body out to find out that she's entangled with the man who stayed to accompany her to sleep. She turns her head and lets her eyes drink her in. She looks to her hand and notices that she still appears different, reminding her what happened last night was not a dream.

Flinching she gasps as she jerks her hand back as the red sunlight catching the glass from the windows causing a burning sensation upon her sensitive skin. When she turns her head and looks she notices that the sunlight has turned abnormally red. Nisha slides out of the bed covers and away from Lucian's cool embrace. She cautiously wanders closer to the window that has the curtains parted. Her eyes grow wide as her emotions run rampant, filling her with dread. The sun rises high up into the air and looks extremely red.

Nisha's body moves subconsciously as she realizes she standing out on the balcony. The red hue of the sun rays kisses along her body leaving pink hues to bounce off her luminescent hair. Closing her eyes she feels the warmth trying to push into her and she heard a familiar male voice from long ago in her dreams of awakening. The voice growls with yet a soft masculine tone, "I finally found you." Nisha's eyes snap wide and the red in the sun has finally disappeared. Tilting her head downward and shakes it, as if to untangle the confusing thoughts that rapidly invaded her mind. She goes to turn toward the door but as she lifts her head back up she sees a man in white pants.

Startled she lets her purple eyes drift up and down as if to make sure she's not seeing anything. She noticed the white beach pants that are covering long legs, which appears to be tied around a slender waist. His body shows that he may be slender but not necessarily thin by way of the muscle tone his naked torso has. His broad shoulders allow his muscular arms to sit on either side of his body as his chest rises and lowers with each breath he takes. The tan that which his body has shows the expanse of muscle that appears evenly distributed along his body. Clearly either he was made by the gods, or he was someone who took care of himself.

When her eyes rest upon his face she stumbles backward and sees the amber-brown eyes boring into her own violet eyes. His orange blonde hair though short still sweeps into the front of his face. She kept stepping back and then he was on her. Her heart beating fast and hard against her ribs. Pounding against them as if it was about to burst through her chest. His scalding warm touch grips both her wrists shoving them behind the small of her back. He presses into her, making his scent filling her senses as the smell of ocean waters waft around her. "After all these years, I've finally found you," he says in a hushed tone. His voice increasing as he partially shouts, "And I will not let you go!" Her body goes limp and blackness takes over her vision. Just before her consciousness winks out she could hear someone crashing through the french doors.

She's finally made it back to shore as his voice echos behind her. Her body heavy from swimming, and the water dripping from her she stumbles along the shore of the lake. Nisha lets out a hiccuping sob as she drags her feet one before the other. The emotions both foreign and familiar running through her as she tries to gather the pieces together. Her past-self feels torn apart, while her present self is curious as to what had happened. Then her past-self whispered with a sob, "Samson, why? Why would you do this? We have been together for so long!" She hears running footsteps coming up behind her and a firm grip on her arm as she's whirled around. Amber-brown eyes bore into her own. The Nisha from the present is finding this gaze oddly familiar though the face is more pale and younger than the one she just encountered before passing out.

"Nisha. Stop!", he shouts as he looks at her. Panic etched into his face as he tries to reason with her. Nisha jerks her arm free as she looks at him with both hurt and anger showing as she tries to step away. "Why? Just tell me why?", her words come out in a whisper. She hangs her head not wanting to hear what comes out of his mouth. The images flickering through as Nisha's subconscious mind recalls all the times that they had been together. The first time they met in Junior High. The smile of a young, cute, and promising boy that now grew up to be a liar and a cheater. Samson looks at the top of her head as he stands taller than she does. Exasperated he rambles on, "God! Nisha, I don't know! I've met her a couple of times and we had a couple of drinks and the next thing I knew we were making out."

Nisha steps back shaking her head over and over. "You liar. YOU LIAR!!", she screams at him as she pounded her fists against his bare chest. She turns away and in between the wracking sobs that keep flooding through her body, "I-it's ov-ver bet-tween us." She runs for it without looking back, making her way to the room that she stayed in and locked herself in. Nisha leans back against the door as she hears footsteps shuffling around her door and she sighs. The doorknob making noise as someone tries to open the door without success. "Nisha... Let me in. Please." He pleads with her, trying to get her to open up to him. Refusing to budge she steps away from the door. "Just go away and leave me alone. You wanted to play around, well here's your reward." She walks away so she could not hear another word from him and slips into the bathroom that's part of her suite in the log cabin.

The hot warm bath is drawn she steps inside and washes away the dirt and grime from her feet and the stains of dried-up tears from her face. After a while, she finally climbed out of the tub and dressed for bed. She steps out of the bathroom and notices to her right that there was a piece of white paper folded in half that was slid under the door. She walks to it, bending over she picks it up and begins to read it... "No matter where you go. No matter where you are. I'll find you, and I'll never give you up." She could hear the words being spoken as if he was right there in the room with her, but she knew she was finally alone. Taking the note she shoved it in her shorts pocket to keep as a reminder to never be so weak again. Nisha makes her way to the bed and lays down on it as she turns the light out, the moon watches over her with its bright light shining into the fresh tears that slide down her face as she stared up at the ceiling.

Nisha doesn't remember when she was finally able to get to sleep, but she woke up to a dreary morning with sprinkles of rain glistening on the windows beside her bed. Her eyes finally opening and realizing that with everybody else that stayed up late partying was probably all still asleep. Getting up she makes haste to pack her things into her bags and slipping on her shoes. Nisha tosses the bags over her shoulder as she runs through the bedroom door, and makes a mad dash out of the cabin and to her car. She shoves the key in the ignition and turns her car around so she can get the hell out of there. Nisha glances at her rearview mirror and sees Samson running out of the cabin and into the driveway stopping as he watches her drive off. Tears begin to spill down her face and the pain wrecks through her body as she lets her emotions run rampant.

The rain falls harder as the car continues to travel through the woods. When she hits the clearing and finds the highway she turns the opposite direction away from her family's home. Any direction was better than anything familiar with Samson. Her family, home town, and the friends they both shared. Surely once she found a place to call her family they would understand her wishes. Perhaps she'll find somewhere completely different to go to school without ever having to worry about running into Samson ever again. The tears spill out her eyes and she reaches for the tissues down on the floor and the truck horn blaring.

Nisha closes her eyes and everything goes blank. Thankful that she didn't have to relive that scenario as she remembers what had happened the last time she encountered this piece of memory. For now, she'll enjoy the feeling of nothingness and tranquility... Thinking to herself that she is not ready to wake up yet. Her body is tired of the shock that it has been put through both mentally and physically.

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Chapter 7: Samson of Sun

Just who is Samson, and why did he do the things he did to hurt Nisha? Time to find out in the next chapter!

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