
a Harem to die for~

guy gets fucked by a transmigrating lightning bolt ( courtesy of yours truly ) and wakes up in world famous puzzle game: helltaker, i never was good at writing synopsises, or descriptions, fucking whatever

iamapsychopath · Fantasy
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11 Chs

"Justice served cold is just ice"

The next puzzle wasn't any more effective in keeping me from the next girl than any of the others were, just some spikes, a couple of skeletons dudes, a couple of boulders, and the gate.

The only reason it took as long as it did was that I had to look for that tiny golden key that was hidden within the puzzle The spikes didn't bother me much, though for some reason the girls winced and asked if i was ok whenever i stepped on one.

as i misstep onto another batch of spikes, letting the rise through my legs painlessly and the girls wince with zdrada just laughing her ass off, I turn to Pandemonica curiously

"Hey, pan?"

Pandemonica drags her eyes from your impaled legs and looks at you with a worried expression on her face.

"How can I help you, taker?"

I stick two fingers up.

"I got two questions, first, why are you all calling me taker?"

Pandemonicas worried expression slightly fades as talking with her so nonchalant

"We call you taker because it's short for helltaker, and helltaker kinda explains itself, it was a name we all agreed on, except for zdrada"

You look over to zdrada who just flips you off and takes another drag, as you just give her a kissy face and look back over to Pandemonica.

"Ok, now second question, why do you all look like that when I step on these spikes? I mean, they don't seem to bother any of you"

Pandemonica looked at me surprised.

"They aren't supposed to hurt you, they sap your Willpower, but don't affect us since we're demons, aside from azazel, but her holy powers nullify the spikes" Pandemonica explained

I stare at her, eyebrow raised while azazel was taking notes a few steps away.

"...are you sure you don't feel anything when you step on those spikes?" Pandemonica asks, with a mixture of surprise and relief on her face.

"Nope, not even a tickle" I reply while Azazel freaks out in the background.

"A humans' willpower not being sapped by hells spikes? Very interesting!" The curious angel exclaims as me and Pandemonica turn to her.

However, she's too distracted with whatever she's writing down so she doesn't notice either of our stares.

I turn away from her with a sigh then smile at Pandemonica.

"Anyways, thanks for answering my questions pan"

Pandemonica looks back at me.

"... how would you rate my advice since you've gotten here?"

I look back at her with a smile.

"I give you a 13/13! you've been perfect help Pan"

Pandemonica smiles slightly

"... a 13 huh? I've never gotten one of those before" Pandemonica trails off

I just smile to myself as i finally finish navigating the puzzle, miraculously finding the key in a corner behind some rocks.

inserting the key i found into the gate, like last time, the gate evaporates, walking past it I spot another demon girl, she wore some cool aviators, red fingerless gloves with the initials 'H.P.J' on the back of the palm, and the signature black and red suit, however the outer jacket rested on her shoulders. I walked towards her, and she turned to me.

"Yo, did you just solve that puzzle? that's awesome! My names Justice by the way"

I just shrug your shoulders.

"Yea, nice to meet you justice, you can call me taker, anyways im making a demon girl harem, you wanna join?"

The awesome demon smile widens a bit as I mention 'harem'.

"So your the human traveling hell and forming a demon harem huh? Cool, I'd never miss a party, but could I feel your face real quick?"

Im slightly confused, but nonetheless smile and shrug my shoulders.

"Sure, why not, but you gotta let me feel your hair"

Just smiles in your direction as she approaches.

"Sure! Now could you come a little closer? I'm blind so I can't really see where I'm going"


'Ah, so that's why' i think to yourself.

"Ah ok, those aviators look sick by the way," you say as you gently grab her hands and guide them to your cheek, while also reaching your way up to her head.

Justice's smile just grows even wider as a small blush makes its way across her face.

"Thanks, man! Also not to be rude, but you are a little shorter than I imagined you'd be"

I chuckle a bit as i feel her hair

"None taken, I never was good at taking care of my body, also are all demon's hair this soft?" You say while remembering how soft all the other girls' hair was

Justice laughs a bit as she feels around your face, cupping your cheeks, feeling your chin, and rubbing your lips. You return the favor as you run your hand through her hair, and even feel her horns though you immediately regret that as she lightly moans, you quickly stop rubbing her head and try to return your hands to your sides, only for her to grab them.

"Shit, sorry Justice, I didn't know those were sensitive for you guys" i quickly apologize, worried that I had insulted the 7ft demon girl

But justice just laughs it off and places my hands back on her horns.

"It's ok dude, I just didn't expect you to do that, besides I'm part of your harem now, isn't this the sort of stuff we should be doing?~" she teases

I smile, relived at how nonchalant she is about it before intertwining my hand with hers and guiding her back to the others.

"You got me there but still, I should have asked first" I say, still feeling a little bad

Justice just laughs as she throws her arm around my shoulders, coincidentally pushing her breasts into my side, but i ignore that.

"you're a pretty nice guy aren't ya, so how many girls do you have in your harem anyways?" Justice inquires as girls come into view.

"7 or 9 depending if you count Cerberus one or three people, the others I've got are Pandemonica, modeus, Malina, zdrada, and even an angel named Azazel and I love em all, you included"

She flashes her smile at you.

"Thanks, also did you say Malina? Can't believe hell's local cleaner and shut-in would join your harem, better yet, you also got that workaholic to leave her office, good on you man!"

I smile as the others begin to notice us.

"Thanks" I chuckle softly, Modeus's face explodes into a massive blush as she glares at justices mammaries being pushed into my side, why zdrada laughs at Malina who glares at her sister with a blush on her face.

"HAHA, why don't you ask your boyfriend malinka, I'm sure he has a vodka or two stuffed inside that jacket" zdrada mocks Malina as she bumps her with her elbow.

"Shut up you bitch, don't have any smokes to suck off?" Malina quips back

"nope~ I ran out, but I do something else I could suck off~" zdrada trails off as she stares at my package.

"Not before me bitch!" Modeus growls at zdrada as she glares at the bitch demon.

I smile as you pull out a bottle of vodka and some cigarettes, handing them to their respective demons and giving modeus a loving kiss.

"Now now girls, no need to fight, besides, I have plenty to share"

Modeus blushes even more as she practically burns a hole through your pants with her gaze and zdrada just lights a cigarette from the pack you just gave her and flips you off.

Malina just looks between you and the bottle in her hands perplexed.

"H- how did you know this was my favorite? Where did you even get all of this in the first place? " The sour demon asks confused

I smile as you pat her silky smooth hair.

"I used to drink a lot, that stuff was my favorite, I stopped a while back though but I still keep one on me in case a day has been especially shitty, same with the smokes"

Malina just stares at me before shaking her head and turning around, muttering a small 'thanks', i smile at her before calling over Cerberus, who until now has been fighting over a skeleton dude's arm.

"Hey Cerb, come on we're heading out!"

Cerberus turns to me with big smiles on their faces before running over.


"Are we going to the mortal realm now?"

"Let's go!"

I smile at the three adorable hellhounds, rubbing their head as they moan in delight.

"Yep, now the next stop looks like Lucifer's castle," you say while looking at the evilest-looking castle ive ever seen (and the only one) in the distance

"Yes, make your way to me y/n, I can't wait for you to finally be mine"

1481 words, wowza! Anyways you know the deal, rate me out of 13 and see ya next time

iamapsychopathcreators' thoughts