
a Harem to die for~

guy gets fucked by a transmigrating lightning bolt ( courtesy of yours truly ) and wakes up in world famous puzzle game: helltaker, i never was good at writing synopsises, or descriptions, fucking whatever

iamapsychopath · Fantasy
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10 Chs

"1st base? brother we ain't even on the field anymore"

It's been around a few hours of walking down this path, and Pandemonica's still dead asleep on my back, Poor girl, I couldn't comprehend how tiring it must be to work customer service 24/7 for Lucifer knows how long, speaking of, as i walk over a particularly bumpy patch of brimstone, pandemonica groans while shifting on my back, presumably to get into a more comfortable position, I decide that now seems like a good time to get some rest, so I kick some boulders till they're flat enough to kinda comfortably lay on, and (you guessed it) lay down while gently situating pan on the bed (rock) next to me, using my jacket as a blanket for her and my arm as a pillow, making sure she's comfortable, I gradually fall asleep myself.




I am awoken by the feeling of a foreign tongue feeling up my mouth while presumably the owner of said tongue is grinding against my lap, Opening my eyes to meet heart-shaped pupils, my rapist freezes as our eyes meet, before trying to crawl off me, only for me to wrap my free arm around her waist and pull her back unto me, causing the lusty demon to let out a surprised yelp as I continue the kiss.

"Mmmm~" the girl moans as her hand starts traveling around my body, starting from my cheek, and ending at my package, but before she could pull it out I unwrap my hand from her waist and shove it down her skirt, causing her originally pale pink heart-shaped eyes start pulsing and turning into a beautiful shade of hot pink, this cycle of passionate

Kisses, and me fingering her pussy for around 4 minutes, uninterupted surpriseingly, until the girl finally came, twitching and drooling in my mouth before rolling onto the other side of me and weakly coiling herself around my arm.

"Haaaa~ haah~ m-my names- haa-a~ m-modeus, haaa~, haaa~ you w-were amazing~" the lustful demon pants red-faced, weakly kissing me.

"Heh, a little late for introductions, but you could call me taker, oh, and modeus?" I said, looking over at modeus as she looks back with a light blush and a head tilt

"Haaa~ Yes, dear?" Modeus responds while fondling my arm

"As much as I enjoyed that little surprise, can you please refrain from raping me again? Only my harem members can do that, Also how did you even find us?" I asked, brushing a stray strand of hair away from modeus' beautiful face before letting modeus grab my arm again

Modeus blushes, whether in shame or lust i cant tell "ive been watching you both entered the canyon, and this was the only way a could came you before that whore on your back did," modeus says while glaring death at Pandemonica, who is still peacefully sleeping, cutely cuddled up in my coat.

"Also did you say harem?" modeus asks, putting my hand in between her thighs

"Yea, my harem, wanna join?" I ask the lustful demon

"Sure!" Modeus quick exclaims before blushing before adding a last minute idea "but you have to call me mommy in bed~"


I chuckled lightly before accepting with a sultry grin "Hehe, whatever you say, Mom~my ~"

Modeus's face started glowing redder then the sun before i pulled her closer to me "Now go to sleep" I say, kissing her and Pandemonica's heads

She just nods timidly before planting one more kiss on my lips and cuddling into my chest, two pairs of boobs on each arm, and a raging boner

'...Fuck, my dick hurts'

595 words, slightly better word count, again rate the chapter out of 13 and feel free to share tips for future chapters, but If they're stupid I'm not listening to them

iamapsychopathcreators' thoughts