
a Harem to die for~

guy gets fucked by a transmigrating lightning bolt ( courtesy of yours truly ) and wakes up in world famous puzzle game: helltaker, i never was good at writing synopsises, or descriptions, fucking whatever

iamapsychopath · Fantasy
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10 Chs

"is it getting hot in here?"

It was just a normal, boring day, I was just browsing on my phone for any good puzzle games to play, eventually, I found a game called Helltaker, so after watching a few YouTubers play it and reading some of the reviews, I went to my laptop and downloaded it, while it was downloading a violent storm began to approach, outside lightning thundering nearby.


"Ah, it's finally done downloadin-"


suddenly, right as the game finished downloading, a mighty bolt of lightning rained heavenly Judgement unto my computer, the flash causing me to cover my eyes momentarily, but when I uncovered my eyes, instead of my cramped apartment, was a suspiciously familiar, hellscape of brimstone.

'Welp, I can't sit around here all day' I thought as I pushed myself up and started in a random direction, and after a couple of minutes of following some skeleton people, and pushing some giant boulders out of the way with strength I know I didn't have, I approach a familiar individual and suddenly it all clicks

'Pandemonica?... wait...pandemonica's here!? That magic bullshit lightning must've transported me into Helltaker!'

'OK, let's look at it from a positive perspective, I've been trapped in a game about hot demon chicks, yea, I think ima like it here'

Having decided that I'd had enough of admiring the poor overworked demon, I approached her.

"Welcome to hell, my name is Pandemonica, how may I serve you," the tired demon said with a yawn.

"You look tired, How about I serve YOU instead~"I offer, causing Pandemonica to blush slightly

"Well, I could go for some coffee, and since your offering..." she trailed off as she scanned my body, looking into my eyes with unknown emotions.

"I'd also like you~" Pandemonica says with a lusty grin

I smile back

"Sure thing, if you join my harem"

"Ok," Pandemonica says with a tired shrug


"besides, powerful demons have harems all the time," Pandemonica says "Now carry me, I'll guide you to lucifers castle, assuming you do want to leave of coarse" Pandemonica finishes

"Sure" is all I say as I lift her into a piggy back and she points in a direction, leading me to Lucifer

'That went surprisingly smooth next up should be modeus, she might not be as easy' I warn myself as I start walking down the branching path of brimstone, unaware of the girl looking at me from afar

"I will have you~ even if I have to go through Pandemonica to get you~" the figure declares to herself before bursting out in a fit of alluring giggles

435 words total, not many for the first chapter that's to be sure but I really don't care, now tell me, did you like it? if you did Rate the chapter outa 13, THAT is something I do care about












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