Hermès and Artemis exited the whirring white portal out into the flowery meadow that surrounded Leto's temple. Artemis wrapped her arms around her body and shuddered at the memories that filled her mind, the last time they were here, the place was filled with the smell of blood and sorrow, it wasn't a place the goddess thought she'd ever return to.
"This place," Artemis spoke in a low voice to Hermès, "it's so_"
"I know," Hermès responded before forging on ahead, "it's got terrible memories for all of us."
The pair walked into the large marble building, throwing their gazes in every turn and corner in hopes of seeing a familiar brunette ducked away somewhere.
"Marley! Are you in here?!" Artemis called out, but the only response she got was her own echo and the sound of birds flattering away to the outside.