
A Glittering Star

Kousei Kira has lost hope in humanity which was caused by their behavior. Just in front of his very eyes, he saw that someone's dream got laughed at because she said that she wanted to be an Idol. And she is none other than his classmate, Hoshi Suta "I want to be an Idol" Kousei Kira felt annoyed when someone's dream got laughed at like that. But... He just witnessed something unbelievable coming from the girl, Hoshi Suta was smiling at them. Then when Kousei Kira began to gain respect for her, and thus their story began with their first encounter. Source cover is not mine: https://twitter.com/gcmzi/status/1251785205502730243?s=12

CiLLL_Writing · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Thank You For Being By My Side

On a journey that could be considered quite long, Suta was the only one who initiated the entire conversation without regard to the other parties involved. On the other hand, Kira was just silent with a blank stare because he didn't know who Suta was talking to.

"...Right Manager?" Kira who was in her dreamy state instantly woke up. But he didn't feel anxious about what topic Suta was talking about and about how he didn't listen to it, because with just a nod, Suta would continue his conversation. Kira had learned a lot about that trait of Suta's, that Suta did not care whether the other person listened to her or not, the important thing was that they had to respond.

"You're right." Kira responed without even knowing what she talked about.

That was sufficient, Kira did not want to talk more, as he wanted to recharge his energy that he had expended too much that day. Even so, he was relieved that he had gotten a lot of information and also imagined what he would do in the future with Suta.

Suta was a cheerful, talented woman and her beautiful stature would definitely attract all the gazes of people who had seen her. The gravitational force within her is too great to be ignored, just like the sun, the biggest star in this solar system.

With that being said, would Suta become that sun? If Kira thought about it once again, it was very easy for Suta to become an Idol because of the hard work he had done so far. But would it be that easy?

Kira didn't know anything about the Idol world itself or how to help Suta become an Idol. So just being talented wouldn't necessarily be able to enter a certain agency, unless Suta had the goal of choosing a small agency. But Kira doubted that Suta's ego would allow that to happen because Suta himself had a dream to become the best Idol in the world.

However, what was the best Idol? Kira had to figure that out.

"Then, what about Kanadecchi~? Do you also want to aim to become an Idol too? Or do you just want to be a dancer?" Suta who was swinging his legs asked Nagisa Kanade cheerfully.

Kanade looked so nervous, she looked very strange in Kira's eyes. She always played with her hands shakily when she talked to Suta.

"Idol, I need to think about it more. Because I'm not good at socializing and attracting others"

"Ah, that's right" Kira blurted out because she remembered how cold Kanade was the first time they met.

However, Suta was annoyed and kicked Kira's leg so he groaned because of that. Suta signaled Kira to be quiet, and seeing Suta's slightly annoyed face, Kira obeyed Suta's order.

"Senior... When I look at you, I feel like I'm on a much different level than what they say Idols are. I may be able to dance and sing, but I don't have that special charm like Senior. Because of that..."

Hearing Kanade's lament, Suta remembered her past and could only smile. As it turned out, there were people who had the same anxieties such as the ones she had experienced back then.

Tiredness, injury, overthinking about the future, all will surely come in time. The important thing is, can someone get through it all? Or would they just throw up their hands and leave it all to fate?

"Kanadecchii~ I always see your hard work~"

Kanade's face turned red and she tried to cover her face. She did look very cold, but deep down, she was just a woman who was soft for praise and affection.

"A-As that true, Senior?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure that you too can become an Idol! Let's fight together! Hard work will never betray results"

Kanade nodded happily, probably because she had been praised and encouraged by her own senpai in person, making her feel relieved. But somehow, her expression was still a little unsatisfied and only Kira was aware of that.

It was like something was holding Kanade from being satisfied with what she had now. Because that complacency and arrogance would stunt the growth of one's talent which would be fatal, becoming arrogant and ending their career quickly.

"I-I'll try to learn how to sing too" Kanade mumbled with a flushed face.

And it turned out that her overthinking was what was holding back Kanade's feelings of joy and contentment. She didn't feel perfect enough to be an idol that her fans would adore. She wanted to be a public figure that fans can be proud of to her friends, family and people around her. And Kira knew that Kanade was not the only one who had such principles. Suta would have agreed to have the same goal.

"Like I said, we'll be fine. Let's cheer up and fight together!"

And once again, Suta showed why she deserved to be an Idol. Easy to get along with people she just met, encouraging everyone who seemed to have a lot on their mind, talented, and not to forget... that beautiful smile of hers, could melt Kira's cold heart and force it open as if she wanted to rule Kira's heart.

And of course Kira didn't mind, because Kira knew that very day that he would become Suta's number one fan.

After parting ways with Kanade at their destination, Kira accompanied Suta for a while until her bus arrived.

"Hoshi." Suta, who was originally letting out a long sigh as she put her body on the bench, was startled by Kira's sudden call.

"What's wrong, manager? You startled me."

"How about you? Are you confident in your singing voice? I've never listened to your singing voice"

Suta chuckled because it was so unexpected coming from Kira, "Heee~ What does the manager mean here? Does the manager want to listen to my singing voice? Aaah~ The manager is a pervert~"

But Kira didn't blush and answered firmly, "Yes. I want to listen to it."

The seriousness in Kira's expression was clearly visible to Suta. The smug expression that Suta had originally put out suddenly turned into a hopeful expression, happy for the seriousness that Kira had shown.

Suta, who was originally sitting, immediately stood up straight and walked towards Kira. He put his head on Kira's chest and pulled Kira's shirt with his thumb and index finger.

"Manager, you dummy. Didn't I tell you not to worry about me at all."

"But still, I promise you to make you the best Idol in the world. And I want to keep that promise to you, Hoshi."

Suta's smile came once again, the flower in her heart was blossoming and made her heart feel warm. Deep down, she was very relieved that she had appointed Kira to be her manager. Suta had no regrets at all.

However, Suta tried to hide her expression by immediately turning around. "Ah, my bus is here~"

Suta wanted to thank the manager but simply could not do so because it would make her shy, even though she rarely felt such feelings. So, all she had to do was reassure Kira, "Take it easy, manager! I'll definitely make it~"

After saying those words, she immediately entered the bus and waved to Kira after sitting in the bus.

Kira also waved to Suta as the bus departed. Kira turned around to hurry home because dusk was already seen decorating the earth's sky.

The sun leaving the sky with its distinctive orange to reddish color is usually a picture of someone's sadness. However, they forget that when the sun leaves the sky, there are also stars that decorate and shine the dark sky. The scenerey reminded Kira of Suta who came into Kira's life.

Kira's gray life seemed to be colored little by little by Suta's presence. Making his life more colorful and fun even though at first Kira was a little forced.

Kira, who was daydreaming on his way, was suddenly awakened by the ringing of his smartphone notification.

It was a message from Suta, but it was not an ordinary chat message, whereas there was a file attached to it.

"Voice note?" Kira pressed the file and brought the smartphone to his ear so that the sound would not be heard by the people around him.

Kira's heart skipped a beat as he heard the soft voice he was used to hearing in person. In Suta's voice note, he said: "Thank you for being by my side, Manager."

Usually listening to her voice in person never made him blush, but listening to it through a voice note like this made a mixed feeling in his heart, "It's like I have a girlfriend" He muttered with a flushed face.