
A Glittering Star

Kousei Kira has lost hope in humanity which was caused by their behavior. Just in front of his very eyes, he saw that someone's dream got laughed at because she said that she wanted to be an Idol. And she is none other than his classmate, Hoshi Suta "I want to be an Idol" Kousei Kira felt annoyed when someone's dream got laughed at like that. But... He just witnessed something unbelievable coming from the girl, Hoshi Suta was smiling at them. Then when Kousei Kira began to gain respect for her, and thus their story began with their first encounter. Source cover is not mine: https://twitter.com/gcmzi/status/1251785205502730243?s=12

CiLLL_Writing · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: Together

Until the very end, his eyes remained fixed on Suta. At this point in time, he had no choice but to be more serious about helping her to become an Idol. He couldn't let her hope down after she showed what she was capable of, that was what people called betrayal.

Kira then stood up and gave him a round of applause, which made Suta flutter her wings a little bit. "M-Manager, do you like it?"

"I would be lying if I was not fascinated by your dance. You are so good. Even for someone who knows nothing about dancing, I know you did a good job."

Suta let out a big sigh as she put her hand on her chest and showed her smile to Kira. "I'm glad. I was so nervous that I disappointed you."

"There's no way, I don't even know anything about it."

"B-But there is still a chance!"

She was a little nervous, but no one would understand. Only Teacher Irene noticed because her swaying was not as flexible as usual, and there were also a few moves that Suta forgot, even though Suta successfully improvised them to make it look good.

But teacher Irene decided to keep quiet and maybe nag Suta later. Because she was looking at Kira and Suta who were getting closer than ever. The teacher's heart felt warm as she stared at the two of them who were showing genuine smiles.

But suddenly, Kira patted Suta's head. He did this because he wanted Suta to believe that he was proud of her. Since he was not good with words, he acted more than he spoke. But that action made Suta look surprised when her manager did that unnoticed.


"Good work, Hoshi."

Suta smiled again and said loudly "THANK YOU MANAGER!"

But not only Suta was surprised. Teacher Irene suddenly screamed in her heart when she saw Kira patting Suta's head. "ROMAAANCE? Wait, do they have feelings for each other? I guess not, but why is my love meter tingling?" she muttered.

Kira and Suta noticed that teacher Irene was acting strangely. She was wiggling her body after seeing the two of them showing affection for each other. But there was no way that Teacher Irene would say that casually, or else they would be embarrassed for each other.

"No need to worry, I just have gastritis since I haven't eaten yet. No need to worry."

"Bruh, of course we are worried. Go eat, teacher." Both Kira and Suta said.

Thus, the day ended peacefully for all of them. Kira accompanied Suta and watched her dance a little longer until her class ended.

Then he waited for Suta to change her clothes and go home together, since they were going back to their city. Though they would be separated after that because they wouldn't go in the same direction, but it was a way for a man to at least accompany a woman where she would get home safely.

But while waiting for Suta, Kira suddenly ran into someone he had met before. It was Nagisa Kanade again.

Nagisa Kanade pretended not to look at Kira, but Kira felt bad if he also ignored her who was walking past him.

"Um, G-Good job, Nagisa-san"

She was startled because she didn't think he would greet her after what she had done to him. However, to Kira, Nagisa was a good girl who liked to help people, so Kira wouldn't judge her just because she was rude once.

"G-Good job, Manager-san"

"N-No, please don't call me that."


"I prefer you to call me by my name, you can call me Kousei if you feel uncomfortable calling me by my first name."

Nagisa Kanade scratched her head a little and bowed, "T-Then, Mr. Kousei..."

"No, please drop the Mister."


"I prefer Mister over Master... But please just call me Kousei."

Kanade paused for a second and nodded to him. She didn't say a word after that, making the atmosphere awkward. Kira didn't know why she felt uncomfortable with him, was it because Suta called him manager? Or was there another reason?

But Kira knew that the way to make the atmosphere a little lighter was to start a conversation and get closer to the person.

"Um, Nagisa's house is close to him-"

"No, I live in the neighboring town."

"I- I see..." Kira tried to find another topic, "Um... You call her Suta a Senior, right? So you are..."

"I'm a middle schooler. 3rd year. In fact, I'm going to high school next year, so-"

"Um, Nagisa... No need to be nervous, you don't have to feel pressured by me."

"And I am..." She continued to explain her life nervously. But luckily, Suta came and helped to lighten the atmosphere. Suta smiled as he approached both of them, Suta even hugged Kanade happily.

"So, Kanadecchi wants to go home with us, huh?"

Both Kira and Kanade looked at Suta in disbelief. They were not on good terms with each other, not to mention the strange atmosphere between them. This would make their journey home even more uncomfortable than it already was.

"Huh? Why did you both look surprised? We all live in the same city, and Manager, she is our junior in our school. The middle one, and Kanadecchi said she wants to go to our high school."

Kira was surprised, she didn't know that they lived in the same city and that she was even a junior in his school. But as for Kanade, she wasn't so surprised because she didn't know, because she heard that Kira was Suta's classmate, so it wasn't new information for her.

Instead, she was shocked because they were going home together. Since she always walked home alone, Kanade had never talked to anyone on her way home. But walking with Suta and Kira would probably be too much for her. So she had to turn them down.

"Um... Senior... L-"

"L?" Suta tilted her head.

"Le-Let's go..." She couldn't refuse Suta after all.