
A Girly Story

What runs in a girl's mind?

Avijit_Banerjee_9053 · Urban
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5 Chs


A controlled Peter in love gently places Riza almost at the middle of the bed. Riza keeps her eyes closed. Has ever her heart beaten so rapidly? She could almost hear it. Peter places her hands and legs properly, so that she can lie in comfort.

Riza still keeps her eyes closed. She is expecting her Pete to go for the next step. And why not? Two persons make a team. And for every team there is a captain. When a man and a woman go to bed, it's the man who is the captain. After all, he has to do the things. Riza is a girly girl. She waits for things to happen.

She could almost visualise Pete is standing and looking at her.

- Is he measuring me? Is he looking at my face? How does my face look?

The thought made Riza's whole body cringe. As if all cells of her body are going down to a deep hole.

Pete was actually looking at her face. Her tightly closed eyelids forming wrinkles. So romantic, waiting for an impending pleasure. Her a bit upward face, her golden hairs spreading almost all around her head, generating the aura of the sun goddess.

Pete touched her cheek softly. Then gave a soft kiss on her cheek. But will that satisfy eager Riz?

Pete slowly and softly brought his hand down to her breast. Now Riz's body is almost at breakover point. Her upper torso swelled up, head more over, and she gave out a soft moan.

Heartbeat stopped. Now there is a world of black void where sensuality solely exists. Is this the way we go back to core?

Pete moves his hand down to navel, travelling all the way. What will happen? What will happen? Riz's groin yearned for love.

Peter started unbuttoning Riza's shirt. Riza co-operated. Gradually he unclothed her. Then he unclothed himself. Riza was looking at the wall. Thought process is blank now. Inwards, she is being ready for the upcoming ecstasy.

Pete caressed the nipples of Riz. As if some electric shock passed through the body of Riza. Starting from her heart it went through her stomach and thighs with reverberations felt in hands and legs. She frowned and bit her lips in trying to control the feeling.

Peter then kissed her nipple in an effort to arouse her. The other he gently messaged. Riza was drowning into a black void. "I will faint", she thought.

Then he gently messaged her breasts. Riza was in no position to talk. Pete went to her legs.

At last! He did it. It was painful and yet filled with ecstasy. A titling feeling that cannot be described. At the end Riza was lying on bed, hands and legs stretched. As if the body was done with overwork.

"Satisfied? Are you satisfied? All of your body, mind and soul- huh, satisfied?" Pete asked, looking at the almost closed eyes of Riza. Truly, this was not the first time, but this type of overall, complete and exhausting feeling never happened to Riza. She is overwhelmed. So much so that her body cannot respond. "Where were you, boy?" She thought.

She gave out a little smile.

Peter seems to be an expert. He knows how to please a girl. He went to the washroom. Riza was trying to think, but she could not, properly. There was sounds of water falling from the tap coming from the washroom, the door was quite ajar. Riza wished to go inside, she could not. Her body gave in.

Peter came out from the washroom, his body fresh, upright, proud in manhood. His eyes reflecting that masculine pride, confidence for a job well done. Riza was looking at him. So handsome! Fatless body with masculine curves, every inch of strong, formidable flesh as if dancing in manly glory. Light reflecting on toned, tanned skin. Not very tall, but not short either. Eyes neither wide, nor shrunken. Just right! Quite wide shoulders, ending in masculine bulges. No hair in chest! Or are they shaved? Stomach ending in cute hip, low genitals dancing after good work. Thighs strong and wide, but not as much as Riza sees in magazines of models.

Peter came to her at the bedside and looked at her. His eyes gave out a manly stare, strong and no-nonsense.

"Go and and wash yourself. It's unhygienic to stay that way."

Oh! What care. She wishes she could keep his leftovers inside her for sometime more. What if it drains away?

Riza, with some difficulty, got up. She was thinking while cleaning herself. What if a baby borns? Will Pete marry me? Shall I wait for the baby's birth? What if he rejects? Will he propose? If he proposes I will marry. He never clarified his income. What is his income? Let go. We will work together. I will help him. At this thought Riza's breasts swelled in love. She felt a good feeling running through her body, a good vibe filled her upper torso, moving towards her legs. Her flesh as if swelled up. She felt her skin to be glowing. A smile of love bloomed in her light-lipsticked lips. Her eyes widened in a look of love. Anybody could tell seeing her jovial countenance.

Alas! There was nobody to see it. Women hide their best expressions only to themselves. At best they disclose it to people they trust. So much love, is there anybody to take? When will men know what they are missing, in their all-demolishing desire to conquer all, be successful, get promoted, be rich- win in life? How many will win? They are loosing both. Men's ego cannot conquer the world, but women's surrender can win all and sundry.

Riza came to the bathroom door. Opened it, looked at the opposite wall. The clothes are in the room. Will I were them? What is Peter doing? She peeped into the room.

Peter was roaming, hands clasped backwards, eyes piercingly wide. He fixed his eyes on Riza's. Every inch a tiger! The nude beast civilised. Hairless gorilla! The king without clothes.

Riza felt hot blood flowing through her body. She felt hot. She felt bold. She got aroused to the new situation. A new life. After a deep slumber for ages she is awakened. She in body and mind accepted the new challenge. She proceeded towards Peter. Has the air got hotter? Is there all around fire raging from the floor diving towards the roof? Is the room filled with red tentacles of fiery flame? Riza's eyes are burning in feminine fire as never before. She never lost contact with Peter's eyes. Such unblinking eyes never happens to a girl.

This is the new woman. The old girl is dead. Oh! Pete. What have you done? Do you realise what you have done?

Riza stood before Pete. Eyes met eyes. So many poetries and songs have been written about this second down the ages, for thousands of years. What can I write?

Riza has embraced the new life. The giant of a man. A hot man. His companionship. What is a man, she still doesn't know. But she will find out. But has Pete? Staring he observed Riz's eyes for a few seconds. He is inwardly confused. What is this look, he doesn't know. He moved away his head.

He looked again. Riza made one step forward. Touching Pete's chest she moved towards his shoulders.

And then she hugged him.

Pete touched his love handles- two sides of upper waist. His head down a bit sideways, looking towards the floor.

Then he kissed her. Taking her by shoulder he directed her to the bed. Both laid side by side for some time. Riza was staring to the ceiling. She was expecting something more. Vision was blur for Pete. He was savouring the moment. Then Pete got back to his senses. He kissed her again. Riz gave a smile. This smile is different. Mature, romantic, happy. Riza took to her side. So did Pete, smilingly. Again they hugged each other, lying.

They remained in the posture for several minutes.

Pete broke silence. "Have you eaten?" "No." In low voice was the reply.

"I am hungry."

Riza laid straight briefly, then got up slowly. She is trying, but there is a larking feeling in body jamming it's flesh.

She went to the kitchen of her small apartment. She wanted to prepare a tasty meal for her Pete, but now there is neither time nor strength. They both are hungry. There was cucumber and bread. The refrigerator is a desert. She made sandwiches stuffed with round, peeled cucumber pieces with butter applied.

They didn't talk much at the table. Remained engrossed in eating.

"Splendid dish."

"Thank you."

Peter opened a sandwich to see what's inside. Riza observed. Peter saw. Said nothing.

After finishing the dish Peter got up and went to wash his mouth. Riza was again blank.

After putting down the stomach fire Peter was sitting on an armchair. Riza began to arrange the dining table.

They began talking.