
A Girly Story

What runs in a girl's mind?

Avijit_Banerjee_9053 · Urban
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5 Chs


Riza opened the door. It is Pete. What the hell. Is this Peter the Spiderman? How can he come so fast?

"Hey Riz, I am sorry. Thought I should apologize, so... I have come."

- "How did you come so fast?"

- "In my bike."

Two lovebirds went on looking at each other's eyes for some time. Then she jumped and hugged him tight. She could feel his warmth and heart-beat. Peter too felt her heart-beat, and the softness of her body, a terrible urge arose in him to kiss her. At this time the whole world stands false, the only truth is the woman.

Peter is a tremendous good kisser. He lip-locked her. Hugging tight breast to breast, his lips encircled hers, giving her no room to breadth for a very short time. Riza cowed down. Her two hands fell down on two sides. Her knees gave up. She would have fallen but two masculine hands were tightly holding her. He uplifted his right elbow to give here a proper head-rest. Bending down he took her knees from under and lifted her up. Riza's body and mind had entered an ecstatic state. She could not move. She could not think.

Peter, taking Riza, headed for the living room.