
Training with Selina/ Heist


"Wake up Kid! It's time to pay me back" Selina yelled for Jasper to wake up

"Noooo five more minutes" He mumbled and turned over on his side

Selina narrows her eyes and grabs her whip, Which was sitting on the table


" Ahhhh! What the hell!" Jasper screams looking at Selina

"Good you're up, let's get started..."


Walking down the street with a briefcase, A man is on the phone with his employer "So I just give him the money and it will be fine?"

"Yes, but make sure not to be seen entering the building..." Comes the reply

"Yes bos-" Before he can finish the briefcase is gone from his hands, then looking around with a surprised expression he panics "Boss! the money's gone"


"Just like that" Selina says while counting the money inside the briefcase

"What! That's impossible to do for a normal person!" Jasper exclaims after seeing cat women's insane speed when taking the briefcase

"Not my problem, by the end of the day I want you to have stolen at least $50,000 ok?" She says and jumps from rooftop to rooftop leaving Jasper there

"What the hell kinda parenting is this!?"


Bruce Wayne, Or rather Batman was patrolling the streets of Gotham When he came across an 8-year-old boy running away from gang members

The problem was that it looked like the boy had stolen money "What The hell?" He mutters before dropping down in front of the boy and grappling back up with him

"Did you steal that money?" He asked seeing the boys scared expression

"no... they tried to take it, it's money for my mom's cancer, please don't make me give it to them!" Jasper said some Bull and hoped for the best

Batman eyes Jasper skeptically (If he's lying then he stole the money, but either way it's probably stolen...) "hmm alright... I'll let you off for now, but be more careful" Batman says and brings him down from the roof, At the same time he put a tracker on his back

"Thanks, Mr. Batman," Jasper said and hurried off with all the money he had stolen


"Hmm, you went above and beyond huh?" Selina says looking at the 120,000 dollars he had gotten today "Good, you're already starting to pay me back... you can get some rest now, I'll teach you more basics tomorrow... and throw away that shirt, somewhere far would be better" She said eyeing the tracker on his back

And just like that 6 months had passed, Jasper had gotten a little muscle in the right areas, not much since he was still only eight but just enough to tell he's athletic

Right now he sat on top of a rooftop waiting for Catwoman to finish with Batman

"Who's the Kid?" Batman asked eyeing Jasper, he couldn't tell where he had seen him from, but he knew he was familiar

"Just my little brother... I'm teaching him how to be a good little boy... besides he owes me for taking him in" Catwoman replies and rests a hand on Batman's chest "But can you let us go? just this once~" she said with a seductive purr next to his ear


"Tsk, your no fun Batman... I just want to play a little, and maybe make it big in the world" Catwoman says looking into the sky and putting her hand out there as if she could grasp it

Batman suddenly puts his hand to his ear "Yah I'll be right there... Your lucky, my protege is in a bit of trouble" He says to them and grapples away

"Maybe Your protege and mine can be best friends one of these days," Catwoman says waving away and turning back to Jasper "You ready kiddo?"

"ready as I'll ever be," Jasper says back with a smile as they head toward the Bank, rumor has it that Bruce Wayne had deposited quite a lot of money, it's like he wanted it to be taken


Catwoman cut the glass in a circle with her claws "Get ready...Now!" She says and jumps in a perfect way to dodge the laser system

Jumping in the same graceful way Jasper smiles (This feels so Badass!) He thinks to himself, being in a child's body had made him feel like a child as well, granted he was only 15 when he got put into this body, so he was still childish in some ways

"Shh" Catwoman Shushed him as she began to type the passwords to the vault

"How much is in there?" Jasper asks unslinging the bag when she finishes

"A lot" Was her only reply as the vault door opened and several gold bars came into view

Jasper whistles as Catwoman was forward "Come to mama" She says and starts putting the gold and jewels into the bags

*Alarm going off*

Jasper trips as the loud beeping sound resonated in his ears "Damn it!"

They run and go out through the window they got in at the same time sirens could be heard arriving in the front of the bank


"That was fun!" Jasper said sitting and counting the cash, Spending time with Catwoman made him quite the money fiend "Though we might have gotten more if you didn't act like a slut for Batman" He says looking at her

"Oh? Then who should I be a slut for?" She says getting close to his face

Jasper blushes and looks away "That's a crime you know... I'm only 8" He says and gets up to take a shower

"Hmm, only 10 more years then?" Catwoman asks making Jasper freeze

"If your still single at that time then that's just sad," He says and continues walking (Vixen!)

6 more months pass and it's finally the time for Jaspers Genes to Awaken

(Crap... how will Selina react) Jasper had come to terms that he wasn't going to be human anymore, But he didn't want Selina to treat him like a monster (I'll force myself to eat human food... that should work)

Just the thought of having to eat normal food made Jasper gag (It seems god also added the Natural instincts a ghoul has)

Jasper Tests his new power and figures out something( I'm at least 2 times stronger than I was before, and all my senses seem sharper... did turning into a ghoul make me healthier?)

Then looking in the mirror and Ghouling out he sees that just like Kaneki, he has only one Ghoul eye


Watching while eating InterDimensional popcorn Rob smiles "Finally things will get exciting hehe"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!Like it ? Add to library!

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TheGodSagecreators' thoughts