
A Ghoul In Dc[Completed]

Jasper Eaton was a normal Boy, he had friends and went to school. He didn't really like his life However, and he always wished for something greater. Unfortunately, as the phrase goes "Be careful what you wish for" An Rob Transmigrated him into the The Ghoul Body of Ken Kaneki at 8 years old with a note telling him good luck, Will he be a hero? A villain?... or something In between? I do not Own DC or any of its characters, Only the Mc It might have a small harem it's not confirmed yet, if so it will have only about 1-2 Tokyo Ghoul and Dc mixed... Please enjoy and give feedback The Cover isn't mine, if it's yours I'll delete it This story starts off fine, but it got a little rocky with my trolling, sorry in advance... Patr0n.com/GodSage

TheGodSage · Others
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56 Chs


"God damn... you guys are so ugly!" Jasper said hitting one out of the air and spin kicking another one slamming it into a building.

As he landed back on the street he saw them start to focus on him, making him smirk to himself as his eyes turned mismatched blue and red.

"J.... per!... jas...r!....Jasper!" Bruce's voice came out of his comms that he had connected to his long jacket as he dodged a blow from one of the sly demons.

"Yeah, I'm here... you got that son of a bitch yet?" Jasper asked slamming an elbow into another Paredemon.

Unfortunately, he'd need more than this due to their unique biology. Not simply did they have a hard time feeling pain, but Darkseid had tampered with their armor making it give them extraordinary protection, all because he was preparing for the Kryptonian.

"You're... really damn tough," Jasper said with shadows coming on his fists. He was still slightly weak, but some background villains shouldn't take much effort.

Jasper twisted through the air and hit the parademons out of the sky, simultaneously opening portals and sending them to different random dimensions.

"Jason got away... listen these things were sent from someone called Darkseid, they treat him as a god... his servant was able to injure Clark thoroughly... be careful if you see anyone too strong."

After bruce's Warning, he shit off the comms making Jasper sigh as he saw someone that wasn't a normal Paredemon like in the sky.

"They have insects now?... god you're ugly... even a mother couldn't love that", Jasper said to one of Darkseid's Elites, Mantis.

" Hm?... you shall be my first kill on this planet... I've brought my brethren as well to harvest this planet of its resources and keep you...impudent humans, in check," Mantis says standing tall in front of Jasper.

Jasper smirks and nods before backing up into a portal and reappearing, giving mantis a spinning back elbow to the kidneys and vertical living him down into the ground.

"Not enough," Mantis says, grabbing Jasper's leg as he tried to jump away. Jasper uses his upper body to spin and breaks his leg kicking Mantis into the side of a building next to them.

As he landed his leg twisted bringing it back to normal as he shrugged it off and busted into Mantis breaking through the building and slamming him into the ground from the other side.

"A futile attempt at freedom" Mantis said, grabbing Jasper's wrist and slamming his head into Jasper's, making him fly back as his arm was ripped off.

"God... damn... you guys are all monsters," Jasper said, wiping his mouth revealing the bite he took out of Mantis during the exchange, his arm revealing itself to be there still.

"How?" Mantis said before getting a knee to the face and flying back into a portal and appearing on top of a pyramid. Jasper flew out and smashed him through the walls of the pyramid and flew up into the sky before throwing him back down with all his strength, us the boost he'd been given after eating a part of Mantis.

"I'm immortal, fit to serve my God!" Mantis replied to Jasper's attempts at causing him damage. Gritting his teeth for a second, Jasper smiled and looked at the so-called immortal.

"Your god... does he bleed?" Jasper asked with his head turned sideways. To be honest he was slightly out of it after the multiple deadly exchanges "I know a god... that's the only god I can believe in... because he controls my life!" Jasper's Kagune ripped out of his back as a black shell came and covered his body including his face ending in a point and revealing his Centipede Kagune.

"You're a bug right?... from one to another... just die!" Jasper says in a deep raspy voice as he bursts forward at an impossible speed and web struck mantis's throat before spinning around and delivering a kick to his abdomen smashing him into another building.


Meanwhile on the other side of earth in Gotham, Batman and the justice league are trying to stop the terror of the parademons. "Superman!... i've come for a rematch!" Kalibak suddenly falls forward in front of superman.

This was his last chance to earn his fathers love and affection. A chance he just couldn't pass up, If he lost this then he'd most likely be killed by Darkseid at least.

"Batman, I can handle him, you protect the citizens... these things are all over earth, call in the kids as well" Superman says quickly as he grabs Kalibak and bursts up into the sky.

Batman immediately goes on his panel alerting all the others in the justice league including the Titans and Young Justice. "Raven we need your magic, can you fight?" Batman asks Raven as she stands there weakly but nods and flies up as well to take down these Paredemons.

"Oh?... a human really thinks he can win against Darkseid?... how foolish, just be my little pet" Amazing Grace said behind Batman immediately Mind controlling him. Her target was going to be superman but it seemed Darkseid gave his son a second chance.

Darkseid sent 3 into earth besides the parademons. Her, Mantis and Steppenwolf, Kalibak was a last edition that they weren't aware of. Right now Mantis was with his bug colony terrorizing humans... or so she thought.

Steppenwolf was currently having his own problems, finding out that superman wasn't the only Kryptonian, but this didn't mean he'd lose against a child still in the green.

"Your power is formidable but nothing compared to my nephew" Steppenwolf told the injured Kara as she looked up at him with a frightened expression.

"Kara!" Wonder woman yelled using her lasso and whipping Steppenwolf back. Looking at the young girl there was confusion in her eyes as, she was told that Kara was going to national city to live a normal life. So why was Kara here wearing a black suit that could match hers in naughtiness?

"Please don't right now... lookout!" Kara screamed as Steppenwolf came swinging his electro axe towards them only for it to be blocked by her shield.

Wonder Woman widened her eyes feeling the pressure of the Axe, she could tell it wasn't normal and immediately let go of her shield just as a beam of electricity hit it frying it to a crisp. "Very Good... but it still won't be enough without your little friends Diana..." SteppenWolf says and Diana finally remembers where she'd met him before.

"You... didn't we kill you?... we'll just do it again..." Diana says to steppenwolf remembering the motherbox incident that had caused them to form the justice league in the first place.

"Yes... but this time I have more then myself... Darkseid is coming as well... he might even come sooner than expected since there is another kryptonian here..."

Steppenwold stepped forward to attack Diana but stopped feeling something wrong and raising a hand to his ear feeling it missing. Sarah finished her flip over him spitting out the ear and landing beside WonderWoman and SuperGirl wearing her own outfit consisting of a leather Jacket and leggings.

"You almost destroyed the gym... King will be very mad" Sarah said wiping the blood off her face and looking at the red pill in her hand. She'd found Jaspers hiding place, but instead of wanting to take it out of addiction she wanted to use it to protect the city, and so she did, popping it in her mouth and Ghouling out with her blue tendril Kagune coming out of her back.

Now, it seemed things got a bit more difficult for Darkseid's Army... Only a bit though, since Steppenwolf could now use his full power and take these silly girls out...


"I hate mantises" Jasper said after getting up and looking at the humanoid Insect Army that had surrounded him, along with the slightly beaten up Mantis leading them from the front. "Because... you guys never play fair do you?... fine, I won't either"

At this moment Jasper took away all his inhibitions about Killing, these guys needed to die for the safety of earth, he had people to protect and wasn't going to follow Bruce's Bullshit ideology.

"Go ahead... Attack '' Jasper said with a portal opening up next to him revealing two lo0ng daggers that he'd made for a specific purpose. "Made these to kill Jason not that long ago... didn't really hurt using my teeth... let's see if they work shall we?"

Jasper smiled as his eyes turned red and blue and the 4 red tendrils and 2 centipede Kagunes came out, along with his shadow which grew over 17 feet behind him, pressuring the insects to think twice about attacking him.

"Kill him my brethren!" Mantis yelled surging forward with the humanoid insects and teleporting behind Jasper giving a kick to his side.

"That's... it?" Jasper asked with Mantis's leg in his hand, along with one of the knives in Mantis's eye and the other in his chest. The insects all dropped with several cuts all along their body, aimed at their lethal spots.

"My-" Jasper smiled as Mantis was going to talk and leaned forward biting into the humanoid insect's throat and stabbing him repeatedly using magic as well to ensure the damage stayed. "So much for being immortal huh?... I'm going to kill that god of yours..." Jasper said before devouring mantis's upper body and standing up feeling the boost his body had.

Jasper opened a portal and walked through to Rize and Nathan putting them inside his Personal dimension and tearing off his long coat before walking into another portal and arriving at Gotham... Time for Ghoul to make his appearance... and fuck the code, these guys were dead...