
A Genuis Child's Development

At the age of 6 , a certain child committed homicide. He killed his own father and uncle , stole their money and acted innocent in front of the police station . At a very young age , a certain child was forced to mature and act on his own decisions to strive forward . Collect garbages , help a neighbor's farm , tutored a rich stupid classmate and dabbled on every kinds of job just to earn money and change his impoverished family . When he grew up , no one could believe that this handsome young man was actually once a poor child . Shao Boya once vowed to his parents. " One day ... I will bring you to a fancy restaurant and pay with my own hard earned money . " But not only did Shao Boya bring his family to a fancy restaurant , he also bought a mansion for them and enrolled his sister to a private school . He has good looking face , intelligence , hot body and wealth ... The thing is , who would he end up with? The man who watches him growing up while guiding him to the right path? Or the childhood friend he gained right after he opened up his life story to him .

Thealovesbishies · Realistic
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29 Chs

Chapter 21

Seeing as madam Shao ran away in fright. Only then did Shao Boya slowly closed the door. He turned his body in Lu Meifeng's direction and smiled. " Everything's fine now, they won't disturb us anymore. "

Shao Boya walked near her and patted his mother's trembling hands. " I am not going to hurt you two... Please don't show me that fearful look. "

The young boy gently clenched his hands around Lu Meifeng's hands and pursed his lips with a countenance full of complicated expressions.

He is really a monster, no doubt. Even his very own mother feels scared towards him. Shao Boya hated it, he doesn't want to see his mother giving him a look of fear, as if..  as if she can't recognize him as her son.

He had changed indeed, compared to the former him who only knows how to cry and be fed, cry and be beaten, cry and starve.

A lot of things changed, but his love for them never changed.

In this cruel world. He has to change... If not, he would have long been dead. If he died, there's no one to protect Shao Yu, if he died, no one could help his mother from raising Shao Yu.

" I am a good boy. " Shao Boya lifted up his face and struggled to arc up the corners of his lips and bent his eyes.

Act like a normal boy... And mother wouldn't fear you anymore.

Act harmless... And she'll hug you.

Hide your strength, and she'll protect you.

Remain sensible, and she'll cherish you..

Make her proud, and she'll carry you up and kiss your cheeks.

" Aren't i? "

I'm a good boy right?


Shao Boya tried hard to smile and hide his claws. Yet the moment his tears fell down. His pretense cracked, the second layer of his beastly personality backed down, and the soft and weak side of him was witnessed by his mother.

A boy who needs to change. Holding the tip of the blade and was reborn as a new person.

A boy who struggled to survive in this cruel world. Desperately protecting what he only have in this dark world.

Shao Yu, Lu Meifeng.

These two, are the only existences that provided him strength to fight back and drive away those evil elements who wanted to harm his beloveds.

Now that he became a person who shed blood and seazed someone's life.

Is he no longer a good boy?

" Am I a good boy? " The young boy asked and held his mother's hands tightly.

" I earned money, I do household chores, I took care of Shao Yu, I cared about you two, studied carefully and even earned two golden medals. "

" Mom, I am a good boy right? "

Lu Meifeng felt like her heart was being squeezed tightly. Tears fell down from her eyes as she immediately enveloped the confused boy. " Ssshh, baby, you're a good boy. You're my precious son... Don't get confused, you're a good boy ok? Didn't Shao Yu tell you that you're the best man in the whole world? "

" Right, I am indeed the best man. " Shao Boya's eyes were muddles and dull. One could see he was not in a right mind.

As if ... As if he's going to crumble and collapsed anytime.

The boy's eyes were surrounded with dark circles, his collarbones deep, he's thin and looked malnourished. This little boy shouldn't look like this.

He deserves better... A better environment.

Why would a flower be deprived of light?

For his beauty to shine, it has to be watered, cultivated and cared.

It needs light. Not darkness.

Something seems to click within Lu Meifeng's head.

What had she done?

Why did she run away?

If.. if only she had endured more... If only she didn't run away.

Shao Boya would have experienced a life of a real prince in the Lu Household.

Shao Yu and Shao Boya would have been treated like princess and prince.

They wouldn't have experience this hardship, starvation, impoverishment.

She thought she could endure it all.

She's strong, and she can provide for her two children.

She doesn't need anyone's help.. as long as she have these two, she wouldn't collapse.


It's her fault Shao Boya became like this.

" It's all my fault. "

Lu Meifeng trembledly tightened her hug around her son's body and sobbed. " It's all my fault, Shao Boya. "

Stay strong my child ... Mom... Mom will return all the things you two deserve to have.

The life you should have gotten.

Mom... Will take it all back.

" I'll return..  son... "

Shao Boya's dull eyes moved and trembled.

" Do you want to return... " Lu Meifeng stopped.

Can she even call that house, their Home?

Shao Boya's dull eyes moved suddenly darkened. " What return? We have nothing to return to. "

Shao Boya patted Lu Meifeng's hand and went out of her embrace. " We don't need their wealth... They stained your dignity mom. They ruined your life ... Why do we have to return there? I won't agree!!! "

Lu Meifeng trembled and covered her face in a stressful manner. " But son... Mom cannot endure it anymore. "

Shao Boya held both of Lu Meifeng's cheeks and stared straight into her eyes. " Endure it! Endure it for us. "

" Where is your endurance when you let Shao Xiaolin abuse us? Now that he's gone, you can no longer endure it? Mom!!! Endure it!!! "

Lu Meifeng shook her head. " I'm tired... Son... I'm tired, so tired, I want to take a rest. "

Lu Meifeng weakly rested her head over Shao Boya's shoulder. " I'm tired. .. . Raising you all alone. I feel so so exhausted. "

Shao Boya was still young when she ran away while still pregnant with Shao Yu.

She lost her face, dignity and reason to live when that Sheng slandered her.

She thought that she could still endure their insults.

But when the rumor that she cheated on his boyfriend and that Shao Yu was a bastard. Her heart cracked and depression took over her mind.

She was pregnant, and emotionally unstable. She almost got a miscarriage.

She desperately called Yi Meilin at that time, seeking for comfort.

But Yi Meilin's mind was also poisoned , he started doubting at her.

Old Yi even forcibly had Yi(Shao) Boya to be brought to the hospital to have a paternity test.

Not just Shao Yu... They also doubted Shao Boya's origin.

Shao Boya, she is so sure of it... Even Yi Meilin knows.

Shao Boya is the fruit of their love. How can Yi Meilin even doubt his own son?!!!

Yi Meilin asked her again and again.

Did you had s*x with an unknown man?

Yi Meilin's words broke her heart into pieces. Lu Meifeng returned back home hurriedly.

But even her father cursed at her and disowned her.

She had no choice but to cut ties with them and ran away, hide and would no longer appear in front of their faces.

" I'm so tired. " Lu Meifeng repeated, like a broken recorder.

The world in Lu Meifeng's eyes spun and doubled. Her lids felt heavy and she eventually fell asleep. Shao Boya remained silent and stared mid-air.

Her mom's voice kept on echoing within his mind.

She's tired.

He knows...

He knows it!!

Shao Boya hated his self for being weak.

Revenge... He wanted revenge.

He doesn't know what exactly happened to his mom.

" Don't worry mom... I'll protect you. " Shao Boya whispered and hugged his mother's neck.

I'll repay 10 times the fold to those people who made you like this.

What Shao Boya did to Shao Xiaolin was merciful enough.

Next time... He'll learn to torture them mentally and toy with them.

Let them know the experience of depression, impoverishment, starvation, despair, and hopelessness. .

He'll let them feel it all.

" Brother? You're back? "

The darkness, clouding over Shao Boya's face immediately vanished as if it never existed. Shao Boya smiled gently at Shao Yu and carefully layed his mom down over the sofa.

" Hmm , I'm back. " Shao Boya went over to carry Shao Yu .

" Have you eaten your dinner already? " Shao Boya gently asked as he rubbed the little girl's head in a soft manner.

Shao Yu smiled and nodded. " We had a fried chicken earlier. "

Shao Boya arc up his brows in amusement. " What a coincidence, we and your Lin gege also had a fried chicken earlier. "

" Does it taste better than mom's fried chicken? "

Shao Boya smirked. " Yeah. "

" Liar, Mom's fried chicken is the best in the world. "

Shao Boya sighed and ruffled Shao Yu's head. " I'll cook you fried chicken in the future, and let's see who's better at cooking. Would it be mom's or gege's fried chicken. "

Shao Yu giggled at the way Shao Boya said it in an arrogant and mysterious manner as if he was so sure he'll win.

" Now, let's sleep. It's already late at night already. Can you close your eyes? "

Shao Yu nodded and obediently closed her eyes. " Like this? "

"Hmm yeah haha. "

Shao Yu opened her eyes and giggled. " Haha, brother, I can't sleep. "

Shao Boya stood up and carried Shao Yu upstairs. " If you can't sleep, then I'll sing you a song. "

Shao Yu happily hugged her brother's neck. " Can you pat my back too? "

" Sure "

" Brother, hug me too. "

" Alright. "

" Brother, can you not turn the lights off? "

" You can't sleep properly if the light is on. "

" But brother, I'm afraid of darkness. "

" Darkness is good. "

" I like light better. "

" But I'm here, you don't need to feel scared. "

" Then I won't be scared anymore. "

" Should be. "

" Brother will protect me right? "

When Shao Yu said that, Shao Boya subconsciously paused. He turned his head and looked at Shao Yu's innocent eyes.

" I have always been protecting you. Not only you, but also mom. " Shao Boya caressed Shao Yu's cheeks.

" I won't let anyone hurt you. "

Shao Yu smiled naively. " Brother, you are really the best. You actually know that I'm afraid of pain? "

Shao Boya entered the room and slowly layed the little girl down. Shao Yu obediently tucked herself under the quilt and hugged her brother's waist.

Shao Boya on the other hand lifted up Shao Yu's head and let her head to rest over his biceps.

When Shao Boya brought her head close to his chest. He suddenly heard Shao Yu say. " Brother... Thank you for protecting me from father Shao's abuse. I may have been beaten sometimes, but you always appear not too late to protect me. "

" Brother... You will be always be my hero.."

What Shao Yu said with her naive tone...

Had actually brought her usually indifferent brother to tears.

He will always be Shao Yu's hero.

And Cui Manyan was right...

Shao Boya is a protective man..

He will do everything to protect Shao Yu and Lu Meifeng... Even if it costs his life.

Shao Boya nodded with his ragged breathing. He clenched his fist and kissed the little girl's head. " And Shao Yu will always be my little princess. "

Shao Yu giggled. " I can't always be your princess brother, I will be someone's Queen once I grow up. "

Hearing what Shao Yu said. Shao Boya chuckled.

" Then..  I will become the villain who will snatch the Queen away from the King. "

" No, you can't be a villain. You're a hero! "


What an incompatible word.

He had always thought himself as a bad boy.

" And also " Shao Yu lifted her head and stared straight into her brother's eyes.

" I also want to become a hero that can protect you too someday. "

Shao Boya laughed at her remarks. " Me? Protect me?  You can't do that~ . "

" I swear brother, I can protect you too!!"

" By how? " Shao Boya amusedly arc up his brows.

Shao Yu clenched her fist and made a determined expression. However, in Shao Boya's eyes, she remained looking cute.

" I will drive away all the bees that covet the best man in the world. "


For the first time...

Shao Boya...

Made his very first genuine laugh...

And sadly... Only Shao Yu witnessed this amazing scenario.

The handsome boy, who could make any girls' heart flutter with puppy love.

Is not laughing handsomely to his sister's silly remarks.

Shao Yu momentarily froze when she witnessed her brother smiling.

His cold and indifferent eyes were now curved into crescents with traces of small tears of joy lingering in the rims of his eyes.

His curvaceous lips arcing up into an amused smile as well as happiness that the little boy couldn't comprehend.

He looks like a masterpiece painting, made by the hands of the art of god. With no mistakes, blemishes... Devoid of imperfections.

His smile... Is infectious... Even the silly and determined Shao Yu couldn't stop her self from smiling like a fool too.

" Bees? Hahaha, you're so silly, Shao Yu.." Shao Boya wiped his tears and ruffled Shao Yu's hair.

When the urge to laugh finally ended, Shao Boya suddenly froze realizing his unfamiliar reaction.


It's been a long time since he had last laughed like this.

Shao Boya immediately coaxed Shao Yu to sleep and turned off the lights.

Before he could fall into his deep sleep, Shao Boya vaguely heard Shao Yu's voice .

" I forgot !!! Congratulations for winning the competition. I'm so proud of you, brother. "