
A Game To Remember

Warning: This story is bad. After a tragic death of which I didn't write, Ren's soul stumbled upon Death's Realm. ....Now he's wedded to her and is now in Remnant? What the fuck?! 1st World RWBY: Complete 2nd World: Scissor Seven: Ongoing(Sadly)

Piiiiza · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Red Like Roses.

This chapter will mainly focus on Ruby's Pov.



(Ruby Rose Pov)

"Haa. Haa. Haa." As Ren ordered, she ran. As much as it pained her to leave her friend behind to fight that... monster. She knew he could handle it.

The power he showcased at Beacon shocked her. Being able to kill thousands of Grimm, in minutes... It was remarka𝐁le.

Yet why didn't he go to Beacon? It's most peoples dream to get into one of the best academies. Even she got to excited when Ozpin allowed her in, and she couldn't sleep for 2 whole days.

But the worst of all... He looked so lonely when she first saw him. He seemed angry at the time, but behind that anger... was sadness.

It confused her. He had a nice personality, and seemed like someone who had a lot of friends.


"Y'know, it's kinda weird how your my only friend." Ren chuckled, gazing at the stars. "I didn't even have 1 of them back where I 'used' to live." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"So thank you. Thank you for being my friend, Ruby." He looked into her eyes... And smiled.

It was a genuine smile. Not the fake ones he usually gave to people they came across... A true smile.

(Flashback Over)

She stopped dead in her tracks, and slowly turned around. What was she doing? Leaving him behind to fight that thing...

Her hands clenched into fist, as she glared at the ground.

She knew she was nothing compared to him or that thing... But still. Did she really leave him behind.


Her silver eyes flashed, and a look of resolve appeared in them. She brought out Crescent Rose, and in a flurry of roses... She ran to help her Friend.

(The Fanfiction Menace Pov)

Punch, parry, kick, dodge, hit. A simple yet effective combo for this dumbass Grimm. Since it's Will is 10, It's dumber than a 4th grader.

By now, any wildlife within a 40 meter radius was gone or reduced to nothing, as our battle has brought pure destruction.

"What's wrong, you weak sack of shit!" I mockingly taunt the Grimm, making it scree in anger.

Another thing is that this thing is prone to simple taunts. And with enough... It'll be free exp.

I wave my hand up, as tendrils of void shot up from the ground. With a f𝐥ick of my wrist, they sped towards the Grimm.


The Grimm managed to dodge most of them, but one took a chunk of his side off, prompting it to let out a agonizing scream of pain.

With half my thoughts being to kill this thing, I watch in amusement as it falls to the ground.

"And like that, your down. I do hope that's not all you could do. I was wishing for more entertainment... How boring." I lazily shrugged my shoulders, watching the Grimm writhe in pain.

"But that look on your face does bring me some joy." A sadistic grin made way on my face. "if only I had a camera... I'd love to record you suffering."

But a strange thing happened. It stopped moving. Is it dead?

Being the idiot I am forgetting that if it was dead, I'd get exp, I walk up to it's body.

"You good?" I curiously ask, watching for any type of movement.

A second passes before it's eyes suddenly snap open.

"G..OT YOUUUUU!!!!" A raspy voice came out from it's mouth, as I felt something approaching me from behind.



(Ruby Rose Pov)

Ah... It hurts.

The searing pain made her mind g𝐨 blank as she screamed out in pain.

It Hurts. It Hurts.

Her b𝐨dy hit the ground, as she struggled to move. She put a hand on her stomach, feeling something sticky...

'...Blood?' As she lifted her hand, she saw it was covered in the color of red... The color of a rose.

In the corner of her eye, she could see Ren staring in horror, as the thing had a smile on it's face. She thought she could hear it laughing... But it must've been her imagination.

'Am I going to die?' A thought she thought long ago, only to catch up to her... Now becoming reality.

She coughed up some blood, or at least she think she did... She could barely breathe, so she coughed some more. Yet no matter how hard she tried. It worsened.

Her vision grew hazy, as her mind started to blank. The pain in her stomach now gone, only replaced by the numbing of her heart.

*thump... thump...... thump*

Her once joyfully beating heart has now grown dull. As it started to lose it's cheer.

'no... bad heart.... cheer up.... don't... go.' She tried to cheer her heart up, but it still sobbed... 'if you cry... so will I.' Tears formed in the corner of her eye, before they slowly made their way down her face.

At this point. She couldn't see. She couldn't feel. She could only hear the sound of her heartbeat.

*thump........ thump......... thu..... thump*

'is.... this how I die?..... what about Yang? what about team RWBY.... what about her friends.... Dad.... Uncle Qrow........ won't they miss her..... they already lost mom, so why should they suffer even more?.... it's not fair.' Her heartbeat grew still, as it soon turned silent.

It was quite... to quite for her liking. She didn't like it. It made her scared that nobody was there.... that she was alone.

'I'm..... sorry.' She couldn't do anymore, as Death struck another soul.

And Ruby Rose die𝐝.

(...3rd Pov)

The door to a hospital burst open, as Ren rushed in. The nurses and doctors looked in shock, as he carried Ruby in his arms.

There were tears streaming down his face, as he pleaded and begged them.

Ruby was placed into a room, and days past.

Every day, Ren showed up, silently staring at Ruby, waiting for her to wake up.

Today was nothing different, as he waited.... and waited.

"Lad... There's nothing we can d-" The doctor was cut off as Ren silently growled.

"Not yet."

The doctor stumbled with his words. 'B-But there rea- really is nothing we can do!" He tried to get Ren to understand, yet he didn't listen. He would only reply with 'not yet,' and nothing more.

Days. Weeks... Months... A Year. A whole year has passed, and Ruby still hasn't woken up.

Yang, Qrow, and Taiyang have gotten the news long ago, and have also been checking on her.

He's now hated by them. Yet he couldn't care less.

When he wasn't checking up on Ruby. He was torturing the Ouroboros. For a whole year, it's been experiencing agonizing pain. Every. Single. Day.

He couldn't speak, move, or hear. The only thing he could do was watch as Ren gave him a du𝐋l smile...

And the torture began once again.

Today was like any other day. Ren woke up, did the daily necessaries, and headed to the hospital.

His hope was growing weaker each passing day. There hasn't been a single bit of movement from Ruby at all. And he's starting to give up.

As he entered the hospital, he was greeted with a nod from any nurse or doctor he passed.

After a month passed, the head of the hospital didn't want to hold Ruby any longer. With how unstable Ren was right now, he for sure would've killed the guy.

Yet he simply gave them enough money to last lifetimes. As it turns out, 1,000 Gold is enough to put Jacques Schnee, to shame. with h𝐢s Gold still being in the millions... It was easy to become the richest man, 100 times over.

With a long sigh he entered Ruby's room. "Morning, Ruby." He said quietly, as he pulled up a chair beside her bed.

As expected, no answer. "I brought you some more cookies." He held his hand out, and a plate of coo𝐤ies materialized... Still no reaction.

The prickle he felt from his eyes indicated he was about to cry. He took a deep breathe and continued. "I saw your family today..... they really miss you."

Once again...

No reaction.

A lone tear fell from his eyes, as he let out a small sob. "I.... feel so guilty.... This al happened because I decided to toy with him.... i'm... so sorry" Tears were streaming down his face now, as he sobbed.

Ren... has complications over the emotion called sadness. he knows what it's like to cry, be it from sad movies, or an anime.

Yet he's never cried over a real life human. When his dad and mom died, he didn't shed a single t𝐞ar.

He was confused. These were the people who made him, cared for him... loved him. yet he still wouldn't shed a tear.

He felt.... left out. All his relatives cried.... yet he could only stare awkwardly.

Soon, he shut himself off with the world. he felt like a jerk for not crying at his parents funeral, and didn't talk to any relatives.

"Why.... did you have to take the blow.... I'm sure I'd be fine.... I'm super duper strong, just like you said." He lightly clutched Ruby's hand, "why..."





(Ruby Rose Pov)

It's cold.

her soul floated around the endless void, briefly flashing a faint silver some times.

Where am I.... who am I.

Memories of her life were slowly fading. Soon, she will become nothing but a soul, waiting for reincarnation... Yet she felt she didn't want to.

Something within her compelled her to fight back. So she did.

She fought back the force that was taking her memories away... and held on to them for as long as she could. No matter how long it takes.

She will keep these safe.

Time passed, she couldn't exactly tell how long, but it should've been a long time. During this time, she thought of something.

Why am I doing this?

Was the𝐑e truly a reason to keep these memories safe? Is something going to happen? Those thoughts made her will slip.

And the unknown force took that chance.

The soul thrashed in sudden pain, as a 'headache' overcame her. she felt the countless memories fade away at a fast pace.

Mom? Qrow? Yang? Beacon? Team RWBY?... Team JNPR? Penny?

...R.....Re..... REN!

A the soul glowed silver...

And the void vanished.

She? soon found herself standing on a white platform. And brief look around, and her eyes hurt.

It was entirely white. The never ending void dulled her eyes. Seeing light after so long hurt them.

"W....ere?" She? could barely speak.

"My realm." An ethereal voice sounded out from behind her?, causing her? to turn to it.

Beauty. There was no other way to describe the Women in front of her.

Her beautiful purple hair that went to her back. A pair of purple eyes that showed such gentleness.

And a serene smile that seemed to kill all evil.


"Welc𝐨me, my child." Her gentle smile calmed her? down, as the women walked to her.

She? felt a hand softly caress her cheek. "You've been through alot, child." A sad smile was on her face now, as her eyes showed guilt.

Her? eyes widened, a memory reformed in her mind.


A women with the same hair as her? crouched down to her height.

With a motherly smile, she caressed her? cheek. "It's okay now, My Little Rose" She? looked up to the women. "You've done nothing wrong."


(Flashback Over)

Like that, memories flooded through Ruby's mind. She remembered all the events throughout her life. And tear𝐬 slowly fell from her face.

She chocked on her breath, as the chilling thought of forgetting everyone she loved passed through her mind

"It seems you remembered." The women smiled once again, before taking a step back from Ruby.

"I... I died." Ruby spoke out, her eyes filled with sadness. "I can't go back to them... I'll never be able to see them." More tears fell down, as Ruby cried out.

"But you can."

"W-what! How!" Ruby hurriedly ask, glancing at the women.

"I am what you humans call, Gods. My title is The God Of Life." Ruby's breathed hitched, as she stared at the Goddess.

"The God Of Life?"


There was a solemn silence for a minute, before Ruby stared into the eyes of the Goddess.

"Why would you do that for me."

The Goddess smiled and flicked her wrist, showing a small screen.



On the screen showed Ren, (crying like a little biotch) holding Ruby's hand.

"You know who that is, don't you?"

"That's Ren... he is my friend." The Godd𝐞ss chuckled at Ruby's happy smile.

"There's something else you don't know about him... He's betrothed to the Goddess of Death, who is also my sister."

Ruby's mouthed gaped open in shock, as the second revelation of a lifetime came upon her.

"He also died, but sister gave him a second chance.... of course, after fucking him." The Goddess chuckled, vividly remembering how her sister explained in extreme detail.

"A-B- b-b" At the blunt words of the Goddess, Ruby blushed.

"After that, he was sent to Remnant. Not so much tasked a mission, but to have fun... It seems these days have not been treating him well. The once shy boy, afraid to open up to people.... Has now become a cold blooded killer. hundreds of people killed with only two daggers. His strength isn't something to mess around with now"

"I suppose that's life's way of toying with you." The Goddess let out a sigh, before turning to Ruby. "I guess it's time for you to leave. I'm sure your friend will be happy... You have been in a coma for around a year now."


"Ta-ta~" She poked Ruby's forehead, and She di𝐬appeared.





(Chapter End)


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