
A Game of Bast

In a galaxy far, far away, a skilled Jedi Knight named Malik, guided by the Panther God Bast, finds himself transported to the Game of Thrones universe in the land of Westeros.

Lania_Avery · Book&Literature
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22 Chs


  The Return to Winterfell

After the exhilarating clash with the Greyjoy pirates, the crew of the Shadow from Bast continued their journey, sailing towards their ultimate destination—Winterfell. The ship was laden not only with Valyrian treasures but also with the griffins that had become trusted companions.

**Arya's Anticipation:**

As they neared the North, Arya's excitement grew with each passing day. She couldn't wait to reunite with her family and share the incredible tales of their journey through Valyria. The thought of seeing her father, brothers, and even Sansa brought a warmth to her heart.

Arya stood on the ship's deck, her eyes scanning the horizon. "We're almost there," she whispered to Skywing, her griffin companion, who cooed in response.

**Micah's Return:**

The crew had sent a raven ahead to Winterfell, informing them of their impending arrival. It wouldn't be long before Micah would know that Arya and the crew were returning. He had stayed behind at Winterfell while Arya embarked on her adventure, and Arya couldn't wait to see the look of surprise and joy on his face.

**The Stark Reunion:**

As the Shadow from Bast sailed into the port of White Harbor, Arya's anticipation reached its peak. From there, they would make the final journey to Winterfell. The crew had prepared themselves for the grand reunion, and Arya could feel the excitement in the air.

When the ship finally docked at Winterfell, Arya was the first to disembark, followed closely by her griffin companions. She didn't have to wait long for the joyous reunion she had dreamed of.

**The Reunion:**

Arya's arrival caused a stir in Winterfell. Her father, Eddard Stark, her brothers, and even Sansa rushed to greet her. The expressions of shock and delight on their faces were everything she had hoped for.

Micah, her younger brother, embraced her tightly. "Arya, you've returned, and with griffins no less! You won't believe the stories I've heard about your adventures."

Arya laughed and ruffled Micah's hair. "I can't wait to hear all about what's been happening here. But first, let me introduce you to my new friends."

**Arya's Companions:**

Arya led her family to where the griffins waited patiently. The majestic creatures extended their wings and regarded the Starks with curiosity. Arya explained how she had formed a bond with the griffins during her journey and how they had helped protect the ship from Greyjoy pirates.

Eddard Stark looked at the griffins with a mixture of awe and respect. "These creatures are truly remarkable. You've brought something extraordinary back to Winterfell, Arya."

**A New Chapter:**

As the Starks and the crew of the Shadow from Bast celebrated Arya's return, they knew that a new chapter in their lives was beginning. The Valyrian treasures, the griffins, and the tales of their adventures would become a part of Winterfell's history.

Arya's journey had not only brought her incredible experiences but had also strengthened the bonds of family and forged new friendships with the crew who had become like a second family to her. With the North as their backdrop, Arya and her companions were ready for whatever challenges and adventures lay 

As the celebrations in Winterfell continued, a momentous announcement was made that would forever change the course of events in the North. Eddard Stark, deeply grateful for the return of Arya and her companions, approached Malik with a proposal that would solidify their bond.

**A Gift from the North:**

Eddard Stark, with an air of solemnity, addressed Malik in front of their assembled family and crew. "In recognition of your valor, the knowledge you've brought from Valyria, and the griffins you've introduced to our land, I offer you a gift, Malik. A keep in the North, nestled in the heart of our ancestral lands."

Malik's eyes widened in surprise, and he exchanged glances with Arya, who beamed with pride. A keep in the North was a significant honor, a symbol of trust and kinship with the Starks.

**The Birth of House Shadow:**

Eddard continued, "And with this keep, I grant you the opportunity to start a new house in the North—a house named in honor of the direwolf, House Shadow."

The crowd murmured in approval as the significance of Eddard's words settled in. House Shadow would be a new addition to the North's noble houses, a testament to Malik's journey and the enduring bond between their two families.

**A Marriage Proposal:**

But Eddard had one more surprise in store. "There is one more tradition that comes with your new house, Malik. You must take a bride from the North within the year to continue the legacy of House Shadow."

Malik was taken aback by the sudden proposal, but he nodded in acceptance. He knew that this was a gesture of trust and unity, a way to ensure that House Shadow would be firmly rooted in the North's culture and traditions.

**Choosing a Path:**

As the days passed, Malik considered his options carefully. He had formed deep bonds with Arya and the crew during their journey, but he also felt a profound connection to the North. He knew that his choice of a bride would be a significant decision, one that would shape the future of House Shadow.

Arya, as his trusted friend and ally, offered her support and guidance during this important time. She understood the weight of the decision and knew that it was Malik's choice to make.

**The Legacy Continues:**

In the heart of Winterfell, with the support of the Stark family and the crew of the Shadow from Bast, Malik embarked on the path to establish House Shadow in the North. With a keep to call home, a legacy to uphold, and a marriage to plan, he was prepared to face the challenges and adventures that awaited him in this new chapter of his life.

House Shadow would be a testament to the unity of Valyrian knowledge, Northern tradition, and the enduring bonds forged on their extraordinary journey through Valyria and beyond.

With the weight of Eddard Stark's proposal hanging over him, Malik found himself in the midst of a profound decision. He had been presented with the task of choosing a bride from the North to solidify the legacy of House Shadow, the new house he was to establish.

Over the course of weeks, Malik had come to know and interact with several eligible young women from the North. Each of them possessed unique qualities and attributes that he admired, and he weighed their merits carefully.

**The First Candidate:**

Lyanna, a strong-willed and kind-hearted woman with fiery red hair, had caught Malik's attention early on. She shared his love for adventure and had an adventurous spirit that resonated with him. Her determination and ability to command respect among the Northern lords were qualities Malik admired.

**The Second Candidate:**

Next, there was Ygritte, a free-spirited and fiercely independent woman who had a deep connection to the wilds beyond the Wall. Her knowledge of the North's harsh terrain and survival skills were unmatched. Malik found her spirit and unwavering courage captivating.

**The Third Candidate:**

Sansa, Arya's older sister, had also been considered. Her grace, poise, and diplomatic finesse were evident. Sansa had the ability to navigate the complexities of courtly life and maintain composure under pressure—a valuable trait for a noble house.

**The Fourth Candidate:**

Maege, a skilled huntress and fierce protector of her people, had proven herself to be a formidable and resilient woman. Her dedication to the North and its traditions was unwavering, and Malik respected her sense of duty.

**The Fifth Candidate:**

Bethany, a compassionate healer who tended to the wounded and sick, had touched Malik's heart with her kindness and empathy. Her ability to heal not only physical wounds but also emotional scars was a gift he admired.

**The Sixth Candidate:**

Then there was Meera, a skilled warrior with a sense of honor and loyalty that rivaled Malik's own. Her expertise with weapons and her willingness to defend the North had earned her respect among her peers.

**The Seventh Candidate:**

Jeyne, a gifted musician and storyteller, had captured Malik's imagination with her enchanting melodies and tales of Northern folklore. Her ability to connect with people through art and storytelling was a quality that resonated with him.

**The Eighth Candidate:**

Malik had also considered Alys, a shrewd and perceptive woman who possessed a keen intellect and a talent for strategy. Her ability to analyze situations and make wise decisions had caught his attention.

**The Ninth Candidate:**

Lastly, there was Nymeria, a woman with a deep connection to animals and nature. Her affinity for the creatures of the North had intrigued Malik, and he admired her ability to communicate with and understand the wildlife.

As Malik pondered his choices, he found himself torn between these remarkable women, each with her own strengths and virtues. He knew that the woman he chose would become a vital part of House Shadow, helping to shape its future and carry on its legacy.

With the weight of this decision pressing upon him, Malik knew that he needed time for reflection and consultation. He sought the counsel of Arya, Eddard Stark, and the crew, trusting in their wisdom to help guide him in making the most important choice of his life—the woman who would stand by his side as he established House Shadow in the North.