
A Game of Bast

In a galaxy far, far away, a skilled Jedi Knight named Malik, guided by the Panther God Bast, finds himself transported to the Game of Thrones universe in the land of Westeros.

Lania_Avery · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

The castle

The Rise of Castle Shadow

The decision had been made, and Malik had chosen his bride—Lyanna, the spirited redhead whose adventurous soul had captured his heart. With their union, House Shadow was set to flourish in the North. But before they could truly establish their legacy, they needed a home.

The crew of the Shadow from Bast, along with the droids they had brought from their ship, embarked on an ambitious project: the construction of Castle Shadow. Inspired by the grandeur of the castles from tales of Middle-earth, particularly those of the Lord of the Rings, they set out to build a fortress that would stand as a testament to their unity and determination.

**Gathering Resources:**

The first task was to gather the necessary resources. The crew, now joined by thralls who had been rescued from the Greyjoy pirate ships during their earlier clash, worked tirelessly to cut timber from the vast forests of the North. They also quarried stone from the nearby hills, with the droids using their formidable strength to extract massive stone blocks.

**Droid Assistance:**

The droids, equipped with advanced construction capabilities, proved to be invaluable assets. They could lift heavy loads with ease and work tirelessly without rest. Under Malik's guidance, they set about assembling the fortress piece by piece.

**Design and Architecture:**

Malik had envisioned a castle that combined the architectural beauty of Middle-earth with the practicality needed to withstand the harsh Northern climate. Castle Shadow would have soaring towers, formidable walls, and intricate stonework, all designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding landscape.

**The Great Hall:**

One of the central features of Castle Shadow was the Great Hall, a vast and welcoming space where feasts, gatherings, and celebrations would take place. Its long wooden tables and roaring hearth were reminiscent of the halls of the Rohirrim from the stories of old.

**The Tower of Shadows:**

At the heart of the castle stood the Tower of Shadows, a majestic structure that housed Malik and Lyanna's private chambers. Its high windows provided sweeping views of the North, and its stone walls were adorned with intricate carvings that told the tale of House Shadow's journey.

**Completion and Celebration:**

Months passed, and Castle Shadow began to take shape. The castle's towers reached for the sky, its walls stood strong, and its courtyards were meticulously landscaped. The thralls, once prisoners of the Greyjoy pirates, now worked as free men and women, contributing their skills and craftsmanship to the construction.

The day of Castle Shadow's completion was marked with a grand celebration. The Starks from Winterfell, along with the crew, thralls, and the people of the North, gathered to witness the fulfillment of Malik and Lyanna's vision. A feast was held in the Great Hall, and songs and tales were shared, much like the gatherings described in the legends of Middle-earth.

As the sun set over Castle Shadow, its towers cast long shadows across the landscape, a symbol of the legacy that had been built with unity, determination, and the enduring spirit of adventure. House Shadow had found its home in the North, and it was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that its foundation was as solid as the stone walls of the castle itself.

With Castle Shadow standing tall as a symbol of their united legacy, Malik and Lyanna's courtship took on a special significance. Their love story was one that bridged cultures and traditions, and it blossomed amidst the rugged beauty of the North.

**Evening Rides:**

One of their favorite pastimes was going on evening rides through the Northern wilderness. Malik and Lyanna would mount their horses and venture into the forest as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the land. They explored the winding trails and shared stories of their respective journeys and adventures.


On clear nights, they would lay out blankets near Castle Shadow and gaze up at the stars. Malik's knowledge of celestial navigation, acquired during his time as a traveler, allowed him to point out constellations and tell tales of distant galaxies. Lyanna, in turn, shared the Northern stories of the stars, each constellation holding its own mythic significance.

**Feasts and Celebrations:**

The Great Hall of Castle Shadow became a place of celebration and merriment. Feasts were held to honor visiting lords and ladies from the North, and during these events, Malik and Lyanna would share a dance or two. Their chemistry on the dance floor was undeniable, and their movements seemed to mirror the harmony they had found in each other.

**Adventures Beyond Castle Shadow:**

Together, Malik and Lyanna explored the Northern landscapes. They hiked to remote waterfalls hidden deep within the forests, where the rushing waters seemed to sing their love song. They ventured to the icy shores of the Shivering Sea, standing hand in hand as they watched the waves crash against the rocks.

**Northern Traditions:**

Malik embraced the Northern way of life, participating in traditions such as the Winterfell Godswood rituals and the lighting of the Heart Tree. He found solace in the quiet moments of reflection and the sense of unity that these ceremonies brought to the people of the North.

**The Bond Deepens:**

As the seasons changed and the years passed, Malik and Lyanna's bond deepened. They faced challenges together, from managing the affairs of House Shadow to dealing with the occasional threats that arose in the North. Through it all, their love remained unwavering, a beacon of strength and unity.

**A Proposal Beneath the Northern Lights:**

One fateful night, as the Northern Lights painted the sky with vibrant colors, Malik took Lyanna to a secluded spot overlooking Castle Shadow. Under the celestial display, with the stars as their witnesses, he dropped to one knee and proposed to her.

"Lyanna," he began, his voice filled with love, "our journey together has been nothing short of extraordinary. Will you make it a lifelong adventure and marry me?"

Lyanna's eyes shone with tears of joy as she nodded, her heart overwhelmed with emotion. "Yes, Malik, a thousand times yes."

Their engagement was celebrated with a grand feast in the Great Hall, where the people of the North joined in their happiness. House Shadow was now firmly established, and the love between Malik and Lyanna would be at its heart, guiding them through the trials and triumphs that awaited them in the North

Castle Shadow, with its towering stone walls and majestic towers, was not only a testament to the unity of Malik and Lyanna but also a sanctuary for the creatures of the North. The godswood within the castle's grounds became a haven where animals of all kinds found refuge and coexisted in harmony.

**The Stag's Grace:**

In the godswood, beneath the watchful eyes of the heart tree, a magnificent stag named Stormhoof made his home. With a crown of antlers that glistened in the dappled sunlight, Stormhoof was a symbol of grace and strength. He would often graze peacefully among the godswood's ancient trees, a living embodiment of the North's rugged beauty.

**The Direwolves' Pack:**

The direwolves, ever loyal to House Stark, had not been left behind in Winterfell. They journeyed to Castle Shadow and established a new pack within the godswood. Nymeria, Ghost, and the other wolves roamed freely, their bond with the Stark family as strong as ever. Arya, their closest companion, would often join them in their hunts and adventures.

**The Ravens' Messages:**

Arya, with her deep connection to the natural world, had brought with her a murder of ravens from Winterfell. These clever birds served as messengers, carrying important missives between Castle Shadow and Winterfell. Their black wings would darken the skies as they took flight, spreading news of the North far and wide.

**The Owls' Silent Vigil:**

Owls, wise and silent sentinels of the night, nested in the tallest branches of the godswood's trees. Their hoots and calls provided a soothing backdrop to the quiet nights in Castle Shadow. Lyanna often found solace in listening to their melodies, feeling at one with the creatures of the North.

**The Fox's Cunning:**

A sly fox named Swiftclaw had made the godswood his home. With his fiery orange fur and keen wit, Swiftclaw would dart through the underbrush, often glimpsed by those who ventured into the godswood. He was a symbol of cunning and resourcefulness, traits admired by the North's inhabitants.

**The Griffins' Watch:**

High above the godswood, the griffins kept a watchful eye on the land below. Skywing, Windfeather, and the other griffins, now fully integrated into the Northern landscape, had become protectors of Castle Shadow. From their aerial vantage points, they surveyed the surrounding forests and valleys, ensuring the safety of the castle and its inhabitants.

**A Tapestry of Life:**

In the heart of Castle Shadow's godswood, this tapestry of life wove together a diverse array of creatures. Each had found its place in this sanctuary, a place where the boundaries between the natural world and the castle's walls blurred.

As Malik and Lyanna walked hand in hand through the godswood, they marveled at the harmony that had been established within its boundaries. It was a reflection of their love and respect for the North, its creatures, and the enduring bond that had brought them together.

The godswood of Castle Shadow stood as a testament to the belief that, even in a world of stone and steel, the beauty and wonder of the natural world could thrive, serving as a reminder of the delicate balance that existed between mankind and the creatures that shared their land..

The interior of Castle Shadow was a testament to the fusion of Northern ruggedness and the refined elegance inspired by the Naboo Royal Palace. It was a space where the grandeur of Middle-earth met the graceful designs of distant galaxies, resulting in a truly unique and breathtaking environment.

**The Grand Foyer:**

Visitors to Castle Shadow were welcomed into a grand foyer that exuded regal charm. Marble columns, adorned with intricate carvings of Northern wildlife, framed a sweeping staircase that led to the upper levels of the castle. The walls were adorned with tapestries that depicted the legendary tales of Middle-earth, while the rich wooden floors added warmth to the space.

**The Throne Room:**

The heart of the castle was the Throne Room, where Malik and Lyanna held court. The room was dominated by a large, intricately carved wooden throne inspired by the elegant designs of the Naboo. It sat atop a raised dais, overlooking a chamber adorned with lush greenery and the gentle babble of a small stream.

**The Glass Garden:**

One of the most unique features of Castle Shadow was the Glass Garden, a botanical marvel inspired by the lush landscapes of Naboo. This enclosed garden was a sanctuary filled with exotic plants, vibrant flowers, and reflective ponds. A glass-domed ceiling allowed sunlight to filter in, creating a play of light and shadow that danced across the flora.

**The Library of Knowledge:**

A library inspired by the grand archives of Coruscant was a testament to the pursuit of knowledge within Castle Shadow. Rows upon rows of ancient tomes, scrolls, and holobooks lined the shelves. Scholars and sages from across the North were invited to study and contribute to the ever-growing collection of wisdom.

**The Royal Chambers:**

Malik and Lyanna's private chambers were a haven of comfort and luxury. Silk curtains billowed gently in the breeze, and rich fabrics adorned the bed and furniture. The walls were adorned with paintings and sculptures that celebrated their love and the union of House Shadow.

**The Dining Hall:**

The Dining Hall was a place of opulent feasting, with a long, polished table that could accommodate dozens of guests. A large fireplace added a touch of warmth, while crystal chandeliers illuminated the room with a soft, inviting glow. The cuisine was a fusion of Northern fare and Naboo-inspired delicacies.

**The Art Gallery:**

Castle Shadow also housed an art gallery that displayed works from both the North and distant galaxies. Paintings, sculptures, and artifacts from Middle-earth, Naboo, and other realms were showcased, creating a cultural tapestry that celebrated the diversity of the world and the universe.

**The Music Room:**

A music room, inspired by the harmony of Naboo's artistic traditions, was a space where musicians from the North and beyond would perform. The acoustics were carefully designed to allow for the most enchanting and captivating performances.

**A Tapestry of Cultures:**

Castle Shadow was a living tapestry that wove together the cultures and influences that had shaped Malik and Lyanna's journey. It stood as a symbol of their love and the unity between their worlds. Within its walls, elegance and refinement coexisted with the rugged beauty of the North, creating a space that was not only regal but also deeply connected to the natural world outside.

As Malik and Lyanna walked through the opulent halls of Castle Shadow, they knew that their home was a reflection of their shared vision—a place where tradition, culture, and the beauty of both the North and distant galaxies came together in perfect harmony.