
Chapter 37

"Tch." Exclaimed the twins as they repositioned themselves.


"Alright, Deadly Sins! We're all going in now, alrig-"

As if I'd let you direct an order.

Mana Bomb!

I launched the skill at the twins. Although I knew that the bomb wouldn't hit them, it's enough to keep them distracted.


I quickly moved. The explosion created a smoke in which I used to hide myself by jumping through.

I can't beat these two at the same time.

I could tell, judging from their attack patterns that they were solitarily made for each other, meaning that they need each other in order to complete an attack.

Both of them were already coming once again from both directions even inside the smoke.

However, they shouldn't be able to know this...

Mana Bomb!

I immediately released the attack, even though unripe, it was enough to take the knight on the right to be surprised.

The unripe bomb clashed on the right knight as I used my tail to defend from the left knight.

Right after that, it was my chance to break their sync.

I immediately used a tail whip but only enough to cover the right knight's vision.

Beneath my tail whip was a mana cleave ready for collishon.

And as expected, the right knight dodged and then fell into my trap.

The left knight felt the discord between their connection and knew that something wasn't right, and so, he disregarded the continuous attack on my left side.

However, he was too late.

Mana Cleave!


And once again, another successful direct attack.

This cause the right knight to be launched out of the smoke and to be thrown across the battlefield.

I did not stop there. I WILL NOT STOP THERE.

I immediately used mana dash and I was once again already in front of the flying right knight while the left knight was left on the smoke field.

I'm going straight for the kill.

Although I wasn't sure, but it felt like a smile was making it's way to my face.

No way... am I.. happy? I-I'm... enjoying this?

However, the thought of ripping apart this knocked out knight in mid air....

The ecstacy...

With that in mind, I was about to launch another attack but then-


I was left frozen in mid air and in doing so, I was able to view the whole battlefield.


Ruri fell on the ground as she... sigh... She was incredibly red as well as sweating quite profoundly, and the spot between her legs?


From this I can tell that the captain can only use this on one person.

Not only that, but it feels like my mana is.... being drained?!

Shit! I've got to get out this!


The left knight dashed and caught the right knight who was about to crash to the ground.

I immediately struggled free of the bind. It felt like something heavy was crushing you from all direction and thats why you're stuck frozen in that position.

Nonetheless, I struggled quite violently and it seems to be taking a toll on the captain as well as his body trembled whenever I move.


Wait a second... All I could see was Hestia approaching and healing her wounded comrade while the lolita knight was standing guard of Kinoko.

Where's the edgy looking assassi-


My eyes widened as I felt the crying of blade cutting through air.

With all my might, I used my arms to defend my chest.


It did not even matter if I had any mana left, all I know is that I had to defend from this attack.

And so, I did not hesitate to use Julian's skills.


Fire engulfed my body as it came contact with the air-splitting attack.

The fire spread around me and it seems to burn something, no, some things.

From the burning outlines, I could see it or them having a definitive shape.

Actually, there were quite several of them. They all seemed to be small circular objects, something similar in the shape of a slime.

However, these things can't be seen and not only that, but they appear to be very heavy as well since it can force you to crush yourself while stating in mid air.

Not to mention, these things also appear to drain mana.

What are these things...

I'll call them mana draining weights for now.

Anyway, because of the flame, it seems that several of this things retreated and in turn, allowing me to be able to move to an extent.

I immediately used my arms to cover my chest as the air splitting attack hit me.


T-t-t-the attack.. DAMN IT!

The invisible mana draining weights, completely let go of me and I was left falling.

Normally, I would've been able to safely landed however-


Drip! drip drip!

I couldn't even stand up after receiving that attack as it bore a large hole through both of my arms.

Blood immediately flowed and it left me unable to use both of my arms.


Drip! drip! drip!

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it Damn it. DAMN IT DAMN IT! DAMN-


I could feel, the twin knights were already back on their feet and was about to launch another attack while the captain was mending his mana draining weights.


I couldn't do anything else!

My mana was now completely drained after using Hell's ember, while my arms were bleeding endlessly...

Damn... it...

The attacks were about to come but then-



The lolita's call was heard by everyone and causing the twins to stop on their tracks.

"What's wrong?!" The captain furiously asked.

"Well... the Queen told us capture it alive, remember? but seeing as how things are going, it's like you're about to kill the foxy!"

With that slight pause, Ruri took advantage of it and immediately went to rescue Kinoko.

She dashed and appeared in front of the easy going and care free looking lolita and said-

"Sorry kid, but that's my friend!"

With that, she did some of super punch which launched the lolita away.


After that, she didn't waste a single second and somehow disabled the cage and took Kinoko.

I'm not even wondering where she got these ass pulls as she just somehow, conveniently, has the skills to release Kinoko from that cage.

I wasn't even mad at this bullshit. Quite opposite actually, I was even happy.

However, as soon as she saved Kinoko, all of them immediately turned their attention on her.


The lolita crashed somewhere quite far away and tumbled quite a few times.

I switched my attention back at the two and I could tell from their looks that they're planning on saving me.

[ Boss, we're coming to- ]



'You.. we can't beat them. Just Go!'

[ No! Boss! We're going to sa- ]


These two could escape now especially since that they have each other.

[ B-but boss... ]


All of knights were fast approaching them, even the captain already prepared his invisible mana draining weights.


Ruri dejectedly accepted as she dashed on the opposite direction while holding Kinoko in her arms.

They headed down the mountains and most of the knights followed in pursuit, especially the lolita.

She was screaming something like, "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" as she dashed to chase them.

'Take care of each other....'

With that, I already said my goodbyes to them and looked at my own situation.

The captain fixed himself and put on his smug face as he approached me.

He immediately used his skill on me, causing me to be crushed and be restrained.

TCH.. A-AGH.... DAMN YOU....


He stepped on my head as he looked down on me with his smug face and attitude.

"That's right beast! I DEFEATED YOU! HAHA! MYTHICAL BEAST? HAHA SO MUCH For that..."

He was still shouting and speaking at me but my body already begun to fail as I lost so much blood.

My mind was already slipping as darkness flashed back and forth in my vision.

I could hear distinct ghostly sounds but barely understandable.

Damn it....

With that, I've once again succumbed to darkness.