
A friend for life

Friend (noun) a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations Best Friend noun a person's closest friend True friend A true friend is a friend when is convenient and when it is not. They standby you consistently both when you are present and when you are not. They're Authentic and Honest with You. True friends aren't phony with you. They show you who they really are. A Friend for Life A person that is willing to stay no matter how flawed you are, might get angry or emotional at times but is still willing to stay even if you block them out, even if you don't have any treasures in life. A friend for life are people that can make you happy and be happy with you. And would be there not just on your brightest days but also on your darkest. What it takes to achieve one? Who knows? Maybe you already have one... a true friend... ... A friend for life.

FairyCrest · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Third Person's Point of View

"Good morning." Yawned Sonia upon entering the door to their classroom with Dianne following beside her. Her messy hair going all over her face as she does and Caroline who immediately noticed her messy excuse for a presence along with the darkening eyebags under her eyes greeted her with worry.

"Morning." She states with a smile and upon noticing the same bags under Dianne's eyes and the tote bag she's holding. "Is that---"

"Yes, and we've finished it already." Sonia answered cutting the girl by her predictable question. Happiness and relief spread all over Caroline's being and yet the state of both Sonia and Dianne are in immediately made the girl guilty.

"I'm sorry I couldn't really help with the props." She apologised and was expecting a harsh response especially from Dianne. But was surprised when Sonia and Dianne both rest a hand on each of her shoulder giving it a light tap.

"You tasked us this job coz you need help, which is what we're doing." Dianne stated assurance written on her face.

"We'll leave the performance to you though." Sonia who was smiling at the girl also responded.

Before Caroline could say anything else the two slip past the girl already on their way to their seat leaving the pink haired girl there with a smile on her face.

"Sonia!" Yara greeted with open arms upon seeing the blonde girl walking towards their seat yet as she was about to grab the girl by pulling her closer a hand yanked Sonia to the side pulling her away from Yara.

"I'm sorry I'm late."Cole's voice boomed inside the classroom clutching Sonia's arm gently as she did.

"Why did you have to go back to your place when you know we all woke up late." Sonia grunted folding her arms in an attempt to scold the girl completely forgetting the presence of Yara that was looking at the blonde with rejection written all over her face.


The bell indicating recess came and now Caroline is sitting alone in the corner of the room reviewing the script she received from Rianne earlier in the morning.

"You want me to you buy anything?" Sonia's voice rang through her eyes, and upon prying her eyes from the paper, she was greeted by the blonde's face standing in front of her.

"What?" She asked trying to confirm if the girl really said it.

"I mean if you want me to buy you anything, you'll be too busy to buy yourself food anyway." Sonia stated again her eyes not leaving on Caroline's purple ones.

"I'll have an Italian white spaghetti please." Upon recovering from shock, she grabbed her purse to give the girl some money to buy one which Sonia accepted and went off to leave.

"We gave her a breather by making her buy our snacks." Dianne inserted taking a seat in front of the pink haired girl still carrying some materials that she and Sonia has been finishing.

"Caroline!" Cole cheerfully called out approaching the girl with a smile carrying her red laptop with her. "I got the music!"

"Oh and about the script!" Rianne also followed taking a seat beside her. "Maybe we can shorten it."

"Hey I'm back!!" Sonia's cheerful greeting grab their attention turning to face the blonde as she walked towards them with food in her hands.

"Let's eat!" She declared causing a slight cheer to escape the other girls as they chowed down with their food.  The four other girls not giving the silence a chance to seep through their conversation and Caroline in the end join in with them as well.


"We're gonna start practice guys!" Everyone went in to proceed to a smaller area of the gymnasium of where the performance will be staged and Sonia along with Yara was left at the small cottage of the school where their group's prop for the performance which was left unfinished rest.

"Sonia, you'll be in the first scene okay!" Announced Caroline to which the girl replied with a curt nod as she shift her gaze to meet Yara's.

"I'll be leaving for practice and no one gets to take watch on the props. Can I leave it to you for a bit? I'll be back after my role is done. " Sonia favored feeling relieved upon seeing the girl smile at her and gave her a nod.

"Yeah sure. I'm not doing anything anyway."

With assurance on her part, Sonia went in to follow in with her classmates to the practice area and was greeted by Caroline waving at her.

"Wait, where's your wand?" Sonia, who was supposed to play the role of an enchantress sighed upon realising she left it to the cottage grunting as she made a dash back to the place to be greeted by Yara whose painting some prop.

"Its so hard to come and go like this when the place is very far." Sonia stated in attempt to start a conversation grabbing the neatly designed wand at the table and gaze at Yara.

"Well, look at me." Yara answered gesturing at the place around her. "I'm left all alone here." She added in a competitive manner.

"What?" Sonia asked her smile dropping.

"Its hard doing this by myself." The girl stated again.

'But when I asked you earlier you said its fine!' Thought Sonia clenching tightly the wand in her hand to prevent herself from saying anything mean to the sensitive girl whom just last month she took to the infirmary after having anxiety attacks after being confronted harshly by Merideth. "I'll get going." She bid goodbye giving the girl a forced smile as she walk back to the same place as she was before.


"Your face look sour." Dianne commented as she watch her blonde friend who was sitting at one of the benches of the cottage where they finish some painting for the props. A sigh then came out of Sonia and explain the situation to the brown haired girl.

"Ahh so her competitiveness made her loose all favors from you huh..." Dianne trailed off with a sigh. "Well that's to be expected. I mean she's hated by a lot of people except you."

"I didn't really see that before." Sonia replied with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "She seems so different."

"Well I see that every day." The brunette scoffed shoving her attention back to the prop in hand.

"Will we make it in time?" Sonia asked out of nowhere and Dianne immediately grab hold of what she meant.

"If our clasmmates are cooperative yes. But when the only people working here are seven of us..." Dianne gestured to herself, Sonia, Rianne, Yara, Caroline and Kit. "This is a problem."

"The performance is a two days after the exam and before the semestral break." Sonia sighed. "We won't have enough time to study aftet this."

"Which is why we need to finish this immediately."

"Well, if we do it at home again, my mom will get suspicious."

"How about my place?" Sonia and Dianne looked at Caroline whose making her way towards them with a smile. "I'm not allowed to join any sleepovers."

"When?" Without hesitation Sonia then asked.

Caroline was a bit taken a back but respond nonetheless.

"The night before the performance would be the best idea."

Sonia and Dianne stop to think for a second.

"That's okay to my part." Dianne replied after giving it a thorough.

"The night before the performance." Sonia blurted out.

"That's a good idea." Caroline agreed, the three of them all come to an agreement.

"Its decided then!" Caroline, Sonia and Dianne gave each other a nod of agreement inwardly looking forward to the upcoming sleepover that's gonna happen.