
A friend for life

Friend (noun) a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations Best Friend noun a person's closest friend True friend A true friend is a friend when is convenient and when it is not. They standby you consistently both when you are present and when you are not. They're Authentic and Honest with You. True friends aren't phony with you. They show you who they really are. A Friend for Life A person that is willing to stay no matter how flawed you are, might get angry or emotional at times but is still willing to stay even if you block them out, even if you don't have any treasures in life. A friend for life are people that can make you happy and be happy with you. And would be there not just on your brightest days but also on your darkest. What it takes to achieve one? Who knows? Maybe you already have one... a true friend... ... A friend for life.

FairyCrest · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Third Person's Point of View

[So how's it? Going to a new environment?]

Caroline glanced at the message she just received from her friend Rea, contemplating whether to flat out burst into tears and tell her all the insecurities she's currently feeling or to just shrug it off and say she's fine. Taking a seat at her bedside with a sigh she typed.

[I can't fit in---] She look at her message once again before pressing the cancel button and typing a new message.

[I'm good. Some people were friendly to me.]

Caroline once again sighed, throwing her phone onto the soft mattress of her bed and lied down. She looked at the ceiling for a while thinking of the girls she had met during the first day of class, she laid down on her stomach burying her face on the pink pillow she was laying down to earlier groaning in process.

"Why does it looks so easy but so hard to do?!" She stated voice muffled due to the pillow. She was so preoccupied in her thoughts that she wasn't aware of someone at the doorframe of her room listening to all her complaints and rants about her life, the guy at the doorframe sighed, moving backwards and knocked on his sister's room.

"Peri, dinner's ready." Calvin's voiced stopped Caroline from saying more about her miserable social life and took a seat from laying down the pink bed.

"You could just ask the maid to tell me about it." She pouted, hands folded in front of her as she eyed her older brother that only gave a grin in return.

"I was gonna say congratulations on your first day of school. So, I came here personally." He retorted wrapping an arm around his sister's neck in a gentle manner and ruffling his sister's hair. "So, how was it?"

Caroline rolled her eyes. "I really don't want to talk about it."

Calvin frowned but said nothing about it instead, he changed the subject in understanding that his sister won't tell him anything. "Well, to cheer you up, I ask the cook to make your favorites!"

The two continue giggling until reaching the dining hall where their grandparents are waiting for them.

"Well, I guess I'll try again tomorrow." She mumbled watching her family as they eat with a smile on their face talking about stuffs that they can understand well.


Meanwhile Sonia sat at the couch of their home cuddling her sister that greeted her the minute she entered the gates of their house. Maple eyed her sister from head to toe, starting at the big smile her elder sister is giving her.

"Why are you smiling so brightly big sister?" The kid curiosly asked not planning on letting her sister go from the hug.

"Hmmm... I wonder why." Sonia wondered pretending to not know why, she then pulled out a bar of chocolate and hand it to her younger sister. "Maybe because I got you something?"

The 6 years old kid remove her arms from Sonia's waist and grab the chocolate a shout of joy coming out of her as she laugh. "Thank you big sister." The girl gratified landing a small kiss on her sister's cheek to which Sonia returned with a kiss on Maple's forehead.

"So how was the first day of school?"  She glanced at their door and saw her mom entering the door carrying a plate with fried fish, she watched as the two pet cat of her sister followed her mother and again she eyed her mother and smiled.

"I made a friend."

"Oh that's very interesting. Tell me about it." Gaia watched her daughter in anticipation and interest as she listened to her discoveries at the first day of school but in the middle of their talk, a sound of the gates opening was heard and the sound of a bike followed in suit.

" He's early." The big smile on Sonia's face vanished and was replaced with her usual cold attitude as she heard a grunt coming from the man that got down from his bike. Upon reaching the door the man eyed Sonia and Maple.

"Happy first day of school!!" The guys' voice left a bitter attitude in Sonia. "You are so lucky that you were still allowed to stay here." He added.

'He reeks alcohol.' Sonia thought. 'Its distasteful.' She stood up, grabbing her stuffs from the couch and dragging them out of the door proceeding to the storage room which happened to be her room. Sighing, she immediately crashed herself onto the bed placed at the corner of the room and stared at the ceiling.

"When will he learn to shut up?" Sonia stated stopping a tear that was about to fall out of her eyes. "What a hopeless man." She added, taking a seat to grab a phone from her bag and eyed the number she had received from Cole, she smiled a bit closing her phone once again and went to change.


"Hey Cole! Good morning!" Sonia Cheerfully greeted approaching Cole that was already in her seat. It has already been a week since the class started and now everyone has their own set of friends in class.

"Hey Sonia, Good morning." Cole smiled, a bit happy that Sonia didn't choose to ignore her since they both sit like a large distance from each other. "I got the text you sent from yesterday."

The two of them were giggling about the message Sonia sent to Cole when Sonia noticed Caroline all alone in the corner and Laura out of sight. She sighed.

'Must I do this just for the sake of the word mercy?' She thought, opening her mouth to talk. "Hey Caroline. Good morning." She greeted smiling a bit.

Caroline was a bit taken a back, staring at the girl that didn't even brushed her hair a little touched that someone acknowledge her presence for just a second. "Hi." She replied smiling back at the girl.

Caroline was about to say more but was cutt off when a someone pat her from behind. She looked back and saw a girl with mid-back straight purple hair, gold color eyes and adorned with a few make up.

"Hi Caroline!" The girl greeted cheerfully.

'Feeling close.' Caroline thought and smiled at the girl. "Hi."

"I'm Erika by the way." She introduced trying to get closer to her.

Caroline inwardly scoffed. "Yeah, you were introducing yourself to Laura yesterday." She forced a smile.

"Oh well... wanna join us at lunch later with my friends?" She invited.

Caroline looked around and saw that Sonia was nowhere to be found and Cole was silently listening to them and another girl sitting behind Cole.

'She's hesitant.' The girl sitting behind Cole thought scanning the reaction from Caroline's face.

"Oh, I don't think I can. I have a lunchdate with my boyfriend." Caroline responded smiling sweetly at Erika who only pouted in return.

"Oh that's too bad" Erika said diverting her attention from Caroline to another friend. "Oh well, I'll see you around then."

Caroline only waved at the girl and look at the door for any signs of Laura. And just as she glanced at the door a dazed Laura walked into the room, bags under her eyes as if she was awake the whole night.

"What happened to you?"She questioned the minute her friend arrive in front of her.The girl didn't move nor respond, she only looked up as if in deep thought. Due to annoyance, Caroline grabbed the girl by her arms which cause the girl to return to her usual state.

" Huh? What?"

"What happened to you?" Caroline asked.

"Huh? Oh... uhmm..." The girl returned back to her dazed state taking a seat beside Caroline and stared again into space.

Caroline only sighed and let her friend wandered off into space as she fished out her phone and took a few selfies before hearing the bell indicating the first period to start came, she sighed.

"If this continues on, I'm guessing that my presence here at school would be limited then." Caroline stated eyeing Cole that was already chatting at the girl that was seated behind her with a smile on her face.