
A friend for life

Friend (noun) a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations Best Friend noun a person's closest friend True friend A true friend is a friend when is convenient and when it is not. They standby you consistently both when you are present and when you are not. They're Authentic and Honest with You. True friends aren't phony with you. They show you who they really are. A Friend for Life A person that is willing to stay no matter how flawed you are, might get angry or emotional at times but is still willing to stay even if you block them out, even if you don't have any treasures in life. A friend for life are people that can make you happy and be happy with you. And would be there not just on your brightest days but also on your darkest. What it takes to achieve one? Who knows? Maybe you already have one... a true friend... ... A friend for life.

FairyCrest · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Third Person's Point of View

Amber eyes scan the room and landed on the guy that was sitting beside its owner, an arm raised with a victorious smile on its face.

"Me, sir I'll volunteer." The guy cheerfully said.

A small smile made its way to Cole's lips as her amber eyes glistened with excitement and interest in the three person sitting beside her.

"Wow. How brave." The teacher said smirking at his student. "Okay then. Introduce yourself."

The guy cleared his throat to achieve a more deeper and manlier voice.

"Hello classmates, I am Denver Jeff. Nice to meet all of you." The whole class then was turned to a fit of laughter when Denvers' voice quivered at the end and sounded like Donald duck and the only people in the room that wasn't laughing were Sonia from the back, Cole and another girl that was shaking her head in disagreement.

"That was a nice introduction." Mr. Prune sarcastically said taking a seat at the chair prepared for the teachers. He then once again eyed the whole class as silence decides to evade it.

"Anyone else?" He asked after a moment of silence. He waited for a few bit before shrugging. "Okay then. Like I said, I won't force you." He stood up then write a few stuff on the board as he introduced his topic to the class.

That continued on for the next two hours before the bell rung indicating the end of his lessons and for the students to have a break.

" Finally." Caroline mumbled under her breath and watch as Mr. Prune pack his stuffs and bid goodbye before leaving the classroom.

As all the other students stood up to make its way towards the cafeteria Caroline and Laura was about to follow in suit but stopped when Caroline's eyes landed on the girl sitting next to Denver, Mid-back length black hair tied into a clean ponytail, amber eyes staring at the board where a few scribbles from Mr. Prune was written. The girl was wearing a grey plain shirt, black colored pants and a black sports shoes.

'Athlete...' Caroline thought to herself approaching the girl and poked her shoulders. The girl jerked from her touch surprised that someone had made in contact with her on her absent-minded state. She scan the area around her, then landed on Caroline's smiling face.

"Hi." The girl did not respond and only look at Caroline much to her annoyance. "You're not gonna eat?"

The girl looked at Caroline for a few more seconds before quietly shooking her head.

"Aw. That's too bad." Caroline sympathized. "Oh well then, we're going out so see you." She then waved and ask Laura to leave with her. She walked to the door, but before she left she glanced again at the girl she was talking to earlier and to the girl sitting at the last row in class then scoffed.

"What a bummer, if only they could be more appropriate to be friendly." She murmured making her way beside Laura that was already walking to the school cafeteria.

Sonia eyed the doorway of where Caroline was standing earlier and sigh. Slowly she stood up to make her way to the same direction but upon reaching the front seat her bored expression was replaced by mischief when she saw the same person Caroline was trying to talk out.

'Now this is interesting.' She thought to herself. 'What kind of a person would caught the interest of Caroline herself?'  She made her way towards the sitting girl and masked up a charming smile.

"Hi!" She greeted to the girl cheerfully posing with a peace sign placed at the corner of her right eye.

Cole was a bit taken a back to see someone so cheerful at the first day of school, and maybe a bit too excited since she's the only one wearing the school uniform at such an early time. But what also made her interest pick up is what the pose the girl is doing.

"How cute..." She blurted. She covered it with a smile and stared at Sonia who was looking at her, surprised all over her face. She came to a realization that what she said must've been very surprising for the girl so she instantly decided to cover her sudden outburst. "I mean, you look like an anime character."

Sonia's hand slowly came down from eye to her sides, eyeing the girl with scanning eyes. Cole, seeing the girl's reaction started to worry. Thinking that maybe the girl won't understand her being a fan of anime and would scramble away.

"Which character?" She asked interested in who the girl will say next, but decided to suggest a certain character in the end. "Maybe Morgiana!"

Cole gasped, amber eyes brimming with excitement looking at Sonia with a large smile on her face. "I was about to say Lucy but you beat me to it."

Sonia chuckled. 'Its a click I guess.' she thought taking a seat on the floor of their classroom to converse with the girl.

"I'm Sonia. Nice to meet you." She introduced repeating the same pose she did when she approached Cole.

"The name's Cole." Cole sheepishly smiled, a bit happy that someone came to befriend her.

"You're an athlete are you?" Sonia asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm on Softball team." The girl replied smiling. Now somehow comfortable of Sonia's cheerful presence.

The two was busy on conversation with each other clearly supreme close and comfortable with each others' presence when Caroline and Laura walked inside the room. She glanced at the two, watching them talk to each other acting as if they've been friends for long which cause her to clench her fist in frustration.

'There is nothing to be envy about here...' She thought walking past the two that was chuckling and giggling at a small conversation taking a seat beside them and stare at them. 'But why do I feel so empty about it?'

Her thoughts were cut off when she noticed Sonia pulling a girl to her and strike another conversation.

"Why can't I do that?" Caroline mumbled sighing in frustration. She then again watched Sonia smile at the girl she just pulled and decided to listen to their conversation.

"Hey hey!!" Sonia cheerfully said as she pulled the girl close to her.

"Uhmm... Hi." The girl shyly said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"You seem familiar, have we met somewhere?" Caroline rolled her eyes.

'That's a lame approach.' She thought.

"Oh my gosh! You too?" She almost fell on her chair upon realization that Sonia wasn't trying to act all cringe approachers. "Have we met somewhere before?"

The two giggled and later even Cole started laughing with them. They were in a fit of laughter when the bells indicating the time came. The three of them were still laughing at each other even though they were now sitting back to where they were first seated and soon calmed down with a small smile on their faces.

"They seem to be having fun." Laura said noticing the disturbance on her friends face. "Do you want to befriend them too?"

Caroline stared at Laura before nodding slowly. "I don't know how."

"How about starting with her." Laura said eyeing Cole. "Since she's sitting beside us."

"I said I don't know how." Caroline retorted, a frustrated sigh escaping her lips.

"Well then, why not wait for the teacher to introduce us so that she can share an information or two?" Caroline looked at her friend that was looking at her back, when she turned to glance, she saw a teacher on the door staring at the whole class before entering the door.

" I guess we'll give it a go. " She mumbled as her teacher walked in front.

" Everybody get inside, classes is about to start."