
A Fragments Journey

Note: this synopsis is after he leaves his original world. Waking up in a place with his memories a mess, our mc must make his way through a world he shouldn’t know in the hopes of finding the truth about why he is here. Just when he thinks it is his end and he can stop fighting. Our mc finds himself in a different world and must find his way back home. Little does he know there is more like him in these different worlds, trying to turn these universes into one like his old world and this time they are a lot different then he remembers. He must face these beings and whatever they throw at him, even if he is care free most of the time, he soon realizes sometimes it is not all about him. Especially when he finds love in a unlikely pairing. ———————————————————————— Hello everyone, I’m fragment and I would like to bring you a book I thought about for a long time. I’m not the best, trust me I know but saying that I will do my best to try and fix any mistakes. I’m doing this for fun with one of my favorite characters. I think the mc will fit into a few different worlds. So please give me ideas? With that being said I’m learning so if some of the world’s information is wrong please help me correct it and I will do so immediately. This is a small multiverse, so it won’t be a lot of jumping world to world. The mc will stay in a world for a good amount of time. I would like to say, forgive me if you don’t like that. Tags ~ 2 or 3 girls max (I was thinking one but I don’t know yet) ~ grey mc ~ aggressive mc ~ ruthless ~ romance ~ Arrogant mc (not like a young master and will be low key for the most part but you’ll understand why.) P.S ~ I will be adding Oc lore to some of the worlds, I want to try and make it all fit together well. I am sorry if you don’t like Oc things again. That is all, I own nothing not even the mc. 1st World - Mc Og world. 2nd World ??? (Any ideas?)

Fragment12 · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter 1 War/Corny Lines

A bright light flashed, washing over the thousands of creatures and humans standing in a large field. The heat cracking the earth and melting metal in a Instant. The cries of women and men alike only further cemented the state of this battle.

The battle which had been going on long before this small war, nothing had changed in the millennia long battle. Just the players involved changed faces and thought of new ways to keep the battle going until one side fell completely. Monsters of unbelievable power, angels that once failed at there duty and humans like always who struggled against everything thrown at them.

Humans got the worst of it, the power gap between themselves and the beings who wanted there end couldn't be solved with numbers alone. Yet humans had some of there own with great power, some who could help bridge the ever growing gap in power.

Many humans placed great importance on these special humans, humans with enough power alone to topple a nation. Thinking they would bring the earth out of darkness when the time called for it, humans came in droves to be apart of these beings circles, their guilds and hoped that they would stand along side them in whatever struggle they go through.

Humans had a bad habit of placing all their hopes on those stronger then themselves, only to feel despair when those strong figures started to fall. Just like this moment where one said being stood dying in this field of hell.

A giant of a man who's armor was scarred and burnt. Who stood up to the brightness of the flame that wanted to end his Conrads lives. Blood came from the cracks in his armor as he held his arms in front of his body. The men and women behind him could only look on as the last of these strong figures risked his life.

Each of them looked on as the man never stumbled or flinched at the flames that could burn the very air itself.

"Guild master!".

"That's enough! Please stop!".

"We have to help him! Tanks to the.."

The people behind the man yelled as they saw their savior pushing himself to the limit. When the shock finally subsided they got themselves together, if they were going to die then they would do it along side their hope.

"Stop! All of you! That's enough.." just as the men and women wanted to move, a voice yelled out and stopped them in their tracks.

They all looked towards the man as he reached his hand back towards them.

Something keeping their bodies from moving forward as they tried to fight. Realizing what was happening each one of them had their eyes widened in shock.

"But guild master! You can't do this.. you'll.." Even as this happened a man in silver armor yelled out. Trying to reach his captain, confused at why he would do this and why he wouldn't allow them to help.

"I'll die.. I know that." The man spoke as the flames finally stopped. His body shifting as he stood up, his voice full of understanding as his armor glowed from the heat.

"Then let us." The man in silver armor tried to speak out but quickly stopped. Feeling the aura coming off his guild masters body, his yellow glowing aura giving off a indescribable pressure.

"Let you what? Let you die beside me? That's funny isn't it.. it's my job to protect you all. How could I let you die here if that's my job?" The guild masters voice was full of Authority, like a father talking to his children and only wanting what's best for them.

"Listen to me, all of you. This battle is not the last.. no I think it's far from it. That's why you can't die here.. well more like I won't let you. There is still more you need to do, that is with or without me." The guild masters figure was like a massive shadow that usually suppressed them, started to change in nature. Every word spoken was full of hope, not fear or sorrow like they thought it should be in the end.

Many who listened to the words, took off their helmets as they looked at their guild master. Watching on as he turned his head back to them, the golden light from his eyes passing over every one of them as many started to cry. Their hope had accepted his end and here they were weak and afraid of what was to come next.

"Why are all of you making that face. This is the life of a hunter.. our brothers, our sisters and everyone who has already fallen. Put their hopes in you! And look at you! Crying about my death! Get it together! Just like that hope, that Comfort and warmth you feel about me. That is what you are to them! Everyone of you, no matter how small you think your light is, you are their hope! Not one man, not anyone alone but you! So live.. if not for yourself then something more then all of us. Fight with everything you have and stop crying!" The guild master turned around as he raised his hand. His words hitting each person different. He walked forward into that flaming hell as he opened his hand wide.

"Every light.. no matter how bright, eventually dies out.. but right now, in this very moment.. you only need to do one thing." Even with the roars of monsters and the sounds of battle. The guild masters voice could be heard so clearly, it rang out in their minds as they watched on.

"In this moment.. you may not see that light inside you and to many, you probably think it doesn't exist. Listen to me.. just like every fire or light. It first must start out as a ember until it grows into a fire. Each of you have it, I can see it." His voice becoming distant as he moved farther away.

"In this moment you only need to do one thing." His words faint as the men and women watched on, feeling his warmth and glow move so far away from them.

Just as the voice faded, a war cry shook them to their core, they all heard their guild masters last words.


The whole battle field froze, monsters and humans alike. Watching as a golden light shot high into the sky. The glow illuminating the battle field and faded as if a bright star had died.