
A Fox in Twilight

Romance consists of Alice and Mc Cain Fennix was a semi normal teen who went on a trip to Europe with his family but was taken because of his looks. After being shipped to his new owner he had changes forced upon him before he could finally escape.

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16 Chs

Trust and The History of Cain (1)

(Last quick release chapter. I'm going to put the rest on a timer for Mondays unless something special happens.)

Carlisle Pov

'As I thought the boy stiffed at my words.' Carlisle thought to himself seeing Cain's reaction. He had a thought that the boy wasn't normal based off his story and injuries. 'There has to be more to this that he didn't say. He most likely remembers everything but it shouldn't be something others would understand.'

He knows he shouldn't scare the poor boy but his curiosity got the better of him as he had never seen something similar to him. But he also wanted to let the scared boy know he was safe no matter what he went through.


Cain's body stiffened uncontrollably as Carlisle mentioned this. His gaze sharpened as he had a thought. 'Should I kill him and run?' His fingernails lengthened as he held the blanket.

'I just got free, I WILL NOT BE CAGED AGAIN!' He thought to his self as Cain's body tensed as he got ready to run. But before he could he was beaten to it by Carlisle's next words. "Don't worry I won't say or do anything about your issues. I can even get you dismissed today if you don't believe me. I just want you to know everyone has there own secrets, even me."

Cain looked sharply at the doctor as the later didn't seemed concerned as he casually looked at the chart. He casually marked a few things as Cain debated his words. "No mater what you are going through the moment you step through that door I will do everything I can to help you." Carlisle looked up and met Cain's sharp gaze.

His own gaze gentle as he looked at the poor boy that obviously had been suffering alone. His thought drifted to his own family. None of them had a good start but helped them as he wanted to try with this boy before him. "I don't know what you are but you aren't human I can tell that. But you were and I bet the change was recent otherwise the wounds wouldn't be healing progressively faster."

Cain's eyes widened at the fact he was seen through so thoroughly by someone he met just a few hours ago. Seeing the surprised reaction Carlisle couldn't help but smile. "I've been a doctor for a very very long time." Cain caught his inspiration in this. The doctor didn't look a day over 25 but said he has been a doctor for a long time.

Cain finally relaxed as he looked at Carlisle with a complicated expression. Cain spoke after a long sigh. "I'm not sure what I am either. I'm not sure what it is but I can feel you aren't lying. Take a seat you seem like you know a lot hopefully you can help me." Cain didn't speak falsely it was like a intuition.

The doctor seemed to truly have his best interest in mind and would try to help him as best he could. Carlisle pulled a chair to the side of the bed as he sat. He didn't expect him to trust him so quickly but he said he could feel he was telling the truth. He couldn't help but get more curious.

Cain once again let out a tired sigh as he leaned back and stared at the ceiling as he recalled.



Cain had gotten up for a morning run leaving the hotel while his parents slept. They had separate rooms so they could have their 'private time'. The sun hadn't quite came up yet and the street wasn't that populated. Cain had on no shirt or shoes as it made him feel more free when running.

He had been running the same route every morning for the past week and that was honestly his biggest mistake. As he made a turn around a corner he was grabbed by 2 large men. He managed to break free from one of the men in the struggle. Using the other man as a support to kick the man that had let go. Cain's feet dug into the man's face and smashed him into the wall behind him.

The kicked man fell to the ground limply as another 2 men joined in restraining him while a third grabbed the downed man. The struggle didn't last long as after the down man was put in the van the helper stabbed Cain with a syringe despite his resistance and shortly after he passed out.


A unknown amount of time later he woke up slowly. Opening his eyes he was was greeted with a bright light causing him to quickly close them again. While he slowly opened them he noticed he was bound with his arms and legs splayed out. His back laying on what felt like metal and it was obvious he had been there for a while based on the fact it was no longer cold to his touch.

His eyes finally adjusted to the brightness of the room he fully opened them to survey the surroundings. He appeared to be in a pure white lab room that you would see in movies with no doors and only what could be assumed to be a two way mirror. He was also indeed strapped to a stainless steel bed inclines at a 45 degree tilt and buck naked.

As he was looking around the sound of pneumatic door opening was heard and he could see directly before him a hole receded into the wall before sliding into the wall. Coming into the room was a crowd of people in lab coats each passing different carts. Narrowing his eyes Cain spoke in a serious tone. "Was I kidnapped by umbrella?"

His question was meet with silence as they all just ignored him like they had done this thousands of times already. Seeing he was ignored Cain continued to look around while watching the different activities. His eyes looking for anything he could do and exploit.

He wasn't stupid enough to ask stupid question like why they did it because they would tell him if they wanted him to know. There were four people in total one was injecting multiple things into a tube that is going into one of the veins in his arm. What concerned him the most was two of the others that were prepping a large portion of his body with iodine and preparing some tools.

The fourth person quickly became his favorite as they were just taking notes but that didn't make it less terrifying. "Hey, hey, hey stay above the belt." He tried to struggle but he realized that his body had no strength. Looking to the first person again he said. "How can I still talk if I can't move the rest of my body?" The person just glanced at him like he was stupid before turning to the others.

Holding up a syringe filled with a blue liquid he moved it to the input. "Preparing to inject subject 9669 with batch 352…. Injecting." Spoke the injector in a monotone androgynous voice. The note taker started to write as Cain felt as if lava flowed into his veins. His body strained but stayed unmoving as his mouth opened into a scream but nothing came out.

Starting from his arm the veins on his body started to stand out and glow blue. After what felt like eternity the magma like flow turned into a soothing warmth. His breathing haggard and his body covered in sweat. "Subject has taken well to injection preparing for sample extractions."

One of the surgeons spoke as he grabbed a scalpel. As he was still awake the person with the scalpel cut across his lower abdomen. Again Cain screamed but nothing came from it whatever was injected doing it's duty in keeping him quit finally.

The next few minutes felt like hours as he had samples removed from various parts of his body. They removed his ability to move and speak but for some reason kept him conscious and able to feel the pain.

Cain was limp on the table with several stitches covering his body from the samples. "Injecting the rapid regrowth reagent." Cain once again felt a burning in his body but no long had strength left. The cuts on his body started to itch as they stoped seeping blood.


This happened on a daily basis from then on. The healing reagent helped but it only made his testing more frequent. As time past his body started to change. His hair and eyes became more vibrant. His skin became softer as well as paler.

The biggest change happened in the third month his ears started to change. It started with them getting longer and moving upward. Then however they started growing blue fur till they were fully animal ears just above where his human ears where to the top of his head.His hearing sharpened greatly allowing him to hear into the room that the mirror lead to.

"Sir the progress with 9669 is phenomenal. He has shown great acceptance to the injections and now slowly changing on his own. However continued injections show a increase in transformation time." The sound of a excited man could be heard explaining to someone else.

"Great we are one step closer to my dream! If you can increase the dosage to expedite the transition. All other trials have failed on others so he is all we have. His evolution must be successful to understand how to proceed."


Time flew by slowly as his body changed next was his eyes becoming sharper. After that his nose as well as the growth of a tail leading to him having dosages increased once again. At the five month mark he could feel as if he willed it he could change into something but he refused to show it to them.

Finally came the day after the injection that had been increased to 12 times the original dosage, the burning sensation turned into a inferno. A literal one as the flames burst from him incinerating everything within 20 feet of him table included.