
First Meeting

(two things I'm currently trying Grammarly to see how it turns out and to make fewer mistakes. It's weird about a few things, so let me know if the results are better. And two, it's hard to write and be a wizard at the same time.)

Cain was lost looking at all the paintings there were at least eight paintings carefully hung on the wall. Each painting had the same blue fox as well as the petite woman. In every painting, the two of them showed affection differently.

Cain stood there for a few minutes before he was interrupted by a shout. "Cain is everything ok up there." Esme's concerned voice sounded from downstairs rousing him from his daze. Quickly Cain yelled back. "Ya, sorry got lost in thought." Cain turned startled as he moved to leave but not before giving one last glance behind him.


Cain stood in the shower as the water cascaded down his body. 'What was that? Why are there paintings of a blue fox and who is that girl?' Cain rubbed his face as he leaned against the wall. 'What aren't they telling me? I know I barely know them but still, it's creepy. I've never heard of another blue fox aside from me.'

Cain's body slid down the wall as he looked between his fingers at the glass divider. His eyes flashed to the girl that was petting the fox's tail. 'Why do I keep thinking of her as well? I have only seen a painting and not the real thing but I can't get her out of my head.' The shower ran till it started to go cold but Cain didn't mind as he was still thinking about what he saw.

'Let's just see how this goes it's not like anyone can stop me anyway. I can't help but feel this isn't a bad thing anyway.' Standing up Cain shut off the shower as he opened the door to the shower and walked out. Reaching out for the towel he stopped. Concentrating for a second his body started to release steam. The fur on his tail and ears puffed as they dried and his hair lay flat as if ironed.

"Sweet!" Cain claimed excitedly as his tail swished behind him as his body cooled back down. Grabbing the clothes on the counter he started to dress. The random clothes he grabbed being just a pair of jeans and a dark blue T-shirt. The clothes were a little snug as they were obviously for someone thinner than him but he liked it all the same.

Walking out of the bathroom he could hear the sound of 2 cars pulling up. Heading towards the stairs he could see a red Jeep and silver Volvo pulling up. Standing in the back of the Jeep stood a bulky boy that looked around his age with an excited expression. The boy looked tall even though he was still far away speaking for his size he has short curly dark brown hair. The dimples on his cheeks standing out as he smiled.

Cain stared out the window for a moment as their eyes met for a moment. Cain's bright blue eyes meeting the deep caramel with dark shadows under them of the other as the latter's boyish face lit up. Cain quickly hid his ears and tail as he broke eye contact and headed down the stairs.

As he stepped foot on the bottom step the the front door burst open fallowed by the sound of a car door slamming outside. "Sup, you must be our new brother." The muscular boy spoke excitedly as he took a step forward. His voice was a little loud as he reached forward with his hand in greeting. However, before Cain got a chance to respond the boy suddenly jerked forward as someone hit the back of his head.

The assailant was a very beautiful statuesque woman with long wavy pale blond hair. Her eyes were the same as the other boy with the same dark circles. Her pale hand was clenched in a fist as she glared at the back of her target. The victim held the back of his head as he looked back at her. "What the hell was that for." His aggrieved voice sounds out. "For jumping out of the Jeep and sprinting inside and scaring the crap out of Cain." Her eyes spitfire before calming as she looked at Cain.

"I'm sorry for my idiot. As long as he is around family he has no tact or self-control. It's nice to meet you I'm Rosalie and this idiot is my husband Emmett." She turned to berate Emmett as Esme and Carlisle entered from the kitchen. "Do forgive him he was one of the most excited for your arrival." Carlisle spoke while looking at the two in the doorway.

The slight smile on the older couple's face was unmistakable. Cain just smiled wryly at the new arrivals as he walked closer to Esme and Carlisle. Although he knew everything would be fine they were his comfort zone for now. Esme catching on drew him closer so he felt safe.

Just then the sounds of footsteps came from outside as everyone walked inside. The first two to come in he guessed was another couple as they were holding hands. The man was about the same height as Cain with honey blond hair. He had golden eyes and slightly dark shadows under his eyes like the rest of his family. The most outstanding part of him however would have to be the light scaring all over his body in the shape of bite marks.

With him was a petite woman with long bronze hair that cascaded down her back. She was at least a foot shorter than the man. Behind her was another man that had a similar hair and appearance to her but stood just as tall as the other man man. The main difference between the two being his stronger jaw and angular cheekbones.

As the three walked in Carlisle steeped forward more and introduced them. "You have already meet Rosalie and Emmett." He said while gesturing to the now calmer couple. Then looking at the new group continued. The two holding hands are Jasper and Edythe. Behind them is Edythe's biological brother Edward and last but not least…"

Carlisle introduced everyone one by one but the last person clouded Cain's thoughts as they walked in. A very short pixie-like girl with short black hair entered. She stood not even five feet tall and was petite to the point of looking fragile. She could easily pass as a fairy straight from fairytales. Her beauty in his eyes outshines anything he has ever seen.

The pixie-like girl was just as lost in his gaze as he was to her's. Time seemed to slow from Cain as her short black hair bristled in the wind as the door closed behind her. Her eyes sparkling like beautiful topaz as his sapphires held her gaze. Cain's lips parted as he had a thought run though his mind like a flash.

"It's the girl from the painting." He mumbled out thoughtlessly. His words caused everyone to freeze and Alice to stiffen. The same thought flashing through their heads. 'He knows.' Alice's eyes wavered as she looked down breaking his gaze. Her eyes looked like she could cry at any moment. But they never fell as everyone stood there in silence.

Carlisle being the quick thinker thought of the best response as he replied to Cain's comment. "This is Alice and she has the ability to see the future. She had seen you coming into our lives but only ever saw your fox form." Carlisle calmly spoke as he walked up to Alice and patted her shoulder reassuringly as he moved them forward. Everyone else stood aside to see how things play out.

Emmett had a goofy grin on his face as he watched on earning him a elbow from Rosalie. Edward looked at Cain with knitted eyebrows. Edythe and Jasper looked at Alice in slight sympathy as one could feel her emotions and the other could see her thoughts.

Alice's thoughts were running at a million miles a hour. 'He saw them! What if he thinks I'm a creep?! I made so many and they all show me cuddling him. I should of hid them or put them in storage! We all knew he was coming home today what was I thinking! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!'

As panic sunk in with Alice, Cain's train of thought was much simpler. 'So her name is Alice.' Yes he was still confused about the paintings but that was lower on his priorities. With the bulk of the explanation on how the only question was why. But he wasn't a complete idiot about himself… well aside from his changes.

He felt deeply attracted to the pixie before him and if her gaze showed anything other than the panic he would guess she feels the same. 'I wonder if this is a new part of me as well. I've seen all kinds of people but this is a first. I feel like if she asked for it I would burn the world just to see her smile.' The thought of such causing a light smile to show on his face.

'Honestly I don't mind this.' Since Cain's escape he had no clue what to do with life. He was a monster. Sure he planed to continue school and maybe even go to college but what then. What reason does he have to do anything. He can do whatever he wants but what does he want.

Thinking over the past few days the only thing he could think of is a family. Doesn't mater how big just something to hold onto. He was happy about Carlisle's offer as it fit in with his plans but, now there is another. 'This feeling of my heart slamming against my chest as if to reach towards this girl I just met. Just looking at her makes me feel want to hold her and never let go.' Alice is his new home. Where he belongs.

To the others the looks between the two seemed to last forever. Cain gazing at the petite girl like the next moment could be his last and Alice trying and failing to not look at him. Her embarrassment almost drowning out her joy of meeting him. "Nice to meet you all. Carlisle has told me so much about everyone I hope to get along."

Cain's voice broke through the silence but his gaze never broke. His eyes locked unblinking as if he was afraid to lose her if he looked away. However his gaze did break but not by his own will. A large arm was wrapped around his shoulder as he was dragged to the lining room. "Nice to meet you to how about we sit down and play some games." Emmett dragged him without any concern as Rosalie just sighed and everyone else chuckled.