
A Fox in Twilight (Old version)

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22 Chs

Talk with Mom

After Twig finished telling Ana about Alice and all of what Cain and her did today Cain felt the aura of death over him. Looking at his mother she seemed to have a dark aura over her that unfitting for one called the Goddess of Life. Thinking fast Cain tried to think of a solution to placate her as quickly as possible she looked like she would explode any second.

Acting based off his instincts he quickly wrapped his arms around his mother and gave her a tight hug. Having received a hug from Cain the aura of darkness rapidly disappeared as if it was all a lie in the first place. Being much shorter than Cain only coming up to his shoulder she hugged him tightly as she buried her face in his chest. Cain could hear muffled sobs coming from her.

Hearing this Cain was shocked and couldn't help asking. "Why does it bother you so much that I have a girlfriend." Hearing Cain say himself that he had a girlfriend she started crying harder. Through muffled sobs she started speaking in to his chest refusing to leave. "I just... got you back and... you are already trying to leave me.... Isn't mommy enough for you?...Why do you try to hurt me... by leaving me after I just got you back?..."

Cain was stunned he had almost forgotten that today was his first full day back home. Cain looked at his still sobbing mother in his embrace and staring rubbing her back as he kissed her forehead and said. "Don't mom I won't leave you I'm happy to be back. I bonded with Alice today when I saw her in class. She is my mate and it would hurt me to leave her just as it would to leave you that's why I hope you would get along with her."

Ana had noticeably calmed down easing Cain stress. He could of swore he heard Twig chuckling in a tree in the distance. He was slightly angry at him for all the trouble he had caused today. But can had to agree from a outside perspective it may have been funny. Twig always was like a mischievous little kid and admittedly he liked it and even joined him in causing trouble on more than a few occasions. Him being able to talk to others now just made his repertoire larger.

Having finally calmed down Ana finally looked up at him with a serious face and spoke. "How did you find another mate so quick in this world. It is supposed to be hard to find a mate. We have only been here for a day and you already found one."

Cain nodded and spoke. "Alice is one of the main people for this worlds original source and one of the people I looked up to. I had originally wanted to come here to experience the story first hand but never expected to bond with my favorite person from the story. She was supposed to already be in a relationship but when I met her she wasn't. But she is all I could of asked for and more I truly love her and couldn't imagine eternity without her."

Having finished he suddenly realized something. Looking at his mother with a questioning glance. "What do you mean by another mate? I don't remember bonding with someone else. "Looking hurt she replied. "Did you really not realize that you already had a mate bond with me. You are the God of Fauna and your true form is a fox known to mate for life with multiple females. I had already known I wouldn't be able to have you to myself forever but I never expected it to come this soon. I thought I would have more time."

As Ana spoke tears gathered in her eyes again. Cain thought about his interactions with his mom up until this point. Almost immediately after he saw her for the first time he felt love towards her. He had believed it was because of his connection as her son but his tone with Alice made him think otherwise now. "I had thought my love towards you was from our parental bond but I feel that was wrong now as well but isn't it weird for me and you to be mates? I mean I'm you'd son for grandfather's sake how come it's become more than that."

Although Cain was confused by what has come to pass he was surprised by his lack of rejection to the scenario and was even happy about it. Ana interrupted his train of thought. "I'm technically not your mother I'm more like your creator. You are the only god I have made all the others were made by my brother or came to be naturally. As a greater god I had the ability to make others but never done so till you. I used all of the creation I had saved up from the start of my existence to create your seed and plant it within me. Your grandfather was impressed by my dedication to your creation and used his own energy to increase your potential that's why you are so powerful."

Cain was shocked but it made sense to him how could he have the ability to even use his mother's power if he wanted. He had far more power that what he knew what to do with the only he wasn't more powerful than in all of creation was his grandfather. As he came to except the truth he hugged his mother tightly and kissed her head. "I understand mother I will be responsible for our bond I find myself happier knowing the truth. I'm happy to have you to spend eternity with but I have Alice as well although I have no idea how I will be able to explain this to her I hope she understands. I will try my damnedest to do right by both of you no mater what I have to do."

This was all he was able to promise he knew that this could cause lots of stress in his life but he hoped everything world work out. He had imprinted two people on his soul for all eternity and he would be in constant agony without them in his life. Ana understood, Alice had only known normal relationships and just bonded with Cain today and had no knowledge of their true relationship as Cain hadn't realized it till now. Ana being a god had basically been around since the start of time and seen all kinds of relationships hell her brother had five wives. Also having been the cause of Cain's creation she knew how his abilities would work long before he had even been born.

She knew about Cain's binding she just never expected to be the first one bound when his powers awoke. Never mind the cause they were both happy with the end result the only question would be Alice in the end of the day. Cain said following a long silence between them. "I've made plans to have a date with Alice after school tomorrow I will tell her then and bring her over here to meet you... I just hope things go well tomorrow I don't want hurt her more than I already have." Cain started getting depressed thinking about it.

Seeing him stressed out Ana pulled his head in to her chest and stroked his smooth hair and whispered. "It will be ok we will figure things out I'm sure she will understand anyone that you looked up to couldn't have been a bad person and she is your mate. I'm sure even if she gets angry at you she will come to understand I'm sure she loves you just as much as I do." Having been consoled by his mother/mate Cain felt a little better but was still worried about the future.

Deciding to try his best and enjoy life and look forward to what's to come after the hardships he slapped his cheeks and said. "What's done is done. I had no choice in the matter as the bond was formed agains my will. Better to take what has happened and make the best of it." But for now he looked at Ana warmly he quickly picked her up causing a surprised yelp from her.

He carried her inside to the couch and sat down holding her tightly he asked her as she sat on his lap. "Want to watch a movie." She stared blankly at him for a second the shyly nodded her head while blushing madly and thinking. 'I thought this was going somewhere else but I guess this is fine as well.' As Cain was asking her what movie she wanted to watch a little boy of about 8 years old can skipping in the front door saying. "Let's binge watch the twilight saga so Ana can see a bit of how awesome Alice is." The little boy was Twig in his human form. He was a cute little boy with blue hair and eyes.

Cain hearing Twigs input agreed with that idea and snapped his fingers and the first Twilight movie playing on the 70in flatscreen as the light dimmed. As Twig went to get them snacks and drinks Ana was pouting she thought she was going to have alone time with her little foxy but then the little bird showed up with its impeccable timing to be a third wheel.