
A Fox in Twilight (Old version)

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22 Chs

Coming to Terms and Resolve

It had been a few hours and Cain was still sitting underneath the tree waiting, hoping that everything was ok. It was raining now but still he waited there the rain never touching his fur as it rolled off a invisible membrane around him. As Cain lay there it took all his will power to not eavesdrop on the girls in the house where he could feel them.

As Cain waiter he got increasingly more worried. After a while Twig flew over and landed on his head having just arrived back from his outing he was going to originally head inside and watch cartoons but saw Cain sitting here waiting. After a while of Cain not saying anything Twig decided to ask. "You told her?" Cain replied calmly without opening his eyes. "Yes." His lack of a response annoyed Twig causing him to prod again. "What did she say and why are you just waiting here in the rain instead of trying to convince her to accept it."

Finally opening his eyes Cain stated the truth. "She yelled at me asking me if there wasn't anything I could do to fix it because I was a god. Then as I went to tell her Ana showed up and told her then took her away to talk. I guess she figured I would try to recommend the option of me erasing my presence from this world resetting it back to how things were supposed to be and wanted to stop me." Cain knew that he was a idiot but he had no self confidence knowing he was weird and awkward despite his appearance.

This pissed Twig off to no end. " Dammit Cain you are a god for Christ sake. A being only contested by one other in all of existence yet you are sitting here like a kicked puppy worse when both Edward and Jacob combined instead of standing up for yourself and what your heart truly desires. You expect me to sit here and watch my brother rip his heart one way or another willingly while letting his woman try to patch things up for him you are a sorry excuse for a god." Twig knew that Cain needed these words. He had been with Cain forever he understood why Cain had this mentality, but Cain was different from the orphan he had been in a previous world. He had others that cared for him and he needed to take charge of his life instead of moping around hoping the world would fix itself when he could control it himself.

Cain himself knew Twig was right. He needed to man up and be the god he was supposed to be. But he was scared. Scared that regardless of how hard he tried Alice would choose the other options. As if reading his mind Twig spoke. "Do you think so little of Alice that she wouldn't hear you out. The energetic pixie that left her family to find a solution against the volturi on her own. Do you truly believe she wouldn't listen to what you have to say despite all the love she has for you." Cain's eyes open wide at Twig's words. Who was Alice one of the smartest most caring people he knew of and they loved each other. Why wasn't he fighting harder.

He and Alice loved each other and here he was letting Ana cover for him like Twig before her. He was letting others cover for him, but he was a god above all but one. Even with all that he was letting others do his job in love. He need to be better if not for himself but for those he loved. He needed to rely more on himself for the things that matter instead of leaving it up to others if Alice still chose to leave then he would be fine with it. But if he let her go now he would always wonder if he could do better

Standing up quickly and shaking his head to clear his thoughts. Saying thank you to Twig while ignoring his gripes of being thrown from his head and charged into the forest heading towards his house forgetting he could just teleport.

Arriving in front of the house he took a deep breath as he turned human and went to open the door only to stop just before opening it. He hears something as he reached for the door he didn't notice before because he had suppressed his level of hearing so it was only slightly better than humans.

Opening the door he saw Alice and Ana sitting on the couch in the living room laughing as they talked about him and his childish actions. "He loves to act like a spoiled little puppy and curl up in your lap only to pout when you stop." "It's so cute how he purrs subconsciously while you play with his tail. He doesn't even realize he does it." Ana spoke first followed shortly behind by Alice.

Cain wanted nothing more than to go dig a hole to lay in. Stepping forward he started talking is almost a low growl. "I've been sitting in the rain for hours worrying about how things were going. Having made up my resolve to come and confront Alice about staying with me, what do I find as soon as I walk in fearing the worst. Both of the people I love sitting closely together laughing as they make fun of me!" Cain's growling sent shivers down their spines they could feel his rage but at the same time his angry voice felt like it had a great sense of relief.