
A Fox and His Vixens (+18)

Naruto gets thrown into a situation every man dream of after an amazing night at home. Each chapter has +13,000 words Original Author: The Storm Master 567 you can find this story in Fanfiction.net

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16 Chs

Kushina & Mikoto (+18)

In the lunch room, the blonde was sitting next to his friends. Satsuki was on his right while the table was filled with girls of great beauty.

On his left was an eighteen year old with an amazing figure of 110-59-99cm. The girl had long wavy purple hair that reached her firm ass which she gained from tennis. Her amber eyes shone with mischief, one of the reasons Naruto likes her, and kindness. She wore a white short-sleeved shirt with a green ribbon tied right above her bust that wanted to burst from the shirt. Her magenta skirt was covered by a black waist coat tied with a green ribbon at the back. The woman was named Rinko Hideshima, a third year. She and Naruto had met when he was running and they instantly hit it off.

Sitting in front of the teen was another beauty. She had long shinning silver hair that reached her firm ass that the skirt did almost nothing to cover, making her hips more pronounced. The beauties most appealing feature, other than her F cup tits, were her crimson eyes. Her attire was the same as Rinko. She was Moka Akashiya.

Next to her sat a sixteen year old beauty with striking long pink hair tied in two ponytails. Her fierce orange eyes intimidated most, except Naruto. She had a slender figure, F-cup breasts, and wore the female uniform that also strained against her bust. She was the smartest girl in school; Saya Takagi.

Eating calmly, sat Saeko Busujima. She was an eighteen year old, third year student with long, straight shiny purple hair with a triangular fringe at the front of her lovely face, just barely touching the ridge of her nose. The woman stood at five seven and had blue eyes with a D-cup bust. She wore the school uniform only with a long skirt.

The next was almost as busty as Rinko. She stood one inch taller than Saeko with long wavy blonde hair, shinning blue eyes, thick attractive lashes, a beauty mark just below the right side of her full pink kissable lips set in a silly smile. This was Rangiku, another one of Naruto's childhood friends.

Next to her was a girl with long red hair similar to Kushina's only a little shorter. She had brown eyes, her DD-cup chest strained against her uniform. This was his cousin, Tayuya Uzumaki. On her left sat his second cousin, Karin. She, like her sister, had red hair but spiked to the side. While she wasn't as gifted in the chest department as the others, having a C-cup, she had a nice ass that made up for it.

Next to them, were the other sisters of his aunts on his mother's side. Strangely, both girls were named Erza. Like all the Uzumaki women, they both had long beautiful red hair. One wore her hair in a high ponytail while the other let her hair go to her mid-back. Both had brown eyes that usually glared at someone. The one with straight red hair was referred to as Erza while the ponytail twin was referred to as Knighwalker. The Erza's had F-cup chest that threatened to burst from the confines of the school shirt.

There was another pair of cousins, on his dead father's side, Naruto had at the table. Both were blondes but one had her hair tied in a large ponytail with two long locks of her silky hair framing her lovely face. Her eyes were a captivating purple that Naruto complemented often. The girls name was Saeki.

Her twin, Rika, next to her styled her blonde hair in two distinctive curly locks with bright green eyes shining in happiness. Both ladies had DD-cup breasts that all the men ogled.

This was the reason Naruto loved big breasts. His whole life, he had been surrounded by women who were gifted in the chest department.

The group was talking until the intercom came over the building. "Huh?" Naruto wondered aloud. "Guess I got to get going." Standing up, he waved to the girls with his charming smile that made them melt. "I'll see you girls later."

The male Uzumaki was walking through the halls of school with a wondering expression. 'Wonder what Kushi-chan wants with me?' He wondered in his mind. Sex was the most prominent that came to mind and that made him smile a stupid smile. Quickly shaking his head, he walked a little faster to the office.

When he walked into the waiting area, he saw the secretary that was usually there. The moment he saw her, his pants became even more strained to hold in the growing erection. She was a dark-skinned woman with green eyes. She wore a very formal attire of a long-sleeved shirt, high-collared dress shirt and skirt, along with a pair of long earrings and sandals. The beauty wore her light grey hair pulled in a bun with two bangs framing her lovely mocha face.

The real thing that got his libido going was her chest melons. If he had to guess, they were 36 double D. Her melodious voice snapped Naruto out of his staring. "Hello Naruto-kun." She greeted the boy with a smile.

"H-H-Hello to you too, Mabui-san." Naruto greeted her back with a smile. He had known the woman for four years and had always wanted to fuck her but didn't think it could happen. "I'm here to see my mother."

Mabui giggled a little. "Of course. Go right ahead." The teen nodded in thanks before walking to his mother's office. The blonde didn't see that Mabui had not taken her eyes off his ass as he walked away.

"Mh. What I wouldn't give to be under that stud." Mabui whispered with a lick of her lips. Naruto had been many of her sexual fantasies since she first met him. She was not one for relationships so she didn't have time to date and the blonde Adonis was the only thing she ever had on her mind.

Naruto, reaching the door, took a deep breath, before knocking. He heard his mother's sweet voice. "Come in." The teen could hear the slight purr to it and smiled. He was right! Kushina wanted some of her Naruto time!

With a grin, he threw the door open. "Hey Kaa-chan! Ready for…alone…time…." Naruto trailed off in shock as he saw that he and Kushina were not the only ones in the office. Sitting on the desk, alongside Kushina, was his second lover. "M-M-M-Mikoto!" He sputtered out in surprise. The boy's face gained a healthy blush as he took in the attire of Kushina and Mikoto.

Kushina was wearing her slutty principle outfit. This time, she had her fiery red hair flowing down her back like a waterfall. Mikoto was wearing a slutty version of the female outfit to the school.

The white long-sleeved, button-downed shirt had three of the top buttons undone, showing off her bountiful cleavage. The black ribbon that hung from the collar, fell right between her jugs. Naruto hoped that his rock hard rod would soon replace that fabric. Its matching magenta skirt with white accents was a size too small, giving him a peek at her bald pussy lips. Brown high-heeled version of the shoes showed off her sexy legs along with the tights that hugged her body.

Naruto was almost sent flying with a nosebleed as he gazed upon these sexy goddesses he claimed. "W-W-Wh-What's going on?! Why are you two dressed like that?!" He was absolutely shocked. The blonde didn't expect to see both lovers together.

With a sultry smile, Kushina spoke. "Well, Mikoto and I were talking and I found out something very interesting." She smirked a little when she saw her baby sweat. "She told me you fucked her. You fucked her into her slave just like me."

Shock was the clear emotion he was feeling. "W-W-What!? Y-Y-You know?! A-A-Are you mad at me?" He asked. Kushina's soft smile made him relax.

"Not at all baby boy." She shook her head, her crimson locks flowing through the air. "In fact, I think it's a fabulous idea to have another lover." Glancing to Mikoto. "Trying to keep you satisfied is a multiple person job." Looking into his blue eyes, she gave him a saucy wink. "And don't you think it's kinky to fuck your best-friends mother alongside your own MILF of a mother?" She purred out. Her husky voice making the tent in his pants almost rip the material.

"Oh, fuck!" Naruto growled in a feral manner. Before he could launch himself at the two, he looked to Mikoto. "Are you sure?" He asked, his voice dripping with lust.

The sexy MILF smiled at him. "Yes. Like Kushi-chan said, I also find it exciting to fuck alongside her. We've fucked each other even." She giggled at the large blush that formed on his cheeks. "But, forget about that for now." She eyed his covered prick like a lioness. "Take that big dick out so we can suck it."

Naruto did at told. Pulling his pants down, underwear too, he smirked cockily when he saw Mikoto and Kushina literally drool over his size. Looking at each other and gave a grin and nod. Next thing he knew, the blonde was pushed into the chair behind Kushina's desk with his busty lover's kneeling at his cock.

"Hm." Kushina moaned throatily, her soft hands running their way up and down the left side of his member. "Such a hot tool you have, love. Don't you agree, Mikoto-chan?" She looked over to her friend who was lightly stroking him off as well.

"Oh yes." She moaned along with Kushina. Mikoto's hot breath hitting Naruto's sensitive head, making him want to blow already. "And he's already leaking." The MILF noted the pre-jizz coming from his lower head. "I think he wants us to lick it, Kushi-chan. Should we?" Mikoto teased out with a grin.

The seated blonde was close to just jamming the two MILF's heads on his lower head, commanding them to suck him off, but told himself to wait. 'I'm going to really enjoy this!' He yelled inside his head with a dopey grin on his face.

Kushina giggled at her baby-boy's expression. He really was hot when he was fucking. "Why yes, Mikoto-chan. I think he does." Slowly extending her tongue, Mikoto flanking the right, the two busty mother's tongue's finally reached his twitching shaft. "Ah!" Both women moaned out happily when bits of cum splashed over their faces. "So lively today Naru-kun!" Kushina squealed out.

"F-Fuck! You girls ar-are making me crazy!" Hands gripping into the chair, Naruto's head shot up and moaned loudly. The sensations of the two licking his rod were amazing. Kushina's and Mikoto's tongues took turns licking and sucking at his purple head. Their moans around his shaft was also driving his body deeper and deeper into lust of having these two under him, shouting his name as he came in them until they were in a coma and coated in his seed. "N-N-No-Not my balls!" Both busty bombshells added their other hands to the equation and gently played with the teens cum filled sack.

"I can feel it, Naru-kun." Mikoto muttered out between slurps and licks. "You're cock really want to cover us." Without warning, she engulfed the meat in one go. Bobbing her head up and down multiple times, the MILF licked and slobbered the head with saliva. Her skilled tongue licking at the sides when she plunged her head back down. The raven mother made sure to make obscene slurping sounds each time she inhaled his prick.

Kushina watched her best-friend suck her son's cock with hot eyes. "Oh yeah. Suck that cock! Suck that giant cock you whore! Get my son off!" The added dirty talk by Kushina made the balls in her hand churn. Feeling it, Kushina began to gently suck on his balls. "Just let it out, Naru-chan. Fill this dirty skank with your hot young cum." Kushina and her sultry voice made Naruto's pre-juice spurt into Mikoto's gagging throat.

"Fucking shit! You girls are going to make me cum so hard!" A little cross-eyed, Naruto shouted out. Nails dug into the seat as he began to slowly buck his hips against the raven haired mother's skull. His pulsing head hitting the back of her tight throat with each jab. "I-I-I can't take much more!" His voice was becoming horse from all the moaning. Sweat slipped down his head, showing how hard he was trying to hold himself from grabbing her silk like raven hair and pouring his load into Mikoto's mouth.

'He's so hot!' Mikoto thought between taking the large meat. 'It feels like my mouth is going to melt.' She moaned around his rod when she felt fingers digging into her wet snatch. Glancing, she blushed to see the red-headed bombshell giving her a sexy wink while still sucking on his balls.

"G-G-Going to cum soon girls!" Naruto announced. After seeing his mother fingering the sexy raven haired mother his arousal sky-rocketed to new heights he never thought possible. "Cumming!" The boy roared out in pleasure. Mikoto took the tip of his member out of her mouth so Kushina and her could sensually lick up and down his prick. "G-Get ready! Here it comes!"

"Yes~!" Kushina moaned out, her hot breath making his twitching cock pulse. "Cover your whores in your milk! We want to taste it!" The mother's dirty talk was the last straw for the teen. Thrusting between the lashing tongues, his seed spurted out of his purple cock-head.

"MIKOTO! KUSHINA!" Yelling out both lover's names, Naruto's sperm shot up high, before raining down on the two awaiting women. Tongues out, the mothers were greeted to the amazing taste of the blonde's amazing juice. The taste alone caused their arousals to heighten, their female juices running down their creamy skin to the floor.

After a full minute of cumming, his hips bucking high into the air, Naruto finally let out a blissful sigh and lowered his ass to the seat. "S-S-So fucking good…Miko-chan, Kushi-chan." Looking down, his blue eyes feasted upon the hottest sight he has only ever dreamt of.

Kushina had gotten a little less of her boy's cum than Mikoto and she was jealous at the pleased expression of her best-friends white covered face. The busty raven haired woman was slowly enjoying the taste of her male lover's cock juice. She slowly rubbed what amount of cum that spilled into her valley of flesh that were her jugs. If she had her eyes opened, she would have seen the busty red-head stalk her.

Launching herself at Mikoto, she brought the woman in a passionate kiss. Kushina's tongue easily pierced Mikoto's lips and played with her own. Swapping sperm between the two, both moaned erotically as they kissed. They could feel the blonde's eyes on their make-out session and it only made them hotter.

After kissing for a while, the two left with only saliva connecting them. Their bodies pressed tightly against one another, making their breasts pop. Naruto couldn't take this anymore. With a silent growl, he pushed both down to the desk in front of them. "Iya!" The best-friends squealed out in happiness of being manhandled.

"Oh yeah." Naruto growled out in approval as the two were bent over the desk. Their bountiful asses thrusting to his hungry member. "Look at these beautiful asses you two have." Gently rubbing their plump bottoms, they moaned at the warm touch. "I can't believe I didn't fuck this last night, Mikoto-chan." He marveled at the delicious rear end of the Uchiha mother.

"Then why don't you?" Mikoto whispered out, looking over her shoulder with a smoldering look. The fact she still had that lose tie wrapped around her delicate neck only made him want to hold onto it while he ploughed her through the wooden desk. "Take my ass like you did Kushi-chan. I'm actually soaked just hearing what you did to your slutty mother." Thrusting her ass against his rod, she moaned hotly against the pulsing prick on her rump. "Fuck this dirty ass with that massive cock. Fuck my MILF ass like you did with Kushina in the park. Mount me like the horny animal I am." She begged with a desperate expression.

Kushina, wet and hot at the woman's words, stood up and slowly walked behind her son. Naruto didn't even notice the woman as he keep his eyes locked on the beautiful white bottom of Mikoto. "Agh. Kushi-chan." That was until he growled out when the familiar soft form of his Kaa-chan pressed against his back. Her hard nipples against him told she was very aroused at the display.

With a small smirk, Kushina planted a small kiss on his neck, getting a small groan of pleasure from her baby boy. "Go on Naru-chan." She cooed out. Gently blowing in his ear, she spoke with a voice so erotic he almost blew. "Take that slutty ass and make it your own. After you fuck her, fuck me too. I was so lonely last night." She whined a little. Rubbing her hard nipples against his skin. The busty red-head shivered in need of being filled once more. "I needed this fat cock back in me." Wrapping her fingers around his member, making him hiss, she directed the pulsing member against her friend's firm bottom.

"Uha!" Mikoto moaned out in bliss at the feeling of the prick head pressing against the entrance of her ass. 'I-It's amazing. My pussy is already so wet from just the head touching me!' Pussy fluid gushed down her leg. 'I can't wait for it to be inside me!' She squealed in her mind, almost cumming from the thought of being fucked hard in her asshole. Her husband had never been one for sex and rarely fucked her. She was only fucked once in the ass and she liked it but no matter what, she never got fucked in that hole again.

"That's right, Naru-kun. Push that monster inside my tight asshole. It's only been used once. You're cock easily eclipses my husbands. Stick that hot rod up my ass and mess me up." She begged hotly. The ego boost of being bigger than an adult man made the boy smirk.

"Well…if you want it." Lining his member against her ass. Pushing the head in gently, Naruto grabbed her womanly hips in a firm grip. "You'll get it!" With a great push, his member reached all the way to the back of her ass. Spit flew from both connected lover's mouths at the insatiable pleasure of the tightness of the tight derriere.

Kushina was blushing heavily at the moment. Watching her best friend taking in her son's big prick was more arousing than she thought it would be. "Wow!" She whispered in awe as she watched Mikoto's specter flux around the invading meat that was Naruto's dick. Her hot mouth then occupied itself by nibbling and kissing his neck and cheek.

Naruto was groaning harshly. Drool was spilling from his mouth at the combined feeling of Kushina's lips against his skin and the tightness of Mikoto's ass he was not slowly fucking.

The elder Uchiha woman was moaning and groaning in slight pain at the punishing man-meat inside her ass. Her eyes rolled back in her head as the pain was finally fading and pleasure was the only thing left in its place. "Naruto-kun…oh fuck…you're so deep in my ass." Mikoto whispered out, leaning fully on the desk.

"Yeah, Mikoto-chan…You're as is as tight as Kaa-chan's." Naruto stated while slowly pumping his member in and out of his second lover's right rectum. "Ah!" The blonde moaned out loudly when he felt Kushina grope his ass. "K-K-Kaa-chan!" He yelled out. Glancing behind, he saw the mother's eyes light up with amusement at the sound her baby boy made.

"Oh," Kushina moaned out throatily. "Does Naru-chan like his Kaa-chan playing with his body while fucking Mikoto-chan?" She asked with an alluring whisper. Her slender fingers trailed up and down his hard abs currently at work thrusting himself deeper and deeper inside the slutty raven haired mother's bottom.

"Y-Yes." Naruto moaned out, too hot to possibly deny what his mother was doing didn't feel good. "I love Kaa-chan playing with my body. But," Now looking back at her, his blue eyes smoldering with lust. "I want to play with my dirty Kaa-chan!" With a grunt, the blonde plunged two fingers into the busty red-heads dripping mound.

"Oh yes!" Kushina cooed out in bliss. His manly fingers stirring up her wet cunt lips with each stroke. "That's right. Finger this wet pussy. Get your hands soaked in your dirty Kaa-chan's love juice." Her dirty moans made the teen growl and thrust his prick deeper and harder into the squirming mother beneath him.

"Yes!" Mikoto moaned in appreciation at the new speed of her lover. "Fuck that ass! Fuck me harder!" She demanded lewdly. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth in a sexy way with her eyes crossing in ecstasy. Naruto was hitting all the pleasure spots in her ass that she never found out while sticking dildos inside that hole.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Naruto moaned out, leaving his mother's lips, as he grinded his hips against Mikoto's. The way her anal walls constricted against his penis was so pleasing it was becoming painful to not blow his load. Seeing the deliciously white sweaty skin of hers, he gained a devious idea.

"Iya!" Mikoto yelped out in shock when she felt her lover's hand being brought down on her filled bottom. Looking back she gave him a shocked expression before her body craved more spankings. "More! More Naruto-sama! Spank this naughty MILF's ass! Teach it how to please you!" The MILF begged as she rutted her ass on and off Naruto.

She had a full body blush as she looked at her best-friend getting finger-fucked by their shared lover with a lewd expression covering her lovely face. Kushina's expression combined with the way Naruto pounded her tight ass, almost made her cum.

Face set in a snarl, Naruto could feel the vaginal muscles of his mother squeezing his hand, wanting something more than just his fingers. And the tight ass of the sweaty woman under him was just begging to have his load dumped inside her. It was a dizzying experience and it took all his will power to not explode anytime soon. "Shit!" Naruto finally roared out coherent words.

"You two bitches are going to make me cum!" The teen informed the women he was pleasing. His hips burying its way in and out of the sweat covered woman. Mikoto could feel her anal walls twitching madly around Naruto's equally twitching manhood. The anal fucked mother could feel her pussy-juice rolling down her inner thigh, telling her she was about to have her own explosion.

Kushina was moaning throatily as her son soon added his other hand to please her. Now roughly grabbing her bountiful tit, he sped up his finger-fuck. "N-Naru-chan! Right their! Stir you're Kaa-chan up more their!" She pleaded with a needy expression.

"Fuck yeah!" Naruto pulled Kushina in for a deep sloppy kiss that only made the disturbing sounds more pleasing to the three's ears. Leaving her lips, enjoying the dazed look in her eyes, he leaned close and whispered in her ear. "After I'm done fucking this Uchiha whore, get down on your knees and lap that dirty ass up!" His gruff voice and dominating hands made her submit easily. Kushina could only shake in excitement for that to happen.

No more words were said between the three as Naruto continued to pound his fuck stick deeper and deeper inside Mikoto with each powerful plunge. He added another finger to the mix with Kushina, now powerfully plunging three fingers in her tight twat.

Mikoto couldn't describe how good she felt at this moment. It was an unbelievable feeling to be pounded in her ass by such a young stud while having her best-friend, whose son was currently fucking her, was getting fingered by said lover. The fact that it was the red-heads son only made it hotter for the woman groaning and moaning against the punishing prick sliding in and out of her bottom at great speeds. She frankly didn't know if she would be able to sit properly after this rough session but she couldn't care less at the moment.

"Yes!" Mikoto and Kushina squealed out at the same time. Naruto had hit both ladies G-spots at the same time, making them experience another orgasm. "F-Fuck! Naru-kun! Cum already! I want your seed!" Mikoto couldn't take it anymore! She needed Naruto's baby juice.

The blonde was at his end, his member twitching inside the raven beauties asshole wildly. "Fuck! Here it comes! Take it all inside your slutty ass, Mikoto-chan!" With a mighty roar, Naruto came inside his second lover. Small growls rumbled through his chest while still thrusting insdie Mikoto. His blue eyes rolled to the back of his head when he felt the ass muscles squeeze him for all he was worth, while Kushina's twat clamped onto his fingers, coating them with her delicious juice and heat.

"YES!" The raven haired MILF screeched into the room as she experienced another amazing climax caused by the blonde Adonis that was Naruto Uzumaki. "So much inside my ass! It's so amazing! Cum! Keep it coming!" Begged the bitch. She was not disappointed at all, as Naruto kept filling her for a full minute.

Kushina, still high on lust, captured her baby boy's lips in a steamy kiss. Lips and tongues slobbered the other's in a mess while moaning hotly into their mouths. They couldn't keep their hands of each other, as Kushina ran her delicate hands around her son's frame. Naruto returned the favor and groped the busty mother's full womanly jugs while still ploughing himself inside Mikoto.

"Ah!" Naruto, after finally having his climax tamper off, slipped out of Mikoto's ass and slumped into the chair. His member was already missing the tight butt, but as a consolation, Kushina had wrapped her slutty lips around Mikoto's ass.

He watched intently as his mother ate the spunk that spewed from the stretched ass. The slightly soft prick instantly became hard as he watched Mikoto moan and groan in pleasure at having her ass being eaten. The slutty red-heads hips shook side to side, knowing her son's eyes were firmly locked onto the scene.

"Oh Kushi-chan!" Mikoto moaned out in pleasure. "Keep it up! Keep sucking all that dirty cum out of my asshole! You're such a slut!" She spoke with a dirty voice that made Kushina's wet pussy tingle.

"I'm not the only slut here, Mikoto-chan." Teased the red-head after having her fill of her son's spunk. "You're a dirty slut too!" Leaning up, she whispered loud enough for Naruto to hear her slutty voice. "Having my son fuck you like a wild animal while being watched. I noticed how wet you are." The second lover moaned when Kushina had stuck her fingers in her extremely wet fuck-hole.

"Hmm~." The female Uzumaki moaned out in pleasure, the taste of her friends pussy juice never failed to excite her. "And it's just as delicious as always. Have a taste." Flipping her around, the sultry mother kissed her friend in wild lust. She made sure to open her mouth and let Mikoto taste herself.

'So good~!' Mikoto moaned out loudly between swapping saliva and cum with her female lover. "Oh, yeah!" The busty woman moaned out happily, now rubbing the red-heads heavy jugs. "It feels good to touch these again." The women hadn't played with each other in years, since marrying.

"I know." Kushina mumbled out between kisses. Her slender fingers now digging their way into Mikoto's tight twat. "You're so sexy." Glancing over her shoulder, she could see her Naru-chan barely holding himself back. "And it appears that out dear lover boy wants to join us." Leaving her lips, being connected with a line of spit, she whispered. "Can he join us?"

Mikoto smirked at the two. "Oh, I think that would be lovely! I would just love to watch closely as he mounts you." Motioning him over sexily, Mikoto spoke in a tone dripping with lust it made Naruto's lower head drip with pre-cum. "Fuck your mother while I watch."

Naruto couldn't be atop the two faster. Practically jumping out of the chair, he pushed his mother's hair into Mikoto, making both kiss, before plunging himself deep within her in a single thrust. Kushina's pleased muffled squeals didn't stop him from his, already, extremely fast tempo.

Mikoto and Kushina were openly moaning with all their might at the feeling both were experiencing. Mikoto was having her twat eaten at such a ferocious pace it made her head spin while Kushina could barely think, only going on instinct. The feeling of Naruto's rampaging prick currently destroying her pussy to his shape was a mind numbing pleasure and she could only become drunk to the feeling.

"Shit! You're so fucking tight Kaa-chan!" Naruto groaned out while playing with Kushina's creamy flesh. The red-heads form easily taking his punishment with little resistance, her skin slapping erotically with his powerful thrusts. The way her ass flesh rippled with his members plunges made him want to mess her up even more. "Fuck yeah!" Naruto roared out, feeling the heavenly feeling of Kushina's folds constantly stretching around his rumbling prick.

"Ohh, yes! Fuck me Naru-kun! Fuck your slutty mommy as she eats this whore out!" Kushina moaned out while eating the thrashing Mikoto. The raven haired beauty looked at the connection between mother and son with hooded eyes. Looking back to Naruto, seeing his sweaty body and low growls, made her wetter so her juices squirt harder on Kushina's face. "Iya!" The red-head squealed out when she lifted up and away from Mikoto.

The raven haired mother watched with wide eyes and a giant blush when she saw Naruto fucking his prick in and out of Kushina's big fat pussy lips like an animal. Getting close to them, she could smell the arousal coming off both of them. It made her so hot. "So hot! Fuck her, Naru. Fuck that slutty mother of yours into submission." Her hot breath made his dick twitch along with Kushina's slick insides.

Kushina squirmed and moaned loudly when she felt Naruto's lips and teeth beginning to rake over the skin of her neck. His large hands palming her teats while massaging her rock hard nipples. Just looking at his shaking mother in front of him, moaning and sweating under his movement, made him ach with desire. "Yes!" Kushina was able to finally let her voice out after loud pants and heavy breaths. "Fuck me Naru-chan! Teach my body to please you more! Never leave my cunt again!" She begged, now throwing her arms over his head, holding his lips against her skin. "I love your lips against my skin! Keep it up! Keep devouring me! You're so much better than your father! He never made me moan like you, never made me cum like you do!" Kushina's words made Naruto's ego grow ten-fold.

As he continued to pound his mother, he couldn't help but be amazed at how wet, tight, and hot her twat was after being filled with his member so much. It felt like the busty bombshell's whole cunt was trying to suck him in and massaging him in the most erotic of ways. "Ah!" Naruto moaned out hard when he felt a pair of sweet hot lips wrap themselves around his balls. "Shit! Fuck Mikoto! Suck my balls! Suck me while I fuck this slutty best-friend of yours! Ah!" Naruto roared out when he felt Kushina tighten around his rampaging cock.

Kushina was feeling slightly jelous at the attention her baby boy was giving her friend. So, seeing as he slowed a little, she decided to tighten her cunt hold around his slowing member. "Oh God, you're so hot." Naruto whispered in her ear. The feeling of his hot breath against her skin made her buck harder against his thundering hips. "You're cunt is sucking me is. It's like it doesn't want me to leave." Naruto continued to whisper and licking her ear sensually.

"Y-Yes!" Kushina moaned breathlessly. Her teats heavy as she bounced up and down her son's giant prick like a horny teenager. She couldn't get enough of him and his dominating aura and thrusts. "I love it. I love having your big meat stuffed in my small twat. To have you fucking me is a dream come true. Don't stop. Don't stop fucking me while Mikoto-chan watches." Leaning back, she began to kiss his cheek and whisper, her body flushed with arousal as she felt his hard muscles straining as he fucked her pussy.

"Flood me with cum. Let's watch Mikoto-chan drown in your delicious cum that spurts out so much into my tiny cunt. Don't hold anything back anymore." She begged with the most erotic face he'd ever seen. The womans eyes were rolling to the back of her head, her hair disheveled, tits bouncing with his massaging hands, and her tongue lay helplessly against her face with drool trailing down her face. Happy tears began to flood down her eyes as his thrusts became even more beast like after her begging.

"Shit! You can't just say something like that to me and not expect me to fuck you so hard!" Naruto roared out in animal like lust, now thrusting into his mother at an upward fashion, hitting the back of her womb with each jab of his member. He could feel her entire being pulsing against his meat, trying to milk it dry.

"Don't holds back, Naru-kun." Mikoto mumbled out, still sucking on his swinging balls that slapped in her face. "Cum inside your dirty whore of a mother. I know she wants to taste it with her twat." The combination of both MILF's dirty words and hot mouths against his skin was becoming too much for Naruto's restraint over the knot that had been growing since he impaled Kushian's maidenhood.

"Damn it!" He couldn't stop the roar from escaping his lips. Drool now ran down his mouth as his breath became heavy. His legs were becoming weak but he wouldn't stop now. He needed to fill his dirty mother first. "Here it comes!" With a loud growl, Naruto's cock-head pierced Kushina's cervix and exploded it's massive third load right into her baby home.

Kushina's eyes were fully in the back of her skull the moment she felt her son's semen flooding her womb. Her voice and shouts were brought to a whisper from the powerful climax. All she could feel was the amazing feeling of having her body and womb filled with her son's love. "Yes~!" She sang out in bliss as she felt the creamy goo leak from her cunt, and into Mikoto's whorish waiting mouth.

Mikoto climaxed the instant the combined fluids of Naruto and Kushina landed on her tongue. She loved both their juices equally and the combination was almost heavenly. The busty MILF couldn't stop her own juices from staining the floor and her thighs.

Orgasms stopping after one full minute, Naruto was finally brought back down to earth. Sitting in the chair in exhaustion, he felt his mother turn around to face him. Looking up, he saw those beautiful eyes looking back into his own with nothing but love. "Naru-chan." Kushina mumbled out before capturing her love in a passionate kiss. Tongues gently playing with each other while lightly petting their bodies.

While she was jealous at her friend getting his love, Mikoto just sighed before taking a lick of Naruto's twitching sack. "So delicious." She mumbled deliriously.

"I know." Kushina said with an equally dazed expression as mother and son separated from their lip-lock. Getting off his prick, both moaning in displeasure at the loss of the connection, Mikoto quickly brought herself up to his left as Kushina took his right. "It was so amazing, Naru-koi."

"I agree." Mikoto whispered out, softly nuzzling the teen's neck and gently kissing his skin. "I've never been fucked so heavily like that. Thank you." The woman thanked with a happy expression.

Naruto let out a gruff chuckle at this. Pulling both close, he kissed their heads softly. "No. I should be thanking you two. I love you both so much and I'm so thankful you are not made about being in this kind of relationship." Naruto expressed his worries from before.

Looking at each other, they giggled, making him confused. "Silly boy." Kushina said, lightly tapping his arm. "Didn't I tell you before? I need someone else to subdue this monster." She said with a smirk before it fell into a loving smile. "And besides…I know there is enough room in your heart for more than one lover." The busty red-head kissed his cheek.

"She's right, Naru." Mikoto made him look at her. Her black eyes shining with love. "I don't mind it at all. I actually find it arousing to think of having other's to play with." The raven beauty giggled hotly. "And, actually, I know about what you and my lovely daughter did the other night." True, Mikoto did hear what the two hormonal teens had done in Satsuki's bedroom and it only made her hotter to get fucked by him last night.

"Y-Y-You heard that?!" He yelled out in shock and embarrassment of being heard when he was getting sucked off by Satsuki.

"Oh Naru-chan. You're such a beast." Kushina decided to tease her son. "Making your childhood friend suck your cock like a bitch. And you even fucked her mother that same night. What a player." "But he's our player." Mikoto said with a smile and blush. Kushina couldn't help but agree with that statement.

Naruto watched this with loving eyes. Wiping his eyes of the tears that were welling up, he hugged his two lover's in a tight embrace. Blushing at the sweaty bodies of Kushina and Mikoto against his made him hard, but held himself off from fucking them again. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

Both MILF's blushed at the feeling of his strong body against they're bodies. "No problem, Naru-kun. We love you." Both ladies said with upmost passion.

~End of School~

"Hey Satsuki-chan!" Naruto called out to his best-friend. Looking back, the beauty smiled as she saw the blonde haired lover boy. "Hey Naru-kun." She greeted back with a beautiful smile.

Catching up, he smiled at her. "Hey, did your mother tell you about tonight?" Naruto asked the girl, remembering what his two lover's had talked about before class started again.

Satsuki nodded with a smile. "Yes. Dinner sounds nice." Her smile turning a little saucy, she leaned in closer to him. The blush on his face, due to her pressing her tits against his arm, made her smirk. "And maybe, after dinner, we can have some private desert." She whispered in a seductive voice.

The blonde shivered softly at her voice. 'She really takes after Miko-chan!' Naruto thought to himself as the way Satsuki talked so huskily was so similar to her mother's. "I'd like that, but not at my home. Let's go on a date tomorrow." He asked.

The girl's eyes couldn't have been brighter than right now. Practically flinging herself at him, she squealed out in happiness. "Yes!" She accepted with a bright smile.

~That Night~

Standing in the shower after the uneventful dinner, with very little teasing from both MILF's, Naruto was releasing some of the heat from his penis. He let the cool water rain down his body, letting go of his arousal for his lovers. If he had been more aware, he would have noticed two figures coming to the door.

Kushina and Mikoto were still pretty horny since dinner and their light teases to Naruto. They touched his arms, touched his legs, and even brushed up against his growing erection. It took all their will power, and knowing Satsuki was still awake, to not jump him right there. Now since Satsuki is asleep, they can put their arousals at ease. "Come one Miko-chan. A nice steamy shower would do some good." Kushina said with a saucy smirk.

Mikoto easily returned it, already catching onto what she had in mind. "Oh yes. I like that idea very much. After all, a little shower time fun couldn't hurt." Nodding to each other, they stalked towards Naruto's bathing form.

Gently opening the glass door, they saw that Naruto had his eyes closed and washing the shampoo into his hair. Glancing down, their faces gained some red and pussies became wet at the sight of the slightly hard member. His perfectly defined body was so inviting for the two cougars to devour. With natural grace and allure, the two stalked their prey.

Reaching for a bar of soap, he scrunched his eyes in annoyance when he couldn't find it. "Where the hell is it?" He muttered to himself. Continuing to feel around, he didn't expect to touch soft flesh that wasn't his own. The blonde also didn't expect the light moan that soon followed.

"Oh! How rough Sochi-kun! Grabbing your Kaa-chan's big tits like that." Kushina teased with a cheeky smirk. Opening his eyes, Naruto saw his two lovers naked as the day they were born with sexy smirks on their lovely faces.

"Miko-chan. Kushi-chan." He said with slight shock. A smirk then graced his lips when he noticed their eyes burning with desire. "Heh." Letting out a gruff chuckle, he pulled both lover's close to him. Feeling their deliciously soft bodies and jugs against his skin was a pleasing feeling he never tired of. "Now, why are you two naughty ladies intruding on my shower?" He asked, teasing them. "I think I need to punish these slutty MILF bodies of yours." Naruto mused with a husky grin.

Both shivered at his hot voice and water dripping body that produced o much heat it made them sweat in lust. "Oh, yes." Kushina was the first to moan out in desire. "Punish our slutty pussies with that battering ram you call a dick." Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. Naruto didn't fight it at all, accepting his mother's taste while holding her tighter to him. A light shiver ran down his spine when he felt Mikoto run her smooth hands all around his chest and body, her heavy tits rubbing themselves up and down his back in a slow sensual manner.

Eagerly kissing his mother back, Naruto bashed her tongue into submission while molding her luscious body with his hands. He palmed her firm and tight ass while moaning in the sloppy kiss. Trailing his arms up and down, he admired her womanly curves, before going up to her water coated melons and gently played with them.

The hot woman let out a deep moan, craving more as she felt her son's hot body and hands worshiping her figure. Leaving the kiss for a second, only breaking moving a hair lengths away, she spoke in a deep sexual voice. "Why don't you let me use these tits you love to jerk you off?" She suggested.

Before he could answer, Mikoto's sweet husky voice interrupted them. "Don't just focus on Kushi-chan, stud." Gently cupping his chin, she turned him to face her before she captured his lips in a wet and passionate kiss that left him a little weak in the knees. Not wanting to be dominated so easily, Naruto regained his composure before fighting back against Mikoto's sweet tongue.

Mikoto could only moan hotly as she was utterly dominated by Naruto's strong tongue pushing hers back and tasting her mouth. 'Ah! He's so dominating! I love it!' She thought to herself, rubbing her entire body along his back.

Pouting at being cut off, Kushina dropped to her knees. Now in front of the pulsing rod, she licked her plump lips in hunger. "What a delicious treat. Don't mind if I do." She said to herself, but knew Naruto heard as his dick twitched in anticipation of her lips and jugs around it.

Wanting to please her baby boy, she got the, already wet dick, wet in her hot saliva. While gently licking the head, she smirked in pride when Naruto left Mikoto's mouth to moan slightly before going back in. After a few more gentle licks, she brought her heavy chest to his standing member.

"Shit!" Naruto moaned out heavily when his mother's jugs wrapped themselves around his standing rod. Her tits were so amazingly soft. "So good, Kushi-chan." The blonde ran his fingers through her red locks. Kushina mewled in happiness before taking what wasn't getting pleased by her titty-fuck into her wet mouth.

Turning his attention back to the hot breathing Mikoto, Naruto grabbed her left tit in a strong grasp. Taking advantage of her open mouth, he dominated her tongue once more. After feeling the beautiful woman rubbing her needy cunt lips against his legs, obviously needing release, he released the hand running through Kushina's wet hair to gently finger Mikoto's tight twat.

"Ah!" Mikoto's voice was heard through the heavy make-out. She couldn't get enough of Naruto's pleasing hands that were driving her body up the wall. Needing air, after endless kissing, Naruto whispered with a husky grin. "Why don't you join your slutty friend? Wrap those giant tits around my rod." He basically demanded.

Softly nodding, she trailed her soft body against his hard, loving the wet flesh against her own. Now so close, she watched Kushina bouncing her jugs all around Naruto's heavily twitching rod while she sucked and licked what she was not covering with her sweaty tits.

"There you go Kush-chan. Suck that giant cock. You're such a naughty slut to titty-fuck your son like this." Her hot breath against her ear made her moan around the pulsing head. "Let me join." Mikoto said while scooting closer.

Leaving the wet cock-head, she smirked at the woman. "Why not? After all, there is plenty of cock to go around." Moving to the right, she moaned softly when Kushina felt Mikoto's equally bountiful jugs and hard nipples rub against her own.

Word eluded him as he threw his head forward in pleasure. Drool flew from his mouth as he felt like his dick was melting between the soft and firm flesh of both lover's bountiful breasts already working for his semen.

As the two MILF's continued to sandwich his meat rod, their breaths became more labored at the combined feeling of his hot rod and their constantly rubbing hard nipples. Mikoto, seeing Naruto in such a state, smirked. "Do you like it? Do you like the way out slutty tits cover and bounce around your cock?" Naruto could only nod weakly, too into his lust to form words.

The softness of both melons were magnificent to him as they rubbed roughly up and down his sensitive meat stick. It was all the more pleasing and erotic when the two licked his purple head, their tongues touching as they licked the engorged head.

With similar twinkles in their eyes, after feeling the crazily twitching meat, Kushina spoke this time. "Watch this, Naru-chan." Looking down, he groaned out harder when the two MILF's captured each other in a hot kiss.

"Shit!" Naruto yelled out, very aroused at seeing these two busty bitches kissing each other while titty-fucking his member. He could feel himself coming to a close, his balls tightening in a familiar sensation. It seemed like Mikoto and Kushina could feel it as well, since they stopped the hot and sloppy kissing, their saliva dripping down his cock and making it easier for them to please him, they let out hot moans while licking up and down the side of the not getting fucked monster.

"I'm close." Naruto muttered out, feeling his legs shake in exhaustion from the otherworldly feeling of their tits. His breath came out in gasps when their speed increased.

"Let it out." Kushina moaned out, stopping her sensual licks. "Spray us with your seed. Cover your bitches in your delicious young semen!" The begging and needy tone, combined with the steamy eyes both were giving him were the last straw.

Not a second later, he let out a loud growl as his member jutted between their flesh melons. In the middle, his cock-head sprayed their open mouths with his white goo. Kushina and Mikoto moaned erotically when they felt the hot sensation of Naruto's man-milk cover their bodies. Some of the goo already covering their chests in large amount of fluids.

"So good!" Mikoto moaned out heavily. Bringing her tits up to her lips, she softly licked her mound. Shivering, she moaned out. "His semen is so delicious Kushi-chan!"

Kushina couldn't agree more. "I know! And it's so much!" Licking her own tits, she watched Mikoto eat more of the seed covering her tits. "Hey! Don't hog it all!" Tackling the woman down, she lapped up all the jizz that coated her neck.

Naruto's lust encrusted blue eyes locked in on the shapely rear end of Kushina. The busty red-heads plump bottom shaking back and forth in a hypnotic fashion, making him ach to be inside her pussy. 'Well,' A smirk crossed his lips. 'I did fuck Miko-chan first.' With a silent nod to himself, he reached for the busty bombshell.

"Iya!" Kushina didn't expect to be thrusted into the shower door, her tits pressing up against the glass, with her son directly behind her. A lustful smirk graced her own lips, along with a blush, as she knew her plan to entice her baby so much to fuck her first succeeded. "Oh! So forceful!" She moaned playfully. The moan turned up a notch when his large hand spanked her slick ass.

With a small growl, Naruto loamed over into Kushina's eat. "That's right. And you'll enjoy every moment as I fuck this beautiful body." Snaking his way to her heaving tits, he pinched the erect nubs. "That's right whore. Moan for your master. Beg me to fuck this slutty mommy's body." He demanded with a dark grin.

Mikoto watched the mother and son prepare to fuck with a large blush and wide eyes. Oh how she loved to watch other's fuck. Her hands slowly reached for her water covered melons and gently molded her hands around them. A light moan escaped her lips when she tweaked them harshly. The milky skinned MILF imagined Naruto's hands pawing at her flesh while she then inserted her finger in her tight cunt, also imagining Naruto playing with her mound.

Kushina could swear she almost climaxed at his dirty words alone. It was so hot for her to be dominated and her little Naru-chan knew how to do it so well. Looking back to him with a needy expression, her eyes tearing up with lustful tears, she spoke in a low sensual voice. "Please, my Naru-chan, fuck your mommy. Plough my pussy into the wall with your battering ram you call a cock. I want you inside my gaping cunt again. Please!" She pleaded, thrusting her twitching neither lips on his rod.

Smiling at his sexy mother, he grabbed her full hips before plunging into her hot and tight snatch in one fluid thrust. Kushina's body moved with the motion, pressing herself against the walls, and moaned loudly. She could feel her inner walls stretch to accommodate the intruding prick reshaping her walls into his pricks shape. The moans only made Naruto thrust harder, bringing her hips back down harshly when he bucked in. Their combined moans were music to the fingering Mikoto.

"That's it baby! Fuck mommy! Fuck mommy's big pussy with your cock!" Kushina knew how to get him riled up in sex. Both loved to call the other son or mother. The fact of this being taboo only increasing the already amazing sessions they had. "God it's so big! Naru-chan, keep fucking mommy's big cunt walls!" The busty mother begged while sliding back on Naruto's member.

Not being able to say no, Naruto complied by sliding his in and out of Kushina's wet snatch in a blur. The blonde was amazed at how tight she was even though he had fucked her so hard before. It always felt like her whole cunt and body was trying to suck and massage his dick.

"Oh God you're so hot!" Naruto moaned, groping his mother's creamy flesh. Now pressing his front against her slim back, he nibbled on her ear while switching his thrusts to short but fast. "Look at you. You just love having your sons cock in that slutty pussy." Reaching under her, he began to finger her clint. He smirked as her cunt walls tightened around his member and the strangled moan that soon followed. "And I bet you love the fact we're being watched by the other cock-hungry MILF fingering herself to us." Naruto slapped her ass, loving the way her ass meat rippled against his hand and water cascading down her lovely form.

"Yes!" Drool ran down Kushina's open maw, as she enjoyed the rough way her son fucked her. He was like an animal and she loved every minute of it. "I love being watched while getting ploughed by my stud of a son! Watch, Mikoto-chan! Watch how his big cock rearranges my slutty mommy pussy!" Kushina begged, leaning against the wall for support. Her jiggling bosom scraped against the hard glass, sending shivers to go up and down her spine.

"Oh, Kushina!" Mikoto loudly moaned while pinching her slick tits and digging her fingers deep within her honeypot. She could take her eyes off the naughty act even if she wanted to. "It's so amazing! You're taking your sons cock like a whore in heat. Take it more! Let me watch as your son fills your dirty cunt!" The raven haired beauty moved closer to the rutting lovers. Now sitting right next to Naruto's thundering hips, she could smell the combined scent of their sex. It was intoxicating.

While still pounding into Kushina's needy walls, he could feel the woman at his side slowly grinding her wet pussy lips against his shaky legs. "Naru-kun~!" With a small smirk, he looked to see Mikoto looking up at him with teary eyes. "Let me please you too~!" The smirk grew at that.

"Of course." Grunting a little, he pulled the woman by the arm and before Mikoto could moan at the rough treatment, Naruto captured the slutty woman's lips with his own. He dominated her delicious body with his tongue and fingers already replacing her own. Mikoto quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, holding his sweaty body close to hers as he fucked Kushina like a wild man.

"Fuck! Fuck me harder! It's so good!" Kushina squealed out more when she felt Naruto thrust at a new angle, scraping against the top of her neither lips. "It's my pleasure." Naruto said, leaving the kiss and making Mikoto pout, with a husky grin. His muscles were straining after fucking Kushina like this for countless minutes. Feeling himself getting drenched with sweat, easily mistaken by water, Naruto wrapped his arms under Kushina's thighs before lifting her up and quickly replacing her role by leaning on the glass. "Fuck yourself in front of your friend. Let her watch your tight cunt take my cock." Naruto whispered with a grin. His lips began kissing and nibbling at Kushina's delicious flesh while slowly hammering her hips back up and down.

A blush appeared on his face when Kushina took hold of his hands on her hips and bounced herself off his cock. Riding him like an animal in heat. Her red hair slick with sweat stuck to the boy's chest, giving her a more alluring appeal, as the busty MILF continued to moan and drool.

"Naru-chan!" Kushina yelled out in bliss when she felt his semen leak its way into her snatch. His orgasm launched another of her own climax. She had lost count of how many times she came around his cock a long time ago. "I'm yours! I'm yours to fuck whenever you need a release! I love this! I love getting fucked by your cock! I love my Naru-chan's cock so deep inside me!" Kushina babbled while trying to get her son to cum once more before switching with Mikoto.

Mikoto was looking at the connecting organs of the two with dazed eyes. Licking her dry lips, after seeing Kushina's juice running down Naruto's powerful member, she felt compelled to lap it up before it went waste.

"Mikoto-chan!" Kushina squealed out in pleasure. Her best-friend was now licking at her clint and along the shaft that was not being eaten by the hungry MILF's pussy. "Suck my fat cunt while I get fucked by my dirty son! It feels so good!" She climaxed once more around his dick, spraying Mikoto's face with her love juice.

"Shit!" Naruto groaned out heavily. His balls and dick twitching. "I'm gonna' cum Kushi-chan! I'm going to fill this dirty Kaa-chan pussy with her son's cream!" Naruto announced, increasing his tempo. His hands around her legs switched from massaging and smacking the tight flesh.

"YES!" Kushina yelled out in bliss, happily bouncing off her lovers' cock in a more manic fashion. "Iya! Lick me Mikoto-chan! Lick my dirty fat clint while my son gets himself off!" The sweaty MILF begged the licking woman, currently lavishing her Kushina's pussy and Naruto's cock with attention of her sensual licks and dirty slurps.

"Damn it!" The tired teen moaned out deeply, feeling the heat from Kushina and Mikoto combined. "I-I-I'm gonna!" He couldn't get out, too drunk on the sea of pleasure his lovers were giving him.

"I-I-It's okay!" Kushina moaned out, shakily moving her hand to her son's face. "Spill it all inside me! Pour your creamy seed into mommy's womb!" She begged with a needy expression while looking deep into those blue eyes.

Painfully arching her back at the amazing pace, she couldn't control her voice of her body anymore. Her strongest climax crashed into her like a crash. Kushina's juices squirted all over Mikoto's face and into her awaiting mouth.

Her powerful orgasm continued with his rigid cock still digging its way into her velvet walls. Naruto could only bite his mouth very hard to continue to feel the delicious feeling of Kushina's inside massaging and milking his member for all his seed. The busty red-head tightened her cunt hold over her wonderful son, almost crushing his prick in the amazing whole.

Glancing to his left, having left his head to rest on her shoulder, he smirked weakly when he saw the fucked-stupid expression Kushina now sported. Seeing his lovely mother with such an erotic face, tongue hanging from her face, a deep blush, panting like a dog, and a stupid grin, was too much for the pounding teen.

Without warning, Naruto pumped all his seed into Kushina's spread maidenhood. His cock pulsing with each and every shot he unloaded inside the now screeching like a banshee woman. All the female Uzumaki could see was white the moment her son came in her cunt. She could barely feel the end of one orgasm before she was hit with another one. Only pleasure mattered right now.

After five more pumps into Kushina, Naruto couldn't support her anymore and slowly slid down the glass, still holding onto Kushina's delicious body. The water falling on them only made it hotter for them. "Uga!" Naruto moaned softly, gently licking at his loving mother's sweet flesh. "Thank you, Kushi-chan. That was so amazing…Kushi-chan?" After not hearing her, he looked to see that her eyes were rolled to the back of her skull.

"Awe. Poor Kushi-chan is out already." Mikoto's sweet sultry voice reached his ears. Looking to the woman, his dick instantly hardened within his first lover's womb. In front of him, Mikoto was licking up the combined cum that stained her body. She was licking it slowly while keeping her dark lust filled eyes locked with his own dark blue. "Now, since she's done, why don't you carve your powerful cock's shape into my pussy? I want it bad. Just seeing you two going at it has made me so hot." She begged, opening her puffy lips. "Please~!" He literally jumped at the black haired MILF.

Capturing her in a lustful kiss, Naruto massaged and groped the lustful Uchiha's bountiful jugs with fanatical appreciation. Without asking, Naruto plunged his rock hard tool deep into Mikoto's twitching pink mound. Thrashing inside the mother, both moaned hotly while their hands roamed one another. Neither awake partners heard the door to the bathroom open or the silent gasp that followed.

Satsuki had woken up late at night with a terrible thirst. "Water." The busty teen grumbled to herself. Getting out of the guest bedroom, she made her way to the kitchen and got a glass of water. She downed in in one go. "Ah! Much better!" Satsuki moaned out happily. "But, not as good as Naru-kun." She blushed when she remembered the taste of her love's seed on her tongue.

Her black eyes lit up in lust when she remembered something. "Maybe he won't mind it we do something other than sex?" Giggling to herself, she made her way to Naruto's room, hoping to wake him with her mouth.

The girl didn't expect to see the light of the bathroom on this late. Wondering who it was, she slowly opened the door to see something she never thought she would see. Covering her hand, she saw her mother, Kushina, and her lover; Naruto, in the shower together. But the real thing that got her heart to break, was the connection of her mother's vagina and his large rod.

Naruto was grunting like a beast while he was fucking her mother and all the woman could do was moan heavily into his mouth while shouting obscene things. "Fuck me right their! I want your dirty man milk deep within my cougar cunt!" Satsuki slowly walked away from the door after having enough. Running away from the door, she fled into the guest room and cried her eyes out. But even then, she could still see Naruto fucking her mother. The betrayal from both parties was something she never thought she'd see in her life.


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