
A Fool to the Worlds

The Fool awakens after a long slumber. Klein had finally defeated the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and snatched away the position of Lord of Mysteries. However, when he wakes up, he finds that numerous other worlds exist. Perhaps he may take another journey another fresh start.

Ducky_5750 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

//Sefirah Castle//

Klein nodded at Audrey as he spoke "I'm so glad to meet you all after such a long slumber. However, today's news will be a shock to you. And perhaps too much to take in at once." 

Klein looked around as all the members looked worried. "It's nothing of personal danger, but rather just how you see me. Therefore any questions you have now can be answered." 

All of them stayed silent as Klein observed Leonard staring at The World. Klein silently lampooned inside. "My dear poet, I sincerely hope you don't develop a heart attack from this." Miss Justice raised her hand as Klein nodded "Your question Miss Justice?"

Audrey looked at the standing attendant next to Klein before asking the same question the rest were thinking of. "Who is the miss that is standing next to you?" Klein nodded "Yes I suppose you'd all be curious. In order to stabilise and retain more of my humanity I had found a parallel world and decided to participate in history personally. Miss Tonelico, formerly Morgan made a deal with me and that was her service, she cleans and sorts out the garbage pile."

Klein pointed towards the "garbage pile" of the Sefirah Castle. A pile of items that The Fool had collected over time. Miss Justice giggled silently as she felt the Fool had indeed regained more humanity. 

"Does anyone have any more questions?" 

The rest remained silent. Klein nodded before he started, it was too late. No amount of cowardice would enable his escape anymore. The fog surrounding Klein slowly thinned. Most members looked away instantly or just stared at the table. Alger was repeatedly muttering "Do not look at god." 

Klein chuckled "Please, feel free to stare at me. I'm not using my mythical creature form." Their sights landed on a man with a robe over his Loen suit. The veiled robe that covered his existence was darkness on the outside and golden starlight lining the inside reflecting the King of Yellow and Black. 

Leonard widened his eyes at the familiarity. 

Klein began, "I suppose we should start from the beginning of who I am." 

Klein raised the bible as a hint of fog covered his face and shut it as his face shifted slightly. Leonard let out a choked cry. "My first identity and name was Klein Moretti. And that is the name of my beginning. The very first name In which I met one of you." 

Shocks and gasps were revealed throughout the castle. 

Klein swiped his face as the fog descended down before a beard was revealed and his hair lengthened. Klein reached into space and pulled out gold rimmed glasses. "Some of you may know and have met me as the famous detective Sherlock Moriarty." 

Emlyn choked as he started wheezing in partial fear and regret. 

The members of the Tarot Club were stunned, Alger was confused while Audrey simply couldn't process it. However the next one would send everyone into a mental break. "But... I am best known by the crazy adventurer Gherman Sparrow aren't I?" 

Instantly he shifted into the crazed aura of the adventurer. The fog surrounding the world disappeared only to reveal an identical person that soon faded away. "That is an avatar that I used to interfere with matters that I personally wasn't allowed." It was a truth but not the complete truth, mixed in with a small harmless lie.

He slightly aged a bit and took on a more aristocratic look. "My identity as Dwayne Dantes was short, but I met more of you in person and perhaps it was some of my most cherished moments." He looked around at Miss Justice and a few others. 

His hair elongated and he gained a look of a magician "Some of you may have heard about me as a wandering magician granting wishes, Merlin Hermes. Some of you may have heard that I created something outlandish known as the Automatic Wish Granting Machine." He chuckled as he remembered his time as Merlin Hermes. 

All of them stared as he shifted back to the form he was most comfortable with, Klein Moretti. 

"So, did you enjoy my little show?" 

They looked silent. "So you were with us the whole time?" Klein nodded as the lying part began "I had no way of interfering much until later on when I recovered. But my meetings with you were all cherished moments. At times even I missed hearing Miss Justice's greetings every meeting." 

Leonard looked at Klein before giving him a nod. Klein understood and he'd explain it all to him later on. Klein silent lampooned again "Please wait your turn dear poet classmate." 

"You may begin your free exchange, Justice and Star. Please remain behind after the meeting concludes."

The free exchange continued for a while until the Klein tapped the table a few times. "That'll be it for today. Try not to think too hard or you'll end up with a headache like Hanged Man." Klein chuckled as everyone disappeared. 

Klein snapped his fingers as only he and Miss Justice was left. This was someone who he was most scared of. Someone who had been with him for the longest and at this time must have figured out the truth. 

"So Miss Justice? How do you think of the god you have served? Do you feel angry that your god is a fraud, a trickster? Maybe a hollow god?" 

Miss Justice shook her head, "I think that there's no point in dwelling in the past. Your actions themselves benefitted us. You truly cared for us. Despite your deception it was never with malicious intent. Arrodes had told us about your last stand. You always and will be Mr Fool to us." Klein smiled "I do wonder how Melissa found out that I was The Fool. Any ideas?" 

Audrey coughed and looked the other way. Klein chuckled "Thank you for devotion all this time Miss Justice. Thank you for all the sessions we've had in the booth. Would you like to be sent down?" 

Miss Justice stood up an bowed "I'll take my leave Mr Fool." Klein shook his head "Just call me Klein. Klein is fine." 

Justice turned around but didn't leave just yet. "Mr Fo- Klein, that time in the confession booth. When you were crying as The World. Now that I see you. I believe you are no fraud of a god. You truly loved us. Yet you yourself were never loved in the truest of sense." 

Justice prepared for lightning to strike for what blasphemous things she was about to preach. 

"Do you ever regret focusing on your one goal and blinding out the rest?" Klein raised an eyebrow. 

Audrey moved back to the table and took Klein's hand. 

"From what I see, you are trying to be Klein the person with godly powers rather than a god who used to be Klein."

She took a breath, "From what I see, reflect on who you are." 

"You are a someone who didn't spend too much time with the nighthawks yet their influence plays a part in your decision making." 

"You are a coward who tries to play safe and avoid danger, but is able to become brave by fooling yourself because you think there are other things that are more important than yourself.

"A person who wants to relax and enjoy life. Eat delicious food, drink delicious wine. Yet due to your circumstances, you had all that taken away due to more important matters."

"Someone who likes pleasure, but keeps to himself and his own principles." 

"A person who is tight with money yet able to spend large amounts for others and family."

"And a person who hides his pain while showing a smile to others in order to deceive them for the better." 

Audrey closed her eyes awaiting the divine punishment. Klein was silent and reflecting. Audrey finished her thoughts. "So don't keep the pain inside Klein. It wouldn't be good for either of us. If you need me simply summon me. I'll listen to your troubles. We don't mind being fooled in most matters but don't fool us with a smile Klein." 

"You've done enough for us. Now it's time we do something for you."