
A Fool to the Worlds

The Fool awakens after a long slumber. Klein had finally defeated the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and snatched away the position of Lord of Mysteries. However, when he wakes up, he finds that numerous other worlds exist. Perhaps he may take another journey another fresh start.

Ducky_5750 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

//Great Britain// 

Klein stared at Morgan le Fay who had pledged herself to him. Having no other way to repay him, she simply offered her services. The equivalent of a deity's secretary. Eventually Klein agreed. 

"Very well, I will prevent your political marriage. However, not in the way you are thinking. From now on, your identity as Morgan le Fay no longer exists. Your new identity will be Tonelico." Morgan nodded as she watched Klein rile up the fog as a figure soon appeared. Klein had taken a parallel past Morgan from the historical void as he fooled her history and grafted the essence of Morgan le Fay onto the new Morgan while simultaneously grafting the essence of Tonelico to the Morgan in front of him. 

Tonelico felt the notable change and could only feel fear and admiration for this being. With a new name came memories from an alternate reality. A fairy of paradise, that failed and ultimately chose to rule with an iron fist. The memories were all there, despite all that she remained herself. The same Morgan that had yet to go through all the events destined to make her a witch. 

She was fairy princess Tonelico. Klein released the new Morgan in place of the current Tonelico. Tonelico was stunned "Just like that, she had been spared of her fate. Yet the ease at which it was done was shocking." 

What shocked Tonelico even more was that magic mirror floating around the castle above the fog. Klein smiled before calling it down "Arrodes." The mirror descended faster than Tonelico had ever thought a mirror could move. 

"Yes Great Master, King of Space-Time, Ruler of the spirit world! How can I help you?"

Tonelico looked stupified. This was bootlicking on a whole different level. She had never seen a noble treat anyone like this, even in the context of bootlicking. Klein chuckled at Arrodes' antics.

"Any interesting developments I should be aware of regarding the deities of this world?" It was only then that Tonelico realised what she had done. She had made a deal with a great old one. Judging by what the mirror said, this was not just an ordinary great old one. 

Tonelico asked in a polite tone of reverance, "Mr Fool, what is that mirror?" 

Klein smiled "That is Arrodes, he is a mirror that can answer almost every question you can ask. Although he works by a question for question rule. If you answer falsely, you will be punished. And the questions are hard to answer." Tonelico looked at the strange mirror which was projecting images on its surface. Somewhere eastern it looked like there was a deity that had become a human, or rather as human as it could get. Klein traced the avatar to the origin. 

"The sun."

Tonelico realised that every person in the world wouldn't hesitate to do heinous things for this mirror. Klein noticed her thoughts and gaze before asking "Would you like to try?" Tonelico nodded as it was an opportunity to get answers for her most curious question. 

"Great Arrodes, what is Merlin's weakness?" 

Words began to appear on the mirror as it answered Tonelico's question. 

"Merlin is an incubus, but it is very easy to trap him in Avalon. Only those free of sin may pass. Merlin will be unable to die but will be stuck in that tiny tower until time itself ends and everything is destroyed." 

Tonelico pondered a bit before Arrodes showed a glimpse of the future through borrowing Klein's authority, something that the mirror got off from. Tonelico grinned as she enjoyed the timelapse of Merlin being locked up before realising that this would last. 

Arrodes shut it off before asking his own question.

"Do you relieve yourself daily with your hand?" Klein could have sworn the mirror grinned spiritually. Tonelico spluttered as she blushed red, "What is this stupid mirror?". Klein reminded her "I do must remind you that you must tell the truth, or you will be punished by lightning strike." Tonelico glared at the stupid mirror before answering "Most days before bed." 

Arrodes faded away as he floated back up and continued to float back and forth riding the waves of the grey fog. Tonelico stared at Klein who chuckled "I will pretend I heard nothing." Tonelico asked "Why did you not have to answer a question?" Tonelico saw the gentle smile as the veil fluttered with the grey fog. "Arrodes already asked me a question therefore I asked mine. Arrodes is very biased." 

Tonelico glared hatefully at the mirror as Klein handed the cane and his hat towards Tonelico. "Just hang it up near the trash pile." He pointed towards the pile of items that had been left in the corner of the Sefirah Castle. A few small hooks were present for a hat, coat and cane. Klein chuckled, if Amon who had so desperately wanted the sefirot could see that he had turned it into a storage space would be puking blood by now. But even after becoming Lord of Mysteries he still used it as a storage space. 

Klein looked at the current surroundings in the Sefirah Castle before snapping his fingers. The grey fog bellowed and the pillars crumbled. The castle was being restructured to Klein's liking. More specifically, he was making it more comfortable. 

It was then that Tonelico realised that the god she served might also happen to be a god of poverty. She sat at the table where Klein had delegated her to cutting out paper figures while he himself was making gifts for the Tarot Club members when he returned. 

Despite becoming a pillar, he truly he was still the god of poverty. 


Klein thought about it before thinking that he should announce his return and also come clean about a few things. A truth covered with a veil lies.

Tonelico watched as Klein lounged around the Sefirah Castle. She had mistaken what this god truly was. He was a god of poverty, a deity with unimaginable powers, yet he uses them for trivial things. To scare off the crimson moon with a stick containing the power of a black hole. She truly did not understand him anymore. But to understand him as a person was easy, he was someone who cared more about others than himself.

She watched him agonise over what he had steeled himself to do. He was a coward of a god, but able to become the bravest most scheming deity when it came to helping others. After all as Arrodes told her, "He" once said, "There are always some things more important than others." 

"Tonelico, very soon. There will be a Tarot Club meeting. For the first time, the birth of the new Lord of the Mysteries will be announced. 

"Arrodes, time in Backlund?"

The mirror showed the time 2:57pm 

"Great master, are you afraid again?" 

Klein nodded "Yes Arroddes, I'm afraid of what they might see me as. Even though im still feeding them a lie with partial truth." 

Tonelico stood to the side as the Sefirah castle shifted into what it looked like before as the pillars rose and the long mottled table emerged from the fog. The seats soon appeared with everyone's designated seating area. 

Finally the last seat of honor appeared with a huge symbol of the fool emerging from the seat into the air behind the chair. 

Klein took a seat as he looked at the embarrassing bible that his followers had created. He'd have a small talk with Little Sun about some small changes. 

He reached out towards the the red stars as the members of the Tarot Club were summoned. 

Tonelico watched as member after member appeared, a sense of raw power and mystery within each of them. The grey fog surged and churned to make a show as the entire Sefirah Castle shifted as they ascended onto a higher floor. The members suddenly looked towards Klein as the rumbling stopped. 

Klein closed his eyes and smiled as he heard the same voice that had kept him sane all this time. 

"Good afternoon Mr Fool!"

A/N: #TheWorldneedsJustice