
A Flower In the Dark

You have heard of the Greek gods, Persephone and Hades. Of their twisted love story where Hades kidnaps Persephone and enslaves her in the underworld. But what if that wasn't true? What if the goddess of spring wondered into the underworld, a place filled with darkness and death and found a home?

mya_lyn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Arriving in the Underworld was like arriving in a winter wonderland. Expect without the snow, just the coldness and sparkling lights.

Gods and creatures alike mingled about the large ballroom. It was easy to spot the higher up gods such as Zeus and Poseidon, people surrounded them like they were a celebrity.

Which I guess they were.

I took in the details of the room, lights hung from the ceiling like stars descending from the sky. The lights reflected on the floor and made the glossy tile seem sparkly and twinkling.

It was beautiful.

Everyone always portrays the underworld as a place of horror, darkness, and hell, but it was so not that.

Perhaps it was just because we weren't in the depths of the Underworld, but in the castle it held but it was still pretty.

"KOR-EEEE! IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE SEEN YOU!" Hestia shouted in my ear drunkly. She appeared out of thin air nearly giving me a stroke. "I see your mother finally let you out of your hell hole!"

My eyes widen at her statement, "It's not a hell ho-"

"Hestia hello," My mom said, cutting off my sentence. Her grip on my arm was tight, unlike her grip on my sister which was nonexistent. "See you're draining the wine again."

"Oh please, there's still some left! I'm not that much of an alcoholic!" Hestia said cheerfully with a playful wink towards me as if being an alcoholic was a good thing.

"Um, I don't think that's a good thing to be admitting," I said looking at the wine glass in her hand that seemed to be refilling its self.

One of the perks of being a greek god, never-ending wine.

"Perhaps not, but hey what doesn't kill me makes me stronger amirite?" She elbowed at me, her eye once again winking.

"Come along Kore, let's go see the others." My mother said brushing off Hestia.

I waved goodbye, grinning as I did, "Goodbye Hestia!"

Hestia said goodbye back before turning on her heel and going back into the crowd.


My mother and I have been making our rounds, greeting everybody and nibbling on long while sipping wine. I was having fun so far, but it was quite drab.

The gods and goddesses never held up a conversation for long, they kept it simple and bland. After a while, all the conversations and immortal beings all just blended together and become one blurred memory.

I boredly picked at my nails, cursing myself for not staying home. At least if I was home I could be finishing my journal.

Different flowers that meant different things began to bloom around me, I think most of them meant disappointment and anger. Which I was definitely feeling right now.

I waited my whole stupid immortal life to go to this party that was more of a snooze fest than a party!

I was pissed, to say the least.

Everyone always talked about as if the summer feast was some magnificent and exciting thing...it was everything but that!

I crushed my fist and watched as all the flowers wilted and died.

"My, my! Is that Kore I see?" I heard a shrill voice shout. I sat up and looked for the familiar voice and broke into a grin.

This party just got a lot more exciting.

"Athena!" I cheered as I flung myself at her. The blond goddess hugged me tightly before pulling back and examining me, her blue eyes peering into my soul.

"You seem angry, what's wrong?" Athena asked as she hooked her arm through mine. "This is the first time since I've seen you in a decade and you seem all grumpy."

I smiled small  and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "This party is a snooze fest."

Athena snorted, "It's not that bad."

She sat us down at a window seat that was overlooking a field of lush green grass and a giant tree that appeared to have red hanging fruits.

My eyes widen in amazement, it was a pomegranate tree. It stood tall and proud, bearing beautiful fruit.

It wasn't something I was expecting to see in the underworld. I didn't realize things could grow in the place of the dead.

"Getting speared through my head with a bolt lighting would be more entertaining." I paused before adding, "Could you do that? A book would work too!"

Athena rolled her eyes to my antics, "Stop the dramatics! Hades worked hard to put together this shit sh- I mean party."

"Ha! So you admit the party is shitty!"

"I agree with that statement." A new voice said from behind me. Athena's eyes narrowed and a scowl overtook her face.

Which could only mean one thing?


Athena stood abruptly, she looked at me before saying"That's my cue to leave. It was lovely seeing you Kore."

"Bye?" I said confused. I know Artemis and Athena have a rough history, but I didn't think it was that bad.

Artemis sighed and shook her head, her loose brown curls swishing as she did. Her silver eyes held sadness as she sat in front of me, a pout on her face.

"We go on one date and all of a sudden I'm a bad guy for not sending a letter back!" Artemis grumbled as she plopped down in the seat Athena was just in.

"How bad was the date?" I questioned as I looked back out the window.

There was something about the pomegranate tree that kept attracting my attention. It was almost like a beacon and I was a moth.

It was odd.

"...She suggested we go back to her place, but I am a sworn virgin."

"Uh-huh." I murmured absentmindedly. I was only half-listening at this point. I had already heard the story at least a dozen times from Athena and a thousand times from Artemis.

It was mildly annoying, but I don't think they realize that.

I continued studying the tree, taking in as many details as I could. I could draw the tree in my journal. It would fit nicely with my other fruit plants.

Kore, something purred. It was a faint whisper and made more goosebumps pop up on my skin.

I looked around confused, I know for sure it wasn't Artemis that whispered my name like that she was still too busy ranting about Athena.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Artemis. She gave me a strange and dismissive look before continuing her rant.

I'll take that as a no.

What was that?

I shook off the feeling of uneasiness and looked around, my eyes landing on a tall man who was one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen.

And I have seen Apollo shirtless before.

"Arty who is that?" I asked pointing to the man.

He was pale and had dark black hair, a gold laurel rested on his head. His whole posture screamed regal and elegant.

"That's Hades. I'll call him over. EY YO HADES!" Arty shouted the last part, waving her arms like a crazy person.

"No! Artemis! Now he's coming over!" I hissed nudging her in her side. She shrugged and continued beckoning him over.

I didn't want to talk to the god of the Underworld. I knew my mother was going to highly disapprove of it


This time the voice sent shivers down my spine. It was clear that no one was whispering my name like some demon.

This meant one of two things, I was either losing my mind or this was some type of cruel prank.

I was hoping it was the latter of the two but it could very well be the first.

"Artemis, what a pleasure to see you." The man, Hades said as he approached us. He shook hands with Artemis before turning to me.

A look of confusion and wonder passed through his face before going back to a calm neutral look. He smiled and held his hand out for me to shake, "I don't think we've met before. I'm Hades."

I smiled, Despoina wasn't lying when she said Hades was hot. Upon closer inspection, I realized that Hades was what the mortals have as a picture-perfect Greek god. I mean he is a Greek god, but only some gods portray the image the mortals have.

Strong jawline, soft-looking lips, and gorgeous eyes. It was like this man walked out of a catalog magazine, I would study that magazine like it was a bible.

"Kore," I said shaking his hands. Before I could pull away he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it.

If my hormones weren't already all over the place they were now. The butterfly's in my stomach fluttered around.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Kore." Hades said, "I hope you're enjoying the party."

I am now that you're here. Holy avocado. I, of course, didn't say this out loud, the last thing I needed was to sound like a crazy lunatic


There was that voice again, this time it seemed as if it was coming from outside. Almost like a shout.

Maybe there was somebody outside wanting my attention.

"Excuse me, will you? I said politely. I did a small curtesy for some odd reason before leaving my spot.

With a racing pulse and quick steps, I left the room, following the sound of the voice. It grew stronger as I began walking out of the ballroom and down the hall.