
A Flower In the Dark

You have heard of the Greek gods, Persephone and Hades. Of their twisted love story where Hades kidnaps Persephone and enslaves her in the underworld. But what if that wasn't true? What if the goddess of spring wondered into the underworld, a place filled with darkness and death and found a home?

mya_lyn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

I twiddled the rose in between my fingers, studying the veins in the petals and the sharp thorns. Ever since I could form roses I had always loved them, they were something beautiful but also dangerous with their thorns.

I drew the flower in my journal, ensuring to get all the details. This drawing would get placed by my Hyacinth drawing, another flower I adore. Mostly due to the fact of its tragic background.

"Kore! There's someone here to see you!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs.

I placed my flower and journal down, brushing off any eraser toppings that might be on me or my desk. I lept over the random objects strewn across the floor and made my way to the stairs.

"KORE!" My mom called again, this time her tone more impatient. I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs.

Gosh lady I don't walk with the speed of a damn cheetah!

Once I gracefully made my way down the stairs my sister, Despoina greeted me with a crushing hug. Her dark curly hair tickled my face making me sneeze.

I wheezed as she nearly squeezed the immortal life out of me, I whacked her on the back a few times trying to get her to release me.

"Hi to you too Des." I said as she finally released me from her death grip, "Wait Des, what are you doing here, I thought you were in the ocean for another month?"

Despoina eyes widen in shook before transforming to anger, "I'm assuming our mother didn't tell you."

I look to my mom and then back to my sister, confused about what was going on. My mother hasn't mentioned anything having to do with Despoina.

Hell, she rarely talks about my other siblings. It's no secret I'm her favorite child out of all, I was the only child that she kept in close quarters.

It was a blessing and a curse.

"We are going to the summer feast," Despoina explained once it was clear that my mother was going to remain tight-lipped. Her blue eyes narrowed and hiss at my mother, "It's in the underworld, is that why you didn't tell her mother?"

My mother shrugged, "I simply forgot. I am a busy woman, unlike you Despoina."

I could see my sister fighting the urge to throttle my mother right then and there. The bickering between my younger half-sibling and mother is nothing new. I'm surprised they haven't engaged in a screaming match by now.

"Come on Kore, let's get ready."

Des grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs, a trail of marjoram's bloomed from the ground behind me as we walked up to my room. They were a tell-tale of my happiness and joy.

The random flower growing was part of my powers. It was something I couldn't quite control and only occurred when I was showing strong emotion.

Despoina placed me in front of my mirror before wandering off to go rummaging through my closet. Which was a total disaster, my closet was a place of many wonders I wouldn't be surprised if a creature has taken refuge in there.

A few moments later my sister came out, holding two dresses. One was white and the other was a light blue. She tossed the blue at me and ordered me to put it on.

"Mom is going to kill me if I wear this," I said to my sister who was fastening a golden belt to her dress. Her dress was a typical normal Grecian dress, with the single shoulder sleeve, the slit going up one leg and the golden belt and wrist cuffs.

Meanwhile, my dress wasn't as Grecian, like my typical outfits. This dress had a deep v-neck and a high slit on my left leg. It was odd wearing something that wasn't white for the first time, but the light baby blue accompanied my dark skin just as well.

"That's the point, Kore." She pushed me down into a chair and began unfastening my hair from its ponytail. "You always wear what she wants, and not what you want. Live wild for once."

I sighed and glared at my sister. It was almost like I was looking back at my own face in the mirror. If it wasn't for Des' bright blue eyes then we could have been twins.

We both had our mother's brown skin and dark curly hair, which my sister often wore in dreads like she was now. My hair I cared for, but not as much as I should. I often wore it in a ponytail or lazy bun.

"Kore, your hair is tougher than a rats nest. When was the last time you brushed it?" Des said as she looked at the broken brush in her in amazement.

"Two days ago," I said.

Des frowned, "How is this is even possible?

"I have no idea." I sighed, "I stop wondering a while ago."


Almost thirty minutes later Des and I were ready to go. Well almost, Des was attempting to curl her eyelashes. A feat that proved to be difficult for my poor sister.

She could apply eyeliner and eyeshadow like a pro, but when it came to her eyes lashes it was like watching a horror show take place.

I have a fear that one day she's going to rip her eyes lashes clean off.

It haunts me in my dreams.

"You know I can help you right?" I said as I stood, wobbling a bit in my heels.

I don't typically wear heels, due to the fact my mother hates them. But Des insists I wore them tonight, so I am.

By the graces of the gods, I hope I don't make a fool of myself tonight. I'm like that comical deer in the movie that can't walk on ice.

What was its name? Bambo?

"No! I got it!" Despoina muttered. I watched with a clenched arse as she basically almost ripped her eyelashes off.

"You clench too tightly." I said to Des, "Do it somewhat tight."

"That's what she said." She snickered, "I'm done."

She stood and waltzed towards me. Her form easily towered over mine. Her tallness was a gene that she got from our mother. She was 5'9, a freaking giant compared to my 5'3 frame.

I was a little salty about it.

Okay... I was really salty about it! I looked like a midget compared to my sister and mother's tall frames, putting on heels didn't help the height difference at all.

"Must you wear heels?" I asked.

"Yes. It makes me feel sexy and empowered." She began fussing with my hair once more, adjusting the crown made of baby breaths a few times.

I slapped her hands away and scowled, "Stop. You're going to make my hair poof up."

After twenty minutes of tugging, de knotting, and multiple sprints of water, my hair was in a semi-decent form.

It wasn't going to stay this way. I already knew that. I probably had a good two hours before it poofs up like a chia pet again.

"Okay, okay!" Despoina put her hands in the air surrendering, "Come on let's go back to mother."

I ensured everything was unplugged and turned off before following Des halfway down the stairs. I stopped once I realized I forgot my cloak, which was crucial.

I have heard the underworld was a cold place, and I was not about to have my nipples make an appearance at this party.

I ran back up the stairs and quickly grabbed my cloak. When I came back out of my room I stopped when I heard my mother speaking.

It didn't hurt to eavesdrop every now and then.

"I don't want her going. You know how your fathers and family act I wouldn't put it past them to not do something to her." I heard my mother whisper harshly.  Despite her attempt to keep quiet, I could still hear her from my hiding spot in the shadows from the top of the stairs.

My mother was a loud talker, despite her effort not to be.

"You can't keep her holed up in this cottage for her entire immortal being, Mother. She's bound to want to explore eventually." I heard Despoina say, there was a hint of annoyance in her voice.

My mother is very protective of me, her pride and joy. Sometimes it can be comforting, other times suffocating. She forbids me from leaving our fields of wheat alone, she says that there are creatures with human faces that take pretty things like me for granted.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.

She fears that harm might come to me, which is very possible, but it sucks not being able to go out and explore.

"And when she does I will let her, but for now she will stay home, with me her mother who can protect her." My mother snapped, her voice rising in volume.

"I can protect her just as much as you can Demeter. Plus you will be there, along with others that wouldn't harm a hair on Kore's head."

Deciding that was my cue to step out, I walked down the stairs being sure not to trip and fall over the thick bush of flowers that were growing in my path. I scowled at the flower and willed them to die down and disappear.

My mother scowled when she saw my dress, she opened her mouth to snarl something nasty at my sister but stopped when she saw my pointed look.

I wasn't changing. I felt sexy and cute in this dress, and I'm going to keep feeling this way. My mother as Despoina says can shove it up her tight arse.

Her words, not mine.

My mother wore a simple bland white toga with a golden braided belt. I found my mother wore the same thing often. She doesn't like to change.

"Let me just grab my bag and we can head out," Desponia said as she gave my mom a look before turning on her heel and getting her bag from where it sat in the dining room.

My mom took her absence for a time to try and persuade me to not go, she spoke softly her voice tender and full of nurturing and care, "Kore, sweetie are you sure you want to go to harvest? It's in the underworld this time and we all know how dangerous the underworld is."

I frowned, my head tilting to the side. The flowers at my feet began to wilt and wither, a little faster, "Yes, I'm sure. I have never been to harvest before and I am very excited to go," I paused straightening my posture, which didn't do much, "You're not forbidding me from going are you?"

My mother bit her lip as if it was a matter to ponder longly about. There was nothing to ponder about. I was going to this harvest even if it meant knocking my mother out with a strong dose of poppie petals

"No, but-" She began

"No but's mother. Please?" I crossed my arms over my chest, yellow balsams erupting from the ground like stalks of wheat.


Whether my mother saw the pale yellow balsams and chose to ignore them or didn't see them, she continued her lecture about the gods, goddesses, and safety. The flower bush grew thicker around my feet.

"I don't feel comfortable with you going out! Especially to the underworld where it's filled with trickery and darkness and not to mention Hades-" She started.

"Hades whom I have yet to meet. Your opinions can often be biased mother. For all, I know Hades can be a great guy-" I started before getting interrupted.

"Handsome. A little pale for my liking, but he's handsome." Des said as she came to join us once more, a white cape was now draped across her back, "Let's get going before Hephaestus lights the party on fire again."

"WHAT?" I exclaimed.

"It's happened before, and it's doomed to happen again," Despoina said, shrugging as if it was not a big deal.


"Oh, Kore." My mother said as she grabbed my arm and then my sisters, "Remember do not eat anything in the underworld."

I nodded.

Eating food in the underworld will entrap you there for who knows how long. There have been stories of legends getting stuck there for hundreds of years.

My mother shook her head and sighed before teleporting us to the underworld.