
A Fish That Can Evolve

A common man suddenly woke up in one of the cultivation worlds where normal people can be killed at any time but that is not all, but he discovers that he is not a human being either, but rather a fish that has a system that will take you to the pinnacle of all races (If you see any error, do not hesitate to comment, I am using the Google translator, so with your help I will be able to correct the novel to offer a better reading experience)

The_Immortal_King · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

What the hell?!

[Name: Xin Yi (Fear / Doubts / Affection / Gratitude)

Age: 14 years

Cultivation level: None (Crippled)

Health condition: Perfect

Affiliation: Xin Family

Special: Seiryū's Bloodline]

(m?!, what the hell has just happened !!!) I said with some frustration as I felt that there was no point that from one moment to the next, as I saw myself, Xin Yi would change from admiration to fear, but as I looked suddenly I realized realize that it had changed again

Name: Xin Yi (Fear / Insecurity / Gratitude)

(what the hell is this girl listening to!!!) I said to myself as I focused my senses towards were the only presences in the house were and started to listen very carefully to what they were talking about

Xin Yi: "... * Sob * red mark * Sob *?"

???: "… yes, I heard that the white dragon did not leave without injuries. Elder Liu was incredibly strong and left a bloody mark on his head that must not be easy to heal. I even saw how the dragon shrunk in size. and he went into the ocean "said a thick and low voice of a woman while breathing heavily but in the background of their conversation I could hear Xin Yi's sobs which made me angry since I know that the so-called dragon is no more than a sea serpent with some worse special ability was incredibly angry

Name: Xin Yi (Fear / Sadness / Insecurity)

(NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO STAIN MY REPUTATION !!!, I am going to kill that snake) I screamed to myself in total fury as I felt that there was something inside my heart that broke when I saw the last part of the way in the that Xin Yi saw me since I could guess that this woman only filled parts of the story with the questions Xin Yi asked her but with each word she said she felt that she wanted to kill the woman

[Goal set: Kill the sea serpentReward: 50 Levels]

[A message has been received from the creator: Only this time you can use all your power, you're welcome]

???: "But you have to calm down little Yi, life continues what do you think if I introduce you to my son, you two would make a very good couple," the woman said without shame as she could hear Xin Yi's sobs they were getting deeper since now I believed that the dragon that had killed Elder Liu was me

Just when I heard those words and read the system messages I don't care if what you gave me was a mission or the creator's message all I cared about was that I now had more tools to kill the sea serpent and also a reason extra to kill her so without wasting time I shot into the sky and saw the only cursor in my vision marking the way to where I had to go, so I knew I would be facing a pretty strong sea serpent though I didn't know how strong but I assumed the Qi Hai cultivation level was quite high so the size should be an advantage so just thinking about it creates a little rock of my imagination that would have the same effect as eating a mountain so I just ate it in a hurry and felt my body suddenly expand

[Congratulations host has reached its maximum breed size under normal conditions but because it is a mythical variant it can still grow an additional 100 meters]

Without thinking I created a second rock and ate it making my body grow again letting many people in what seemed like the city start to tremble with fear since without realizing my ability [Suppression of the Dragon God] already was taking effect from the moment I flew out of the lake

[Congratulations host, I reach the limit of growth with 400 meters high and 500 meters long]


[The <span style="font-size: calc(var(--rem) * 1px * 1.0625); letter-spacing: 0px;">skill</span><span style="font-size: calc(var(--rem) * 1px * 1.0625); letter-spacing: 0px;"> [Silver Scream Lvl 2] has been activated, fear now abounds in the hearts of your enemies]</span>

*Sonic explosion*

[Congratulations host, you have obtained the skill [Heavenly Walk Lvl 1], you are advised to train more for better control]

Albafica: "DAMNED SERPENT, I'LL KILL YOU" I shouted furiously without realizing several things such as talking, that my body had lit several runes making it look like a star and even that there was an image of a dragon of 3 heads bigger than me flying right behind me

But just because I didn't realize this didn't mean that the others didn't notice since it was so big that it covered a good part of the sunlight in the city but everyone was amazed and scared since they didn't know what to start with a dragon was living in his city, much less that he had made the snake he wanted to kill but of one thing if they were sure everyone was afraid especially at the moment he spoke since they felt as if everyone had suddenly come down the temperature but when they saw all the lights on my body and the 3 headed dragon on my back they seriously felt that their lives were in danger and it was doomsday

*** At the Xin family home ***


Xin Yi: "*sob* ..."

???: "What was that?!" a rather obese woman shouted as she suddenly got up but her face was getting paler and it was as if something extremely dangerous was pointing her directly at her but she did not know what it was that she fearfully ran out of the house thinking was the ghost of Elder Liu scared her but when she came out she saw that everything was shadowed so she looked up only to be amazed

*Sonic explosion*

???: "A REAL DRAGON !, they exist !!!" she said as she suddenly fell to her knees but those words were enough to get Xin Yi out of her tears since she never thought that this woman was cheating on her since she had known her since she was a girl and didn't see the reason why the one that cheated on her

???: "DAMNED SERPENT, I'LL KILL YOU" an extremely strong voice shouted that did not stop resounding in the ears of all the people it was as if some god was angry but Xin Yi quickly recognized the voice since although the voice was full of murderous intent and boundless fury she quickly understood what happened so she rushed out of her house without thinking to see what had happened but as soon as she came out she saw a giant dragon that had runes running all over its scales and a dragon 3 Semi-transparent heads flying just behind the dragon heading straight for the ocean so without thinking it she ran off into the ocean