
A Fish That Can Evolve

A common man suddenly woke up in one of the cultivation worlds where normal people can be killed at any time but that is not all, but he discovers that he is not a human being either, but rather a fish that has a system that will take you to the pinnacle of all races (If you see any error, do not hesitate to comment, I am using the Google translator, so with your help I will be able to correct the novel to offer a better reading experience)

The_Immortal_King · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Even a dragon hides from local snakes ...

Albafica: "DAMNED SERPENT, IF YOU GO OUT AT THIS TIME I PROMISE TO GIVE YOU A QUICK DEATH," I said furiously as I floated right where the marker was seeing a variety of small white snakes swimming in the water but the snakes they weren't even 2 meters long which made me frown but out of nowhere the snakes started to grow rapidly pulling their heads out of the water surrounding me but they weren't even at the height of my head but most of their body was underwater

???: "Even if you're a dragon you can't * Chomp * ..." said the largest snake in front of me with arrogance confident in its numbers but even before it finished speaking a pair of silver jaws had ripped off its head causing his body to convulse shaking in the water

[The [Body Control Lvl 16] skill has been obtained from suggests the host devour the snakes for a faster boost of the skill]

[Congratulations host [Generate Poison Lvl 1] has leveled up [Generate Poison Lvl 6], now able to generate lethal poison for beings with stats below 200]

[Congratulations host [Immunity to Poisons Lvl 1] has been upgraded [Immunity to Poisons Lvl 6], now the host is immune to certain poisons, and extremely large amounts of venom are needed to poison the host]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

???: "Kill him fast !!!, even if you are a dragon you must lower your head in front of us" a snake shouted while all the others jumped on the raised dragon, stirring the water in a torrential way, looking like the sea that previously he was calm he was angry at the interference of the silver dragon as building-sized waves happened from time to time

Albafica: "WITH WHAT KIND OF STUPID DRAGON YOU FIGHTED !!!, I'LL KILL HIM IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU !!!, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO CALL YOURSELF A DRAGON IF YOU LOST AGAINST SIMPLE SNAKES !!! (system assigns my stat points evenly!) "I said furiously as I made the snakes that tied me up out of nowhere start to come out of the water causing them all to start moving to try to get free but they couldn't and could only see how their bodies were quickly lifted into the air

[HP: 200 676

MP: 30 556

Strength: 514.57

Constitution: 534.57

Agility: 544.57

Intelligence: 545.14

Senses: 536.54

Available Status Points: 0]

???: "Shoot with everything you have when we kill him, we will return to the water and have a feast of dragon meat!" said the same snake while carrying a green-colored sphere in its mouth which I assumed was poison so they are waiting for them to have enough time to launch their attack I simply opened my mouth and instantly an explosive ray of destruction was fired flying his head to that snake but instantly the dragon behind me also did the same thing mercilessly shooting at the other snakes causing all the others that were about to shoot to suddenly freeze

[+50 levels]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]


[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

???: "Please, father, not grandfather, let us go we swear that we will never enter your territory again," said a snake slightly smaller than the others but it made me angrier since all the snakes were determined to kill me but this snake she didn't so I slowly drew her closer to me

Albafica: "NO, NOT EVERYONE, ONLY YOU CAN GO," I said as I released my repressed fury and looked directly at the snake in front of me since with a glance at my library pass I saw that I had no bad intentions against me so I released her into the sea and saw her swim rapidly until she disappeared but it was clear that I did not let her go without first putting a block on her mind so that she could not speak, write and even if they read her mind they could not know of what happened here since only the snake would know

???: "Please Senior Dragon, let me go too, they all forced me"

???: "Me too, I know the location of many treasures that you will surely like"

???: "It's not fair to me ..."

Albafica: "SILENCE, ALL OF YOU ARE CONDEMNED SINCE THE TIME YOU CAME CLOSER TO THIS PLACE TO HUNT HUMANS," I said furiously as I looked at all the snakes, it is also because all these snakes are affiliated with the same 'organization' the description marks that they are the equivalent of the evil sects in the sea so without even thinking I opened my mouth and together with the dragon on my back the neutron rays appeared cutting the heads of the snakes cleanly without falling into the water but they kept floating together with his blood in the same spot causing everyone who saw this to freeze up from the brutality he was displaying but when the gloss on my scales was over he was gone along with the 3 headed dragon

(Well, it's time to go back, system show me my statistics) I said to myself while storing the bodies of the snakes since although I would not gain anything for now the bodies are a good source of food besides they have some very good things like the poison

[Name: Albafica of Pisces

Race: Blue-Eyes White Dragon King (Mythic variant)

Level: 95/300

Class: None

Title: King of the infinite oceans (Show more)

HP: 1,293,241

MP: 354 654

Strength: 2 314.92

Constitution: 2 334.58

Agility: 2 344.62

Intelligence: 2 345.55

Senses: 2 336.84

Available Status Points: 0]

(Not bad, it seems that I have strengthened myself quite quickly) I said to myself but there was a part that was bothering me a lot and that was that there was a part that did not have a class that I imagined was the equivalent of a job as a warrior or something similar although if they gave me the option I would like to be an archer it is also clear that I would not have a class just 2 days after I was reborn or did I?

(System, tell me I have some doubts, to start what happened with the mission attempt ?, and why I don't have a class? ... ho! Look at this Xin Yi) I said to myself but out of nowhere I felt colossal pressure on It was as if a mountain had suddenly fallen on top of me but I knew that it was not so since the sunlight was blocked from me as well as hearing the sound of the sea opening and to top it off I could see that everyone's face the people who were on the coast were full of terror (the coast is 5 km away) so it was obvious that there was something much bigger than me behind me