

* This is a reset of my story that I decided to recount. * An ordinary young man is forced by a powerful, unknown entity to live in a new world. Without any acquaintances and blessed with the gift of alchemy, received from Ed and Al, the young man begins to follow a dark path, looking for a way to return to his world. * English is not my native language, so I ask you to be patient about possible spelling errors.

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Transfiguration Class and Potions Class

Chapter 23 – Transfiguration Class and Potions Class

- First and foremost, allow me to say that Transfiguration is much more than changing the appearance of an object – Minerva said as she approached her desk – it is much more dangerous than that.

Seeing that everyone was paying attention to her words, she continued.

- Due to its complex nature, it can be considered one of the most challenging courses for first-year students and may pose challenges even for the older ones. For this reason, I will not tolerate jokes or discussions in the classroom; otherwise, you will be cordially invited to leave.

Seeing that everyone seemed to understand, she smiled slightly and waved her wand.

A feather then floated from her desk and transformed into a book, and then it turned into a small rat that began to struggle, and then back into a feather. The students were enchanted, and Simon was also excited.

He had read the book on Transfiguration, and it was quite complex, even for him, who had knowledge of some branches of chemistry and physics, not to mention Transmutation. It was challenging but also very helpful. In fact, it even allowed him to take a small step in biological alchemy.

Who knows, one day he could transmute organs and thus remain partially immortal without a Philosopher's Stone... No, that's nonsense.

- What are the four types of transfiguration? - Minerva, who until then was explaining some precautions about transfiguration, suddenly asked.

She looked around and saw that only two people raised their hands. Obviously, one was Hermione, and the other was Simon. It's not like he wanted to earn points for Slytherin, as it would be a waste of time. What he wanted was to be on good terms with Minerva.

Which teacher doesn't like a dedicated and studious student? Minerva was a great teacher, and even with her serious and inflexible expression, she was one of the most respected and beloved in the school. She had no biases against other houses and also did not try to protect her students if they were wrong.

As a teacher, she was incredible, and as a witch, she was even better. Her knowledge of Transfiguration should be second only to Dumbledore's, and undoubtedly, it would be of great help to Simon. But no wizard would hand over the work of a lifetime to another without anything in return or without considering them worthy.

So Simon's first step to gain such knowledge was simply to stand out and show his brilliance to Professor Minerva.

- Mr. Morgan

- The four types of transfiguration are: Transformation, Conjuration, Vanishment, and Untransfiguration or Detransfiguration. Each of them has branches, and each branch has sub-branches."

- Correct, 5 points for Slytherin.

Simon sat down, and Hermione looked at him a bit annoyed before huffing and writing down the answer he gave. The book only talks about the types of transfiguration; she had no idea that there were branches or even sub-branches among them.

As for Simon, he knew from the notes of Stephanos's brothers. Remembering him, he decided that it would soon be time to send the letter to the old man's daughter.

He had already read it himself and confirmed that there was nothing about him or anything like that; it was just an apology for not being there for her or something like that.

The class continued without major issues with the teacher giving a small task to the students: transfigure a matchstick into a silver needle. Simon was the first to succeed, which earned him more praise from Minerva, while the only other person to partially succeed was Hermione.

He smiled and thanked the teacher and then turned his gaze to the small needle. Changing the molecular structure of the matchstick with alchemy was easy for him, but doing so with magic was a bit more complicated.

Although the energy used for the transfiguration was minimal due to the small size of the object, the control needed over it should be quite precise; otherwise, it could cause damage to the wizard and his surroundings. Additionally, he also noticed that a small amount of energy was leaving his body and was used to maintain the transformation.

As long as he wanted to keep it, constant energy had to be provided to it to prevent it from turning back into a matchstick. Besides, anyone with a minimal amount of magical power could notice that this was a fake needle.

Although transfiguration was practical, Simon began to find it much less appealing. There were more useful spells to be used in combat, and he had alchemy, so it wasn't exactly necessary; of course, it was only the first class, and there was still much to learn.

The rest of the week was calm: Herbology class with Professor Sprout, Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Quirrell, Astronomy class, Spells class with Professor Flitwick, and the most important of all, History of Magic. Although many found it dull and irrelevant, which it actually was, Simon took advantage of the extra time to develop his alchemy.

It wasn't 100% yet, but he could already manipulate the air around him perfectly, instead of just pressurizing it and releasing it in one direction. Now the final step: finding a way to control gases individually by eliminating or adding some of them to the environment.

Finally, on Friday, the second most awaited class by Simon arrived. In a cold dungeon with dim lighting, the young students were arranged in pairs as they waited for the professor to arrive.

Simon stayed away from Hermione this time; he didn't want to be unpleasant and seem too dependent on her for not having other friends. Besides, this time he was accompanied by a beauty. She had blond hair and emerald green eyes; her uniform with Slytherin colors made the noble air about her stand out even more.

Simon knew a bit about who she was. Daphne Greengrass, heir to one of the sacred 28. She had almost no prominence in the movies; frankly, Simon wouldn't even remember her if it weren't for her sister, who would be Draco's future wife. He didn't know much about the family, but he remembered that Astoria would die from an illness caused by a blood curse.

He was tempted to kidnap the girl next to him and check this mysterious curse. He didn't know if she had it or not, but he wouldn't mind finding out.

Shaking his head slightly, Simon pushed away such thoughts. Killing for the sake of killing wouldn't be good for him. That mentality could end up making him lose himself again and let simple things pass by him as before. Besides, Daphne had the potential to be a great beauty; who knows, she might be the future Mrs. Morgan.

Thinking of the girl next to him in a beautiful wedding dress made Simon smile slightly. After that, he started dreaming about children and then grandchildren. He was a complete lunatic.

Meanwhile, Daphne glanced lightly at the boy next to her, wondering what was so funny. She felt a slight curiosity about him since their encounter at Madame Malkin's clothing store.

Back then, they didn't say anything to each other, but the way he looked at her wasn't as if he was enchanted by her or anything; it was more like looking at something interesting.

She knew she was beautiful, and her lineage made many pure-blooded young men try to get on good terms with her. But even after the start of classes, he never tried to approach her or other people, as many in his situation would.

Simon had no friends in Slytherin; in fact, he spoke little, and many didn't want to get close to him because of his Muggle ancestry. There were also a few who hated him, but most just ignored him.

He proved himself intelligent throughout the classes, and although he received some sarcastic comments, he simply ignored them. It was as if nothing could upset him. But she knew, she felt, that this wasn't a futile attempt to appear strong.

It was pure disregard for those around him. She saw when he looked at others; they were the same eyes that many wizards gave to Muggles, as if looking at fools.

While each thought about different things, the doors opened, and an apathetic Snape with his flowing robe entered with quick steps. Simon stared at the professor with a certain thirst for knowledge. He hoped that the potions class could provide him with help to evolve in alchemy, at least in the area of elixir refinement.

After a quick attendance call, Snape looked at the students, pausing his eyes slightly on Harry and then on Simon. Dumbledore entrusted him with the task of watching the boy, and although he didn't know why, he accepted the task.

- I don't expect you to understand or appreciate the science, the art of preparing a potion - Snape spoke quietly, with a deep voice, concentrating all the class's attention on him - you might think that because you're not using your wands, you're not using magic; that's a foolish thought, and I have no interest in teaching fools in this class. But for those who can appreciate the subtle boil of the cauldron, the light white smoke, and the beautiful aromas produced by it, I will be pleased to teach you how to deceive the mind, confuse the senses, bottle fame, cook glory, and even... prevent death.

His words captivated the students; Simon was eager, the desire for all of Snape's knowledge was tempting, but he couldn't act without scruples. So he decided to use the same tactic he used with Minerva, captivate him with his intelligence and try to inherit his knowledge.

At first, Simon thought that maybe he could recreate Lilian. It would be a good experience to check if creating a living body and forcing a soul into it could bring someone back; this would also be a way to control Dumbledore, bringing his sister back to life and, in the process, gaining all his knowledge.

But it was too dangerous for now; he still didn't know what would happen if he forced a soul into a body, and if for some reason it went wrong, Snape would undoubtedly kill him immediately for desecrating his beloved Lilian.

- "Let's take advantage of the Christmas holidays to try this. It would be good training."

While thinking about these things, Snape then asked three questions to Harry. Simon heard the questions but didn't pay much attention to it and continued writing some things in his notebooks.

- Mr. Morgan. I see that, like Potter, you seem to disdain my teachings. Well then, answer the questions I asked.

- "What the hell. Why me?"

- Any problem, Mr. Morgan? Do you want me to repeat the questions?

- No, sir. Asphodel and wormwood are used in the production of the Draught of Living Death. The bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and can be used to treat most poisons. As for the two aconites, they are plants of the same botanical genus.

- Very good. Sit down, Mr. Morgan, 2 points for Slytherin and minus 1 point for Gryffindor because of your incompetence, Mr. Potter. Why aren't you taking notes?

The students then began to take note of everything Snape said and were separated into small groups, starting the production of a simple potion for treating boils.

Snape wandered through the room, looking closely at each cauldron, always making comments about the students. Draco wasn't bothered; Simon knew it was due to Snape's closeness to Lucius. As for Simon, he showed good talent and brewed the potion correctly, which pleased Snape, especially since he felt that the boy was, in some aspects, similar to him.

Over time, what seemed to be a simple task was, in fact, a nightmare for the Gryffindor students, especially Neville. The boy was so afraid of Snape that somehow he ended up destroying Seamus's cauldron, spreading the potion on the dungeon floor, and being splattered by it, with boils appearing on his arms and legs.

- Foolish boy, what the hell were you thinking adding porcupine quills with the cauldron still on the fire? - Snape approached, waving his wand and cleaning the classroom's mess. - You can't even follow simple instructions.

Seeing Neville's condition, Snape just huffed and waved for Seamus to take him to the hospital wing.

- And you, Potter, can't even help a classmate? Or were you hoping it would go wrong to see what happens?

- I...

- Minus 1 point for Gryffindor.

Simon watched all this from the side and just sighed at how strong Snape's hatred for James was. Meanwhile, he and Daphne completed their potion without many problems, achieving a good result with Snape and earning 2 points for Slytherin.