

* This is a reset of my story that I decided to recount. * An ordinary young man is forced by a powerful, unknown entity to live in a new world. Without any acquaintances and blessed with the gift of alchemy, received from Ed and Al, the young man begins to follow a dark path, looking for a way to return to his world. * English is not my native language, so I ask you to be patient about possible spelling errors.

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Return to classes and unexpected problems

Hey guys, just a heads up that my classes have resumed so this will be a short chapter, but don't worry, as I already have 4 chapters scheduled to be released this week, and those will be longer. They'll be released throughout the week so don't worry about missing them. I'll also try to return to consistency and aim to maintain at least 4 chapters weekly.

Another thing. On Monday, I went to a friend's birthday party, and someone thought it would be fun to make brownies with a little something from Uncle Snoop. Well, I ended up getting a bit... high, which wasn't a good experience considering I hardly drink and had never used anything like that before, and during that time, I ended up having some pretty nonsensical conversation with a friend. Why am I telling you this? Well, because due to that conversation, I started another fanfic.

I know, I know. I already have 3, with two of them on hold. But in my defense, I only have affection for this one, the other two were old prototypes from when I started trying to write about 2 years ago and had never seen the light of day.

This fanfic and the new one, which undoubtedly already has 3 chapters published today, will be my two eldest children, so I hope to count on your support. Well, without further ado, happy reading and have a good week.

Chap. 34 – Return to classes and unexpected problems

Back at the orphanage, Simon went straight to his room to rest a bit. The fact that someone had messed with his head wasn't the issue; instead, it was his action of forcibly altering the perception of that wizard that left him weak.

Sitting on the bed, he removed the bandage covering his left eye. His eye socket was warm, and his once neon blue eye was slightly red, as if it had overheated.

Simon now realized that his action was more than a bold bet; it was sheer madness and stupidity. Furthermore, he realized that his plans to try to change someone's mind like Dumbledore's were completely out of the question, at least for now.

The Eye of God was not invincible. It had its flaws, but Simon somehow managed to deal with them. But this time he almost failed.

"I won't risk myself like this anymore. It was madness."

With that thought, he lay down on the bed and immediately fell asleep. In another room, Heloise sat at the desk and tried to study a bit. However, the scene of her brother's interrogation still left her a little frightened.

Heloise already knew that Simon was mature for his age, but at no point did he get nervous. This wasn't the first time she had watched an interrogation, but it was one of the few times she had seen someone so calm, and he was only 12 years old.

She had no doubt that if it weren't for Simon himself volunteering to have his mind explored, he would have remained under interrogation for some time longer. But even with that, she knew he hadn't completely fallen off the Ministry's radar.

Whether he liked it or not, at this moment, Simon Morgan was the prime suspect in the Stargrove family murder.


The last days of the Christmas break flew by. In early January, all Hogwarts students returned to school to the relieved eyes of their parents and relatives.

The massacre of the Stargrove family still made them tremble in fear. And at this moment, what better place to leave their children than Hogwarts, under the protection of the greatest white wizard of the century?

On the train, Simon saw that many children had their usual look, but many of the pure-bloods were a little somber at the moment.

Although adults tried to cover up the news of the crime, many students still knew the truth and weren't very excited at the moment.

Simon found an empty compartment and after settling in, began reading one of Heloise's notes on dark magic. Time passed quickly, and he ended up delving into his own world when suddenly his door was opened.

"Hm?" looking at the door, he was a little surprised to see that it was his roommate Draco and his two followers. As he was alone in the compartment, Simon had his feet up on the seat and had no intention of moving.

"Any problem, Malfoy?"

Seeing how comfortable Simon was, Draco sat in front of him with an arrogant smile on his face.

"What's it like being interrogated by the ministry, Simon?"

Hearing those words made Simon a little surprised. He then adjusted himself in the seat and closed his book, staring at Draco.

"What do you mean?"

"Ha, let's not play dumb. I know you were invited for a visit to the ministry, where you were interrogated by the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement herself."

"How did you know about that?"

"So you don't know? Crabbe, the newspaper." Crabbe handed a newspaper to Draco, and he opened it right in front of Simon.

"Take a look."

'Suspect in massacre is only 12 years old: Who is Simon Morgan?'

Looking at the headline and seeing that a photo of him was taken from inside the interrogation room and the name of the person responsible for the article, Simon understood everything.

'Rita Skeeter, you bitch...'

Skeeter was an illegal animagus and a journalist focused on spreading highly exaggerated sensational news. Although the news about Simon wasn't very accusatory, the damn woman even brought up the idea that he did it all for money.

Well, that wasn't entirely untrue, but it still annoyed Simon quite a bit. After finishing reading, he closed the newspaper and handed it to Draco, who still had that strange smile on his face.

"I guess you're not here just to mock me. So tell me, Draco, what do you want?"

"My father asked me to give you this." Draco pulled out a letter and handed it to Simon before getting up and leaving. "He said you're a smart and talented student, so you'll make the right choice."

Closing the door, Simon read the letter, and the first part was basically Lucius saying that Simon had great talent and it was impressive he had defeated a troll and a few other things he simply skipped.

Finally getting to the crux of the matter. Lucius offered to help Simon with the problems at the ministry and said they would never come after him again. And in return, all he asked for was a part of his inheritance, about 60%, and his loyalty to the Malfoys.

After reading the letter, Simon just tucked it into his pocket and went back to reading as if nothing had happened. He wasn't very surprised and didn't even get angry at Lucius's letter.

Although the Malfoy family had a lot of money, having more never hurt anyone; besides, wanting him to serve the family didn't bother him much as he saw it as a fact. The weak served the strong, simple as that.

However, when he began to think about Rita Skeeter, Simon began to squeeze the book in his hands tightly and ended up breaking it in half without even realizing it. The audacity of that bitch to try to tarnish his reputation was something he wouldn't tolerate.

He wouldn't act against her now; she didn't seem like an easy person to find, but in 3 years during the Triwizard Tournament, he would have a lot of fun with her. As Simon began to imagine torturing and hurting the woman, the news that a young Hogwarts student was a suspect in the Stargrove family murder case spread like wildfire throughout the wizarding world.